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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Origin of All Religions
« Last post by Themightykabool on Today at 06:24:47 PM »
So fucking dumb

In context, the point was towwrds leadership controlling the population.
Not whether hell exists or not.

You said "populatoon unafraid of death"

Its irght there in my full post.

And the priests and pope and religiois leaders used hell to influence population behaviour.

Fucking moron.

Your spectactular inability to follow a flow of conversation is amazing.

So fucking stupid.

Are you stupid?
Yes you are stupid.

Fucking moron.
Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Origin of All Religions
« Last post by bulmabriefs144 on Today at 05:59:45 PM »
The truth is, the biggest actual threat to Big Government is a population completely unafraid of death. How would they keep order if you can't threaten them? Religion is not a tool of order. It's actually counter-cultural.

how about control with threat of eternal damnation in the afterlife?

fucking moron.

A lie. Priests are not God or Jesus. Sometimes they might pretend to be.

You're the moron who believed that.
Most Christian believers in the idea of Hell will tell you that it’s a place of punishment for sinners and evildoers. But does that idea have a scriptural basis? According to Romans 6:7, “he that is dead is freed from sin.” So if a person’s sins are cleared with his or her death, then what’s with the additional punishment of Hell? Well, Romans 6:23 goes on to state that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We die on this Earth because of our imperfect nature (our sin). But there is no mention in this equation of eternal punishment. Our imperfect nature simply means our bodies aren't designed to be 100% self-regenerating.

From a Christian perspective, the idea of Hell is not only cruel and unusual, but totally excessive. Would a God described in the Bible as “a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right” decide that infinite punishment is just and fair? 1 John 4:8 states that God is the very concept of love. Would a loving father eternally torture his child as punishment, even if the child did something seriously wrong? Deuteronomy 19:21 famously states “an eye for an eye,” a principal of equal punishment that seems rather out of sync with the idea of literally endless torment as retribution for the sins of a short mortal life.
A temporal life could not have eternal punishment. You could only have temporal punishment.

When it comes to misconceptions about Hell, the popular 17th-century King James Version (KJV) of the Bible has a lot to answer for. For example, in the KJV, the prophet Jonah was in the “belly of Hell,” while David bafflingly insists that God would be with him even in Hell. Even Jesus pops down to Hell after his death on the cross.
This obviously makes no sense. The Bible repeatedly states that Hell, whatever else it is, involves separation from God. So why is Jesus swinging by for a visit and why is David so sure that God would be with him there? In fact, if God is with David, why would he be in Hell in the first place?

So is the idea of a fiery Hell completely alien to the Bible? Not at all. It’s right there in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, as recorded in Luke 16:19-31. In the story, a wealthy man lives it up while ignoring a beggar named Lazarus. But the pair experience a dramatic role reversal after their deaths, when Lazarus is carried off by angels to a blissful existence in the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man finds himself tormented in a blazing fire.
This is probably the closest the Bible gets to the modern conception of Hell. However, it’s important to note that the Bible doesn’t present it as a true story or a straightforward warning about the afterlife. Christ’s parables are clearly fictional stories designed to convey a message. As Warren Prestidge points out, the Rich Man and Lazarus is immediately preceded by the Parable of the Unjust Steward, where a servant defrauds his master and gets rewarded for it. If you ignored the deeper meaning of the parables, you’d conclude that Jesus thought stealing from your boss was great.

So what is the deeper meaning? Why precede it with the Unjust Steward? Well, because it is first of all meant to show that the version of God these Pharisees have in their heads is deeply unfair. And secondly, this is to show that the main lesson of these two parables is to live as though you weren't sure what is to happen to you, not to assume it will happen to you.

While the idea of eternal fiery damnation can be found as early as the apocryphal second-century Apocalypse of Peter, it doesn’t seem to have become dominant in Christian thinking until around the fifth century AD.
Ironically, this view was heavily inspired by a non-Christian, the Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato, whom the French historian Georges Minois credited with “the greatest influence on traditional views of Hell” of all the early philosophers. Plato’s Story of Er features an afterlife in which sinners are punished or rewarded in proportion to their misdeeds in life.

The Ancient Egyptian religion, for example, featured a cavern containing a “lake of fire” where the souls of the wicked were punished for their transgressions. The early Mesopotamians also believed that the underworld lay underground, although it was more dim and miserable than a place of eternal punishment.
A particularly interesting comparison can be made between the popular idea of Hell and Zoroastrianism, an ancient religion originating in what is now Iran. In the earliest Zoroastrian texts, the souls of the sinful are judged after death and condemned to eternal punishment in the underworld, which the Book Of Arda Viraf describes as a pit full of fire, “smoke, stench and demons.” The souls are tortured according to the severity of their sins in life and the whole thing is presided over by Angra Mainyu, the great evil spirit, “who ever ridiculed and mocked the wicked in hell” for following him instead of their creator god.
That sounds remarkably like the Hell of modern pop culture. And what’s just as remarkable is how many of those details have no basis in the Bible.

Hell is actually based on a non-Christian idea of the afterlife. In fact, if you want to get strictly technical, the word comes from Norse mythology. Not from the Bible. That's a later translation.

Shoxking because you denied it was an issue earlier.

Im not shocked its going on.
Thats what jackB and i have been telling yous been happening.
You have such a poor grasp of reality you think youre twaching me something.

So why bam govt when the rich are the source of the problem?
So stupid.
In other countries the rich buy themselves personal armies/ militias.
Dismantling govt does nothing to solve the influence.

Storming a rich guys house now, when hes got security and gatss and dogs and alarms is no different than if govt exists or not.

Much more clear with every one of your posts..
You are fucking moron.
So fuckin stupid.

The Lounge / Re: A Friendly Chat
« Last post by Space Cowgirl on Today at 05:38:11 PM »
Yeah, I am grateful for the produce section at the store! Even keeping a small garden is hard work.
So you admit the rich are buyingpokiticians.

So dismantling govt will do nothing to solve the actual problem ->unelected rich people dictating to us how to live.

I know.

You're shocked, shocked, that this is going on.

"Here are your winnings."

Actually, it will change things:
1. Nobody to bail them out. Government does most of that. Now their failure is their fault.
2. Everyone knows they throw money around. Before it was assumed that government would penalize them with heavy taxes. But I've told you repeatedly that this is a lie.
3. Nobody to penalize you with heavy taxes.
4. If somehow they do get people to bail them out, it's now completely transparent, rather than covered by a myth of honest government. Government is corrupt, end of story. Once you learn this, if you decide to storm someone's house for being rich, you can either take what they have and you don't, or they can shoot you. Things are much more clear.

The earth should not be compared to what is above it.
The planets can be flat, not everything is what it seems to be.

Scientific study reveals that flat planets can exist even with mass attraction:
The Lounge / Re: A Friendly Chat
« Last post by Ski on Today at 05:00:15 PM »
Space Cowgirl is about to mow the garden down for the summer!
We have just arrived at 100 degrees here which is about the time I decide to abandon working outside in as much is possible.
Last year I started late and tried to keep the crops alive, and then a storm did in the corn just before it was ready, and a swarm of beetles appeared nearly overnight and ate the squash and melons literally in 36 hours. I was so irritated-- and it was just a project! I cannot imagine the frustration felt in the days when such a failure would have meant disaster.
Flat Earth General / Re: Is the Earth stationary or rising up at 9.8 m/s?
« Last post by Ski on Today at 04:55:30 PM »
What creates this acceleration? 
Dark Energy.

If the earth does not rotate, why do the stars appear to rotate along with everything we can see that is not on the earth?

Why do they appear to be rotating? The obvious answer is because they are rotating.
Ask any flat earth believer to answer any of the following simple questions with evidenced based answers and they will fail.

What is the process that powers the small flat earth sun?

How have sailors managed to sail all over the world for centuries using  maritime  charts that are all based on the earth being a globe?

If the world were flat all the continents would be in a different arrangement from what they currently are? Please explain?

Common sense would dictate that any alternative flat earth map is an impossibility as we know where all the land masses are relative to one another. There can be no ‘alternative arrangement’! Please explain why you think there is one?

Millions of people all over the world use GPS that is based on different networks of satellites, something you say does not exist. Please explain especially as many of these satellites are clearly visible! Please explain.

Starlink internet is available in many counties around the world. Please explain how such a working system operates using  satellite technology you say is fake?

You demand "evidence" then refuse to accept evidence.

Anyone would fail when presented with this.
Flat Earth General / Re: Official Flat Earth Recruitment Video
« Last post by bulmabriefs144 on Today at 04:23:21 PM »

The original.

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