The Creation of a Flat Earth

  • 170 Replies


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Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #90 on: April 21, 2013, 11:45:06 PM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

And when and how will you arrive on this other Universe/dimension?
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #91 on: April 21, 2013, 11:54:21 PM »
Wow.  A total religion stroke science stroke lunatic mashup.

Are there angels there, and do people grow old?
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #92 on: April 22, 2013, 12:08:51 AM »
Wow.  A total religion stroke science stroke lunatic mashup.

Are there angels there, and do people grow old?

I do not know if people grow old there. There are no angels there, angels are not physical. Infinite earth is very physical.
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2013, 12:11:30 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

And when and how will you arrive on this other Universe/dimension?

It doesn't matter when or how or if I will arrive there. I'm simply trying to show you that this idea is not a fantasy it comes from quantum physics. Have you ever read Max Tagmark's theory on four types of parallel universes?
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #94 on: April 22, 2013, 12:13:14 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

I... I don't know what to say...

I know what to say; Leave this forum!
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 645
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Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #95 on: April 22, 2013, 12:38:30 AM »
I know what to say; Leave this forum!

You're comic gold, I wanna stay. You're like a confused crazy sexist gangster hippie christian. It's amazing. Have you ever discussed the validity of your model with skeptimatic? How do you feel about gravity? Does it exist?
Jason, you are my least favorite noob.



  • 1860
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #96 on: April 22, 2013, 01:52:23 AM »
It doesn't matter when or how or if I will arrive there. I'm simply trying to show you that this idea is not a fantasy it comes from quantum physics. Have you ever read Max Tagmark's theory on four types of parallel universes?

But isn't it true that you once believed that on Dec. 2012 during the proclaimed apocalypse, you'll be transported there by some quantum phenomenon?
Scepti, this idiocy needs to stop and it needs to stop right now. You are making a mockery of this fine forum with your poor trolling. You are a complete disgrace.

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #97 on: April 22, 2013, 09:36:58 AM »
Will this magical paradise have rocks so that you can stone women, or will you have to find a new hobby?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 09:41:45 AM by A Doubter »
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #98 on: April 22, 2013, 09:40:16 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

And when and how will you arrive on this other Universe/dimension?

It doesn't matter when or how or if I will arrive there. I'm simply trying to show you that this idea is not a fantasy it comes from quantum physics. Have you ever read Max Tagmark's theory on four types of parallel universes?

I read his Scientific American article and the only thing I recognise from your post is the reference to another universe.  Where did you get the rest of it from?
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.



Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #99 on: April 22, 2013, 09:43:28 AM »
I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't like women being stoned. The New Testament (Bible 2.0) has bits about Jesus saying let those without sin cast the first stone etc. The old testament is more of a prequel. Without it saying women should be stoned, there is no context for Jesus Christ Superstar to throw in a heroic plot twist by stopping people stoning a woman. Its there to make it kind of seem ok to stone women, until Jesus reminds you that its mean and then you realise he is right and that you should live the way Jesus tells you to. There's also a lengthy parable about the evils of shopping with but priests rarely touch this moral hot potato for fear of losing followers.



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #100 on: April 22, 2013, 09:53:31 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

I... I don't know what to say...

I say that phrases like "higher vibrational frequency" when combined with "you fail to understand" generally equate to pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo. At some point this guy is going to start making Sandokhan look reasonable, and that is a scary thought.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #101 on: April 22, 2013, 10:00:52 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

And when and how will you arrive on this other Universe/dimension?

It doesn't matter when or how or if I will arrive there. I'm simply trying to show you that this idea is not a fantasy it comes from quantum physics. Have you ever read Max Tagmark's theory on four types of parallel universes?

I read his Scientific American article and the only thing I recognise from your post is the reference to another universe.  Where did you get the rest of it from?

There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
JJA voted for Pedro



Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #102 on: April 22, 2013, 10:07:18 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2013, 10:07:37 AM »
It doesn't matter when or how or if I will arrive there. I'm simply trying to show you that this idea is not a fantasy it comes from quantum physics. Have you ever read Max Tagmark's theory on four types of parallel universes?

But isn't it true that you once believed that on Dec. 2012 during the proclaimed apocalypse, you'll be transported there by some quantum phenomenon?

Yes I did speculate that such thing was a remote possibility based on the article called "The Physics of 2012" But I never thought it was gonna happen for sure. In any case 2012 was never about a collective experience, it was foretold as an individual quantum experience, meaning different outcomes for different people. Think of it as a train station with many trains going to different places. Regardless of 2012, there are many alternate realities, and many worlds in parallel universes.
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2013, 10:11:11 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

I... I don't know what to say...

I say that phrases like "higher vibrational frequency" when combined with "you fail to understand" generally equate to pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo. At some point this guy is going to start making Sandokhan look reasonable, and that is a scary thought.

What is wrong with Sandokhan? I'm amazed at the amount of information and knowledge that a man has. He probably does the most research out of anyone on this forum.
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #105 on: April 22, 2013, 10:13:54 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #106 on: April 22, 2013, 10:14:49 AM »
I know what to say; Leave this forum!

You're comic gold, I wanna stay. You're like a confused crazy sexist gangster hippie christian. It's amazing. Have you ever discussed the validity of your model with skeptimatic? How do you feel about gravity? Does it exist?

I'm a confused, crazy, sexist gangster hippie Christian? And you must be reasonable, sane, unbiased atheist? I'm a comic gold, but you are not funny at all, especially when you are trying to label a person you know nothing about.
JJA voted for Pedro



Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #107 on: April 22, 2013, 10:15:59 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Probably to throw you off the scent. Their searches are horribly manipulated. I recommend not using them wherever possible. His name is definitely Tegmark.



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #108 on: April 22, 2013, 10:19:19 AM »
Yes Infinite earth is better simply because its on a lot higher vibrational frequency. It is not a sphere located in space, rather its a universe of its own. It has no extreme temperatures, because it does not depend on the sun. Also its not subject to our laws of physics, so nothing ever gets old or spoiled there. Imagine cities that look like they were just built and food that always tastes best and fresh. The beauty and richness of infinite earth paradise is impossible to describe with words man. You think its a fantasy because you fail to understand multiverse and other dimensions of physical reality. You say you teach physics yet somehow completely missed the MWI theory or parallel universes.  LOL

I... I don't know what to say...

I say that phrases like "higher vibrational frequency" when combined with "you fail to understand" generally equate to pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo. At some point this guy is going to start making Sandokhan look reasonable, and that is a scary thought.

What is wrong with Sandokhan? I'm amazed at the amount of information and knowledge that a man has. He probably does the most research out of anyone on this forum.

Sandokhan is likely paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur (in my completely unqualified lay opinion). His "research" apparently leads him to the conclusion that history is only about 500 years old, and that logarithms are wrong.  It's far more likely that he is completely nuts, than that he is among the most brilliant minds ever.
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #109 on: April 22, 2013, 10:21:42 AM »
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #110 on: April 22, 2013, 10:22:05 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Probably to throw you off the scent. Their searches are horribly manipulated. I recommend not using them wherever possible. His name is definitely Tegmark.

That's what I'm saying: I typed in Tagmark and it came out Tegmark. Damn you Google, and your double-reverse psychology!
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #111 on: April 22, 2013, 11:01:47 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Probably to throw you off the scent. Their searches are horribly manipulated. I recommend not using them wherever possible. His name is definitely Tegmark.

That's what I'm saying: I typed in Tagmark and it came out Tegmark. Damn you Google, and your double-reverse psychology!

Are you focusing on a spelling of his name or on a content of his theories?
JJA voted for Pedro



  • 1909
  • Eppur si muove!
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #112 on: April 22, 2013, 11:06:42 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Probably to throw you off the scent. Their searches are horribly manipulated. I recommend not using them wherever possible. His name is definitely Tegmark.

That's what I'm saying: I typed in Tagmark and it came out Tegmark. Damn you Google, and your double-reverse psychology!

Are you focusing on a spelling of his name or on a content of his theories?

Just trying to figure out how Tegmark/Tagmark fits into the whole Google/NASA/911 conspiracy, man  ::)

But I have skimmed some of this Multiverse theory and I still don't see where you get "vibrational frequency" and things like that. It's fascinating, for sure, and weird, but you seem to think you take take the idea and just make it into anything you want, like an infinite paradise. I highly doubt that is what Tegmark is getting at.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 11:09:24 AM by Shmeggley »
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #113 on: April 22, 2013, 11:15:18 AM »
There is a search engine called google use it. Type Max Tagmark four levels of parallel universes.
Google is part of the conspiracy. They are the last people I'd promote. Also there are far cleverer ways to make the point and promote alternative search engines + his name is Tegmark, not Tagmark.


Interesting then, that Google automatically corrects the spelling of his name.'s+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&rlz=1C1SFXN_enCA499CA501&aq=f&oq=Max+Tagmark's+theory+on+four+types+of+parallel+universes&aqs=chrome.0.57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Probably to throw you off the scent. Their searches are horribly manipulated. I recommend not using them wherever possible. His name is definitely Tegmark.

That's what I'm saying: I typed in Tagmark and it came out Tegmark. Damn you Google, and your double-reverse psychology!

Are you focusing on a spelling of his name or on a content of his theories?

Him calling them "wacky" doesn't really help you. Anyway, in a cursory glance he doesn't appear to describe any paradises like you do.


Homesick Martian

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Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #114 on: April 22, 2013, 11:41:42 AM »
You are not gonna get a reply. This is going absolutely nowhere. This is not a social justice or biblical discussion forum, so from now on I will only focus on FE vs RE topics. If you want to engage in conversation with me, discuss my theory of how the earth is multidimensional. And how Antarctica is a gateway to infinite earth.

Sure, but if you come here threatening people, raining hate on everyone and saying women should be stoned to death, and then deny it and try to change the subject, don't be so surprised if some/most of us hold the view that you're a bigoted degenerate (and an absolutely woeful christian I might add - have you ever perused the second half of the bible?).

Feel free to disappear and pretend this conversation never happened, I won't bring it up again if you don't.

Please quote any threats that were made. You obviously fail to distinguish a warning from a threat. You can hold any kind of view of me, positive or negative, your view of me does not add one dollar to my bank account nor does it effect my life in any way, so keep hating lol

Also please do not judge my Christianity, only God will judge. You have no right to make such statements. You have no idea who I'm or what I do, nor are you qualified to determine my spiritual level.   I've been here long time bro, so its you and your noob friends who should disappear.

O..okay, I think I understand New Earth, please listen:

In OT you have to stone women to death for adultery. That's very clear.

In NT you don't have to and you shouldn't, because GOD will do that for you on Last Judgement's Day and he can do it better. And he will do it (or something equally nasty), unless she confesses her sins and quits sinning again. Sorry if you don't like it, but that's good NT thought.

So New Earth, while believing that sinful women deserve to be stoned, being a Christian, he won't threaten women to be stoned (by mortal men, like him), he just warns them, that they will get stoned by God. That's what he clearly (?) says. And additionally he warns us all, that we may get punished for being unbelievers and ridiculing his theories. That's very nice of him!

By the way I like his mystical pseudodimensional infinite earth theory, for it is - by definition - not in variance with natural science. He even said: Earth can be round and flat at the same time. I remember  having proposed the same in a thread some time ago. He is the first here who understands that flat earth is an entirely religious thing.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 11:48:47 AM by Homesick Martian »

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #115 on: April 22, 2013, 11:50:39 AM »
New Earth, is your theory based on a combination of two views that I found in the Scientific American article?

These are that:

1  in other universes the laws of physics may be different; and
2  in an infinite number of universes everything that can happen, will happen?
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.


Homesick Martian

  • 419
  • Hardcore Zetetic Terrorist
Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #116 on: April 22, 2013, 12:00:37 PM »
By the way I like his mystical pseudodimensional infinite earth theory, for it is - by definition - not in variance with natural science. He even said: Earth can be round and flat at the same time. I remember  having proposed the same in a thread some time ago. He is the first here who understands that flat earth is an entirely religious thing.

Oh, he's not the only.,54799.0.html#.UXWID8r0408

But reading his post I stand corrected. His views are in variance with natural science.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 12:10:59 PM by Homesick Martian »

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #117 on: April 22, 2013, 12:55:33 PM »
New Earth, is your theory based on a combination of two views that I found in the Scientific American article?

These are that:

1  in other universes the laws of physics may be different; and
2  in an infinite number of universes everything that can happen, will happen?

Yes Max Tegmark does not mention infinite earth paradise, however in his level 4 type of universe, he does say that anything is possible and pretty much any imaginable universe might exist.  I never read the article Doubter, but yes this is partly where I'm coming from, but not entirely. I combine parallel universes with the religious version of heaven and basically modify it a bit. The Koran speaks about Jannah, a paradise of immense size where laws of physics are totally different. Every Muslim that I spoke with told me that they don't think Jannah is spherical. They don't know exact shape of it, and when I mentioned the possibility of it being an infinite plain, the idea was very much welcomed. In the Christian bible, in the book of Revelation it mentions New Jerusalem which will be established when creates new earth. New Jerusalem is a perfect cube, and its 1500 miles in each direction. It is also suppose to come from above and land on earth. Now we all know that objects that are 1500 miles wide and long, cannot be flat when landing upon a sphere. Therefore it is clear that New Jerusalem is on flat earth.

Since I think that every imaginable parallel universe is possible, there must be an infinite earth somewhere that is very beautiful and has great civilization and technology, why not?

A higher vibrational frequency simply means a place that is better then our earth in every single possible way. This means the governing laws of physics and nature allow for a better life all together.
JJA voted for Pedro

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #118 on: April 22, 2013, 01:21:16 PM »
New Earth; I hope you find it.  I hope we all do.
The video demonstrates that we can not fully trust our senses.

Re: The Creation of a Flat Earth
« Reply #119 on: April 22, 2013, 01:32:27 PM »
New Earth; I hope you find it.  I hope we all do.

I already found it in my mind, getting there physically is another story.
JJA voted for Pedro