Title Author Publication Date Type of Publication Pages Date Added
Zetetic Philosophy Samuel Rowbotham (Parallax) 1867/01/01 Pamphlet 31 2014-02-07
Popularity of Error, The John Hampden 1869/01/01 Pamphlet 19 2014-02-07
Zetetic, The (Vol. 1, No. 1) B. Chas Brough 1872/07/01 Journal 8 2014-02-07
Earth-Life (No. 1, Vol. 1, March 1873) Universal Zetetic Society 1873/03/01 Journal 4 2014-02-07
Zetetic, The (Vol. 2, No. 8 and 9) Samuel Rowbotham (Parallax) 1873/10/01 Journal 7 2014-02-07
Biblical Cosmography Unknown 1877/01/01 Pamphlet 17 2014-02-07
Bible v Neo-Science, The Iconoclast 1890/01/01 Pamphlet 7 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe But Positively A Plane John T. Lawson 1890/01/01 Pamphlet 15 2014-02-07
Puzzled Cleric, The Iconoclast 1890/01/01 Pamphlet 68 2014-02-07
Coming Man, The Lady Blount (Zeteo) 1891/08/01 Pamphlet 4 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe Review (Nos. 1-3) Universal Zetetic Society 1893/01/01 Journal 75 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe Review (Nos. 4-5) Universal Zetetic Society 1893/10/01 Journal 50 2014-02-07
Sun Standing Still, The Albert Smith (Zetetes) 1894/01/01 Pamphlet 20 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe Review, The (No. 6, March 1894) Universal Zetetic Society 1894/03/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 7, May 1894) Universal Zetetic Society 1894/05/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Dauntless Astronomy, The Mark E. Breach 1894/06/04 Pamphlet 7 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 8, July 1894) Universal Zetetic Society 1894/07/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (New Series, No. 1, September 1894) Universal Zetetic Society 1894/09/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Compare the Following Startling Discrepancies Surveyor 1895/01/01 Pamphlet 4 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (New Series, No. 2, January 1895) Universal Zetetic Society 1895/01/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
One Hundred Proofs that the Earth is not a Globe William Carpenter 1895/02/01 Pamphlet 32 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 3, April 1895) Universal Zetetic Society 1895/04/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 4, July 1895) Universal Zetetic Society 1895/07/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 5, October 1895) Universal Zetetic Society 1895/10/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (No. 6, January 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/01/01 Journal 25 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (Vol. I., No. 1, April 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/04/01 Journal 14 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (Vol. III., No. 2, May 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/05/01 Journal 14 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (Vol. III., No. 3, June 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/06/01 Journal 14 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (Vol. III., No. 4-5, July-August 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/07/01 Journal 14 2014-02-07
Earth Not a Globe Review, The (Vol III, No 6, Sept-Dec 1896) Universal Zetetic Society 1896/09/01 Journal 14 2014-02-07
Astronomy and the Bible Reconciled Vox 1897/01/01 Pamphlet 22 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe Review, The (Vol. IV Jan-Mar 1897) Universal Zetetic Society 1897/01/01 Journal 30 2014-02-07
Earth Not A Globe Review, The (Vol 4, April-June-July-Sept 1897) Universal Zetetic Society 1897/04/01 Journal 75 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol IV, Nos. 47-48) Universal Zetetic Society 1904-06-01 Journal 28 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol V, Nos. 49-50) Universal Zetetic Society 1904-08-01 Journal 30 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol V, No. 51) Universal Zetetic Society 1904-10-01 Journal 17 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol V, Nos. 52-53) Universal Zetetic Society 1904-11-01 Journal 17 2014-02-07
Earth a Plane John Quinlan 1906-01-01 Pamphlet 6 2014-02-07
Terrestrial Plane, The (Incomplete) Frederick Henry Cook 1908-01-01 Pamphlet 20 2014-02-07
Midnight Sun, The Albert Smith (Zetetes) 1918-01-01 Pamphlet 13 2014-02-07
Is The Earth A Globe Whirling In Space Karl A. Smith 1925-01-01 Pamphlet 29 2014-02-07
Atlantis Bulletin (No. 3 March 1948) Egerton Sykes 1948-03-01 Journal 4 2012-01-01
Atlantis Hoerbiger Monograph (No. 1 March 1948) H.S. Bellamy 1948-03-01 Pamphlet 4 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 1 No. 6 March 1949) P.I. Pearce 1949-03-01 Journal 18 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 1 April May 1949) Egerton Sykes 1949-04-01 Journal 20 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 2 June July 1949) Egerton Sykes 1949-06-01 Journal 18 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 3 August September 1949) Egerton Sykes 1949-08-01 Journal 18 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 4 October November 1949) Egerton Sykes 1949-10-01 Journal 20 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 5 December 1949 January 1950) Egerton Sykes 1949-12-01 Journal 18 2012-01-01
Atlantean Research (Vol. 2 No. 6 February March 1950) Egerton Sykes 1950-02-01 Journal 20 2012-01-01
Earth Does Not Move, The Shigeharu Matsubara 1961-01-01 Pamphlet 16 2014-02-07
Plane Truth ,The Samuel Shenton 1966-01-01 Pamphlet 26 2014-02-07
Bulletin of the Tychonian Society (Number 44) Robert Schadewald 1987-07-01 Journal 13 2014-02-07
Bible Astronomy (E.H.) E.H. unknown Pamphlet 4 2014-02-07
Chart and Compass London Zetetic Society Unknown Pamphlet 8 2014-02-07
Collapse of the Globe Theory Lady Blount (Zeteo) Unknown Pamphlet 5 2014-02-07
Does the Earth Rotate - No William Westfield Unknown Pamphlet 7 2014-02-07
Downfall of Modern Astronomy, The Mark E. Breach Unknown Pamphlet 12 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 25-26) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 40 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 27-28) Universal Zetetic Society unknown Journal 40 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 31-32) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 40 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 33-34) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 40 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 35-36) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 42 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 37-38) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 32 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 39-40) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 28 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 41-42) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 40 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol III, Nos. 43-44) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 24 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol IV, Nos. 45-46) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 26 2014-02-07
Earth, The (Vol VI, Nos. 72-73) Universal Zetetic Society Unknown Journal 11 2014-02-07
Earth's Observatory, The Lady Blount (Zeteo) Unknown Pamphlet 7 2014-02-07
Experimental Proofs (With Illustrated Engravings) Samuel Rowbotham (Parallax) Unknown Pamphlet 27 2014-02-07
Extracts from Lectures Lady Blount (Zeteo) Unknown Pamphlet 22 2014-02-07
Flat Earthers, The Ellis Hillman Unknown Pamphlet 6 2011-01-01
Global Sceptics Society for the Promotion of.. Unknown Pamphlet 10 2014-02-07
Is Britain the Lost Atlantis? Comyns Beaumont Unknown Pamphlet 2 2014-02-07
Newtonian or Solar System Investigator Unknown Pamphlet 17 2014-02-07
One Hundred Proofs from the Scriptures Unknown Unknown Pamphlet 10 2014-02-07
Shape of the World, The A.E. Skellam Unknown Pamphlet 8 2014-02-07
Sight Limitations Lady Blount (Zeteo) Unknown Pamphlet 7 2014-02-07
Truth - The Earth is Flat S. G. Fowler Unknown Pamphlet 16 2014-02-07
Vanishing Ship, The Search Truth Unknown Pamphlet 3 2014-02-07