This is a little off topic but I meet with mormons once a week to discuss religion
. It is very fun - I enjoy the debates a lot. Of course they've made no progress at all.
However I have agreed to pray every day and ask God if he exists and if the gospels (including the book of Mormon) are true.
It's a bit of a logical fallacy because they say that people have done this for up to 8 years every day before they got an answer. So the way I see it there are three possibilities.
1. God does not exist and I will never get an answer or I will end up convincing myself of a false answer.
2. God does exist and will answer me telling me this is true.
3. God does exist but the gospels are false and that's what he'll tell me.
I think we can discount the third. If we assume that I won't convince myself of something that is false then there are two options - either God exists and will answer my prayers or he doesn't exist and so obviously won't. The problem is that he may take years to answer my prayers and there is a good chance I won't keep praying every day if that's the case. If God actually exists and wants me to be a believer then he will be prompt. But anyway - it's a logical fallacy because there is really only one definite answer I can get which is that God exists. If he doesn't exist I'll never get an answer and if I give up they'll just say I needed to keep praying.
However I have nothing to lose so I'm going to give it a go anyway. I'll keep you informed as to my results
Of course it is very tempting to tell the mormons that I had an amazing vision and that God came down and spoke to me and told me that all the religions are wrong and then to make my own religion up - like Joseph Smith - the founder of the Mormon church did.
But I don't think I'd be able to keep a straight face.