Who said anything about pilots in this site? I do not care what people claim to be in an anonymous forum. I do care when someone like you brags about his experience and has nothing to show except hot air.
Actually Trig, I rarely talk about what I do on this site. What usually happens is someone like you keeps bringing it up (as you did in this thread) and then other angry noobs latch on and are equally as furious about it.
Every commercial and non-commercial pilot learns how to navigate with INS
No they don't. Most non-commercial aircraft don't even have an INS. Also, how does anyone learn to navigate with it? It feeds information to the aircraft FMS which interprets the data and its the computer that tells you what the INS has calculated. Its the computer you interact with, set way points on, generally bugger about with. Private pilots are not trained to use FMS. Why would they be? And no one is trained on INS. You don't directly interact with it.
And every pilot learns the benefits and limitations of the system.
I know some seriously stupid professional pilots. You'd be frightened to learn how little they know.
If you were a real pilot
Just lurk moar. For the love of God, lurk moar. Stop begging to be spoon fed.
you would know that operating an INS is something a monkey can almost do, but navigating effectively with it takes some learned abilities. And you seem to be the first who has so much difficulty with it.
If you knew how aircraft worked, you'd know you could punch in a series of way points and let the autopilot fly the route on the INS data. As long as the monkey can press the auto-pilot button, jobs a good 'un. Substitute monkey for first officer and you have an industry insight into how pilots fly aircraft.
The reason why it is able to move in a 'straight' line is because of GPS satellite. The satellite allows the submarine to be a point... the destination is a point... and then the Satellite in the sky gives it it's TRIANGULATION.
Do triangles have curved sides? Where's my geometry book from 10th grade.. hang on..

You should have another go. That makes no sense at all. I can't even work out if you are arguing for a flat earth or a round one. What is your objection?