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« on: May 07, 2024, 11:48:16 AM »
All other celestial bodies in the universe appear round when we look at them, am I right? All the stars (which are really hard to see, I'll give you that, so you can just discount those if you want for the sake of this argument), the sun (which CAN been seen as round during a solar eclipse , which ALSO debunk Flat Earth), moon, other planets, etc. ALL of these are round. Now either
)Gravity is a thing
)All these other celestial bodies are also discs, just like the Earth, but are facing me exactly (because if they weren't directly facing me, they'd appear as a disc, right?)
Which is seriously more likely?
PLUS, if the second one is actually the case, why doesn't somebody in (I live in the United States) Russia see that it's a disc?