This is a portion of Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator ring with 27 km in circumference (~1500 smaller than Earth). Personally, I can't see a curvature in there. Can you?

I can't see a 27 km in there either. Can you?
Naturally you've walked the 27 km to know it's all legit and does what you are told it does; Right?
Smash a few particles together and whoosh, you got a time machine. A black hole. A potential universe starter. A big bang.
I can't prove what I say no more than you can prove what you say, but I'll tell you what. I'm not going to be a naive fantasy merchant and believe this utter utter shit. LHC. I can think of better names for it than "large hardon collider" I can also think of a better names for the "Higgs boson".
None of them are particularly nice, so I'll leave it up to whoever wants to guess.