ok, first off, nukes are more of a status symbol than a weapon anymore, it's like the scene in the crappy action movie where the big standoff happens and the crazy guy shows up with the trigger to the warehouse of gunpowder below them in his hand, only in this metaphor when that guys makes his entrance everyone flocks to get their own trigger made, it's not about who can blow up who, it's more of an international game of chicken.
as far as apollo 13 and the space program in general, how do you explain the shuttle launches at cape canaveral? NASA spends millions if not billions to build these huge things and launch them up into the air all in the name if making the hoax look authentic?
what about the shuttle that blew up on re-entry and debris was found all over north america? or that you can see the shuttles re-entering the earth's atmosphere if you know what nights to go and look on and live in the american southwest or elsewhere on the shuttle's re-entry path