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Messages - Saros

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Debunk this. Check this Flat earth problem video, explaining the longer days in southern hemisphere problem in detail. Please try debunking this.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

What are you actually debunking? I can't see the point of the video.


I'm new here but this is bugging me so I decided to make a thread from the off. It's the main reason I just registered. What I'm wondering is what's in the title. Why don't some of you just get together and organize so that you can have a drone or a balloon sent up as far as possible, with whatever lens you think is best, then you can see the results for yourselves regarding your theories on the lack of curvature of the Earth?

This is a good example of what I'm talking about (even if the lens isn't right for you.), can't some of you get together and sort something like this out? If not, why not?

You do realize that you can't see that much curvature from such an altitude even if the Earth were indeed a sphere? By the way, just for those who haven't noticed but even without a fisheye lens photos are always distorted if you try to capture a huge object ...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Do it yourself simple proof
« on: April 25, 2017, 10:37:39 AM »
The simplest absolutely indisputable proof of the shape of the Earth is to stand at the shore of a large body of water, or in a vessel within a large body of water, and observe the horizon carefully. When a vessel within this body approaches unseen land, or is approached by another vessel, it is extremely easy to see the land or vessel slowly appearing from below the visible horizon; by doing some very simple basic trigonometry calculations, you can prove to yourself at what distance your line of sight, based on your height of eye above the surface, can first observe the other object, given that you know the height of the other object, such as a mountain, or a ship's mast, both easily measured. The easily observable fact that these either appear or disappear above or below your visible horizon (which is only a few kilometres or miles away, based upon your height), can only be explained by one answer. You can make a miniature model to prove this to yourself, rather than renting a boat and a mountain, by using a large ball (say a basket ball) and making some plasticine mountains on it, then slowly revolving the ball as you sit in your imaginary ship out at sea, watching the mountain appear and disappear below your toy horizon. I am an expert in spherical trigonometry and astro-navigation (using the stars and planets to navigate around the world), and spent 40 years in the Navy. The first time you take a star-fix to find your position on the earth, and the first time you sail away from all visible land, its pretty obvious what shape the earth is. Have fun out there, and don't get lost!

What you shared doesn't sound convincing at all. Could you please explain why when you use a camera and zoom out the objects also disappear below the so-called horizon? Don't you see that observations cannot prove anything? In addition, trigonometry cannot be applied to things which are not solid. How can you measure the distance between two lights when you have no clue where they really are, I am always puzzled when scientists start elaborating on the distance between the Earth and some twinkling lights in the sky assuming they are solid objects and you can apply angles to measure distance...

I know FE fans don't even look out of the window of their basement to confirm or refute evidence, but even looking around the internet seems too much for them now.

Pages of every noteworthy space flight event, incuding launches and space walks, each with videos ranging from a few minute highlights to several hours full coverage, as well as pictures and relevant facebook updates.

You'd be amazed how much work goes into planning, writing, storyboarding, casting, filming, adding CGI, editing and promoting a film or TV show.

But, does that make them real?

It also makes me cringe how you bozo's mention social media updates as proof of legitimacy. Good one.

So as usual, you have an opinion about a subject, based on profound ignorance, type a few words on a messageboard, and hey presto, absolute evidence about a worldwide conspiracy concerning space travel.

Lol, you people are just the biggest joke around at the moment.

Still waiting for proof to back up your pathetic rants...............................

There must be thousands of people around the world who know about this conspiracy, but as yet no one has spoken up, not one, ever.

I've recently organised a surprise birthday party for a guy at work. We have 25 staff and it took only one to ruin the surprise, just one.

You people are just deluded fools if you think thousands of people can be kept quiet, forever.

Your analogy is ludicrous. 1. You didn't pay anything to the 25 staff to keep quiet. 2. You didn't tell them that if they speak out something bad might happen to them and their families. 3. You didn't make them sign a contract.

Additionally, whenever anyone speaks out the media can easily make him look insane, it doesn't matter who he is. What is the point to speak out when no one would believe you anyway?

"The Bigger the LIE, the MORE people Believe It." - Joseph Goebbels

You know nothing about propaganda!

Yes, I looked at those images already.  Portsmouth Harbour is the small harbour to the right where it says 'Portsmouth'  Spithead is the area of water pretty much directly between that harbour and Isle of Wight.  From that direction, the shoreline that is being faced it only about 12 miles.

So Rowbotham was mistaken about the basic facts, not just the conclusion. Did the man do anything right?

If the island is 12 miles wide in his view, not 22 as stated, the "bow", grossly exaggerated in Fig. 20., is only about 24 feet, not 80 as claimed. In that case, it would amount to only 0.04% of the 12-mile FOV in the theodolite, not the 0.07% previously estimated using the incorrect length for the island from the observation point.

Fig. 19. is a much, much better representation of (as in "indistinguishable from") the actual view. Fig. 20. is willful misrepresentation to dupe the ignorant. cikljamas falls for stuff like this every time. What does that say?

How can you have so much patience trying to explain stuff to these guys? It is amazing and admirable. It is clear they are wrong all the time. They probably know it too. Not sure why they insist they are right, but if they are serious it only shows how ignorant they are. It is one thing to get confused, because you don't care about the subject or you wish the world to be different, but it is totally different to ardently believe the unreal is true even though all facts point in the opposite direction. I am just curious when Cikljamas would give up on his crazy "mission". He must be exhausted by now. I think the whole thing is a very elaborate joke. No one can be so confused for such a long time...Anyway, I don't know of any flat Earther who hasn't completely discredited himself, so apparently, it is something they really enjoy. But probably what they enjoy the most is confusing people who are prone to believing in conspiracies due to being more skeptical than average.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flight from Santiago to Sydney only 14hrs
« on: May 19, 2015, 05:54:57 AM »

As for distances, i do not agree, it's vice versa:

Sydney - Cape of Good Hope : 9000 miles
Sydney - Cape Horn : 9500 miles

Google earth,   says otherwise.

Sydney  - Tierra Del Fuego    5891 miles
Sydney -  Cape Town              6802 miles

Can't both be right,  I know who I'm betting on.

What's more neither path goes anywhere near the north hemisphere like the Gleason map shows.

What's more neither path goes anywhere near the north hemisphere like the Gleason map shows.

That should be enough for anyone with common sense to ignore the whole thing.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flight from Santiago to Sydney only 14hrs
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:35:27 AM »
This means that the distance between Santiago and Sydney is about 7,000 miles, which is impossible on flat earth.  Just google for flights.
So, how do flat-earthers work around this obstacle?
Explain how it is impossible.
Don't make baseless claims.

You knew that was not a baseless claim

You knew the flat earth map had huge problems

All you have done is waste people time because you enjoy it when others are working to answer your questions.  Your questions are only asked to get the other person to dance to your tune.
Not true.
There is no flat Earth map to have problems.
I was asking him why he thought it was impossible.
This is the debate section.
If you're going to make a claim, you better be ready to back it up.

misdirection.  The question does not mention a flat earth map.   

You know the flat earth theory has huge problems south of the equator

Flight distances is just one of many massive problems.

You have derailed this thread by refusing to deal with the question raised.
You mentioned a flat Earth map, not the original question.
Can I ask what problems you think the theory has south of the equator?
I'm not sure how you can say distances aren't consistent if there's no map.
I've dealt with the question raised.

I am not going to dance to your tune.

This board is full of reasons the flat earth theory is moronic and I know you are not a moron.

You are a pervert who enjoys wasting peoples time
Now I'm a pervert? Wow.
Asking you to explain or substantiate your apparent assertions makes me a puppet master making everyone "dance to my tune" for my own enjoyment?
Maybe you are exaggerating a bit?

If you came from Mars and knew nothing of this world then it would be reasonable to ask questions. If you are a human who has received education, however, asking stupid questions is nothing else but trolling!

If you don't have a flat Earth map, why don't you shut up and stop saying the Earth is flat? You basically know nothing of the world, why should anyone even consider your opinion if you're so ignorant? Just questions. Questions due to lack of knowledge. Questions which have already been answered many times. Questions which no one would ask if they were not trolling.
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
I've said many times: I'm not a cartographer. I'm sorry. I can't personally produce a flat Earth map, and I'm not sure anyone here who would care to do such a thing is a cartographer either.
If asking questions makes a person an ignorant troll, I would not want to hear your definition of intelligence.
Just because a question has been asked hundreds of times, does not mean the answer is necessarily correct.
I cite for your reference: Any progress that has ever been made by humans.

If you were asking questions to learn, you wouldn't say that the answers you're given are nonsense. Someone who is ignorant listens and learns. Doesn't act like he knows better and agrees with the answers he is given. That is not the behavior of someone ignorant, that is the behavior of a troll who wants people to waste their time explaining obvious things to him. If you don't know anything you don't have the right to debate. You need to be knowledgeable in order to participate in a debate.

Why do roundies routinely claim that you can see the curvature of the Earth from a beach or even from a plane at cruising altitude?

Nobody has ever claimed that you can see it at sea level and you can only see it from an airplane if you have a really wide field of view that the small airplane windows don't give you.
Pilots report no curvature at commercial cruising altitude.
People have claimed to witnessed curvature on the sea at sea level. It's true. It's not correct and is an illusion, but the claim has been made.

I have also seen "curvature" at the sea level, but that is an illusionary curvature. It is due to the fact that the opposite coast is curving(i.e. some parts of it are closer to you than others) and observed from a distance it looks like the horizon is curving. The coast across a bay is not a straight line from your perspective, so it is easy to get fooled by that illusion, that is why some people say they have seen the curvature from the beach. They are wrong. You can only see it from a much higher altitude if you have greater field of view.

Here is an example of the illusion:

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flight from Santiago to Sydney only 14hrs
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:46:29 AM »
This means that the distance between Santiago and Sydney is about 7,000 miles, which is impossible on flat earth.  Just google for flights.
So, how do flat-earthers work around this obstacle?
Explain how it is impossible.
Don't make baseless claims.

You knew that was not a baseless claim

You knew the flat earth map had huge problems

All you have done is waste people time because you enjoy it when others are working to answer your questions.  Your questions are only asked to get the other person to dance to your tune.
Not true.
There is no flat Earth map to have problems.
I was asking him why he thought it was impossible.
This is the debate section.
If you're going to make a claim, you better be ready to back it up.

misdirection.  The question does not mention a flat earth map.   

You know the flat earth theory has huge problems south of the equator

Flight distances is just one of many massive problems.

You have derailed this thread by refusing to deal with the question raised.
You mentioned a flat Earth map, not the original question.
Can I ask what problems you think the theory has south of the equator?
I'm not sure how you can say distances aren't consistent if there's no map.
I've dealt with the question raised.

I am not going to dance to your tune.

This board is full of reasons the flat earth theory is moronic and I know you are not a moron.

You are a pervert who enjoys wasting peoples time
Now I'm a pervert? Wow.
Asking you to explain or substantiate your apparent assertions makes me a puppet master making everyone "dance to my tune" for my own enjoyment?
Maybe you are exaggerating a bit?

If you came from Mars and knew nothing of this world then it would be reasonable to ask questions. If you are a human who has received education, however, asking stupid questions is nothing else but trolling!

If you don't have a flat Earth map, why don't you shut up and stop saying the Earth is flat? You basically know nothing of the world, why should anyone even consider your opinion if you're so ignorant? Just questions. Questions due to lack of knowledge. Questions which have already been answered many times. Questions which no one would ask if they were not trolling.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Tourists at South Pole
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:55:16 PM »
He has absolutely no idea.  This is all an attempt to derail this by saying people are too stupid to realize where they actually are.  Too stupid to look at how the sun and stars are moving.  Too stupid to pay attention to what time it is.  Too stupid to question anything.  Apparently every person in the world who doesn't believe in a flat Earth is completely naive.

When pressed, he will squirm into the straw man stuff or he will insult and make out like you are the one lying.  Too bad for him, he will always live in his own world, missing out on life and natural beauty.  Simply because if the picture, or place he could go see doesn't agree with his world view, it is a lie. 

Keep drawing lines tappet.

Oh yeah, everyone is naive, but them, who believe all sorts of insanities like the nonsense that the Moon is a hologram and that flights are fake. Some even think people haven't been to Antarctica as it is the ice rim...Some believe there is no midnight Sun in the southern hemisphere...They just make up stuff to somehow confuse you. Sometimes people really get confused. Especially people who prefer not to think but believe instead. Who is the naive one then?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flight from Santiago to Sydney only 14hrs
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:47:07 PM »
That map works perfectly fine. There is no problem with distances.

Are you really claiming you are unaware of the huge problems a flat map creates for distance calculation?

Where you really believing that rowbothams text would satisfy my questions about southwest sunsets south of the equator??

At the moment you are identified by me as a liar.   Which is only typical in my estimation for a flat earther
Oh god. Please, if you'd read.
The "flat Earth map" you call into question is a map of the round Earth.
The post directly above yours has a link to the projection, and information about how it works.
You should read it, lest you begin looking ignorant.

This seems like a misdirection.  Gleasons map is a flat earth map produced for the book, The earth from a scriptural point of view
Actually, the map is extremely similar to the Azimuthal equidistant polar projection of a round Earth.

So you are now saying the only way that distance calculations work correctly is on a round earth?   Pleased to see you agree.

These people are pathological liars. They don't understand what a projection means or don't want to understand. There is no map which is not a projection. They are all projections, and they are all projections of a spherical Earth. So, when they use any of the projections, they basically admit the Earth is a sphere, but somehow at the same time claim it is flat?!?! About the flight, the most popular way to ignore it is to claim the flight is fake. There are many videos on youtube. They actually believe the direct flights between South America and Australia are fake!!!! Imagine that. There was one guy who said that perhaps the planes fly faster in the southern hemisphere :o This can't be anything but purposeful disinformation.

I just watched the following video about the solar analemma.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Can anyone explain (alpha2omega, aliveandkicking etc) why the author is wrong? They claim this proves flat Earth.

Only proves Zetetic Flat Earth is a faithful follower of Rowbotham,   No maths, no explanation,  just unsupported assertions.   
The analemma is a result of the earth's tilt and elliptical orbit,   better explanation and maths here

Flat earth theory doesn't even come close to an explanation.

This makes sense. I actually wonder why they even attempt to discuss these topics when clearly they lack the education and the understanding of the subject. It is mostly based on faith that the Earth is flat, so the facts don't matter.

I just watched the following video about the solar analemma.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Can anyone explain (alpha2omega, aliveandkicking etc) why the author is wrong? They claim this proves flat Earth.

Mainly because he doesn't see that the analemma in the northern hemisphere is a mirrored graph of the one in the southern hemisphere. It's simply misinformation or stupidity.

Yeah, but could you please elaborate on that, as they made it appear as if indeed something is wrong with the analemma, so I want to know the details of why they are wrong.

I just watched the following video about the solar analemma.

" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
Can anyone explain (alpha2omega, aliveandkicking etc) why the author is wrong? They claim this proves flat Earth.

another question:Mahrai ziller says and you probably say also that when you climb on a mountain by a global model you should see further away, bigger range, why then you won't notice the curvature ?

The Earth's diameter is 12742 km. If you're on top of a mountain 5 km tall, how do you expect to see the Earth is a ball? You're barely off the surface.

HAHAha the flat earther the video above seems so convinced this video prove flat earth why is that ?

Because he is a troll. 20 miles doesn't produce a huge curvature. Not sure why you think it is huge.

When talking about the surface of the earth, like salt flats and oceans, the words "level" or "flat" means following the curvature of the earth. ie every part is the same distance from the earth's centre. You don't seem to be able to get your head around this.

Yeah, it is kind of funny when people quote scientists saying that something is flat. Of course, the same scientists know the Earth is a sphere, and they don't even think anyone would understand 'flat' differently than simply following the curvature of the Earth.

Cikljamas, in your diagram, there is clear curvature between the observer and the lighthouse.

But anyway, if you are really convinced the earth is flat, can you please explain the equality of daylight in both hemiplanes?

Let's focus on the skyscapers for now. The explanation Rowbotham gave is not really meaningful. It is not perspective. It can't be. In fact, what he wrote reminds me of the tactic used by modern-day trolls. It doesn't make any sense really, but it is seemingly abstruse.

Optical illusion.

Oh, I see. My bad.


Flat Earth Debate / Chicago As Seen From Around South Lake Michigan
« on: May 14, 2015, 01:16:41 AM »
Okay, unless you can explain these photos, the Earth must be a sphere.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Kilimanjaro
« on: May 13, 2015, 02:20:40 PM »
He is asking:  if the world is flat, how come the peak is visible before the base?

Obviously, it is not flat if the peak is visible before the base. Actually, if it were flat you would see them simultaneously.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Kilimanjaro
« on: May 13, 2015, 01:18:22 PM »
The peak is higher after all  :o
Errm, this would only matter on a round earth.  Otherwise you'd see all of it at once.... ::)

Yes, exactly. So not sure what OP is asking.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Kilimanjaro
« on: May 13, 2015, 12:52:05 PM »
Is this a serious question? It doesn't sound like you have spent a lot of time studying this.
Of course, you would see first the peak and later when you're close the base. The peak is higher after all  :o
How can you see the base without seeing the peak first? Maybe if it is covered by fog.

Wow, people still argue here! My question is why so many RE'ers respond to obvious attempts of trolling?

Ok, let's stay on topic.

What you suggested is meaningless. Of course, the airplanes disappear below the horizon. Have you even seen an airplane?

By the way, since you suggested the Earth is flat by giving funny arguments, anything I say would be more relevant to the topic than your original post.

Which map do you subscribe to? There is no correct flat Earth map, because it is impossible to draw one.

Please show us a picture of a aeroplane going over the horizon. It doesn't happen.

I already explained that I used my weakest arguments first, but I have a lot of research to reveal.

I subscribe to the earth being a plain at the bottom of the universe. Obviously we only have maps of the known world, but the landmasses are not necessarily where you roundies think they are.

Oh, that is a really meaningful request. I was getting a bit worried that you would ask us to show you a picture of an airplane when it is below the horizon and invisible.

Ok, let's stay on topic.

What you suggested is meaningless. Of course, the airplanes disappear below the horizon. Have you even seen an airplane?

By the way, since you suggested the Earth is flat by giving funny arguments, anything I say would be more relevant to the topic than your original post.

Which map do you subscribe to? There is no correct flat Earth map, because it is impossible to draw one.

Yeah, you first show a Flat Earth map which makes sense then we can have a real conversation. If you look at the FE map and draw a straight line between South America and Australia, the line crosses Alaska and the Arctic circle.
So basically, if the Earth is flat, you would need to fly from South America north into Canada, Alaska and so on, before reaching Australia. Great theory indeed. It is nothing more than satire.

Flat Earth General / Re: ORION Space Program - Is this a joke?
« on: March 26, 2015, 06:43:12 AM »
When it comes to space travel, no one can ever prove it is real. This is one of those things you can always doubt about, and you would always be right.

Perhaps there are 10 suns or something.
Perhaps the world is a globe.  That model works perfectly.

As usual you don't even read what the post is about. I was talking about the current flat Earth model with Antarctica being the ice ring.
I did read it, and was merely pointing out the obvious reason why the flat earth model can't be made to work.

There are many flat Earth models.

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