Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes

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Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:36:06 AM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 12:54:53 AM by Bill_the_Pretender »
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
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Son of Orospu

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Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2015, 12:46:44 AM »
This is considered low content.  At least make a statement when posting a video, otherwise, it will be deleted and you will be looking at some jail time. 



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 12:53:42 AM »
This is considered low content.  At least make a statement when posting a video, otherwise, it will be deleted and you will be looking at some jail time.

My apologies. It has been edited.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
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Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2015, 01:02:36 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2015, 01:04:55 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
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Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2015, 01:13:49 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2015, 01:17:15 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?

Even if you were correct in that statement, I don't see how low processing power prevents a liquid-fuel rocket from reaching the moon.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2015, 01:29:14 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?

Even if you were correct in that statement, I don't see how low processing power prevents a liquid-fuel rocket from reaching the moon.

Do you ever think before you post?  We are not talking about hitting the moon with a rocket.  We are talking about getting the payload into orbit, then taking it to the moon's orbit, then landing in a controlled crash, getting the people back into the previous orbits, and bringing the people back home safely.  All this back in the times when computers required an entire building and a staff of trained operators just to do a few calculations.  Please, come back when you actually have something.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2015, 01:41:02 AM »
I'll tell you what makes me laugh about these videos and it also goes for conspiracy videos as well, just so people don't think I'm singling one set out.

Why in the hell would people put out a video of a bloke in a silly hat who looks about as dull as night time and yet is put there to supposedly pass off info that the moon landings were not faked; and people are expected to say " oh well, that's that - this man in a silly hat said it's not faked by giving his reasons, so that's the end of that."
It's as if NASA or affiliates have placed some bozo in front of a camera to tell us all the landings were real, for giggles, just like they do at these pathetic post mission press conferences, whether it's the moon or mars or some other pile of dog crap.

It's equally annoying when I see a conspiracy theorist put some clearly good info forward and yet goes and ruins it by acting like some crank of speed or some dizzy college type student who just wants an audience to listen to the good info then look at the person giving it, to give the impression that the info is bat shit crazy because the person delivering it is acting like a right weirdo.

This is why people have to be careful about how they interpret all this stuff, because it's far too easy to fall into a category and end up with segmented theories about the same thing, told by various people in various guises.

Take a look at many videos that supposedly show a globe model being correct or certain missions and what not being legit. They usually employ people to front the show to sell it to us at speed.
For instance: let's say they try to sell us the globe model. 10 reasons why Earth is a globe.
They then start off by going into super fast talk mode with a hint of sarcasm/patronising and a small amount of all other digs to make the inquisitive person who questions it sit back and question themselves.

They then use people like that bloke in the video. I mean come on, would you buy double glazing from this bloke if he came to your door?....of course you wouldn't.
NASA knows this and they're laughing at us by placing this clown in front of us to spew his bullshit.

A little tip for anyone who believes there's conspiracies. There is but there can be 20 takes on what the conspiracy was and how it really panned out. By sticking rigidly to one whilst totally discarding other's means that you are now arguing against 20 sets of conspiracy theorists, all who think they know the truth.

The major problem with this is, you are all in between the majority of people who will argue that there is no conspiracy and call you a tin foil hat or worse. The problem is, they don't have to make conspiracy theorists look silly - most do it themselves by arguing with each other. It gives the rest the impression that we are all loop the loop and can't even make out minds up.

You must always leave some scope open in all things; especially when its with people who are like-minded and who see issues with everyday stuff, or historical supposed facts.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2015, 03:43:25 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?

Even if you were correct in that statement, I don't see how low processing power prevents a liquid-fuel rocket from reaching the moon.

Do you ever think before you post?  We are not talking about hitting the moon with a rocket.  We are talking about getting the payload into orbit, then taking it to the moon's orbit, then landing in a controlled crash, getting the people back into the previous orbits, and bringing the people back home safely.  All this back in the times when computers required an entire building and a staff of trained operators just to do a few calculations.  Please, come back when you actually have something.

Do YOU ever think before you post?

The computer on board the Lunar Module did not need to do very much processing at all. The only things it needed to be able to do was calculate height, vertical and horizontal velocity compared to the ground and display the numbers. All the big number crunching for orbits, lunar and earth injections and course corrections were done at NASA using (as you say) a huge computer. The results were then sent to the astronauts as a series of numbers to punch in and times and lengths of burns.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2015, 05:38:54 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?
Why do you think you need a lot of "processing power" to reach the moon?  You do realise that there was a period of human history before the iPhone were people still did really clever things, don't you?  Are you claiming there were no engineers or mathematicians in the 1960s?

Also, why are you conspiracy theorists so ANGRY all the time?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2015, 06:23:43 AM »
That man looks like he has smoked one or two Eric Doobies before making his video.  Maybe he is also an expert on Twinkies?  How in the check is some hippies photographer supposed to be an expert on space travel, let alone moon landings?  The clerk at the gas station down the street told me that the moon landings were faked, so that makes him right, I suppose.  ::)

Ad hominem doesn't make the Earth flat, and it doesn't disprove the missions to the moon either. He's heavy, sure, but he's definitely spot-on, as far as photographic and videographic technology goes.

He claims that NASA did not have this or that technology back in the stupid age, yet, some how, we went to the moon using the processing power of a modern day wrist watch.  Do you people ever actually think?
Why do you think you need a lot of "processing power" to reach the moon?  You do realise that there was a period of human history before the iPhone were people still did really clever things, don't you?  Are you claiming there were no engineers or mathematicians in the 1960s?

Also, why are you conspiracy theorists so ANGRY all the time?
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.   
When it comes to Jane's standards .I'm lower then an old stove she has in her garage.
Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaighte - Don't…:



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2015, 06:34:35 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.   

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2015, 07:06:14 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise. 
When it comes to Jane's standards .I'm lower then an old stove she has in her garage.
Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaighte - Don't…:



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2015, 07:12:00 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Ok,  just go with what you think is your best evidence that it was faked.

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2015, 07:24:43 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • 1593
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Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2015, 09:23:05 AM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.
"Indoctrination [...] is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned".



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2015, 03:16:21 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:



  • 1593
  • You are in my VR
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2015, 03:31:52 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.
"Indoctrination [...] is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned".



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2015, 03:41:17 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.

I don't see how. I've watched his videos. Could you specifically point out where Jarrah cited something of value to refute anything? You can't, but you're welcome to try.

Otherwise, piss off.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2015, 04:21:07 PM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
You were saying ? Like I said , the moon landings were faked.  Why?  Admiralty law jurisdiction . They didnt call them rocketSHIPS by mistake.
When it comes to Jane's standards .I'm lower then an old stove she has in her garage.
Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaighte - Don't…:



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2015, 04:24:07 PM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
You were saying ? Like I said , the moon landings were faked.  Why?  Admiralty law jurisdiction . They didnt call them rocketSHIPS by mistake.

To ship something just means to move it.

Ship - Like a ship at sea
Shipping - moving a package or a person
Shipper - somebody who sends an object by transit
Rocketship - Ship airtight and made for space travel
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2015, 05:33:38 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.

So what's the most compelling piece of evidence you have that the moon landings were faked?   
Or putting it another way why do YOU think they were faked?

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2015, 12:12:46 AM »
That video doesn't even get into the ridiculous number of people that would have to be in on the conspiracy and then kept quiet for decades.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • 1593
  • You are in my VR
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2015, 03:07:07 AM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.

I don't see how. I've watched his videos. Could you specifically point out where Jarrah cited something of value to refute anything? You can't, but you're welcome to try.

Otherwise, piss off.

People of sufficient intelligence can make their own mind up. People like you dismiss anything that challenges their indoctrination. So, keep believing space boy!
"Indoctrination [...] is often distinguished from education by the fact that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned".

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2015, 03:20:23 AM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.

I don't see how. I've watched his videos. Could you specifically point out where Jarrah cited something of value to refute anything? You can't, but you're welcome to try.

Otherwise, piss off.

People of sufficient intelligence can make their own mind up. People like you dismiss anything that challenges their indoctrination. So, keep believing space boy!

No we dismiss the incorrect application of science to draw deliberately incorrect conclusions based upon your desire for the moon landing to be fake.

When the science is applied correctly the moon landings cannot be anything but real.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2015, 04:59:16 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
Seriously, would a normal everyday person come out with that bolded statement?
I would expect someone like Phil Plait or likewise people to come out with this crap, not a supposed leisurely perusing person  on a forum.



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2015, 03:30:22 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

This man, with a history in photography and film, clearly shows through evidence-based arguments, that it is physically impossible to fake a moon landing, living in the 1960s.

Watch, and be inspired.

Lest anyone else make bills mistake, here is Jarrah Whites debunking of this video:

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

There are a couple more reply videos between the two characters.

Well done bill for only posting one side of the story.

As if there's any other side to post. First, evidence suggesting the moon landing was faked is almost always on-the-spot fraud and bullshit. It's easily disprovable.

Secondly, Jarrah is an asshat, whose integrity on this matter is clearly in question. Anyone willing to outright lie to support their position should immediately be disregarded.

Jarrah nailed that little worm. You are in denial, space boy.

I don't see how. I've watched his videos. Could you specifically point out where Jarrah cited something of value to refute anything? You can't, but you're welcome to try.

Otherwise, piss off.

People of sufficient intelligence can make their own mind up. People like you dismiss anything that challenges their indoctrination. So, keep believing space boy!

People of deficient intelligence, like you, will make their own mind up (regardless of available evidence).

Science isn't about making somebody's mind up, you nimrod. It's about using reliable data to make predictions and conduct experiments.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat:
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely:

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2015, 05:16:12 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
Seriously, would a normal everyday person come out with that bolded statement?
I would expect someone like Phil Plait or likewise people to come out with this crap, not a supposed leisurely perusing person  on a forum.

It's because I am passionate about astronomy and space travel and I sick of uneducated idiots trying disparage one of humanities greatest achievements.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

Re: Beautiful video debunking FE and Moon Landing hoaxes
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2015, 06:05:24 AM »
why do you think you need anything more then a projector & a screen, to create what that clown in the youtube clip claims  cant be faked .
Just because it was broadcasted on a particular day .Doesn't mean it was filmed on that day.

All the evidence says it was filmed on the moon exactly as they said it was,  I've never seen any proof that any of the Apollo mission was faked.   
I've seen plenty of false claims,  misinterpretations, and outright lies by moon conspiracy nutters. 

If you want to make this thread into a debate about Apollo Moon Landings, then let's hear it.
There is nothing to debate . The moon landings were faked .There  is just  to much evidence for someone  to claim otherwise.

Bring it on. I will own you or anyone else who claims the landings were faked.

There is literally no evidence at all supporting a fake and plenty of evidence that categorically proves the landings happened.
Seriously, would a normal everyday person come out with that bolded statement?
I would expect someone like Phil Plait or likewise people to come out with this crap, not a supposed leisurely perusing person  on a forum.

It's because I am passionate about astronomy and space travel and I sick of uneducated idiots trying disparage one of humanities greatest achievements.

Also, it is very dangerous to deny history. The Cold War revelry that lead up to and inspired the Moon landings are, arguably, as important as the achievement itself. 
I'm no rocket scientist, but at least I know the Earth is round, Man went to the Moon, and air exists.

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Carl Sagan