Hi all, greetings from an open-minded RE-er.
My question is similar to one on the FAQ, but the FAQ didn't provide me with an acceptable answer so here goes...
A direct 747 flight from Santiago, Chile to Auckland, New Zealand takes about 11 and 1/2 hours. Hopefully we can all agree on that being a fact. In round earth theory this tallies well with a cruising speed of around 600mph. However, judging by the flat earth maps that are shown on this site, the distance between these cities looks to be around 18000 miles - requiring a cruising speed of around 1600mph - faster than Concorde.
What is the FE stance on this? Are standard commercial 747s capable of this speed? If so - since their path crosses a lot of land - how come no one ever hears the sonic boom? Would it be necessary in FE theory to then deny either the existance of sonic booms and/or speed of sound?
Rational explanations preferred.
Thanks for your time.