The implication of Noah was that humans were quickly becoming a lost gene pool.
in other words, God wanted a man (of the tribe of Israel) to die for the sins of all men.
Suppose we repeated this experiment, found some ancient angel genes, cloned them, and got our freaky on with this.

I know, I know, it's sexy.
Would God destroy the Earth again?
Probably not. Because no matter what we try to do, including a Dalek or Cyberman replacement of humanity, Jesus died for all sins, now and forever.
COVID vaccine alters your DNA? Irrelevant. You're human. Your sins are forgiven. Same deal if you have an artificial heart whatever. Cyborg? Beastman? Whatever.
These are attempts to distance yourself from God.
But you're too late. He's won, humans "lost".
The Nephilim were siring divine men. That's pretty explicit in the text. And given that you came after one look at that sexy beast, I am certain that this wasn't an occasional thing but a clear case of humans going too far.
But God turned a destructive event into a means of showing his promise not to do it again, and his covenant with humanity. Not just gays get the rainbow. Everyone does.

The rainbow symbolizes how the covenant stands for them also. Even though they think it's about pride. The gay rainbow excludes indigo. Six colors (six is a number of imperfection). God's rainbow includes indigo ppl. It includes everyone. He died on the cross for everyone, including the worst sort of lynch mob imaginable.
Suppose Jesus was a gay trans female today. The same Christians that purport to worship him would again say "crucify him". But other Christians might not. Does he condemn the first? No, he honors the second and forgives the first., Gabriel would in fact pull out his checklist and goes, "Okay there's Ava in the north end of Damascus. She's also of the house and lineage of David. But she doesn't have any connection with Judaism, so it'll take awhile... Mary, look at this."