We all agree that Sun makes full circle directly above Equator for each Equinox.
Not quite.
The bipolar FEers reject that as the equator isn't a circle for them.
It seems the main things FEers and REers have in common is that they both accept the existence of the sun, Earth and moon. That something makes us seem to go down, whether that be some force pushing/pulling us down, or Earth accelerating upwards.
And that at least at small scales, you can map a region with minimal error, and that other than the potential upwards acceleration, most agree that we don't feel Earth moving.
Other than that, due to the multitude of FE models which exist I find there is extremely little overlap.
There are widely different heights for the sun. Some have the sun/moon as flat, some as round.
Some have the NP at the centre, others have the SP at the centre, others have a point on the equator.
Some have NS distances matching, others have distance to 0, 0 matching, others have massively different distances.
Each model has some overlap, but a lot is then contradicted by other models.