In some older thread Ski and few others mentioned "Celestial Gravitation".
If there was Dome or something like that then its mass would attract objets below it and make them less heavy closer to the Dome they go.
That Dome would not have the shape of the dome.
It would have to be lower at the Equator and higher at the Poles (North Pole and Ice Wall).
That way it would, by own attraction upward, make objects at the Equator lighter for (9.78 - 9.83) / 9.83 = 0.0051 = 0.51%.
If that was the case, the dome would have to have more complex shape than that and conveniently have lower parts right above existing high mountains.
With those lower parts in place above mountains the Dome wouldn't be allowed to rotate.
And why would some masses attract each other and some others wouldn't?
(If it was magnetic force it would differ between aluminum, iron and lead.
If it was electrostatic force it would attract plus and repell minus (or vice versa).
And both of those forces are much stronger than gravitation.)
Background question still remains: Is the Earth static or not?
Is "the firmament" firm?