I'll tell you what makes me laugh about these videos and it also goes for conspiracy videos as well, just so people don't think I'm singling one set out.
Why in the hell would people put out a video of a bloke in a silly hat who looks about as dull as night time and yet is put there to supposedly pass off info that the moon landings were not faked; and people are expected to say " oh well, that's that - this man in a silly hat said it's not faked by giving his reasons, so that's the end of that."
It's as if NASA or affiliates have placed some bozo in front of a camera to tell us all the landings were real, for giggles, just like they do at these pathetic post mission press conferences, whether it's the moon or mars or some other pile of dog crap.
It's equally annoying when I see a conspiracy theorist put some clearly good info forward and yet goes and ruins it by acting like some crank of speed or some dizzy college type student who just wants an audience to listen to the good info then look at the person giving it, to give the impression that the info is bat shit crazy because the person delivering it is acting like a right weirdo.
This is why people have to be careful about how they interpret all this stuff, because it's far too easy to fall into a category and end up with segmented theories about the same thing, told by various people in various guises.
Take a look at many videos that supposedly show a globe model being correct or certain missions and what not being legit. They usually employ people to front the show to sell it to us at speed.
For instance: let's say they try to sell us the globe model. 10 reasons why Earth is a globe.
They then start off by going into super fast talk mode with a hint of sarcasm/patronising and a small amount of all other digs to make the inquisitive person who questions it sit back and question themselves.
They then use people like that bloke in the video. I mean come on, would you buy double glazing from this bloke if he came to your door?....of course you wouldn't.
NASA knows this and they're laughing at us by placing this clown in front of us to spew his bullshit.
A little tip for anyone who believes there's conspiracies. There is but there can be 20 takes on what the conspiracy was and how it really panned out. By sticking rigidly to one whilst totally discarding other's means that you are now arguing against 20 sets of conspiracy theorists, all who think they know the truth.
The major problem with this is, you are all in between the majority of people who will argue that there is no conspiracy and call you a tin foil hat or worse. The problem is, they don't have to make conspiracy theorists look silly - most do it themselves by arguing with each other. It gives the rest the impression that we are all loop the loop and can't even make out minds up.
You must always leave some scope open in all things; especially when its with people who are like-minded and who see issues with everyday stuff, or historical supposed facts.