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Messages - Rama Set

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 211
I am not a fan of 2nd term abortions for non-medical reasons as that is around the time the fetus becomes viable. I could be convinced otherwise but it seems reasonable to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy before viability.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: The end of mankind?
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:25:57 AM »
Who even talks about tax collectors?  It's all fucking automated now anyway? Tax man is like the adult boogeyman, an idea used to scare people in to line. Who cares if it's PC?

EDIT: I think the UK is like Canada for free speech. Mentioned constitutionally, a mostly liberal society with some weird laws to protect minority rights that are misguided and need an overhaul.

Terrible spelling sir. Also, common core was not developed until 2009.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: March 02, 2017, 12:01:18 PM »
Yes, and Rayzor is a shitpost fag.

And you run the bathhouse.

Trump should give them a discount. Srsly.

People were constantly crying about how much Obama cost the taxpayers every time he went anywhere. These same people aren't saying much about Trump's expenses

The bummer deal is, if he gave them a discount, it would be called a conflict of interest.
Can't win.   ;)

If he rented them space at cost, how would that be a conflict of interest? 

And, if I were President, Air Force One would never be on the ground for more than 24 hours a week. I would go everywhere for no reason.
Obama or whoever, it's a freakin' perk.   ;D

You are a swamp that needs draining.

There are many people that go to war, that are not true warriors. A true warrior pushes the blood bath horrors aside, and forgets them. Sounds like it is more than just the clap of thunder eating at your brother. I wish him the best.

It is probably that the sound of thunder reminds him of bombs going off around him.

There were good reasons why there was so much ceremony and ritual surrounding battle in earlier times.  Creating a clear distinction between psychic modes, peacetime and wartime, lets you create different paradigms in yourself to deal with the difficulties of ending another life.  Something like a Haka is just as valuable for entering in to a more vicious reptilian mindset as it is for scaring your enemies.  There are some very valuable things lost in our mystic practices as a race as we embrace rationalism.  I hope we can reintegrate them.

I think Pongo's point, and it's a good one, is that no one asks to get PTSD. If someone legitimately suffers from the disorder due to the election it isn't because "they didn't get what they wanted", it's because the outcome was something terrible that their psyche couldn't process healthily. This specifically requires medical attention. Perhaps they should also receive therapy to determine why their psyche was unable to process the event.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 28, 2017, 01:52:28 PM »
Nevertheless there was a lot of interesting stuff posted. Now everyone should abandon ship lest this be mistaken for a Heiwa thread.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 28, 2017, 12:44:42 PM »
To be fair it's been a giant orgy of shitposting and not really from Master Evar.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: We are at war
« on: February 28, 2017, 10:18:43 AM »
ISIS are the heroes in your story?

Is ISIS threatening to reveal the nature of the world?

Or is that just a side issue and fluff?

What is the nature of the world?  Probably a better place to start.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: We are at war
« on: February 28, 2017, 09:24:03 AM »
ISIS are the heroes in your story?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 27, 2017, 07:13:04 PM »
Did ya'll notice you switched debating partners a few pages back like a goddamn square dance?  Yee haw!

The real question is will Elon musk be the first passenger?

Oh, hell no!

But, he will be buying a couple of high value life insurance policies.   ;)

Cost of trip to the moon: $100,000
Cost of life insurance: $34,900,000

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:18:44 AM »
Sure, yeah it is proportional I know.

I said not exactly proportional, probably a bad word choice, in the sense that having a load that exceeds the floors fail point would not necessarily exceed all the joints fail points which to me precludes the plumb collapse at free-fall,

Just because one joint or structural point has failed it really shouldn't mean all the structural components should then fail in close enough proximity to cause a free-fall collapse, we would expect structural resistance and deformation of the structure during collapse if it was truly a fire induced collapse.

Wouldn't the floor load incorporate the load that the joints can take?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 06:19:25 PM »
Well I guess you guys went back to your old tricks pretty fast.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 12:05:00 PM »
Someone should count the number of frames in the videos of planes striking the towers.

I nominate you.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 07:00:59 AM »
That is precisely what is implied when you say "WTH do you smoke prior to posting?". You can childishly try to use semantics to say otherwise, but everyone knows better.  It makes you look defensive, which is something you needn't be if the truth is really on your side. Your facts and reason should be overwhelming. Keep pressing those and you will be fine.
And had you written I made an implication, then you would have been correct.

I did engage in conjecture and made an implication.

But you wrote I accused ME of using drugs when I did not.

Semantics.  You know what you did, and it was immature.

He has subsequently denied smoking.

Irrelevant, he could have been high as a kite.  What matters is substance.

I will no longer engage in conjecture, so it is now up to him to provide a reasonable explanation for his clinging to the OS fairy tale.

He has been, sorry to say.  The interpretation of collapse time that ME has presented is reasonable, if you can properly debunk his actual argument, you should.

But I still do not know why people can toss about the OS for 9/11 (all based on conjecture) and I cannot engage in conjecture concerning members' reasoning or behavior.

Well good.  You shouldn't worry about why people believe what they believe, you should concentrate on their arguments.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 06:30:24 AM »
Babyhighspeed-I also looked for references to "certification load" and "certified load" and can't find anything except in reference to lifting and hoisting equipment. You must know of an engineering governing body that gives clear Mathematica definitions for these terms. Can you give a link to one of those?

Also, the sheer volume of Ad Homs you and TL toss out are really shameful. Rayzor and ME are not taking the bait guys. I don't really know TL but you are better than this. Even if you are right, you are behaving like a conspiracy theorist. If you don't want to take the time to present your case here maybe you should let it go? 

There is tons of interesting stuff in this thread but what is gained by saying ME is on drugs? It's an ego stroke, nothing else.

Kindly point out where I stated Master Evar is on drugs.

I did not.

That is precisely what is implied when you say "WTH do you smoke prior to posting?". You can childishly try to use semantics to say otherwise, but everyone knows better.  It makes you look defensive, which is something you needn't be if the truth is really on your side. Your facts and reason should be overwhelming. Keep pressing those and you will be fine.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:26:25 AM »

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:24:49 AM »
Babyhighspeed-I also looked for references to "certification load" and "certified load" and can't find anything except in reference to lifting and hoisting equipment. You must know of an engineering governing body that gives clear Mathematica definitions for these terms. Can you give a link to one of those?

Also, the sheer volume of Ad Homs you and TL toss out are really shameful. Rayzor and ME are not taking the bait guys. I don't really know TL but you are better than this. Even if you are right, you are behaving like a conspiracy theorist. If you don't want to take the time to present your case here maybe you should let it go? 

There is tons of interesting stuff in this thread but what is gained by saying ME is on drugs? It's an ego stroke, nothing else.

This always makes me laugh.... Such hate..

You have a guy that turned a couple million into 4-8 billion (depends on who you ask)

Or way less depending on who you ask. No one can confirm he is actually a billionaire.

He has had a constant stream of hot women either dating or married.

I thought you were in to family values?  He is a serial cheater.

He became a TV star.

True dat.

The term to Trump someone literally means to outsmart them/beat them.

What does "irrelevant" mean?

He has been able to do what he wants when he wants when he wants...

Come again?

He can go where ever he wants whenever he wants, including some of his planes one just so happens to be a 757..

ONE of his many houses is 3 stores, sits on top of new york city and is literally paved in gold, including gold crappers..

He figured out how to be President of the united States...

This is just off one breath...

Y'all can not like him...But to call him dumb, braindead and whatever else...Yeah...

I would never call him dumb. A liar, yes, perhaps pathologically. A narcissist, for sure. Petty and cruel too.

The problem with 'murica right now, and for the past 8 years, is that neither side wants to concede an inch to the other. You guys are so ego-consumed right now it's kinda scary.

The left: Trump is a retarded, racist, hate-monger!

The right: Trump is the most productive president ever and will save the country!

News flash! Neither side is right.

Like a fox..... ::) ::)
This always makes me laugh.... Such hate..

You have a guy that turned a couple million into 4-8 billion (depends on who you ask)

He has had a constant stream of hot women either dating or married.

He became a TV star.

The term to Trump someone literally means to outsmart them/beat them.

He has been able to do what he wants when he wants when he wants...

He can go where ever he wants whenever he wants, including some of his planes one just so happens to be a 757..

ONE of his many houses is 3 stores, sits on top of new york city and is literally paved in gold, including gold crappers..

He figured out how to be President of the united States...

This is just off one breath...

Y'all can not like him...But to call him dumb, braindead and whatever else...Yeah...

Like a fox..... ::) ::)
Maybe if they turned it into a connect-the-dots game he would read them.

Geo-politics is best described in a game of Risk.

It's concerning.  It's also baffling.  There's a thing called the President's Daily Brief.  Very condensed privileged information.  I'm not sure how long they usually are.  I've downloaded a few of the declassified ones, they seem to be less than 10 pages long usually.  A president's time has got to be extremely valuable.  So I'm not sure why Trump would choose to watch hours of Fox News instead of reading a ten page report in the morning.  It seems like a massive misuse of time.

It has been reported that Trump does not like long briefs and that he is easily distracted and likes to turn on the news in the middle of meetings.  Maybe he is just a little ADD?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 22, 2017, 07:31:55 PM »
The majority of first responders said "plane crash??? Where?"...You even hear it on the news by accident of course. That is just talking about the Pentagon. A couple randomly placed parts isn't going to do it for me... Especially when 99 percent of the plane was magically "vaporized"...Including materials much stronger than parts "found". For all I know they just threw a few things in there before hand...Not rocket science.

Not like we would know where the parts came from, we weren't allowed to check the parts to the maintenance logs of the aircrafts...And no one in the official report found that necessary even though it is standard practice...Criminal to not do it.

Unless those objects were made of the same material the passport was made out of...Then I suppose it makes since.

Not to mention...The plane isn't going to hit 20 feet at that speed, trim, pitch.... IMPOSSIBLE, I don't care how much you want to believe in magic.

This is the real conspiracy here....

What material was the passport made of...


Same thing all passports are made of. You make it sound like things don't survive explosions ever.

Also, which if the 9/11 planes do you not believe were planes?  Follow up question, if some or none of them were planes, what happened to the people on those planes?

Catch up on the thread before making a comment..


K thanks. Done. Will you answer now?

Yep, about 55% of Americans are that stupid! Good thing their votes didn't count! ;)


And there we have it

Looks like Trump got mixed up and was referring a riot that hadn't happened yet.

Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the country's capital, Stockholm.

The neighborhood, Rinkeby, was the scene of riots in 2010 and 2013, too. And in most ways, what happened Monday night was reminiscent of those earlier bouts of anger. Swedish police apparently made an arrest on drug charges at about 8 p.m. near the Rinkeby station. For reasons not yet disclosed by the police, word of the arrest prompted youths to gather.

Over four hours, the crowd burned about half a dozen cars, vandalized several shopfronts and threw rocks at police. Police spokesman Lars Bystrom confirmed to Sweden's Dagens Nyheter newspaper that an officer fired shots at a rioter but missed. A photographer for the newspaper was attacked and beaten by more than a dozen men and his camera was stolen.

Let the conspiracy theorizing begin.  8)

Trump was talking about a book a swedish writer wrote and was talking about it on Fox news. Then he exaggerated that.

That doesn't really jive with what Trump said. The ad hoc justification of the Fox News story is extremely weak.

Can't you just be honest and admit that for all of Trump's bulldozing energy he is way too interested in his election results, spewing as many accusations at the MSM as he can and is not very interested in getting the facts straight? It's the honest thing to do.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:52:34 PM »
The majority of first responders said "plane crash??? Where?"...You even hear it on the news by accident of course. That is just talking about the Pentagon. A couple randomly placed parts isn't going to do it for me... Especially when 99 percent of the plane was magically "vaporized"...Including materials much stronger than parts "found". For all I know they just threw a few things in there before hand...Not rocket science.

Not like we would know where the parts came from, we weren't allowed to check the parts to the maintenance logs of the aircrafts...And no one in the official report found that necessary even though it is standard practice...Criminal to not do it.

Unless those objects were made of the same material the passport was made out of...Then I suppose it makes since.

Not to mention...The plane isn't going to hit 20 feet at that speed, trim, pitch.... IMPOSSIBLE, I don't care how much you want to believe in magic.

This is the real conspiracy here....

What material was the passport made of...


Same thing all passports are made of. You make it sound like things don't survive explosions ever.

Also, which if the 9/11 planes do you not believe were planes?  Follow up question, if some or none of them were planes, what happened to the people on those planes?

Master Evar, what did happen in Sweden on Friday night? Lol

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:34:00 AM »
Anyone aware of the Tehran Plasco Highrise fire and subsequent collapse due to fire?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 19, 2017, 11:26:45 AM »
Sorry Rama set...I didn't mean to put liked..I have terrible auto correct issues, I suppose I wasn't built for a smart phone and a forum. You can read through everyone harping on me, and not on just this thread. Change that to like...

No worries, you are just a hot-headed Texan  :D

Yes, listen to it loud and you can hear subtle and faint "booms" there were tons of reports of the same thing from people rhere..To be honest, I have never been to a demo where the windows and sound deadening was still in and building completely intact.

I will give that a try.

Though I have heard some very quiet ones, just like that building I showed. 

It depends on the charge size and route they go....Plus I have never seen a demo that was attempted to be hid..So there are some theories on that, or exotic things like thermite. However, we are into theories again.


Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 19, 2017, 07:28:22 AM »
Oh man....Why does Rama set and master evar have to join in...They were people I actually liked....Sigh... :(

All I keep hearing is "I believe"...This isn't a Disney show, nor can we click our heals.

No need to instantly toss out insults. I am just being honest about my level of knowledge in engineering.

Can you honestly say that the sounds of the WTC collapse sound like a controlled demolition? If you don't, then how did they mask the sound?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: 911 What is the truth?
« on: February 18, 2017, 11:26:52 AM »
There were plenty of reports from people on the scene, including firefighters, of explosions going off.

Listen to it yourself.  There are no sounds resembling what a real controlled demolition sounds like.

If you are claiming the towers and building 7 did not look like a controlled demolition to you, I cannot help you.

If you can't make your case, I guess not.

That is just denial.

No, it is me using the facts at my disposal and making my best judgement.

As far as collateral damage, these were the tallest buildings to date ever brought down and the expectation is there would be collateral damage. Other controlled demolitions have areas cleared out and safeguards (windows boarded up, tall walls erected in the vicinity, etc.) in place to minimize the fallout.

WTC 7 was not the tallest building in the world and caused significant damage to building across the street from it.  This is more than the dust and small debris.  30 West Broadway suffered significant damage from the collapse of WTC 7, far beyond what you would expect from a controlled demolition.

You will definitely need to try again.

Not for you.  You aren't bringing much to the conversation for me.  Get back to me when you figure out how they masked the sound of the demolition charges.

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