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When Bulma wants LESS govt and MORE private big corp ownership of roads and essential services in a forprofit model that only serves to create unneccessary middlemanfee roadblocks and waste everyones time...

A donut shaped earth has been discussed a few times over the years.

No one has proposed a pretzel shaped earth?  How about an earth shaped like a brain, or a chipmunk?  That would be so cute!

People have proposed all sorts of shapes for the earth over the years.

The funniest thing was that this article made Dinosaur Neil angry because Vice was too dumb to see that he was making fun of the FE.
I was listening to a recent episode of Globebusters and they mentioned Congress got involved to put pressure on YouTube to do something about how popular FE was becoming so I thought I’d try to do some fact finding. I’m not sure this is the right place for that but anyway, perhaps it’s worth a shot.

I don't think Congress put pressure on YouTube, not openly anyway. There were news articles about YouTube's algorithm leading people down conspiracy rabbit holes, so I think most of the pressure came from the media. Right around the same time there were articles claiming YouTube was radicalizing people into the "alt right".  This was all around 2019, the media were desperate for something to blame Trump on.
YouTube’s algorithm used to to put all sorts of stuff on people’s side bars seemingly regardless of anything they’d showed interest in.  Not just flat earth, but all sorts of conspiracy theories, “alternative” science, etc.  eg watch a PBS Space Time video because you want a layman’s explanation of relativity (highly recommended, btw) and YouTube would throw videos at you claiming gravity isn’t a thing.

That’s how I found out about the whole flat earth “movement”.  I kept seeing flat earther videos, certainly including Globebusters, popping up as recommendations and eventually checked a couple out.

The Globebusters are correct that there was pressure to change the algorithm, but it was to prevent videos like theirs being pushed onto people who just weren’t interested.    If it wasn’t for YouTube’s broken algorithm, they probably would have never got much of a following in the first place. 

They got lucky with a tonne of free advertising and made a load of money out of people.  Now they complain that the deck isn’t stacked in their favour anymore.  My heart bleeds.

Also in the early days of flat earth gaining popularity, there weren’t so many “debunking” videos.  It took a while for those channels to appear.
Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Last post by turbonium2 on Today at 03:36:49 AM »
It’s denial of reality to believe their claims are true, when it’s obviously nonsense.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Last post by turbonium2 on Today at 03:24:44 AM »
How many other claims have been made, without any proof at all, with all the proof showing their claims are false, while they are still believed to be true, despite all the proof it is false?

When any of those claims can be proven true or false, like their claims are, where else has it been believed with no proof, when all the proof shows it’s false instead?
Flat Earth Debate / Re: They've lied to the world about the stars
« Last post by turbonium2 on Today at 03:11:30 AM »
A non-existent telescope they trashed as junk over 200 years ago, are you serious?

If that’s your idea of an argument, it’s pure nonsense.

When our telescopes today, even the cheapest ones have greater magnification than they had back then, better and more accurate lenses than they had, etc.

How could we make smaller telescopes that are better than those before, which were much larger, yet inferior to smaller ones? 

The size of instruments, from telescopes to computers to televisions, is ever smaller and better than before, less bulky and primitive, and size is only one factor in it, like we have tv screens that are much larger than before. Same with larger computers with more memory and speed, etc are larger at times, or so forth.

You can’t see their multiple distinct belts with any telescope we have today, saying there are imaginary telescopes that would show their multiple distinct belts, to prove their scrapped junk saw them too, wow!!
The operative word being "seems."
Just as an acrobat seems like he can balance on a circus ball, but obviously can't eat and sleep that way
Meanwhile, life on Earth has had no problems living sleeping, eating, etc, on a spherical Earth.

neither birds, nor trees, nor bodies of water can actually balance on a sphere.
Do you mean on your tiny balls, or the massive spherical Earth?
Do you have any proof of your BS claim?

If I were to plant an asparagus seed on a beach ball
You would be setting up a model which intentionally misrepresents the RE model.

Again, the RE model is not a tiny ball sitting on a much larger ball.

Just like your BS model, I can make the same BS for a FE, but just turning the system sideways. I can't seem to grow a tree off a wall, nor do puddles stay on, instead they just go off.

What we observe in both cases are things going towards Earth.

Everything might seem fine with your theory, but this is reality.
Yes, this is reality, a reality where Earth is round, no matter how much you lie about it and misrepresent it.

In fact, that room proves rather than disproves how wrong you are.
No, it proves how wrong you are.
Because notice how they can't walk on the floor when it is at the top.
It shows Earth below them is much more important, and all your pathetic BS claims are just that, pathetic BS.

Normal people subconsciously know the Earth is flat, but education has told them otherwise.
Most normal people don't give a damn what the shape of Earth is, and don't think it is flat because of all the hills they encounter.

Evidence shows it is round, something you lack.
I was listening to a recent episode of Globebusters and they mentioned Congress got involved to put pressure on YouTube to do something about how popular FE was becoming so I thought I’d try to do some fact finding. I’m not sure this is the right place for that but anyway, perhaps it’s worth a shot.
Globebusters often spouts pure BS.
Did they offer any evidence at all?

Patently untrue. A few years ago if you typed in the words Flat Earth into the YouTube search box, you’d be shown many useful videos. Now, if you do the same thing you only get videos debunking and mocking Flat Earth. I suggest you’re lying if you want to claim no one has been tampering with the algorithm. Of course our overlords care!
Because a few years ago, there weren't that many crazy people publicly suggesting Earth is flat for it to be noticed, but then it was, and people started posting videos pointing out the BS, and those videos tend to be the more popular ones.

Youtube in general also appears to have made an effort to stop BS being spread, but has done quite poorly.
It so obviously isn’t but unfortunately you’re too brainwashed to see that.
Are you sure you aren't the one that is too brainwashed?
Can you offer anything at all to indicate Earth is flat?
If it is so obvious, this should be easy.
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