Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)

  • 410 Replies


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We don't know the ecaxt value of believers in the world. Actually there is no a valid method to detect it. But we can use some method of estimation.

In a work, we detected number of believers as 500.000 by using the method of "number of videos".

This time, we'll use the method of "comparing searchings".

It is meaning full There is a relevant between a belief and its number of searching. Also Education and welfare status affect to number of searchings. So We can not say it is exactly right. But may give approximate approximation to reality.

First We'll use the number of searching of main beliefs:

According to wiki, the populations of some beliefs:


(religion / in millions)

Christianity 2,200
Islam 1,703
Hinduism 1,100
Buddhism 488
Sikhism 23
Judaism 17
Flat earth ? (we are trying to calculate this)

Now we search on google by direct name of this religions:

Religions: search by term:

Jesus 890.000.000
Bible 458.000.000
christ 424.000.000

Islam 455.000.000
muhammed 60.000.000
mohammad 160.000.000
محمد. 780.000.000  محمد.
quran 118.000.000

Hinduism 25.000.000
Hindu 168.000.000

Buddism 56.800.000
Buddha 167.000.000
Buda 55.100.000
Dharma 48.500.000

Sikhism 4.480.000

Judaism 36.400.000

Flat earth  9.330.000

As we see that some of religions Identified with someone. The searching of Jesus is more than Christ or bible. And name of the mohammad by arabic is more than islam, quran and others. So I'll get these names instead of a religion. And we'll calculate a rate by "Number of search / number of believer)

Term / Number of search / Number of Believer / Reverse ratio

1- jesus 890.000.000 /  (X 2,47)
2- Ar.Mohammad 780.000.000 / 1.703.000.000  (x 2,18)
3- Hindu 168.000.000 / (x 6,54)
4- Buddha 167.000.000 / 488.000.000 (x 2,92)
5- Sikhism 4.480.000 / 23.000.000 (x 5,13)
6- Judaism 36.400.000 / 17.000.000 (x 0,46)

The possible reason of difference of judaism than others means other Abrahamic people interest with judaism. This is understandable.

We see that generally there is a relevant with number of believers and  number of terms. It is usually changing by 2 to 7 times.

Even if the number searching of judaism misleading, we use it too by to be unbiased.

Now we'll estimate number of flat earth believers by using the ratios of the religions/terms:

1- (x2,47) 9.330.000 = 23 045 000
2- (x2,18) 9.330.000 = 20 339 000
3- (x6,54) 9.330.000 = 61 018 000 (max)
4- (x 2,92) 9.330.000 = 27 243 000
5- (x 5,13) 9.330.000 = 47 863 000
6- (x 0,46) 9.330.000 = 4 291 800 (min)

So; number of believers should be between 4 millions to 61 millions.

As an average value, we can accept the number of believers as 30 633 000 as of April 2017. I know this is amazing, but statistics do not lie.

Data -  Number of Believers (If there is two millions so the right one shows number of NASA believers)
April 2017 - 30m.
September 2017 - 43m.
October 2017 - 36m.
December 2017- 40m.
February 2018- 41m.
April 2018- 84m. (717m nasa)
May 2018- 75m. JUMPING POINT
September 2018- 763m.
October 2018- 633m. (521m. nasa)
November 2018- 865m.
December 2018- 935m.
February 2019- 652m.
March 2019- 803m.
May 2019- 744m. (658m. nasa)
July 2019 - 671m. (595m.)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 11:59:32 PM by wise »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2017, 12:23:44 AM »
I know this is amazing, but statistics do not lie.

It's well known that 85% of all statistics are false or misleading

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2017, 12:25:01 AM »
We don't know the ecaxt value of believers in the world. Actually there is no a valid method to detect it. But we can use some method of estimation.

In a work, we detected number of believers as 500.000 by using the method of "number of videos".

This time, we'll use the method of "comparing searchings".

It is meaning full There is a relevant between a belief and its number of searching. Also Education and welfare status affect to number of searchings. So We can not say it is exactly right. But may give approximate approximation to reality.
. . . . . . . .
Now we'll estimate number of flat earth believers by using the ratios of the religions/terms:

1- (x2,47) 9.330.000 = 23 045 000
2- (x2,18) 9.330.000 = 20 339 000
3- (x6,54) 9.330.000 = 61 018 000 (max)
4- (x 2,92) 9.330.000 = 27 243 000
5- (x 5,13) 9.330.000 = 47 863 000
6- (x 0,46) 9.330.000 = 4 291 800 (min)

So; number of believers should be between 4 millions to 61 millions.

As an average value, we can accept the number of believers as 30 633 000 as of April 2017. I know this is amazing, but statistics do not lie.
I can see that you have read and carefully studied this book:
But you are in good company!

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2017, 12:35:51 AM »
Someones having trouble admitting that they believe in a flat earth by their lonesome.



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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2017, 12:49:49 AM »
I know this is amazing, but statistics do not lie.

It's well known that 85% of all statistics are false or misleading

No one ever lies silly.

That's a conspiracy.

Conspiracies don't exist.

Why would that be inciting terrorism?  Lorddave was merely describing a type of shop we have here in the US, a bomb-gun shop.  A shop that sells bomb-guns. 



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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2017, 01:21:52 AM »
Someones having trouble admitting that they believe in a flat earth by their lonesome.

Perhaps Environmental forcing and fear to be Excommunication by Science environment.
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September 2017, 43millions
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2017, 01:36:11 AM »
Update of September 2017:

Religions: search by term at September 21, 2017

Jesus 886.000.000
Bible 510.000.000
christ 427.000.000

Islam 474.000.000
محمد. 655.000.000  محمد.

Hindu 169.000.000

Buddha 179.000.000

Judaism 46.300.000

Flat earth  13.000.000

Compare with 5 months earlier results:

Result April / September (millions) / Increase or decrease the interest rate (+-)

Jesus: 890 > 886  -0,44%
Arabic Mohammad: 780 > 655 -16%
Hindu: 168 > 169  +0,6%
Buddha: 167 > 179 +7%
Judaism: 36,4 > 46,3 +27%
Flat earth: 9,3 > 13,0 40%

Result of this statistics:

1- the total number of search results can be reduced. then some results are extracted from the statistical database over time. this is an effect that weakens the reliability of the statistic.

2- A significant decrease is the search about the Prophet of Islam. (-16%)

3- Two significant increase about the interest to judaism and flat earth. The search on judaism increased 27% in 5 month and the search of flat earth increased 40% in same period.

4- As an estimation, the believers of the flat earth increased to 42.800.000 from 30.633.000. (30.633.000x+%40)


The international interest to flat eart still is increasing and this increase rate is still more than all other beliefs. (40% > 27%). However, the rate of increase, ie, the rate of acceleration is decreasing; this is a remarkable point.

With this acceleration, the time of whole world become flat earther changes to 5 years from 2.

Of course, these statistics are constantly changing and everything can accelerate or slow down. it is really hard to foresee it. but the statistical work here gives us an idea of the how things go.

as a result the believers of flat earth is still the fastest growing belief, and our census is increasing rapidly. This is the whole point.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: September 2017, 43millions
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2017, 03:20:39 AM »
With this acceleration, the time of whole world become flat earther changes to 5 years from 2.

What a joke! You expect to "take over the world" but
;D you still don't have an accurate map and you still can't agree among yourselves  on why things fall down. ;D
But just face the unpleasant fact (for the flat earth).
Quote from: İntikam
Jesus 886.000.000, Bible 510.000.000, christ 427.000.000
Islam 474.000.000, محمد. 655.000.000  محمد.
Hindu 169.000.000
Buddha 179.000.000
Judaism 46.300.000
Flat earth  13.000.000
Your figures are totally meaningless because, especially recently, many of those searching flat earth topics are now by people such as myself seeking to debunk your silly ideas.
Look at these sites that I found d with a simple search, all containing "flat earth", but aiming at  ;D debunking the flat earth.  ;D
So stop trying to fool us with your silly ideas.

PS I could not care less if I'm on your childisu ignore list!



  • 2366
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2017, 04:28:34 AM »
I can see that you have read and carefully studied this book:
But you are in good company!
Of course Statistics don't lie.
Every scientists on the globe would have argued against statistics by now.
There is overwhelming evidence that statistics work for at least 2300 years.
The 100.000 of workers in the national office for statistics in their respective countries would have revealed the fraudulent practices of statistics if something was really wrong with them
We cannot argue with a small group of ''illiterates'' that argue againts the well proven, measurable reliable results of statistics.
All the math, algorithms, interviews and knowledge is well known and archived.
And it does not only work in the USA and Australia, but numerous countries and their respective  sp uhh agencies have and will use statistics, because society benefits greatly of all the data gathered through statistics
Please put your ''statistiphobea'' blinders off  8)
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2017, 08:40:15 AM »
I don't personally know any flat earth believers. However, I do know at least five people who have googled it and read a few forums on the subject.

How would that figure into the analysis? 

Since it costs 2.72¢ to produce a penny, putting in your 2¢ if really worth 5.44¢.



  • 2151
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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2017, 08:56:16 AM »
Considering at least 95% of membership here are not FE believers, I think your data is corrupt.
I will always be Here To Laugh At You.



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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2017, 08:59:33 AM »
I can see that you have read and carefully studied this book:
But you are in good company!
Of course Statistics don't lie.
I see that your reading comprehension is as sharp as ever. 

The title is How to Lie With Statistics.

It's quite common to present perfectly valid statistics in a misleading way.

Which sounds better to you: a 5% chance of winning or a 95% chance of losing?

Or, better yet, 50% chance of winning or a 50% chance of losing?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2017, 09:05:53 AM »
I don't personally know any flat earth believers. However, I do know at least five people who have googled it and read a few forums on the subject.

How would that figure into the analysis? 


Exactly .

Anyone with an average intelligence or above who looks into the Heliocentric Model will be able to see it is false .

Once you have seen flat there is no going back !

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



  • 142
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2017, 09:06:34 AM »
There are so many factors omitted from this.

-What countries are used for the data?
We know not all countries are counted in search data do to restrictions from various governments.

-What percentage of those religions have branches that preach their bible as literal?
This is a much smaller number than the whole.

-How many of those searches are just people that are curious or looking for info on flat earth yet dont think its flat?
Without a doubt most searches are from curious people.

-How many of those searches are multiples from the same person searching?

-What are the percentage breakdowns of each religions different branches that believe different things?
We know that the Catholics alone make up almost 1.3 billion of the Christians and the majority of them dont preach or believe in flat earth and thats just one of the major religions. Most flat earth believers in the US tend to be Baptist and Lutheran creationists which are the ones that preach the bible as literal.

-It seems like most outspoken flat earth promoters on youtube and the net seem to be from three major countries. The US,Great Britain,Australia. Whats the breakdown of that based on the other factors?

This is just another guess that doesnt count many factors. To find out a world wide percentage of flat earth would have to based on more than this and include so many more factors.

Not to long ago a petition was started in the US by flat earthers demanding an apology from Neal Degrasse Tyson for all the alleged “lies he has told about NASA and the shape of the Earth.” After 90 days it only had about 1,000 people. Yet the petition to get Justin Bieber deported got 275,000 lol.

I would bet that most flat earthers are in the major westernized countries and the numbers would not add up to 30 million. Its more than likely in the several million range for true FE believers. Even if we double that its still only 15ish million.

Lets say that it is 30 million, That would only be 0.4% of the world population. So still a microscopic amount from 7.5 billion.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 10:58:25 AM by GRIZZ420 »
Facts are stubborn things and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
- John Adams

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2017, 09:07:02 AM »
I can see that you have read and carefully studied this book:
But you are in good company!
Of course Statistics don't lie.
I see that your reading comprehension is as sharp as ever. 

The title is How to Lie With Statistics.

It's quite common to present perfectly valid statistics in a misleading way.

Which sounds better to you: a 5% chance of winning or a 95% chance of losing?

Or, better yet, 50% chance of winning or a 50% chance of losing?
While everything you just said is true, it's important to note that nothing in the original post comes anywhere near "perfectly valid statistics".

This isn't a case of using real statistics in a misleading way.  This is an example of using flawed methodology, baseless assumptions, and laughable analysis to yield a "conclusion" that he was intending to get from the beginning.  And while I know you and the other rational people know this, the other people need to understand that just using numbers doesn't automatically make something statistical in nature.

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2017, 09:08:16 AM »
I can see that you have read and carefully studied this book:
But you are in good company!
Of course Statistics don't lie.
I see that your reading comprehension is as sharp as ever. 

The title is How to Lie With Statistics.

It's quite common to present perfectly valid statistics in a misleading way.

Which sounds better to you: a 5% chance of winning or a 95% chance of losing?

Or, better yet, 50% chance of winning or a 50% chance of losing?
While true, it's not even relevant here. Intikham is assuming FAR too much in terms of the relationship between those searching and those who believe in something. Instead of looking at Judaism and going "Hmm, there might be issues with using the data in this manner" he simply decides it's a lower bounds. Correlation/causation, etc.

I don't personally know any flat earth believers. However, I do know at least five people who have googled it and read a few forums on the subject.

How would that figure into the analysis? 


Exactly .

Anyone with a below* average intelligence or less* who looks into the Heliocentric Model will be able to see it is false .

Once you have seen flat there is no going back !

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.



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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2017, 10:38:19 AM »
While everything you just said is true, it's important to note that nothing in the original post comes anywhere near "perfectly valid statistics".
I was responding only to dutchy's comment about statistics not lying, not the OP.

BTW, did you know that 73% of all statistics are just made up on the spot?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2017, 10:51:29 AM »
While everything you just said is true, it's important to note that nothing in the original post comes anywhere near "perfectly valid statistics".
I was responding only to dutchy's comment about statistics not lying, not the OP.

BTW, did you know that 73% of all statistics are just made up on the spot?
Oh, I know you understand what's going on.  I just didn't want some of the other people around interpreting your post as somehow validating his "statistics".   :)



  • Content Nazi
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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2017, 11:16:05 AM »
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2017, 11:16:25 AM »
I don't personally know any flat earth believers. However, I do know at least five people who have googled it and read a few forums on the subject.

How would that figure into the analysis? 


Exactly .

Anyone with an average intelligence or above who looks into the Heliocentric Model will be able to see it is false .

Once you have seen flat there is no going back !

Your Strange Heliocentric Religion is False.

i do other conclution:

as you are a FEIB and you than think you have in your mind an over average intelligence, the intelligence that you refer as average is on the level of a fungus.

thats the problem with unintelligent people, they do not know that they are unintelligent.

Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2017, 11:53:28 AM »

thats the problem with unintelligent people, they do not know that they are unintelligent.
More on that here:

Drs. Dunning and Kruger should really visit this place.  It is a virtual treasure trove of research opportunity.



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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2017, 01:03:30 PM »
statistics... Do Lie...

You are saying that there are twice the number of flat earth believers than Jews in the world... hmmmm

Sikhism                    30 million    0.32%
Spiritism                    15 million    0.21%
Judaism                    14 million           0.20%
Bahá'í                    7.0 million   0.10%
Jainism                    4.2 million   0.06%
Shinto                    4.0 million   0.06%
Cao Dai                    4.0 million   0.06%
Zoroastrianism            2.6 million   0.04%
Tenrikyo                    2.0 million   0.02%
Neo-Paganism            1.0 million   0.01%
Unitarian Universalism    0.8 million   0.01%
Rastafari                    0.6 million   0.01%

you even have vegetarians and vegans beat... yet... I've never met a Flat Earther in my life... and I know a BUNCH of Jewish people and vegans... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 01:11:40 PM by RocketSauce »
Quote from: Every FE'r

Please don't mention Himawari 8
Quote from: sceptimatic
Impossible to have the same volume and different density.

Extra Virgin Penguin Blood is a natural aphrodisiac



  • 3338
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2017, 01:18:31 PM »
Intikam can't do statistics. He types search word in google and thinks that the number which google gives back is number of believers of corresponding faith/religion.
Rowbotham had bad eyesight
- - Visually discerning the curvature of the Earth - Turbulent ship wakes:further evidence that the Earth is round.



  • 26528
  • Real Earth Believer
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2017, 02:55:29 PM »
Intikam can't do statistics. He types search word in google and thinks that the number which google gives back is number of believers of corresponding faith/religion.
Should we buy him a copy?
How to Lie with Statistics Reissue Edition, by Darrell Huff (Author), Irving Geis (Illustrator) Paperback $7.79 He might do a more convincing job then.



  • 3338
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2017, 03:06:19 PM »
Why not, I am ready do donate a dollar or couple.
Rowbotham had bad eyesight
- - Visually discerning the curvature of the Earth - Turbulent ship wakes:further evidence that the Earth is round.



  • 25833
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #25 on: September 21, 2017, 05:11:29 PM »
Intikam can't do statistics. He types search word in google and thinks that the number which google gives back is number of believers of corresponding faith/religion.

If only our elected leaders knew how to do this. It could save billions of dollars and a lot of time. Given statistics, no matter how carefully gathered, are mostly rubbish and can be interpreted in any way that suits whatever what one wants to say, I cant see Intikams method being any worse than the nonsense method we use now

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 3338
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2017, 12:10:29 AM »
It is worse. For statistics you get relevant data and then interpret it. Inticam gets irrelevant data and interprets it.
Rowbotham had bad eyesight
- - Visually discerning the curvature of the Earth - Turbulent ship wakes:further evidence that the Earth is round.



  • 25833
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2017, 12:35:40 AM »
The end result is much the same though

An inaccurate picture of what you were looking for

Intikams method is free and takes only a minute or 2

Governments spend millions to billions on this sort of crap and take months to give something that anyone can just twist to suit their argument anyway

For example, if a government party want to find out a pressing issue that concerns it citizens. You don't need to spend millions of tax payers money conducting research and polling etc. Almost everyone uses Google. They could just check what it is the public are asking Google - for FREE

Intikam is smart. Be like Intikam

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 3338
Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2017, 01:02:39 AM »
What you said is so wrong that I can't even answer to that. Good job.
Rowbotham had bad eyesight
- - Visually discerning the curvature of the Earth - Turbulent ship wakes:further evidence that the Earth is round.



  • Professor
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Re: Calculating the number of believers (as of April 2017, 30 millions)
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2017, 06:31:52 AM »
I have explained the mentality of this working in another study before, but as far as I see it is also needed here. some understand, but some unable to understand. This is for somebody whoever don't understand why is the method has enough reliability.

many methods can be used in the research. each method has its advantages and disadvantages. even in the "face to face" method, which is one of the most expensive methods. a person can be withdrawn its real idea, misrepresented, or afraid of something. for example, a religion research was conducted in turkey. And then another research was done. According to the results of two researches, 60% of the atheists in turkey are believed in God. this is the most reliable method of research and a complete nonsence!

do a research now and ask them if they love Erdogan. 60-70 percent will say they like. Be sure 90% of them do not like him!

According to official records of the country 98% Islamic religion. I just opened a poll in the dictionary and asked for belief in 2 months ago.One of 3 was atheists. So what is the official survey, says 98 of people is islamic; is nonsence!  the whole of the world is in same situation.  Actually atheists in the world are more and more than estimated, but they say they are Muslim or Christian when you ask.

this method is based on the preferences people make with their free will. and more reliable than all others. If there is something to care about, there is a possibility of being attached to it.

I want to give you some little examples:

If you are affected by a girl, is there any chance you might like her? If you liked a girl, you might be in love with her. and this is a possibility. you can research a lot of people and get the result like this. how many people are starting to like a girl who is influenced. and how many people fall in love with a girl he likes. If you find it, then you are likely to find out how many people will be in love with someone who is affected by a girl.

There is a similar situation in religion.

If there is curiosity against a religion, then there is the possibility of binding to that religion. If a person is constantly searching for Jesus in the internet, he will probably start to love him after a while. Likewise, if a person is constantly searching for Islam, he is likely to be a Muslim. of course, and a possibility vice versa. but if you investigate such a million cases, you will have a statistically significant result.

I kept the error rate high because I did not trust the google site. If I find out the result of 40 million believers, that means it can  more than 10 millions  and less than 70 millions. but most likely there are 40 million believers.  When I do research with different methods, I found similar results. you can try it on different things too. for example, 2 out of every 3 people who believe in the flat earth, at the same time know the flat earth society.  If you look at the situation here, you can ask "where are these people" question.  They afraid! they come and go quietly because they fear being accused. this is real!

this method useful on the "free election based determination" and the "crypto" beliefs are also useful. for example, the "number of Jews", the only weak point in this research, is actually misplaced in the world. because the "crypto" in the Jews is too much. so the number of search on judaism seems like too high, incompatible with known numbers. because the Jews will say that they are a minority in many countries, and that they say Muslim or Christian when you ask. but when they enter the internet, they are searching for judaism more than everything. I regarded it as a research error before I was interested in the crypto part. in fact, this research is unique in revealing hidden beliefs.

simple and effective. but I did not spend as much time on this research as I did for senseless objections. See this discussion, not simple and not effective, even and even waste of time. But this research isin't.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 06:38:32 AM by İntikam »
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


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