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Messages - wise

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The Slovakian prime minister both refused to help Ukraine and expelled the WHO from the country.

A new crime for Gates and Geberesice.

I can swear but I can't prove that one of these shits is somehow behind this assassination attempt.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 17, 2024, 12:44:21 AM »
Russian troops have enter the Kharkov.

Blinken has enter the bars in Kiev.

The Lounge / Re: werepenguin time? WEREPENGUIN TIME!
« on: May 16, 2024, 01:05:41 AM »
The management squad needs to take this thread down from here so we can start a new game. We can at least give him a little more time to start. But it must end.

Click below...

Such a game would be interesting. Jane are you okay?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:23:34 AM »
Oh, if nothing had happened, English would be broken again. I'm sure it broke down in London too. As time progresses, entropy increases. If you speak nicely, everything will be nice. The world is getting worse day by day because Americans have forgotten how to speak well. Just another good reason for the earth to be completely reset.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 14, 2024, 10:08:11 PM »
I thought you northerners were dispersing the slavery-minded southerners. By trying to impose their ugly slang on us, they give subliminal signals that they are still alive and resisting.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 14, 2024, 01:18:33 AM »
After learning that Michael Jackson's lyrics Anny Vicy Vokke was actually Anny Aint You Okay, I always take into consideration that Americans do not speak English. But it was an Australian or a Swede, not an American who told me that. I'm not sure now, maybe an American, I'll have to look for it.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 13, 2024, 08:56:01 PM »
I have used two negative words in the same sentence many times here. and then one of the well-known globalist here who has English as native language said that was wrong. I corrected this mistake. Now, when I warn the person who made this mistake, some globalists say that this is not actually wrong, while another group associates my attitude with being a flat earther. lol. another example thou shalt never trust a globalist.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 13, 2024, 06:16:41 AM »
Anyway. As the weather improved, the Russian advance began as expected. Today, 9 more villages have been liberalized by Russia from the Nazis. Nazi troops in Kharkov are desperately trying to resist.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 13, 2024, 05:39:42 AM »
It is complete nonsense that after the United Nations general assembly approves a country's membership, the decision goes to the security council. In general, it is correct and logical for the majority to approve joining the community.

Members of the United Nations security council supervise all decisions like a big brother above other members. It's like preventing it from turning into a disaster if the other members make a decision for the world's evil. The decision made by the majority must be valid, whether right or wrong.
In our example, even if 80 percent of the members accept, only one member will veto the decision because he is a member of the Security Council and Palestine will not succeed in becoming a member in its rightful cause.

This situation brings into question the role and reliability of the United Nations in general.

I do not disagree.

Here, only I can use two negative suffixes or words in the same sentence.

It means that I find no reason to disagree with you but I have not decided if I fully agree.
I know what it means. But this meaning is used in Turkish. We use such an expression when we don't have a reason to disagree with something, when we actually need to participate, when we don't want to do it, or when we want to postpone it for now. But this is valid for Turkish.

I'm sure you're aware that this is complete nonsense for English. So much so that even I don't use it anymore from for a while.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 13, 2024, 01:03:12 AM »
It is complete nonsense that after the United Nations general assembly approves a country's membership, the decision goes to the security council. In general, it is correct and logical for the majority to approve joining the community.

Members of the United Nations security council supervise all decisions like a big brother above other members. It's like preventing it from turning into a disaster if the other members make a decision for the world's evil. The decision made by the majority must be valid, whether right or wrong.
In our example, even if 80 percent of the members accept, only one member will veto the decision because he is a member of the Security Council and Palestine will not succeed in becoming a member in its rightful cause.

This situation brings into question the role and reliability of the United Nations in general.

I do not disagree.

Here, only I can use two negative suffixes or words in the same sentence.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 11, 2024, 11:00:21 AM »
It is complete nonsense that after the United Nations general assembly approves a country's membership, the decision goes to the security council. In general, it is correct and logical for the majority to approve joining the community.

Members of the United Nations security council supervise all decisions like a big brother above other members. It's like preventing it from turning into a disaster if the other members make a decision for the world's evil. The decision made by the majority must be valid, whether right or wrong.
In our example, even if 80 percent of the members accept, only one member will veto the decision because he is a member of the Security Council and Palestine will not succeed in becoming a member in its rightful cause.

This situation brings into question the role and reliability of the United Nations in general.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 10, 2024, 03:16:23 AM »
In this case, to dislike someone or something, you have to know them. In other words, it is enough to be known by you to be disliked by you. In this case, it's a blessing to have never met you.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 08, 2024, 10:52:09 AM »
Oh, finally the Americans discovered that the Persians founded Paris.

Am I the only one who noticed that Madrid doesn't cause that many problems unlike Paris?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 08, 2024, 05:58:26 AM »
I did not involve in this Aussie debate. Because when I was doing a clone check on all members, I looked at who was online in which time period. Of course I've forgotten most of it now, but the Greek is really in Greece, the Swede is really in Sweden, I'm really in Turkey, Jura may not be in London but I could swear he's in England. And they're half an hour away from Junker. Junker is in a bit east of Jura. Crouton sits a little west of them and the other admins are west of crouton. They are real Americans, I'm not sure about crouton, he is maybe in Paris or Madrit. Not serious. The most possibility is that the crouton gets up too early in the morning. This is the most likely situation, because otherwise, according to the time period, he would have to sit on an island in the middle of the Ocean. Oh yeah, Jackie is in Australia, if Australia was really exist. If I work a little more I can give you coordinates. Anyway.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 07, 2024, 04:38:55 AM »
Russian Foreign Minister called the British Ambassador in Moscow and said that if British weapons were used against Russia, Russia would attack British targets all over the world.

What a stupid strategy. England is not openly attacking Russia. Russia could have done this with a closed method, like England did.

The Houthis appear as heroes in the side of the world's Muslims and Russia could have helped them against England in their war "against the infidels" and settled this problem quietly and Wisely. Alternatively they have Wagner. They could establish a terrorist organization like ISIS, as the Obama did, and thus they could easily respond to any country they wanted. And no one could blame them "directly". But they chose to scream like an enraged bear.

I don't understand why Putin doesn't call me as a strategic advisor. Guess he is below average in terms of intelligence.

The Lounge / Re: werepenguin time? WEREPENGUIN TIME!
« on: May 06, 2024, 03:58:05 AM »
It's probably waiting about a year for a game to be started is a situation that can only happen here.

>tfw 7 months and no werepengiun

This post supports my opinion that he may have used the start of this game as a record attempt.

We need to give something to Junker, some kind of award for his giving us this extraordinary privilege.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 06, 2024, 03:44:19 AM »
UK gives Ukraine green light to use British weapons inside Russia.

This gives Russia the right to allow Russian weapons to be used against Britain by Britain's enemies.

For example, Russia could donate some of its Russian nuclear submarines to the Houthis, and these ships could easily send London to the other side of the doomsday calendar. I condemn David Cameron for risking Jura's life and the whole people living in entire NATO.

The Lounge / Re: werepenguin time? WEREPENGUIN TIME!
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:48:05 AM »
I vote to lynch @Username .

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 03, 2024, 05:46:44 AM »
Let me tell you where you made the mistake.
Engaging with you?

When calculating the areas under Russia's control, you take the red areas. But I also include the areas in light red.
Yes, the 18% calculation includes the light red, it would be a lot less without.  Just look at the damn map, the red areas are clearly not half of Ukraine.
I calculated the area by drawing the map and showed this calculation. Yes, not half, but not 18% either. 35% by calculation. I did this by creating an account. You don't do anything to prove your thought other than insisting it's 18%.

Pushing too hard doesn't magically make you right.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 02, 2024, 10:48:07 PM »
Wise, what proportion of Ukraine is highlighted in red?  Do you truly think it is half?  I know geography isn't your strong suite, but common.

Russia got up to 27% about 2 years ago, Ukraine got this down to 15% and it's now up to 18%.
Let me tell you where you made the mistake. When calculating the areas under Russia's control, you take the red areas. But I also include the areas in light red. This is because Russia has territorial control in this region, even if it has not occupied the cities. In order to avoid too many civilian deaths, Russia does not immediately capture the cities, but they have full territorial control in these regions. If you look at the conflict area, you can see that there is no frontline war in these areas, the war is on the banks of the Dnieper River. This remains in the west of your red zone.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 02, 2024, 06:18:32 AM »
18% ?

It is too ridiculous to be funny.

All places that appear east of the Dnieper River on the map and are light colored (except yellow) are Russian military operations areas. The fact that Russians allow Ukrainian people to live in this region does not indicate that these places are under Ukraine's control.

There is talk in the Middle Eastern media whether the Russians will be able to finish off Ukraine this summer. You westerners still think there is a balanced war with Russia. This is similar to the attitude of the German people, who thought they had won the war until they saw Russian tanks in Berlin. I pity for you westerners.

But those areas aren't 50% of Ukraine.  They're 18%.  Please go do your own math on area.

Also, its been a long war.  If Russia could finish it off by summer, they would have finished it long ago.

Also, German people knew they were losing for a while.

But hey, lets see where this is in the fall.

Ok, lets clarify this.

This is the shape that appears on the map. It was divided into east and west of the Dnieper river. This is also proportional to the location of military units' deployment (front line).

Trapeziums owned by Ukraine (approximate size): [1.00 ; 0.77 ; 0.90 ; 0.79 ;h=0.78] + [0.98 , 0.49 , 0.81 , 0.77 h= 0.63] = 0.6903 + 0.4632 =

Area (unitsquare): 1.1535 (%65, calculated below)

Trapeziums owned by Russia (approximate size): [1.33 ; 0.54 ; 1.32 ; 0.50 ; h=0.52] + [0.61 ; 0.31 ; 0.66 ; 0.29 ; h=0.30] = 0.4862 + 0.138

Area (unitsquare): 0,6242 (%35)

Calculated:  1.1535 / (1.1535+ 0,6242) = %35 to 65%

18% to 35 = 35-18= 17% mistake

50% to 35 = 50-35= 15% mistake.

Rational mistake:

My mistake: 50-35/35 = 43%
Your mistake: 35-18/18 = 94%

As we can see, the actual area of ​​35% is closer to my estimate of 50% than your estimate of 18%. In this case, it would not be wrong to say that Russia owns half of Ukraine; considering owns its 18 percent.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: May 02, 2024, 02:05:06 AM »
18% ?

It is too ridiculous to be funny.

All places that appear east of the Dnieper River on the map and are light colored (except yellow) are Russian military operations areas. The fact that Russians allow Ukrainian people to live in this region does not indicate that these places are under Ukraine's control.

There is talk in the Middle Eastern media whether the Russians will be able to finish off Ukraine this summer. You westerners still think there is a balanced war with Russia. This is similar to the attitude of the German people, who thought they had won the war until they saw Russian tanks in Berlin. I pity for you westerners.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: War
« on: April 30, 2024, 05:01:43 AM »
Ukraine Agenda topics:

1- Half of Ukraine is occupied (or liberated) by Russians. Europe tries various ways to prevent the Russians from entering the west of the Dnieper River. Western public opinion's failure to mention the Russian advance does not magically stop the Russian advance.

2- In order to resist Russian air attacks, Clown President Zelenski requested at least 7 Patriot battery systems from the West. There are a total of 100 Patriot systems in NATO. There is intense pressure from the United States to send some of the Patriot systems to Ukraine from countries that are far from Russia or are not at risk of war. The biggest pressure is on Germany. Germany is the country that has already sent 2 of the 3 Patriot systems in Ukraine. He said he would send another one. Pressure is now focusing on Greece and Spain. One of Spain's batteries protects Turkey's southern border, and if they withdraw it, there may be a crisis between Türkiye and Spain. On the other hand, Greece does not want to weaken its defense due to Turkish paranoia.

3- According to a newly put forward report, Ukraine, which the UN has not approved its border ,is not actually a state. I am of this opinion too. If we approach the issue in this context, the USA is sending 61 billion dollars of aid to Russia to fight against Russia.  ;D

4- It is said that NATO soldiers, who are in Western cities of Ukraine for training and intelligence support, may participate more in the war if Russia's advance continues. It is also said that the US elections are what will trigger this. It is also rumored that if Biden is elected, some NATO countries (USA, UK, France) may go to war against Russia. US aid of $61 billion has not yet reached Ukraine. The fate of this aid is also wondered by the European public.

I just wrote these, it was probably a 6-month update.

You already know my general opinion on which side I support in this war. However, I want to tell something different. I have friends who go to Ukraine to work or as a tourist, and there are people from Ukraine. These people have absolutely nothing to do with Western culture and have higher standards. They are not people who attach much importance to material things, and capitalism has not been able to capture them. On the other hand, unlike the Russian and Chinese people, they are not communists. In this context, I would not want the Ukrainian war to end and Ukraine neither to become a Western country nor to join Russia. I think if they had remained themselves, they would have been a good example for the whole world. But neither the West nor Russia gave them this chance.

I hope there will be peace and the Ukrainian people will continue to enjoy their own culture. Without integrating with the West or Russia. Ahmm, they could be a little closer to Russia, I guess that wouldn't be a problem.

Alert: An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

Health Canada has confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.

Health Canada, the country’s public health authority, told The Epoch Times that while Pfizer provided the full DNA sequences of the plasmid in its vaccine at the time of the initial submission, the vaccine maker “did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”

“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” it said.

Health Canada’s admission came after two scientists, Kevin McKernan and Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., discovered the presence of bacterial plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines at levels potentially 18-70 times higher than the limits set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency.

They tested four expired Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials “thought to only contain mRNA” and found to contain “double-stranded DNA plasmids.”

Health Canada said, “We have concluded that the risk/benefit profile continues to support the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine,” and that it does rely on manufacturer claims but “conducts an in-depth independent review” to make sure the vaccines meet “our high standards for safety, efficacy and quality.”

Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, told The Defender this statement is “silly, not believable and not defendable,” adding that “We should not have to do the research that they should have done.”

“Why are the FDA, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the mainstream media still silent about this?” asked Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, adding that “the mainstream medical community is silent as well.”

Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph in Canada, commenting on Health Canada’s admission wrote on his Substack, “This is an admission of epic proportions.”
#Canada #Pfizer

You're 6 months too late.

Also, this happened in the polio vaccine between 1955 and 1963.
And during those 6 months, anyone but me could have posted this here, right?

If I had sent it sooner, I'm sure you would have found another reason to object.

I didn't say this was new, I didn't make any comments. It wasn't here so I decided to send it. There is no mistake here.

It doesn't matter where this happened before. You can make up history however you want and say it's happened a thousand times. However, this does not minimize the size of the tragedy, but you.

Your attitude is like raping a woman and saying that she was already raped last week. Crime is crime! The fact that a crime has been committed many times does not reduce the evil of that crime! Come to your own senses!

Alert: An Admission of Epic Proportions’: Health Canada Confirms DNA Plasmid Contamination of COVID Vaccines

Health Canada has confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and also confirmed that Pfizer did not disclose the contamination to the public health authority.

The DNA contamination includes the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter and enhancer Pfizer did not previously disclose and that some experts say is a cancer risk due to potential integration with the human genome.

Health Canada, the country’s public health authority, told The Epoch Times that while Pfizer provided the full DNA sequences of the plasmid in its vaccine at the time of the initial submission, the vaccine maker “did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence.”

“Health Canada expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission,” it said.

Health Canada’s admission came after two scientists, Kevin McKernan and Phillip J. Buckhaults, Ph.D., discovered the presence of bacterial plasmid DNA in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines at levels potentially 18-70 times higher than the limits set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency.

They tested four expired Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials “thought to only contain mRNA” and found to contain “double-stranded DNA plasmids.”

Health Canada said, “We have concluded that the risk/benefit profile continues to support the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine,” and that it does rely on manufacturer claims but “conducts an in-depth independent review” to make sure the vaccines meet “our high standards for safety, efficacy and quality.”

Janci Lindsay, Ph.D., director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, told The Defender this statement is “silly, not believable and not defendable,” adding that “We should not have to do the research that they should have done.”

“Why are the FDA, CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the mainstream media still silent about this?” asked Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, adding that “the mainstream medical community is silent as well.”

Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph in Canada, commenting on Health Canada’s admission wrote on his Substack, “This is an admission of epic proportions.”
#Canada #Pfizer

Since no financier could be found for the project, the project was shared with the public due to the pressure of the circumstances and the motivation of those around me.

I am aware of the risks of many people knowing this. On the other hand, I am an idea man, not a project man. I had contacts with a few people who were project managers, but they did not undertake the project. Everyone is worried about the risks of this.

Imagine having $100 billion. You would pay Wise 1/1000 of that and the world would continue to be yours. But they didn't do that. You see how stupid descendants of the pharaoh can be, right?

Simply put, globalist demons could have given me a role in controlling the world and prevented this chaos. But they wanted the whole world. And in the near future there will be no room for them in the world. Even I won't be able to control what will happen next. But the only thing I can do that take over their body and watch Soros, Schwab, or Bill Gates  and harm themselves for fun, after this technique becomes widespread and commonplace. I think that would be fun.

I call this burning the ships. Did it have another name?

Body Transformation, Soul Transfer

Globalists made plans for 50 years, 100 years, 200 years. Do they live this long? The answer to the question is yes. At the same time, they can enter the body they want. But how? You will find the answers to these questions in this post.

What do the Pharaohs tell us with this picture?

What about with this?

Is that the eye of Horus? Not. Eagle, human, snake transformation! And a pineal gland wandering around!

What do the two-headed eagle and the seven-headed snake mean? You will learn them all soon.

Let's get this show on the road!

The soul is a divine part given to humans by God and is assumed to be located in the pineal gland. This is an eye-like summer in the back of the brain. Its duty is to observe the soul throughout a person's life and to ensure that the soul is able to think from here. That's why it is in the shape of an eye.

The human body works as a combination of electric and magnetic fields. At the moment of death, the pineal gland stops working and the soul is released. The soul that remains free slowly moves away from the body. If the soul is left body because the body is dead, it will not come back again, but if the body is healthy, the soul can come back or travel to another body, even an eagle or a snake!

The pineal gland creates a magnetic wall and surrounds the soul, which is slightly in size, and the soul cannot go outside this wall. However, soul transfer can be achieved by using a stronger magnetic field.

Globalists like to poke fun at they made. This scene is an excerpt from the Keloğlan cartoon.

In the movie, the bilgecan grandfather ties the bald boy and the donkey together with a cable, encloses them in a magnetic field and makes their souls move!

Now Keloğlan has become a donkey, the donkey has become Keloğlan. It was done using the method we explained above. Okay, let's get back to the topic of the owl, the soul (pineal gland), and the snake.

The technique is this:

Materials needed:

1- 1 eagle
2- 1 snake
3- 1 human
4- 1 magnetic field generator
5-1 electricity generator (generator)
6- The person who will do the experiment. (Second person)

Don't worry if you can't find a magnetic field generator. Two electric cables winding around a cable as in the picture above create a magnetic field when electricity is applied. This is less lush than the generators, but can be easier and cheaper to produce at home.

Structure of the Transaction (Soul Transfer)

1- Gather the materials in the same room.
2- Connect the eagle and snake to the machine. Connect one end of the power cord to the back of the eagle's head and the other end to the back of the snake's head.
3- Make the electric run in the direction of the eagle > snake.
4- Make sure the eagle spirit is gone. If his body is relaxed, he has fallen asleep. When the soul leaves, the body goes to sleep, it does not die. It will be enough to start giving physiological saline solution after 12 hours. If you do not have such an opportunity, prepare sugar water, put it a high place in a bag and connect it to his arm with a serum.
5- Connect the human and the eagle to the machine and change the direction of current from the human to the eagle.
6- Make sure that the human soul passes to the eagle. Now you have 12 hours as an eagle. If you do not return within 12 hours, it will be necessary to apply physiological saline.

Points to Consider
1- The events may be vary, due to where the direction of the magnetic force is perpendicular to the direction of the current and the magnetic field, may not develop in the direction you want, and you may lose one of the spirits in the first attempts. It would be useful to try this on a few small animals this as a test before the eagle.
2- Do not keep the distance between subjects long. Otherwise, the soul may escape from emptiness.
3- When the eagle comes back, switch sides of it with the human. (switch places).
4- Return the soul fplaced in the snake to the eagle.

You now have a double-headed eagle in your hand.

Now you have learned Where Did the double head Eagle Symbol Come From? You Have learned It.

If you use this form of information, the weakest person can become the strongest person.

With this method, it is possible to pass from human to eagle, from human to snake and from human to human! With this method, you can enter any animal you want and, with a little effort, any person you want.

It is currently being inflicted on the lower level members by the highest level demons. With this method, you can approach the devils much more easily by becoming like an eagle.

When I asked chatgpt what would happen if such a message occurred, without telling the method, he said that it would be the most vulnerable to the worst and would enslave his followers. However, this anonymous information makes everyone equal. That's exactly whythis information must be spread so quickly.

We must do this so quickly that the lower level members of the lodges do this to the higher levels and their hierarchy is disrupted. In our country, those who want adventure can turn into an eagle and take a tour of the weapons depot of the nearest garrison.

That's all from me. Now the ball is in your court. The faster it spreads, the more effective it is.

Chaos in the world will occur in direct proportion to the speed at which this information spreads. This chaos is more than the globalists can handle. This will completely disrupt their order. No place, no body, neither a human nor an animal body is safe for them anymore!

Then it will be easier for us to reach the evil ones during the chaos.

Let The Chaos Begin!

Body change, soul change. (Turkish Version)

For English, look at the next post.

Beden Değişimi, Ruh Transferi

Bu küreselciler 50 yıllık, 100 yıllık, 200 yıllık planlar yapıyorlar. Bukadar uzun mu yaşıyorlar? Sorunun cevabı evet. Aynı zamanda istedikleri bedene girebilirler. Ama nasıl? Bu soruların cevaplarını bu yazıda bulacaksınız.

Firavunlar bu resimle bize ne anlatıyor?

Peki ya şununla?

Horus'un gözü mü o? Değil. Kartal, insan, yılan dönüşümü! Ve arada gezinen bir epifiz bezi!

Çift başlı kartal ve yedi başlı yılan ne ifade ediyor? Birazdan hepsini öğreneceksiniz.

Başlayalım o zaman. Haydi, yaa Hakk!

Ruh, insana Allah tarafından verilmiş Tanrısal bir parçadır ve epifiz bezinde bulunduğu varsayılır. Bu, beynin arka tarafında göz benzeri bir yapıdır. Görevi insanın yaşamı boyunca ruhu gözlemek, ruhun buradan dış dünyayı gözlemesini sağlamaktır. Bu nedenle göz şeklindedir.

İnsan bedeni elektrik ve manyetik alanların bileşimi olarak çalışır. Ölüm anında epifiz bezi çalışmayı durdurur, ve ruh serbest kalır. Serbest kalan ruh hızla bedenden uzaklaşır. Eğer beden öldüğü için ruh çıkmışsa tekrar geri gelmez, ancak beden sağlamsa ruh geri gelebilir veya başka bir bedene geçebilir, hatta kartal veya yılana!

Epifiz bezi bir manyetik duvar oluşturarak hafif ağırlıkta olan ruhu çevreler, ruh bu duvarın dışına çıkamaz. Ancak daha güçlü bir manyetik alan kullanılarak ruh transferi sağlanabilir.

Küreselciler yaptıkları her şeyi çfizlmerde bize göstererek, adeta gözümüze sokmayı severler. Bu sahne keloğlan çizgi filminden alıntı.

Filmde bilgecan dede keloğlanı ve eşeği bir kabloyla birbirine bağlıyor, bir manyetik alan içine alıyor ve ruhlarını yer değiştiriyor!

Şimdi keloğlan eşek oldu, eşek keloğlan oldu. Yukarıda anlattığımız yöntem kullanılarak yapıldı. Peki, baykuş, ruh (epifiz bezi) ve yılan konusuna geri dönelim.

İşin tekniği şu:

Gereken malzemeler:

1- 1 adet kartal
2- 1 adet yılan
3- 1 adet insan
4- 1 adet manyetik alan üreteci
5- 1 adet elektrik üreteci (jeneratör)
6- Deneyi yapacak kişi. (İkinci insan)

Manyetik alan üreteci bulamazsanız dert etmeyin, yukarıdaki resimdeki gibi bir kablonun etrafından dolanarak geçen iki elektrik kablosu elektrik verildiği zaman manyetik alan oluşturur. Hazır üreteçlerden daha az güvenlidir ama ev tipi olarak üretilmesi bakımından daha kolay ve ucuz olabilir.

İşlemin yapılışı (Ruh Transferi)

1- Malzemeleri aynı odaya toplayın.
2- Kartal ve yılanı makineye bağlayın. Elektrik kablosunun bir ucunu kartalın kafasının arka tarafına, diğerini yılanın kafasının arka tarafını geçecek şekilde bağlayın.
3- Akımı kartal > yılan yönünde çalıştırın.
4- Kartalın ruhunun gitmiş olduğundan emin olun. Eğer bedeni birden bire boşalmışsa uykuya geçmiştir. Ruh gittiğinde beden uykuya geçer, ölmez. Bunu insan için yaptığınızda 12 saat sonra serum fizyolojik vermeye başlamanız yeterli olacaktır. Elinizde böyle bir imkan yoksa şekerli ılık su hazırlayın, bir poşetin içinde yüksek bir yere koyup bir serumla koluna bağlayın.
5- İnsan ve kartalı makineye bağlayıp akım yönünü insandan kartala doğru çalıştırın.
6- İnsanın ruhunun kartala geçtiğinden emin olun. Şimdi kartal olarak 12 saatiniz var. 12 saat içinde geri gelmezseniz size serum fizyolojik bağlamak gerekecektir.

Dikkat Edilecek Hususlar
1- Manyetik kuvvetin yönü akım yönü ve manyetik alan yönüne dik olduğu için işler tam istediğiniz yönde gelişmeyebilir, ruhlardan birini ilk denemelerde kaybedebilirsiniz. Bu yüzden kartaldan önce bunu birkaç küçük hayvanda denemekte fayda var.
2- Denekler arasındaki mesafeyi uzun tutmayın. Aksi halde ruh boşluktan kaçabilir.
3- Kartal geri geldiğinde insanla ters bağlantı yapın. (yer değiştirin).
4- En son yılanda bulunan ruhu kartala geri koyun.

Artık elinizde çift başlı kartal var.

Artık çift başlı kartal sembolünün nereden geldiğini öğrendiniz.

Bu bilgi eğer iyi kullanırsanız en zayıf kişiyi bir anda dünyanın en güçlü kişisine dönüştürebilir.

Bu yöntemle insandan kartala, insandan yılana ve insandan insana geçmek mümkündür! Bu yöntemle istediğiniz bir hayvana ve biraz uğraşarak istediğiniz bir insana dönüşebilirsiniz. 

Şu anda en üst düzey şeytaniler tarafından alt düzeydeki üyelere uygulanmaktadır. Siz bu yöntemle bir kartala dönüşerek şeytanilere çok daha kolay yaklaşabilirsiniz.

Yöntemi söylemeden böyle bir şey olursa ne olacağını chatgpt'ye sorduğumda, bunu en kötülerin ele geçireceğini ve diğerlerini köleleştireceğini söyledi. Fakat, anomim hale gelen bu bilgi herkesi eşit hale getiriyor. İşte tam da bu yüzden bu bilgiyi hızla yaymalıyız. O kadar hızlı bunu yapmalıyız ki locaların alt kademe üyeleri bunu üst kademeye yapsın ve hiyerarşileri bozulsun. Bizde de macera isteyenler kartala dönüşebilir ve en yakınındaki garnizonun silah deposunda gezintiye çıkabilir.

Benden bu kadar. Şimdi top sizde. Ne kadar hızlı yayılırsa o kadar etkili olur. Sizden tek ricam rt. Olabildiğince RT.

Sonra kaos sırasında şeytanilere ulaşmamız daha kolay hale gelecektir.

Allah yâr ve yardımcımız olsun. Haydi, yaa Hakk!

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Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Your thoughts on Elon musk?
« on: April 20, 2024, 12:19:37 PM »

And then, tiktok is banned.

I guess he still could not understood what the USA stand for.

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