Why is there a squirrel on Mars?

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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #270 on: October 31, 2014, 09:43:28 AM »
.. why aren't you?



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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #271 on: November 01, 2014, 05:30:14 PM »
Why are you so fixated on rodent genitalia?

For the fairly obvious reason I would've thought jroa.  Does it not occur to you that the vast majority—if not all—living creatures exhibit some form of reproductive organs?  In fact, if this lifeless Mars rock were to show some evidence of genitalia, then don't you think it'd improve the claims that there is life on Mars?

I ask this simply because it's you that's identified this shapeless piece of rock as a "rodent" (not me), which implies your agreement with the  common "life on Mars" claim made by numerous flat earthers.



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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #272 on: November 01, 2014, 05:45:35 PM »
Why are you so fixated on rodent genitalia?

For the fairly obvious reason I would've thought jroa.  Does it not occur to you that the vast majority—if not all—living creatures exhibit some form of reproductive organs?  In fact, if this lifeless Mars rock were to show some evidence of genitalia, then don't you think it'd improve the claims that there is life on Mars?

I ask this simply because it's you that's identified this shapeless piece of rock as a "rodent" (not me), which implies your agreement with the  common "life on Mars" claim made by numerous flat earthers.
If you took the time to look at the original picture I cut that rodent from, you would notice that I could not add in the extra due to it being partially obscured. Take a look at the original.
You would still have said it was a rock if the little bastard had it's knob and balls hanging out.  ;D



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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #273 on: November 01, 2014, 08:58:09 PM »
I can't see that it'd be in NASA's best interests to photograph and acknowledge that there's some sort of rodents currently living on Mars LOL.  If they thought for a nanosecond that this was a legitimate image, then according to the flat earthers, it's exactly the sort of image they would censor.

Mars rat: An image from the "Rocknest" site taken with the
NASA rover Curiosity's Mast Camera on the 52nd Martian day
shows a rock that resembles a rodent. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)



  • 351
Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #274 on: November 02, 2014, 03:57:49 AM »
I really don't get how people can think that's actually a rodent.
I mean, we're all human.. we're pattern seeking animals.
To me, I can see the rodent shape. It still doesn't look like a real one, but at first glance, sure. When you look at the other rocks surrounding it, they have similar shapes. Same flanged/flared shape at the bottom, smooth features on top for the most part.

I mean hell, a few rocks down from your rodent, left of a round rock I believe is a shark.  Above that, another fish. My god this was taken in an aquarium! This is like sitting on a hill and seeing patterns in the clouds. Don't worry guys, doesn't mean there's really a dinosaur in the sky.



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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #275 on: November 02, 2014, 06:47:24 AM »
I can't see that it'd be in NASA's best interests to photograph and acknowledge that there's some sort of rodents currently living on Mars LOL.  If they thought for a nanosecond that this was a legitimate image, then according to the flat earthers, it's exactly the sort of image they would censor.

Mars rat: An image from the "Rocknest" site taken with the
NASA rover Curiosity's Mast Camera on the 52nd Martian day
shows a rock that resembles a rodent. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain. These are large area photos, peoplego over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are justso in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.
God is real.                                         

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #276 on: November 02, 2014, 08:04:28 AM »
I can't see that it'd be in NASA's best interests to photograph and acknowledge that there's some sort of rodents currently living on Mars LOL.  If they thought for a nanosecond that this was a legitimate image, then according to the flat earthers, it's exactly the sort of image they would censor.

Mars rat: An image from the "Rocknest" site taken with the
NASA rover Curiosity's Mast Camera on the 52nd Martian day
shows a rock that resembles a rodent. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain. These are large area photos, peoplego over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are justso in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.

I am pretty sure I'm looking at rock. A squirrel's tail would be too obvious to miss and a rat's ears would be too obvious as well.

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #277 on: November 02, 2014, 12:15:42 PM »
I can't see that it'd be in NASA's best interests to photograph and acknowledge that there's some sort of rodents currently living on Mars LOL.  If they thought for a nanosecond that this was a legitimate image, then according to the flat earthers, it's exactly the sort of image they would censor.

Mars rat: An image from the "Rocknest" site taken with the
NASA rover Curiosity's Mast Camera on the 52nd Martian day
shows a rock that resembles a rodent. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain. These are large area photos, peoplego over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are justso in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.

I am pretty sure I'm looking at rock. A squirrel's tail would be too obvious to miss and a rat's ears would be too obvious as well.

Meh, the squirrel's tail is just hidden from sight behind that other squirrel, erm, rock.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 02:52:13 AM by neimoka »

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #278 on: November 03, 2014, 01:46:19 AM »
It's a rock you fucktards.
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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #279 on: November 03, 2014, 07:25:22 AM »
That's what they want you to think.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
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Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
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It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 6091
Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #280 on: November 03, 2014, 07:35:55 AM »
I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.

Uh... nope.  Unlike you I understand the scientific method, and—also unlike you—I can tell the difference between a rock and a living animal.

Can I suggest one of these as a Christmas present for your loved ones...

—Trust me.  They're worth every penny!


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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #281 on: November 03, 2014, 07:37:03 AM »
CrabbyJim, please watch your language in the upper fora.  Thanks. 

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #282 on: November 05, 2014, 04:28:02 AM »
I can't see that it'd be in NASA's best interests to photograph and acknowledge that there's some sort of rodents currently living on Mars LOL.  If they thought for a nanosecond that this was a legitimate image, then according to the flat earthers, it's exactly the sort of image they would censor.

Mars rat: An image from the "Rocknest" site taken with the
NASA rover Curiosity's Mast Camera on the 52nd Martian day
shows a rock that resembles a rodent. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain. These are large area photos, peoplego over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are justso in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.
You would think that with the trillions of dollars all the space agencies world wide spend and the tens of thousands of people they employ to keep the flat earth a secret, they would at least rid their photo studios of rodents before "creating" a fake image of Mars' surface.

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #283 on: November 05, 2014, 01:34:48 PM »
That's a rock...



  • 6091
Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #284 on: November 05, 2014, 10:34:44 PM »
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirrel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain.
Nope.  A third party who was fooled by the illusion known as "pareidolia" was the one who "found" a rock on Mars that vaguely resembled a rodent.

This is another classic, 1976 example of pareidolia that fooled the flat earthers for years LOL...

This is a much later high definition of the "face on Mars"...

These are large area photos, people go over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are just so in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.
Do you seriously believe that NASA doesn't "go over" every square inch of their own images searching for visual anomalies?  Are you really suggesting that some script kiddie searching images on his laptop in his mum's basement is gonna find something that NASA with its multimillion dollar graphics algorithms is likely to miss LOL?

Your claim that people like me are "in love" with NASA is so funny!  This from a person who sees funny-shaped rocks as animals?  I think you're the "childlike" one my friend, but I thank you for the laugh.



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Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #285 on: November 06, 2014, 02:20:10 AM »
NASA would have censored the image if they were the ones who found the squirrel. A private party found the rodent after the picture had been released in the public domain.
Nope.  A third party who was fooled by the illusion known as "pareidolia" was the one who "found" a rock on Mars that vaguely resembled a rodent.

This is another classic, 1976 example of pareidolia that fooled the flat earthers for years LOL...

This is a much later high definition of the "face on Mars"...

These are large area photos, people go over every square inch of these and find man made objects and animals. Some people are just so in love with NASA that they would never think NASA would lie to them. I guess you enamored in a childlike way with NASA.
Do you seriously believe that NASA doesn't "go over" every square inch of their own images searching for visual anomalies?  Are you really suggesting that some script kiddie searching images on his laptop in his mum's basement is gonna find something that NASA with its multimillion dollar graphics algorithms is likely to miss LOL?

Your claim that people like me are "in love" with NASA is so funny!  This from a person who sees funny-shaped rocks as animals?  I think you're the "childlike" one my friend, but I thank you for the laugh.
You are getting extremely desperate now, geoffrey. You are now beginning to talk like an employee, seriously. It's quite funny watching how you go into a frenzy. ;D



  • 6091
Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #286 on: November 06, 2014, 02:31:22 AM »
You are getting extremely desperate now, geoffrey. You are now beginning to talk like an employee, seriously. It's quite funny watching how you go into a frenzy.

LOL... we can always rely on the forum's resident liar to fill any momentary gap requiring a totally absurd response that has NO bearing whatsoever on the current debate.

Well done sceptimatic!  A gold star for you my boy.

Re: Why is there a squirrel on Mars?
« Reply #287 on: November 08, 2014, 06:21:57 PM »
The face on the moon in FFIV
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