JOURNEY INSIDE A BOSONSecret Life of Nature (Peter Tompkins)
But first I had to be sure there really was an acceptable
correspondence between the theosophists' description of material
atoms and the "reality" of orthodox physicists.
To find out I went in search of the first qualified theoretical physicist
to reevaluate the theosophists' pioneering work in Occult Chemistry,
Dr. Stephen M. Phillips, a professor of particle physics. Phillips's book
Extrasensory Perception of Quarks, published in 1980, while dealing with
the most advanced nuclear theories, including the nature of quarks,
postulated particles even smaller than quarks as yet undiscovered by science.
Analyzing twenty-two diagrams of the hundred or so chemical
atoms described in Occult Chemistry by his two co-nationals at the turn
of the century, Phillips found it hard to avoid the conclusion that
"Besant and Leadbeater did truly observe quarks using ESP some 70
years before physicists proposed their existence." What is more, their diagrams
indicated "ultimate physical particles" even smaller than quarks.
By the time I discovered Phillips on the southern coast of England
in the seaside resort of Bournemouth, he had checked another eighty four
of the theosophists' atoms: all were seen by him to be 100 percent
consonant with the most recent findings of particle physicists. Every
one of the 3,546 subquarks counted by Leadbeater in the element of
gold could be correctly accounted for by Phillips.
Prompt and committed approval of Phillips's conclusions had already
come from the noted biochemist and Fellow of the Royal Society,
E. Lester Smith, discoverer of vitamin B12. At home in both the
mathematical language of physics and the arcane language of theosophy,
Smith spelled out his support in a small volume, Occult Chemistry
Re-evaluated. And Professor Brian Josephson of Cambridge University,
a Nobel Prize winner in physics, was sufficiently impressed by Phillips's
radical thesis to invite him to lecture on the subject at the famous
Cavendish Laboratory in 1985.
During this same period, fifty-six more elements were studied and
described by the theosophists, including five as yet unknown to science--promethium,
astatine, fancium, protoactium, and technitium--plus
six isotopes, though it was not then known that an element could
have atoms of more than one weight: its isotopes. Isotopes consist of
nuclei with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons,
and an element can have as many as ten or more isotopes. Neon
(mass number 20) and a variant meta-neon (mass number 22) were
correctly described in The Theosophist in 1908, some six years before
Frederick Soddy, another British physicist, introduced the concept of
isotopes to science, for which he, too, received a Nobel Prize.
At this point there appeared on the scene another psychic with an even
more particulate blueprint for the Higgs theory and its superstring
bedfellow. In 1991 Phillips was contacted by a Canadian psychotherapist
in Toronto, Ron Cowen, who had recognized in Phillips's book
pictures similar to the mental images he experienced during the
meditations he had been practicing for twenty years.
Intrigued by the prospect of further validating the nature of the
Leadbeater and Besant UPA, or subquark, Phillips traveled to Toronto
to the Dharma Center, where he tape-recorded
Ron Cowen in several many-houred sessions as the psychic
used his remarkable talent to delve even deeper into the microscopic
world of superstrings and gluons.
In a detailed paper-of which the following account is but a
precis, Phillips describes how Ron, given a capsule of hydrogen, but
without being told what it contained, used his ESP to penetrate the
glass and capture an object that gave him the impression of consisting
of two overlapping triangles with spheres at their corners, clearly,
says Phillips, two hydrogen nuclei, precisely as described by the theosophists.
Taking a closer look at one walnut, Ron saw that two threads came
out of it, one of which appeared fainter than the other. The clearer one
looked like a tangled, twisted piece of string, which could be pulled
out into a straight line with little effort and which, on being relaxed,
resumed its tangled state.
Thinking he would see a spiral within one of these strings, Ron
magnified it. Instead he saw a stream of bubbles flowing back and forth
so quickly he could not observe the moment they reversed direction.
As the bubbles came out of the walnut in single file to move along
what looked like a tube, some form of energy appeared to expand
them to their maximum over a distance of up to ten bubble diameters.
Then the current reversed.
That Ron should be able to see and describe such a bubble was amazing
enough, the diameter of the walnut-subquark being somewhere in
the neighborhood of 0.ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo1 cm.
[bubble = boson]
[distance between bosons occupied by antibosons]
Fastening his attention onto a single bubble, Ron saw that as it
moved through the tube the tube rotated one instant in one direction,
next in the opposite, clockwise as the bubbles moved away, counterclockwise
as they moved toward him, though again he could not
distinguish the actual instant of transition. Estimating the distance between
successive bubbles as about six times the width of a bubble, Ron
noted that as each bubble passed, the tube seemed to collapse very
slightly, its edges no sharper than the boundary between two liquids.
Managing to move along with a bubble-obviously not moving his
physical body but his viewpoint-Ron saw that it was shaped like a fat
doughnut, with an indented sort of cap that led the bubble's motion
trailed a tail. Wanting to see what was happening close up to one
of the walnuts, Ron approached a thread that appeared to link two
walnuts. Inside the thread, close to the walnut's outer surface, he found
himself moving in a graceful spiral. Down he went, like Alice in
Wonderland, through the coils of the UPA, about three times counterclockwise,
then along another spiral in a clockwise sense, feeling himself
being swept along, losing count of the turns. Deciding to follow
the rotation of the thread as seen from outside rather than by moving
along it, Ron went back up to the top of the UPA and got out of its
vortex. This enabled him to establish an essential feature of the threads:
they were one single thread.
So where did the bubblescome from and where did they go?
Moving back close to a thread,
Ron noticed that
as a bubble in the thread entered the walnut it got
suddenly larger and became a puff of mist.This occurred at the surface
and caused a slight shock wave to dissipate inside the walnut while the
bubble disappeared before reaching the graceful gentle curve inside
its host. On the other side of the walnut, relatively smaller bubbles
streamed gently out through the other end of the thread, appearing as
if from nothing.On closer inspection, the bubbles seemed to Ron to be created in
the corkscrew spiral near the exit because there was no sign of bubbles
at the start of this spiral. As the bubbles flowed back into the walnut,
instead of forming a puff like those entering from the other thread,
they simply shrank down to nothing.
Whenever bubbles reversed direction, the tail would fade away, to
reappear on the opposite side. On the bubble's bow, small concentric
circles like shock waves formed along the surface, like a cap. Bubbles
seemed to consist of nothing but a boundary surface, with no structural
features inside. Bubbles in what to Ron was thread number two
started out as mere squiggles of energy, pointed at both ends.Then the
squiggle got fatter, turning into the stable tadpole shape. [squiggle of energy = smallest particle of quantum mechanics] (ether subquark quantum mechanics) (classic work on subquarks and ether)
A boson is a cavity resonator.
What is the structure of the tail, so far the smallest particle known to science?
The Gizeh Pyramid is a large scale model of the particles which do make up the tail (which itself becomes a boson or an antiboson).
One of the most mysterious features of this Pyramid is the scale of its measurements: certainly the pyramid could have been built larger or smaller (keeping all of the proportions equal, of course), but it could only function if and only if it was built to its present scale.
Let us imagine our Universe ( ) to be the size of a subquark ( ). We know that a subquark has some 14 billion bosons (and many more antibosons) inside its structure, and that a boson consists of two inverted pyramids which exchange aether and ether. Then, roughly, the Gizeh Pyramid would correspond to the size of such a boson’s interior pyramids.
In the center of the boson we have the two apexes (called parabindu) which rotate as follows: is a shadow of the other.
The virtual (thought-like) pyramid is facing downwards: this is called the aparabindu particle in vedic physics. It produces aether, the medium needed for the sound to propagate.
The upward facing pyramid (also called aparabindu; imagination) produces sound, which activates the shadow/thought pyramid.
“The universe is more like a giant thought than a giant machine and the substance of the great thought is consciousness which pervades all space.”
Sir James Jeans
Spirit – transcendent verb
Thought/Emotion – intentional/visualized verb (desire)
Imagination – potential verb (word for the idea/emotion) (knowledge)
Sound – manifested verb (action)