Sorry to go off topic a little but the current debate is boring and tedious. Based on all the information we have, we can easily make the assumption that we exist and we should be happy with that.
The hardest part in believing in the Christian god, for me, is this;
The bible says that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:24-26).
Essentially the Earth and our lives are like a test to see if we are ready to be with God or not. God won't prove to us that he exists because that would ruin the test - we need to have faith in God to reap the benefits. The line from James is basically saying that we can't have faith if we don't put in an effort to have that faith. To begin with you don't need a lot of faith - there is the common analogy for seeds - you plant seed of faith and then look after it and it grows into a fruit tree and you get lots of fruit

. If you don't look after the tree then it will wither and die. But surely to plant the seed - to put in even the slightest amount of genuine effort requires a tiny amount of faith. Where would that faith come from? You can't have faith without effort and you can't put in effort without faith.
While obviously people do believe in God, I think the reasons they believe are not a case of planting a seed and putting in effort. There is some other event or reason in their lives that has led them to believe what is essentially an illogical and irrational view.
While I could be seen to be putting in effort and I genuinely would like to know if God exists or not - I also feel that I am as completely sure of his non-existence as I am sure of anything. Obviously we can't know 100% that God doesn't exist - just like we can't know 100% that gravity will continue to have the same effect tomorrow - but I am as sure that effects of gravity tomorrow will be the same as they are today as I am sure that God does not exist.
I'm sure Christians will say that I'm not having an open mind, and maybe that's the case but I don't know how to change my frame of mind. I can't consciously change how I view God without new evidence or argument but the Bible clearly says that I won't get that until I have faith. If God really does exist then I can never believe in him. It's not a choice at all, you can't choose to believe things, you have to be convinced that they are true. Can a genuine Christian just decide to not believe in God for no reason? Of course not. Neither can I just decide to have any genuine faith.
My experiment will completely fail unless God does exist but the Bible is wrong - that's really the only way I can see myself finishing the experiment with an opinion other than God does not exist.