JULY 1, 1908 LETTER SENT TO THE LONDON TIMES IV"The most impressive observation of ball lightning made in contemporary times is
the so-called ”Tunguska meteorite” For this reason I devote to this unusual natural
phenomenon special chapter. The “Tunguska meteorite” occurred in the basin of the
Podkamenna River in Tunguska region (Russia) in 1908. According to witnesses, an
enormous bright ball, 400 meters in diameter, appeared in the air. The devastation was so
intense that scientists have also hypothesized that it was an anti-matter body which had
penetrated the earth’s atmosphere, a nuclear explosion, or an enormous comet. I believe
rather that it was an extremely large ball lightning sphere for the following reasons:
- First, a nuclear explosion, even assuming that such a device could have been
created on earth in 1908 or sent to earth from an extraterrestrial source, can be
ruled out. Isotope studies of the soil composition, inert gases, and minerals in the
Tunguska region and fireball site show no elevation in the number of neutrons
which would normally accompany a nuclear explosion.
- Second, no metallic traces or typical debris from meteorite were found.
- Third, a comet can also be ruled out. The heat generated when a comet entered the
atmosphere should have disintegrated most of it; the melting and vaporization of
the ice in the comet’s head would have produced an enormous cloud of gases and
vapor. Although there were significant atmospheric anomalies between 30 June
and 2 July 1908, no such cloud was observed.
- Fourth, the usual reason for rejecting ball lightning as the cause of devastation is
that the weather was sunny. There were no rainstorms. Although it is true that
rainstorms favor the occurrence of ball lightning, it can materialize at any time
given conditions necessary for complete ionization of gases in certain volume.
And in fact, such conditions were present at Tunguska region. In 1908 the elevenyear
cycle of sunspot activity coincided with the century cycle; oscillations in
sunspot activity increased rapidly, reaching critical values toward the end of June
1908. This activity was accompanied by fluctuations in sunspot activity, increased
brightness in the sun’s corona, radio emissions in the visible band (a factor which
increases the probability of air ionization), an increased number of solar flares,
and the appearance of great sun spots. In general such increased sun activity
manifests itself in the earth’s atmosphere by intensified geomagnetic activity, the
presence of abnormal optic events such as an unusual distribution of silvery
clouds, bright dawns, disturbance in the atmospheric polarization, and brightly lit
night skies, which started about 25 June, reached climaxes on the date of the
catastrophe, and slowly passed away over next few days. These phenomena
indicate that there were very favorable conditions facilitating the ionization of a
large volume of gas.
- Fifth, there are many uncertainties about the trajectory of the Tunguska
phenomenon. It seems that the fireball’s motion included some deviations from a
straight-line “fall” (or ballistic line) that would have been impossible for
meteorites, comets, and other natural bodies. Ball lightning, however, can
maneuver in both horizontal and vertical plans; its motion is governed by earth’s
gravitational field and by the electromagnetic fields in the atmosphere. Certain
disturbances in the magnetic fields on earth were registered in Irkutsk (city in
Siberia) following the explosion, thus supporting my hypothesis.
- Sixth, ball lightning is a spherical capacitor, carrying heavy electromagnetic loads
which affect the neighboring magnetic fields. Studies of soils in the surrounding
area have determined their remagnetizations. Such a phenomenon is certainly
possible, given the powerful electromagnetic impulse which usually accompanies
an explosion of the ball lightning sphere. Ball lightning can explode because of
the leakage of electrical charges from the sphere and the resulting disintegration
of its structureless nuclear component. On another hand, ball lightning could be
excited by some electrical current which occurred at the moment just before
explosion. We, human beings on planet earth, had incredible chance that
“Tunguska meteorite” was excited not much. The explosion of the Tunguska ball
lightning yielded powerful currents of charged particles moving irregularly. These
charged particles created strong electromagnetic fields, which demagnetized soils
in the region.
- Seventh, large ball lightning typically disintegrates into smaller spheres, which
further disintegrate into still smaller spheres, until finally they explode. Fires
broke out simultaneously at widely scattered areas of the forest and witnesses
reported hearing many explosions. Both facts suggest that the ball lightning
sphere followed the typical pattern of disintegration into smaller spheres before
- Eight, the presence of mutated trees and ants along the fireball trajectory is also
consistent with the hypothesis of ball lightning. Proponents of the comet theory
point out that ultraviolet radiation would penetrate the atmosphere because of a
rupture through the ozone layer caused by the comet and its movement through
the atmosphere or, secondarily, because of the explosion wave created by the
comet’s impact. Obviously, if the rupture in the ozone layer was caused by the
explosion, then it could as easily have been caused by the explosion of the ball
lightning as by the explosion of the comet. My research shows that ball lightning
radiates all the time ultraviolet radiation. It is significant to note in this case that
the pattern of mutated trees and ants covered the whole of the fireball trajectory
which support my hypothesis and contradicts with the hypothesis of comet.
Furthermore, dendrologists claim that the new forest (with high percentage of
mutated trees) at the explosion’s epicenter sprang from seeds that had been
preserved deep in the soil. Yet ultraviolet radiation has low penetration capacity.
How could deep-buried seeds mutate at such a depth? More convincingly, the ball
lightning was excited by some electrical current and produced a lot of X-rays (or
even gama-radiation) which have much higher penetration capacity than
ultraviolet rays.
- Ninth, various hypothesis have suggested different types of explosions (thermal,
apple-like, rheological); but none of these hypothesis are sufficient to explain the
enormous energy generated during the Tunguska explosion. The accounts suggest
an accumulation of enormous energy for very short period of time on the surface
of the Tunguska phenomenon. As a result of this accumulation of energy, a
monstrous explosion occurred. Indeed, this explosion closely resembles the
profile of slightly excited large ball lightning."
MAGNETIC MONOPOLES = SUBQUARKShttp://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=30499.msg1615813#msg1615813A graviton is NOT electrically neutral.
The recent discovery of magnet monopoles and relationship with subquarks means the following:
The dextrorotatory magnet monopole/subquark is the actual graviton.
The laevorotatory magnet monopole/subquark is the antigraviton.
THE LAMOREAUX EFFECT/THE NIPHER EXPERIMENTS:http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=30499.msg1616174#msg1616174The relationship between gravitation and the electric field was first observed experimentally by Dr. Francis Nipher. Nipher's conclusion was that sheilded electrostatic fields directly influence the action of gravitation. He further concluded that gravitation and electrical fields are absolutely linked.SPINTRONICS, secret world of magnets, the most thorough work on the double helix theory of the magnetic field (double helix of the telluric currents):
http://freeenergycommunity.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/the-secret-world-of-magnets-spintronics-2006-howard-johnson.pdfAn electromagnetic wave is simply a ripple in the sea of ether waves: it consists of two scalar waves, which propagate in a double torsion motion.
Tesla kept the ripples in the ether sea (electromagnetic waves) to a minimum, while sending the entire signal/impulse ONLY through the laevorotatory ether scalar wave (sometimes going beyond the speed of light): it is exactly how he achieved his legendary and fantastic results, by NOT using the hertzian ripples in the ether waves.
A normal electromagnetic wave will produce a temporary ripple in the ether sea, the signal transmitted will travel at the speed of light, in the absence of a higher density of aether (medium) and ether waves.
BALL LIGHTNING = SCALAR WAVES/TELLURIC CURRENTS/SUBQUARS STRINGS WHICH FORM A DOUBLE TORSION TORNADO (normally, the subquark strings/ether travel linearly in double torsion motion; through special methods [employed by Kozyrev, DePalma, Tesla, Brown] the scalar waves are directed into a double torsion tornado object, that is, ball lightning)
Ball Lightning, Paradox of Physics:
https://books.google.ro/books?id=OLbvX5UnxXoC&printsec=frontcover&dq=ball+lightning&hl=ro&sa=X&ei=VH0iVfL_KJeLaOCjgqAD&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=ball%20lightning&f=false (includes extensive evidence, pages 7 - 102)
Tesla, ball lightning objects kept in wooden boxes:
https://books.google.ro/books?id=HIuK7iLO9zgC&pg=PA22&lpg=PA22&dq=tesla+fireballs+wooden+boxes+lightning&source=bl&ots=Xa3Gs3ZYSU&sig=g4tZ2Wq5xgePKhMRY3ZWBSfAgTg&hl=ro&sa=X&ei=Jn4iVdXABJTdauv2gcAB&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=tesla%20fireballs%20wooden%20boxes%20lightning&f=falseThe ball lightning spheres seen at Tunguska defied not only terrestrial gravitation, but also showed that the Earth does not orbit the Sun, or rotates around its own axis: since ball lightning is a form of double torsion strings of subquarks, it does not obey in any form the accepted law of attractive gravity, given the 29km/s accepted orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun, the ball lightning objects would have disappeared instantly from sight - the fact that they did not means that the Earth is absolutely stationary.