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Messages - JJA

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Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 28, 2023, 01:01:29 PM »
I have not said sex and gender are the same thing. I don't know why you think that I have. Gender, as it is used now, is based on stereotypes.

You use the term sex instead of gender in your posts all the time, and say things like this:

If they say that humans cannot change sex, then I agree with them on that.

They can't change sex but they can certainly tell people what gender they identify with, and you have no right to deny them that or say you think they shouldn't be allowed to call themselves the gender they feel comfortable with.

Sex is not gender.  Gender as science now sees it is a social construct.

Also, science doesn't "say" things like "gender is something people deeply identify with". That isn't scientific language, it's activist language.

Trans men and women examined with fMRI machines show that their brain structure and activity matches their preferred gender more closely than their bodies sex.

Nothing wrong with activist language. Trans and gay people need activists to counter all the hate people are throwing at them. Like constantly insinuating that drag queens are pedophiles, or trans people just want to sneak into the women bathroom to get off.

WTF do you think I am dodging? I *clap emoji* am *clap emoji* not *clap emoji* going *clap emoji* to *clap emoji* vote *clap emoji* for *clap emoji* Trump *clap emoji* or *clap emoji* Biden *clap emoji*
If voting bot both of them is equally repugnant to you, then you think they are equally bad. That's what not making a choice means, you can't decide which is worse. You think Biden is as bad as Trump because Biden is a few years older, and signed some pro-trans legislation? That's some weak sauce to let Trump waltz back into office.

We let politicians get away with shit all the time, especially if they're establishment faves. We depend on the media to do proper investigations, to ask the tough questions, to speak truth to power, but they don't. They all went to the same prep schools, their parents were members of the same country clubs, etc. It's all very pointless now. My one vote will not make a difference, but I can say I didn't vote for a politician I think is a pile of shit.

That's garbage logic. One vote alone doesn't change anything but if everyone thought that then nobody would vote. Your vote does count, just the same as everyone elses and you can't use that as an excuse to hide from the results of your actions. By withholding your vote you're making a choice, and we will all suffer for it. I don't care how hard it is for you to choose, make a choice or own up to the fact that you're ok with Trump.

(why do you keep saying I hate "gays"? You make no sense!)

Your constant attempts to link crossdressers and trans people with being child molesters, your inability to vote for Biden over Trump because Biden signed a bill that supported trans. Saying I hate women because I don't want to discriminate against trans. Linking Tucker F*cking Carlson for christs sake, along with all the other anti gay and anti trans sources and talking heads.

So, being a liberal just means who you vote for? It's just a label you identify with?
You do understand that voting is how liberals, conservatives and everyone else actually wields their political power, right? That's the core of our democracy, and if you just opt-out of it, you are the one just wearing liberal as a label. It doesn't mean anything if you don't act.

So yeah, if you aren't willing to use that political power then I'm not sure what you are, but you can't claim to support something if you don't actually support it. Posting that you're a liberal on a forum with 20 active members isn't a replacement for voting.

I think it's very weird several of you are so invested in who I vote for, but can't say what's good about him.

Why the hell wouldn't I be interested in who you vote for? Voting is important. It's far more important than arguing on the internet. That doesn't do jack.

What has Biden done?  I don't know, stopped Russia from steamrolling over Ukrane?  Republicans were against it, most Democrats didn't want to take the political risk.  He spent months traveling the world and getting agreements on sanctions and aid in case Russia attacked. Trump wouldn't have done that. 

Handled the pandemic by listening to the science and not running around attacking masking and vaccines?

Brought the economy back from the brink of destruction?  Took the stock market to record highs?  Far more job creation than under Trump.  You want to go back to killing social services to pay for billionaires tax cuts?  That's a liberal ideal?

The badly needed infrastructure bill?  Biggest reconstruction project since I can't even remember?

Gun safety bills?

He's done plenty of stuff.  He's boring and isn't liberal enough for me but I'm happy with what he's done.

Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Americans by bungling the Covid response. He single highhandedly is responsible for a third of this country swearing to never wear a mask again. He's a racist piece of shit who is calling people rats and filthy animals and has a hard on for dictators, and thinks ruling a country with an iron grip is admirable.

For you it's just enough that he isn't Trump.

If a car is about to smash through a storefront and kill me I'm going to step to the side.  I don't need any other good reason to go stand over there, and I'm not going to let the car hit me just because I'm not super thrilled about that spot out of the way. Someone being a threat to democracy and one of the worst people I've had the displeasure to witness is more than enough reason to vote for someone else.

I don't want another Trump presidency, but if there is we'll live. The media will yperventilate for 4 years. Congress will try to impeach him again. Bread and circuses.

See, this is you trying to justify to yourself that it will be ok if you let Trump win to sate your anti-trans hate.  If you truly think Biden isn't worth voting over Trump, might as well just switch to that big R and pull the lever for Trump. You're already making excuses for him.

I don't know any liberal saying "Eh, Trump getting elected again would be fine, the liberal media will be angry but who cares".

Yes yes, prove it. Like "I don't know anything about alchemy because I was maybe a C student who had no interest beyong the classroom and I fully believe what I have been taught, but I'll ask someone who spent hours in the library looking up something they are interested in to prove that when they say something is alchemy, they mean it." Seems like if you don't know alchemy when you see it, I don't have to cater to your ignorance.

 The "unrelated stuff" as you put it, is definitional. If you want to stay ignorant, that's on you but the point I was making with this explanation was that a thing which meets those categories is by definition alchemy.

I already proved it. You're so ignorant you can't see it, and ask for proof.

You proved nothing.  You posted some random clipart that you yourself have no idea where it came from, who made it or why, and tried to use it to claim math was wrong.

But this is the kind of insanity I'd expect.

Discworld is a work of parody.

You uh, do understand that the Earth being carried on the back of a turtle was an idea formed long before Discworld borrowed it? Do you really think Pratchett invited that idea?

This just shows your ignorance of the world yet again.

Any object that has less or more density than air or water, will rise up or down within these two mediums, the only factor that decides their direction of movement, that makes them either rise upward or downward within air or water, is entirely based and explained by relative density, of any object, to the medium the object is within, that is the only factor.
You have never, once explained why density pushes objects up instead of down, or sideways, or diagonal.

There has to be some force that determines which direction is up.  In the real world it's gravity.  In your made up world, it's what?

Why does a rock sink and not float?  What force or magical property in your world causes this?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« on: December 28, 2023, 07:40:50 AM »
Science and astronomy does not just accept hundreds of year old observations without checking and without any critical thought. Science is constantly checking and rechecking and verifying. That's how science works.

But it does.

Here is how Kepler faked, forged, falsified the entire set of data for Nova Astronomia:

And this proves, what exactly?  Nobody is plotting the course of deep space probes using Kepler's data.  Nobody is using Kepler's observations to calculate the gravitational constant and calibrate airplanes with it.  The fact that you pulled up a paper that is picking apart previous work PROVES MY POINT.

How can you possibly claim that no astronomer ever checks previous work when you just posted a link to an astronomer... checking previous work.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

It doesn't get any worse than this.
So true.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 28, 2023, 07:29:22 AM »
your retarted

Abstaining from voting is a political choice, it is a form of protest. You will not convince me to vote for Biden by making up a bunch of shit about my motivations. Your tactics might work on the people in your social circle, but it's just a bunch of screechy nonsense to me.
My 'tactics' aren't used in my social circle because everyone else I know understands that not voting is how we get Trump, again.

You can try and dodge all you want but you choosing not to support one candidate or another doesn't make you innocent and pure as the driven snow. You can't run away from your responsibility, you can't avoid blame if Trump gets elected because you chose not to oppose him. That's on you. You did this.

We don't let politicians get away with that kind of bullshit. If a bill fails by one vote and a politician says "I didn't vote against it, I abstained!" you would call them on their lie. Because you and I both know that's how they work when they want to avoid responsibility. It's an obvious dodge.

You either want Trump in the White House, or you don't. If you pick a path that doesn't help stop him, your choice is clear, and if you can't live with that and have to pretend you get to opt-out to avoid the guilt, maybe try a bit of introspection.

If you refuse to vote for Biden in what is going to likely be a very close race, you will be helping Trump.

Thinking you get to wash your hands of that is retarted. 

Also, what does it mean to you to be "liberal"? Does it just mean you vote for Democrats?
If there was a liberal non-Democrat that I liked better than Biden and had a chance to win, I'd vote for them. But there isn't. Like it or not, we have a two party system until ranked choice voting or some other change happens. You get help pick which that is, suck it up and pull the lever.

I'm going to say being liberal would be voting for the more liberal (even if heavily flawed and also doesn't hate gays enough for you) candidate, especially when the conservative one is a lying orange haired treasonous clown who is going to take revenge on his perceived enemies, try and form a dictatorship and doesn't align with you in any way except he says gays are bad.

I think Biden is at best, a moderate that leans liberal. I'd vote for a true liberal in a heartbeat.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 28, 2023, 07:12:00 AM »
More accurate in your worldview.
More accurate to those who wish to use sex
You mean I equate someone wishing to use terms which have been reserved for a particular sex,
which is not their sex;
This is fundamentally different to SEX based pronouns.
Wanting to be called a sex you are not is a lie.
If you refuse to call someone the sex they want to be called because you know they aren't that sex and don't want to lie
If you demand someone calls you by a sex you are not,

This is you (and SCG) being dishonest.  Sex is defined by chromosomes and other physical aspects.

Gender is a social and mental construct and isn't solely defined by any one specific physical feature or indicator.

You know this, you even used gender, once in your reply to me.

Gender and sex are not the same.  That's what the science says.  And the science says gender is something people deeply identify with, regardless of what their bodies may look like.

It is NOT A LIE to call someone by their preferred gender, because gender is a social construct defined on identity and social roles.  Not by external features or hormone levels.  It's an identity and YOU are the liar and jerk for telling other people that they aren't who they feel themselves to be.

So try and use the proper terms here. I know it's a Flat Earth forum but you of all people should know that one needs to stick to the science and that terms matter. Since your entire argument is that you are angry about being made to lie and that excuse goes away when you use the right term which is gender, that seems to cover your entire argument.

Nobody is asking you to lie.

According to the National  Institutes of Health and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine:

"Gender is relevant only for research with humans (not other animals). Gender can be broadly defined as a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits. Understandings of gender vary throughout historical and cultural contexts."

And the Yale School of Medicine says:

"What do we mean by sex and gender? Aren’t these terms interchangeable? Perhaps at some point in time they were used as synonyms, but this is no longer true in science."

I hear this so much.  "Stop calling us out on our shit! That's hateful!"
No, stop calling us bigots because we aren't going to lie for you.
I don't recall using that word, but if I did please quote me before yelling at me for name calling.

I think what you are is a homophobe.  No other reason to get so angry about what other people call themselves when you're happy to call everyone else by their preferred name.  I don't know what about trans people so horrifies and frightens some of you, but you should get over it.

Flat Earth General / Re: A question as to why?
« on: December 24, 2023, 07:33:34 AM »
I've been seeing more and more flat earthers move away from the hard to defend conspiracy angle and say that NASA isn't lying, they are just mistaken. Just a big oopsie.

Which is just as silly, but avoids the bad connotations of conspiracy theories. 

"NASA isn't evil, they are just retarted."



This "many". Are there actual examples? Or is this just a weasel word, like "some scientists believe that the universe is shrinking. Oh? Which scientists? Uhhhhh... some!
Obviously you are not one of the flat earthers making this shift and are still fully invested in a massive thousand year old million person vast conspiracy to get that sweet sweet NASA money.

I stand by what I actually said.  I've been watching some flat earthers shift their focus.  Time will tell if it becomes the majority view or not, but it's getting more and more popular.

Not that any of you have a single point you can agree on other than the earth isn't a globe.

That's like saying you have 50,000,000 Facebook followers and not being able to name one when asked. That's the trouble with weasel words.

Said by the guy who has deflected posting a source for their claim in another thread[1] about a bazillion[2] times? Ok.

1. Source, the other thread. 
2. Bazillion is defined as probably about seven.

As for that, what they probably actually told you was this:
In around the 1960s or so, scientists were exploring the Earth, convinced it was round. In terms of the difference between a sphere and a disc (anyone who points out that this is the azimuthal epuidistant model doesn't understand that the model is in fact a flat depiction),


In other words, "We observed the dome." Yeahhhh...

Uh, no.  Nobody told me that.  Unless we count you.  Just now.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« on: December 24, 2023, 07:14:33 AM »
If they’d claimed to see little green aliens through their 400 year old telescope, you’d believe they did, we know that, don’t we?
I can prove you wrong there.

Plenty of people claimed to see canals on Mars hundreds of years ago. 

We now know they don't exist and those observations were wrong once we got better pictures.

Science and astronomy does not just accept hundreds of year old observations without checking and without any critical thought. Science is constantly checking and rechecking and verifying. That's how science works.

Ah that's nice. Passing the buck back to me. So you don't know what alchemy is, and expect me to know.

You made the claim that the image was alchemy and somehow math is wrong, so you have prove YOUR claim. That's how this whole thing works.

Alchemy is a semi-scientific pseudoscientific movement that predated chemistry and physics. [...]

Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of unrelated stuff cut because it has nothing to do with proving that the image you posted is alchemy. And yes, alchemy is garbage, so what?  So is homeopathy. The only one using alchemy as an example of anything here is you.

If you're going to just post random nonsense images and make weird claims about them while having no idea where they even came from, I can do that too.

So here is a totally serious flat earth argument that real flat earthers claim and is proof that the flat earth theory is nonsense and you all think we live on a giant turtle. If you disagree... well then PROVE IT.

See how easy that is? I just showed all flat earth arguments are nonsense with a random image I found on the internet and made up stuff about. Whee.

There is plenty wrong with RE. Not only does it give completely bogus angles for the sun and moon, not only does it distort people's understanding that tides are a system and not governed by celestial objects like the moon, not only is it completely crazy as we would far more like fall off the Earth (to quote a RE meme about FE) on the underside of a RE, but it's morally wrong, as it puts our entire government in the hands of NASA and their sweet sweet space money.

Wot  ???

Flat Earth General / Re: The horizon discussions.
« on: December 24, 2023, 06:47:28 AM »
So basically, this whole first paragraph, as a true shill, you wave your credentials around like some pervert does with their dick. I imagine we are supposed to be impressed with any of this. Let's talk about gyroscopes.
This is the quality discourse I keep coming back here for. :D

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 24, 2023, 06:39:39 AM »
No. I'm not going to vote for either of them. No means no.
And this is why we might get Trump back in office. You seem to think a literal rapist insurrectionist antivaxxer criminal lying bastard who wants to be a dictator like his heroes Putin and Kim and willing to do anything to stay in power is just as bad in your mind as a guy who doesn't hate transgendered people enough. WTF?

I know a lot of liberals, and every single one of them thinks Biden is an old, boring, barely left leaning centrist career politician with a lifetime of experience in government.  He's yawn inducing, uninspiring, nowhere near liberal enough for me and I can think of a thousand people I'd rather have run.  But none of them, not a single one I know thinks he's so horrible they wouldn't support him over TRUMP. Jesus. What is it about gays and trans that gets people so utterly insane with rage and flipping their shit?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 24, 2023, 06:28:13 AM »
Yes it is.  Let me use an analogy to show you what you sound like.
Let's use a more accurate one:
"Hi Bobby"
"I go by "My Lord" now"
"Well you aren't my lord, so I will stick with Bobby"

See, that is Bobby being an asshole.

More accurate in your worldview.  Because all transgendered people constantly yell and scream and swear and no homophobic assholes EVER do that? I'm sure 'normies' never yell at gay and trans people.

Bobby is being an asshole in your example, but so are you. "You aren't my lord" is being deliberately confrontational and is meant to provoke a response. You might benefit from some classes in deescalation and how to talk to people like they were human beings.

That also demonstrates your point pretty well, that you are very upset and offended by people who don't follow your gender norms. You equate someone wanting to be called their specified gender with someone who is mentally unstable and thinks they are God, that's telling. What is it about gays and trans that make you so uncomfortable that you think and say things like that? Does their very existence hurt you somehow?

Not calling someone by something you deem to be a lie is NOT you being an asshole.

Calling someone Bob instead of Robert is a lie then?  Because "Bob" isn't on their birth certificate, "Robert" is. So why is that acceptable but calling someone by a preferred pronoun isn't?  You won't scream that they are forcing you into filthy dirty lies in that case, so why for gender?

If your little sister asks you to call her a Princess for her tea party do you scream at her that you aren't going to lie? Does that offend you and make you angry too?

I bet you're real fun at Halloween parties.

Since you're just picking and choosing what "lies" you use this on, it's just an excuse.  It's the gay part you are upset about, not the so called lie.

Lie is also a big word to use here. What exactly is the lie, that someone wants to be called a specific gender? A man wearing a dress? That's a lie to you?

But suggesting someone is being an asshole or a bigot just because they aren't willing to lie for you certainly seems quite hateful.

I hear this so much.  "Stop calling us out on our shit! That's hateful!"

Act like an asshole, get called an asshole, yes. If you refuse to call someone their preferred gender out of spite and hate, that's being an asshole. It's true I can also be a hateful asshole in how I call people out, so plenty of hate to go around it seems.

Maybe try some empathy? What if you were harassed and yelled at at work by all the guys because you wore pants, and told to wear a dress like the little girl you are? Then your boss told you to come to work in a dress tomorrow or you're fired? I'm guessing you wouldn't like that much.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 24, 2023, 05:48:33 AM »
You asked me who I am voting for. I am not going to vote for either of those fucksticks. You can't make me!
Which means you think they are equally bad if you don't care which one gets elected.

Once again, "None of the above" is not an option.  You're going to get one, and if you truly can't bring yourself to vote for one or the other then you think they are equally bad.

If you were given the choice between having a leg amputated and being blinded I bet you would pick one, even though both are awful choices.

You're not just picking a person, your choosing which political party is going to be in control of vetos and a good part of the agenda for this country.  And if you're so against voting for an old, moderate liberal who doesn't agree with your views on gender, that's your choice.  But it's still a choice, one you can't wash your hands of.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: AUSTRALIA
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:47:37 AM »
Covid is deadly, i agree, but we have to see who is responsible for that :
Anti-vaxers, anti-maskers, conspiracy theorists and others who fought tooth and nail against anything that will slow it's spread and are partially responsible for why it killed so many people?

There is a reason there were more Covid deaths in places with high numbers of right-wing anti-vax 'freedom fighters'.

So yes, I agree who made if more deadly.  You did.  Huddle together without a mask, unvaccinated and coughing on each other. Good job.

Flat Earth General / Re: A question as to why?
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:42:47 AM »
I've been seeing more and more flat earthers move away from the hard to defend conspiracy angle and say that NASA isn't lying, they are just mistaken. Just a big oopsie.

Which is just as silly, but avoids the bad connotations of conspiracy theories. 

"NASA isn't evil, they are just retarted."

Why don't you ask people in your real world who don't give a shit about flat earthers, the concept I am bringing to your attention. See if they say they live in their immediate Earth world or are preoccupied 24/7 with the overall shape of the Earth as you bullshittedly declare you are.
I think if you step back you both are right.

Do people think about or ponder the shape of the earth in their daily lives?  No.  Not directly.

But they know they can't call their friend who is on an overseas trip in the afternoon because it's night there, and if you ask they will say because the sun isn't shining on that side of the planet.

Everyone who set up a Direct TV satellite dish knows you point it up at the satellite up in space. Probably even read in the instructions how you have to adjust for your position on the Earth.

Ask people in the real world why it's hot in Bermuda and cold in Alaska and they are going to tell you because it's hotter on the equator. I'm not going to expect much more of an answer than that though due to general scientific illiteracy. Ask about seasons and good number will probably remember it's due to axial tilt.

Heck, ask most Americans which way toilets flush in Austrailia and most people will confidently tell you it's opposite due to Earth's spin.  They are wrong, but they still know the Earth spins.

I think the average person doesn't believe the earth is flat when they hear that because it contradicts all those things they know and use every day.

It's true that most people don't think about the shape directly or when washing dishes, but they do use their understanding of it's shape in many other ways every day.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories
« on: December 21, 2023, 05:26:31 AM »

Federal judge orders documents naming Jeffrey Epstein's associates to be unsealed

More than 150 people are expected to be identified in early January.

A federal judge in New York has ordered a vast unsealing of court documents in early 2024 that will make public the names of scores of Jeffrey Epstein's associates.

I bet some very wealthy people are sweating a little bit.

I'm betting Donald Trump's name comes up.

That's a pretty safe bet.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:44:28 AM »

"None of the above" isn't an option you know.  You're going to get one of them, and you truly think they are both equally bad?

What has Biden done in your mind that makes him as bad, or worse than Trump?

You asked me which I was voting for. Neither is absolutely an option.  You made up the "equally bad" part.

Biden is too old and feeble. Believe it or not, I do not need to compare him to Trump to know I don't want him to be president.

I'm going to write in Amy Klobuchar. She is one to watch!

Neither is NOT an option.  You are going to get one of those two.  Voting for a third party doesn't remove the actions of your choice, and choosing not to support one or the other is still a choice. 

Biden is old... so you're not going to support him against Trump for that lame reason?  A Trump presidency would be another disaster for liberal policies.  That's how we got the supreme court we have now.  It puts the government under the control of an extremest right wing party, one that thinks it's ok for 12 year old girls to get knocked up, forbidden to get an abortion but allowed to marry the guy, and that's ok because Biden is... old?

No... you can't pick none of the above.  If you have the chance to swing the election to the more liberal side and don't, you're helping Trump win.

You claim you don't think they are equally bad, but by not supporting one or the other you are in fact saying exactly that.  I didn't make it up... if you can't choose between two bad choices, that means you find them equally bad.  If you truly thought Trump was worse than Biden, you would vote for Biden.

Also rather ironic that you refuse to support Biden for being too old at 81, won't vote for him, no way... but a 63 year old woman is great! She would be 74 at the end of her two terms you know... but that's fine I guess? Your reasoning doesn't make much sense to me.

You can't escape this choice.  And remember, for evil to triumph only requires the good to do nothing.  Voting for a third party in the 2024 election is doing nothing and doesn't absolve your choice in getting Trump elected if that happens.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 21, 2023, 04:23:17 AM »
No, it's just rude and being an asshole.
No it isn't.
For many people doing that would be lying. Demanding someone does it is just rude and being an asshole.
But for many people, it would be considered hate speech.

Yes it is.  Let me use an analogy to show you what you sound like.

  "Hi Bobby."

  "It's just Bob these days."

  "Your birth certificate says Robert so I'm not calling you Rob. Keep your woke mind virus bullshit to yourself... ROBERT."

See, that's being an asshole.  If someone wants to be called he, she or them, why do you get so angry over it?

  "Hi Mister Anderson."

  "Call me Chuck, Mister Anderson is my dad."

  "No, I'm not going to lie and call you anything else but what I want to call you.  You can't make me!"

It's not hate speech, it's just hateful speech. You're happy to call everyone else what they prefer, but not trans. You have your justifications I'm sure, but liberals just think we should, you know, be nice to people that haven't done anything to you? 

If you need more examples, imagine all the racial slurs that you don't use because you know they are offensive. That's being nice to people.  It doesn't hurt you not to use those words, but it does hurt others if you do.

I think using a hyphenated last name when getting married is dumb and refuse to change mine, but I'm not going to refuse to call others by what they choose. Because that would be... rude. My choices are mine, their choices are theirs.

Just relax and quit taking what other people want as some kind of personal attack. Gays and trans really don't care what you think, they just want to be called by their names, which is whatever they damn want them to be.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 02:13:19 PM »
Sorry, I feel the urge to JackBlack your post. I am not as skilled at fisking, but I will do my best.

Oh quit with the fake modesty. You're quite the skilled and expert troll. :D

So let me try and properly respond to your trolling...

How can you see him telling viewers this if you don't watch his show?

Wow, do you really not understand that you can read excerpts from his show without actually watching it. Do you truly not understand that one can gain knowledge in more ways than watching a video on YouTube?

LOL, maybe you should learn how to read. Amazing... hey everyone, SCG doesn't know how reading works! Hahahah!

How did I do?  I tried my best!

Let me explain what this sounds like to me.  To me, it sounds like you don't think transgendered people are real, and just have mental health issues which should be corrected.

Sounds an awful lot like gay conversion therapy.

Once again, none of this is new. Conservatives just took all their anti-gay tactics and changed them to anti-trans.

Do you realize how illogical this reply is? How does it sound like I don't think trans people are real? You never said what hospital or what lies, so I took a guess. Jamie Reed claims that testosterone was prescribed without proper mental health assessment. Her claims have been mostly confirmed by an NYT investigation. Shit, even Planned Parenthood advertises that they will prescribe hormones on the 1st visit (seriously google it, it's on their website). It is a mental health issue, though! Sometimes the best treatment for an individual will be transition, and sometimes not. How do they know which is best if they're prescribing blockers and hormones without mental health assessments?

Overworked hospitals and clinics screwing up sucks no matter what gender or age it happens to.  Planned Parenthood giving out hormones on the first visit IF the doctor thinks that is the right course... that's a tougher one.  The medical community is split over this, some think it's the right way to go and some think therapy is needed.  I'm torn, as taking time to talk it out seems good, but then again, should a woman be forced to go through a month of therapy before being allowed an abortion?

Why on earth do you think I am offended that a man would wear a dress?
What does any of this have to do with drag? You understand that drag is not the same as a man wearing a skirt or a kilt? Right? Have you ever been to a drag show? I have. They are campy, fun,adult, entertainment.

Yes I've been to a drag show.  Some are adult, some are not.  But why do I think you're offended?

Because you are claiming all drag performances are "adult entertainment".  Because you said "men dressed like stripper clowns twerking in front of their kids" to explain why normal people dislike men dressing in drag.

It's hilarious that you claim I "slipped "twerking in front of children" right after "drag queens" when I actually said "men dressed like stripper clowns". You have conflated stripper clowns with drag queens! lol

You are really trying to pretend you weren't talking about drag queens there, but were totes just talking about those weird stripper clowns?  Is this another try at the trolling thing?  It feels like a troll.  Meh, I'll respond as if it was a serious argument.

  "Again, you watch Tucker Carlson, not me. I have no idea what drag queen he targeted with lies and hate. Most normies would prefer not to have men dressed like stripper clowns twerking in front of their kids. I don't think it's a conservative thing, just a normal thing. "

Sure... drag queens and twerking were totally unrelated, not even in the same sentence! How did I ever think you were talking about drag queens there.

Come on. Be better.

Anyway, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel when they find drag queens willing to perform for little kids. They don't even bother to do a background check. I promise you the talented drag queens wouldn't be caught dead clapping their ass cheeks for bored white middle class moms and their little kids. (I would also be against women clapping their ass cheeks for the kids at the local library, btw.) 

Yes, why would I think you have a problem with drag queens at all. Quite the mystery. Re-read what you said if you're actually confused. No negative emotion there at all, nope.

Feel free to show me where trans people suffer violence at a higher rate for being trans.


"A 2007 study by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation found that 59% of transgender women within California prisons reported sexual abuse, a rate thirteen times higher than the general prison population, with 50% of all transgender inmates reporting sexual assault whilst incarcerated."

Is it really a mystery to you that in prisons where rape is common, male to female trans inmates are going to be disproportionately attacked and assaulted?

"13 times higher" sure sounds like trans women in prison are attacked at a higher rate than cisgender men.

If you really think trans people suffer violence at a higher rate, show it. Show the math! I think you will find tw are in the safest demographic, unless you break it down by race. Black tw are murdered at about the same rate as black men in the US.
I showed you mine, now you show me yours.  Lets see your numbers because I suspect you're playing statistics games with me.

Show the math!

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 01:40:54 PM »

I am the liberal

"relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise."
I'm curious who are you going to vote for in 2024? Biden or Trump?

I'm not voting for either one of those fuckers.

"None of the above" isn't an option you know.  You're going to get one of them, and you truly think they are both equally bad?

What has Biden done in your mind that makes him as bad, or worse than Trump?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: GPTChat
« on: December 20, 2023, 09:23:04 AM »
Tell me more...

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 09:06:43 AM »

I am the liberal

"relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise."
I'm curious who are you going to vote for in 2024? Biden or Trump?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 09:04:16 AM »
Dude, I don't watch Tucker Carlson's show. I have seen maybe four of them, and that was because he was interviewing feminists I know (on the internet, as in I have had interactions with them on their websites or other social media, and I follow their work).
Watching his show and posting links to his show promoting him and his views doesn't count as "not watching him".

If you see Tucker Carlson telling viewers that the trans movement is a militant group targeting Christians with violence and that they are demonic and evil, then you have watched way more Tucker Carlson than I have.
I've never once said I watch his show, not sure why you often respond to something you made up in your own head! But that's always fun.

Anyways, you can have it right from the source: "TUCKER CARLSON: The trans movement is targeting Christians"

I don't know what lies you are referring to about a children's hospital, is it Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children's Hospital? I don't know what he had to say about that, because I followed that story directly from Jamie Reed (the whistleblower), I also read about it in the NYT, which confirmed most of her claims that children were being rushed into treatment, and were given testosterone instead of being treated for their underlying mental health issues.

Let me explain what this sounds like to me.  To me, it sounds like you don't think transgendered people are real, and just have mental health issues which should be corrected.

Sounds an awful lot like gay conversion therapy.

Once again, none of this is new. Conservatives just took all their anti-gay tactics and changed them to anti-trans.

Again, you watch Tucker Carlson, not me. I have no idea what drag queen he targeted with lies and hate. Most normies would prefer not to have men dressed like stripper clowns twerking in front of their kids. I don't think it's a conservative thing, just a normal thing.

Again, this is why I think you hate gays.  You are all offended and upset that a man would wear a dress. "THERE ARE ONLY TWO SEXES" you like to repeat. But gender isn't biology, it's a social construct. Don't get gender and sex confused.

There is no biological reason why a woman can wear a skirt and man can't.  Kilts exist, those are just skirts with another name.  Plenty of men wear skirts and dresses in other cultures.  What's the difference between make-up and war-paint?  Just because a man in a dress makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it wrong.  There was a time women couldn't wear pants, or bathing suits that showed ankles.

It's 100% a conservative thing to fixate on who gets to wear what kind of clothes.  You think it was CONSERVATIVE women that started wearing pants?  Or wore bathing suits and got arrested?  Or burned their bras?  Those were liberals. 

And yes I caught how you slipped "twerking in front of children" right after "drag queens" to try and equate them.  Do I need to link every instance where a woman twerked in front of children so I can claim women shouldn't exist?

If you label everything a hate crime it becomes meaningless. I do not believe "misgendering" is a hate crime. I do not believe single sex spaces are a hate crime. Trans people are not being murdered and attacked at a higher rate than other demographics, in fact they are among the safest demographic. Activists love to use the murder statistics of Brazil to make it seem like trans people are in danger everywhere else. Do you know who tends to murder transwomen most often? The men they are in relationships with. When it happens to women people call it domestic violence, when it happens to men pretending to be women it's a hate crime!

I never said misgendering is a hate crime.  Doing it intentionally is just being a jerk.

I don't know what to say to your claim that gays and transgender don't suffer violence at a higher rate. This has been a thing for as long as I've been alive, but feel free to pretend gays don't get attacked for being gay, or it's not a hate crime when someone is murdered because of who they are.

But you did make a good point, and one that I agree with. Violence against women because they are a woman should be a hate crime, yes.  Misogynistic talk that encourages abuse is also hate speech.  It used to be worse, at least now we say a man forcing his wife to have sex with him is rape when in the past it wasn't even a crime.

Tucker Carlson is once again, a good source for misogyny both on and off the air.  You really should look into this guy before telling people to watch him.

It will be interesting to see how much of this post you actually read, and how often you respond to something you made up in your own head! That's always fun.
I read it all. Even the parts where you insult me and accuse me of hating women and having a diaper kink. :D

The question is:

The answer is:


Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 07:37:42 AM »
We have very different ideas on what defines hate speech. You think I hate women, I think you hate transgendered people. We are never going to agree because I hear Tucker's words and see hate speech, and you see someone you agree with.
Yes, that is quite obvious.
You seem to think speech that you don't like about specific groups is hate speech, just because we don't agree with you.

No, I think speech that incites people to violence is hate speech. The fact that I also disagree with the speech is immaterial.

Refusing to call a trans person by the gender they identify as, is not hate speech.

No, it's just rude and being an asshole.

If they say trans people should get help to accept who they are, that is not hate speech.
If they say all trans people should die, that is hate speech.
If they directly call for people to harm trans people, that is hate speech.

You don't have to explicitly say "go kill gays" to be hate speech.

Saying "demonic evil gays are coming for your children and want to rape them and they need to be stopped" isn't calling directly for violence.  It's still hate speech and clearly going to incite violence.

Alex Jones has said a lot of crap, but I am yet to hear him call for violence (although I could have just not heard it yet).
The closest I have found is a tenuous connection where someone believed the crap he said and decided to go assault a pizzeria.

These are all things he said to drag performers on his show.

    We’re going to destroy you. You will ascend to Hell in the reverse order.

    They now know fear, because we’re coming like the villagers in the night, with the torches burning bright, with fire.

    Fire is not the weapon of evil, fire is the weapon of good, and it will consume you.

    You need to fear god. Your god has stolen your soul.

    Soon the icy cold of Hell will embrace you forever.

    Soon you will pass through and on, never to return to this dimension, never to ascend, but down, down, down, down, down, down, down into that black hole you’re going, chained.

Sure, he never outright said "Burn drag queens to death!" but that can't be taken any other way than threats.  I can very much imagine his listeners thinking he's calling for them to rise up against evil.  That is hate speech.  That is the speech the right wing supports.  The speech Musk supports by letting him back.

By the way, this is an interesting three-way we have here.

One conservative flat earther.
One conservative round earther.
One liberal round earther.

Can we get a liberal flat earther to join in? :D

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 20, 2023, 07:21:46 AM »
What views do they have on gays that you think I agree with?

If they say that humans cannot change sex, then I agree with them on that. If they say that healthy children should not be given a powerful drug that shuts down their endocrine system, then I agree with that. If they say that men who decide they're women after they've been arrested for rape should not be housed in a female prison, then I agree with that. There are lots of things they may say that I might agree with. If one of them said lasagna is delicious, I would agree.

Me saying I don't think it's a big deal that they're back on Twitter is not the same as saying it's a good thing. I just am not bothered by it. I don't follow Trump or Alex Jones. I don't see their tweets. It's very easy for me to avoid seeing accts that I am not interested in. I don't even have to block them. I don't have the urge to control what other people read on the internet. If they're not posting things that are illegal, then I just don't know why it bothers anyone. If they're saying dangerous things, it's better to see it than let it fester in some dark corner of the internet. Isn't that what the media says every time some weirdo shoots up a school?

Me thinking you hate women has nothing to do with "hate speech". You thinking I hate trans people has nothing to do with "hate speech".  If you can't define a concept, what value does it have? I don't have to define it, because I think it is a stupid concept to begin with.
I think you watching Tucker Carlson absolutely amplified your hate for trans people. That's not exactly much of a stretch with all the awful things he says.  If I watch someone and they say some things I agree with, and then say a bunch of awful lies and angry hate then I stop watching. If you keep watching, well that says everything as far as I am concerned.

I see Tucker telling viewers that the trans movement is a militant group targeting Christians with violence. That trans people are demonic. That they are evil. It's them or us. 

When right wing zelots tell his viewers a childrens hospital is evil and spreads lies about them, and that hospital gets flooded with death threats and bomb threats, yes, that's hate speech.  I define hate speech as speech meant to incite violence against a group.  You don't have to blatantly say the words "kill them".  Saying a group is a threat and dangerous and needs to be stopped and are demons, evil, pedophiles and out to get your children is clear enough.

When Tucker targeted a drag queen with lies and hate they were subjected to hundreds of death threats as well. Hating men wearing dresses is something else the right wing loves to do. Why does this trigger conservatives so much?

If Tucker said lasagna is delicious I might agree with that statment, but if I was having a discussion about lasagna I sure as hell won't post one of his videos to support my views. Especially after all the leaks that show he does NOT believe what he states on his show, and will say anything at all that gets him views. He might very well be a secret trans lover, how can you know with all his lies?

Hate crimes against gays and trans have been rising steadily. I know you feel threatened by all the scary trans people who you might get stuck with in prison or compete with in the Olympics, but they are the ones being attacked and murdered.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Why do you support donald trump
« on: December 20, 2023, 06:43:31 AM »
There's a downside to this.  The 14th amendment says insurrectionists can't run the government.  But how to implement this exactly is really up in the air.

What's to stop Texas from saying Biden is an insurrectionist because he refuses to shut down the border and he's allowing an invasion to happen?
Nothing at all.  Republicans are making it pretty clear they plan to retaliate and try and ban Biden too.  Just like with their bogus impeachment as revenge for Trump's.

The problem is you can't use that as an excuse not to use the 14th on Trump.  Because Republicans will eventually use all their dirty tricks anyway.

So don't back down, don't avoid doing what's right because of threats.  Call them on their threats because they will do them anyway and giving in will do no good in the long run.

So you do NOT have an actual source for your bit of clip art being actual alchemy.  How shocking.

What you have is a google search NOT showing the image you posted, and links to other images that are also NOT the source.

And what would you consider an "actual source"? The original name of the picture is alchemyformula(somenumber).jpg, was found through a search specifically for alchemy formula among other alchemy pictures, its very nature seems to be related to chemistry and the physics of atoms.

LOL, right.  You are claiming this is alchemy, I'm saying it's a bit of nonsense clip art because that's where it came from.  JackBLack found the same source I did.

You on the other hand, all you have is that the filename has the word alchemy in it.  Well, the cartoon Fullmetal Alchemist has the word in it, are you going to claim that show is fact and not fiction and evidence that math is wrong because a dude can throw fire around and someone else inhabits a suit of armor?  It would make as much sense as your current argument, I'll give you that.

The fact that you are just pulling unsourced random pictures off of Discord and proclaiming them to be authentic evidence of alchemy and magic and math is pretty absurd.

So unless you can tell me what alchemy isn't, yeah it's alchemy.

Nah. You made the claim it's alchemy, it's your responsibility to prove it.  I can show you a picture of Bruce Campbell and claim he's a shapeshifting magical alien insect overlord but that doesn't make me right unless you can prove it wrong.  You need more remedial logic lessons.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: December 19, 2023, 10:10:18 AM »
Be brave! What hate speech do you think I agree with?

You post Tucker Carlson videos and think Alex Jones and Trump being back on Twitter is a good thing because you agree with their views on gays and transgender.

We have very different ideas on what defines hate speech. You think I hate women, I think you hate transgendered people. We are never going to agree because I hear Tucker's words and see hate speech, and you see someone you agree with.

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