Here's the Scientific Method:

Now please show me where Newton puts his hypothesis of gravity as a force to the test. What about Aristotile, Copernicus, or Galileo? What about Einstein? Where does Einstein demonstrate his idea of bending space-time through experimentation?
You know, I acctually laughed when I saw this picture. I thought about Flat Earthers, and how they come up with *cough* brilliant theories that are *cough* tested using the scientific method.
And just about that quote that the pilot said:
When I was in grade 8, we were learning about evolution, and then the teachers made the whole grade come and see some speaker talk about evolution. Little did the teachers know that the man was there to talk AGAINST evolution

. Anyways I distinctly remember just how much I wanted to bash this guy. You know what one if his *cough* (I'm having a really bad cough right now, might be swine flu) arguments was? He gave us a list of about 20 names. All professors with Ph.Ds who did NOT believe in evolution. Unfortunately he failed to show the endless list of names of professors who believe in evolution. Had I decided to say that out loud, the man would've been baffled that his
oh so great argument was destroyed by an 8th grader. I'm not saying I was a genius, everyone was thinking the same thing, I'm just saying that his argument was PATHETIC.
Do you see where I'm going with this? There are millions of pilots out there, you showed one out of a million that didn't *cough* see the curvature of the Earth

. You failed to tell us about the millions of pilots who CAN testify that you can see the Earth's curvature from a high altitude plane. Try harder next time.
To answer the original post:
It's not that I choose to believe in the RET, it's that I choose NOT to believe in the FET. I've read a lot on this forum and there's one thing that remains constant with all FEers: they have no numbers. They have concepts, I'll give them that, but they have no equations, numbers, or
PROOF. Everytime the issue of proof comes up, FEers either change the subject, start insulting REers saying that we have no proof *COUGH*, or just don't respond. Maybe if there was some proof in FET, it would hold together must better. Whenever REers present proof, you dismiss it as faked or part of the conspiracy. Well, if FEers are simply going to deny all proof supporting the RET, then there's nothing REers can really say, is there? Everyone on this forum act like university teachers, yet no tests, no numbers, and no supporting evidence is offered by FEers, only concepts and theories. I find that FEers haven't conducted nearly enough experiments in order to support their theory, and therefore instead of trying to proove that the FET is true, you only try to proove that the RET is not true - a very childish way of debating, for university teachers

. The level of maturity in these forums matches that of high schoolers or adolescents like myself, and FEers are always trying to say that their theory is better or that the RET is lacking proof *cough*. I'm only in high school and I can obliterate some thoughtless concepts that FEers come up with, so what is to make me believe that you are all more than teenagers in high school? If your're better than a high schooler, do better than a high schooler. Come up with arguments that the world's greatest minds couldn't shred into peices in the blink of an eye.