Do FE-ers believe everybody who has a precise accelerometer is a conspirator?

  • 42 Replies


  • 762
  • Not a FE-er
Do Flat-Earthers believe that everybody who has a precise accelerometer is a part of the conspiracy? They are claiming gravity is created by the disk of the Earth accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s^2. But, if so, wouldn't the gravitational acceleration be the same everywhere? With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.
Fan of Stephen Wolfram.
This is my parody of the conspiracy theorists:
This is my attempt to refute the Flat-Earth theory:


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Actually an accelerometer shows that the earth is accelerating upwards.

The effect of the surface's upwards acceleration can be seen in a hanging and falling water balloon (left) and a mechanical accelerometer (right).

See Fig. 3 and Fig. 2 from


With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.

We haven't seen a proper experiment of this. It needs to be done in a vacuum chamber -
« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 04:21:38 PM by Tom Bishop »

We haven't seen a proper experiment of this. It needs to be done in a vacuum chamber -

Another laughable excuse.

”The test mass is sealed in an air-tight container so that tiny changes of barometric pressure from blowing wind and other weather do not change the buoyancy of the test mass in air. Spring gravimeters are, in practice, relative instruments that measure the difference in gravity between different locations. A relative instrument also requires calibration by comparing instrument readings taken at locations with known absolute values of gravity.

Absolute gravimeters provide such measurements by determining the gravitational acceleration of a test mass in a vacuum. A test mass is allowed to fall freely inside a vacuum chamber and its position is measured with a laser interferometer and timed with an atomic clock.”

Who’d have thunk that the people who design these instruments know what they are doing?

Modern gravimeters are many orders of magnitude more sensitive than needed to detect the differences around the earth.  A decent quality set of scales would be good enough for that. 

We haven't seen a proper experiment of this. It needs to be done in a vacuum chamber -

Then why don't you?

Why don't you do ANY of the many and much easier and cheaper experiments available to you?



  • 23785
Actually an accelerometer shows that the earth is accelerating upwards.
No, it doesn't.
We have been over this countless times.
Due to the equivalence of a uniform gravitational field and accelerating, an accelerometer cannot tell the difference.

The way you can tell the difference is that key part "uniform".
You can tell the difference between a non uniform gravitational field and accelerating, because the measured value is constant for uniform acceleration but varies for a non-uniform gravitational field.

We haven't seen a proper experiment of this. It needs to be done in a vacuum chamber
We have seen plenty. Including ones provided to you before which you fled from because you couldn't refute.
There is no need for a 0 effort link to your site of lies.

Remember this:
It doesn't vary. The experiments which show variations are uncontrolled. There are also contradicting experiments which show no variation. Show us the experiment and I will show you the fallacy.
Continually ignoring reality wont help you.
We have been over this, the atmosphere doesn't provide a significant enough effect to cause these changes.
And there are countless experiments.
e.g. here is one using variations in g to map granite deposits:

Here is one covering a large area (but behind a paywall):

Here is one for Canadia:

Meanwhile, where are your contradicting experiments which show no variation?


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025

Who’d have thunk that the people who design these instruments know what they are doing?

Modern gravimeters are many orders of magnitude more sensitive than needed to detect the differences around the earth.  A decent quality set of scales would be good enough for that.

Yes, we've looked into gravimeters and have discussed this on numerous occasions. They are described by mainstream sources as seismometers which look for gravity signals in the subseismic band. It is not testing gravity directly. See:

Quote from: JackBlack
No, it doesn't.
We have been over this countless times.
Due to the equivalence of a uniform gravitational field and accelerating, an accelerometer cannot tell the difference.

You misunderstand the Equivalence Principle. The Equivalence Principle says that the earth's surface gravity must simulate the effects of the upwards acceleration of the earth. In Einstein's theory of gravity this is simulated through space curvature.

Tony Goldsmith, author of a mass-media book Space-time for Absolute Beginners and his Absolute Beginner book series, explains the Equivalence Principle as follows:

    “ When you are in a lift you may be accelerated. Where is this coming from? It is the lift pushing you up.

    Einstein said that the Earth does the same as a lift (which has an acceleration of g). The Earth isn't in the way; it is doing the pushing. This is his Equivalence Principle. ”

In Relativity Visualized, physicist Lewis Carroll Epstein says:

    “ Einstein’s view of gravity is that things don’t fall; the floor comes up! ” —Epstein, Lewis Carroll: Relativity Visualized. (Insight Press, San Francisco, 1988) pp. 65 ff.

In a book on how math relates to the universe One to Nine: The Inner Life of Numbers by mathematician Andrew Hodges, he describes that the earth's surface is accelerating upwards against your feet in the geometry of curved space-time:

    “ Earth's mass curves the geometry of space-time in such a way that the Earth's surface is always accelerating upwards at 9.81 m/sec^2 and so presses on your feet. Weight doesn't exist, but the Earth's electromagnetic forces push harder on fat boys than on slim. This sounds crazy, but it is no crazier than the fact that if you steam straight ahead on a sphere you will end up back where you started. Such things are made possible by curvature. ”

In a section titled Why Is Spacetime Curved? of the book Time Travel in Einstein’s Universe by John Richard Gott III, professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University, we read:

    “ A famous (perhaps apocryphal) story about Einstein describes one occasion when he fell into conversation with a man at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. During their chat, the man suddenly pulled a little book from his coat pocket and jotted something down. Einstein asked, “What is that?" “Oh,” the man answered, “it's a notebook I keep, so that any time I have a good idea I can write it down before I forget it.” “I never needed one of those," Einstein replied. “I only had three good ideas.”

    One of them occurred to him in 1907—what he would later call the “happiest” idea of his life. Einstein noted that an observer on Earth and an observer on an accelerating spaceship in interstellar space would have the same sensations. Follow this chain of thought to see why. Galileo had shown that an observer dropping two balls of different mass on Earth sees them hit the floor at the same time. If an observer in an accelerating rocket in interstellar space performed the same experiment, dropping two balls of different mass, they would float motionless in space—but, since the rocket was firing, the floor of the spaceship would simply come up and hit both of them at once. Both observers thus should see the same thing. In one case, it is the result of gravity; in the other case, it is caused by an accelerating floor with no gravity involved. But then Einstein proposed something very bold—if the two situations looked the same, they must be the same. Gravity was nothing more than an accelerated frame-of-reference. Likewise, Einstein noted that if you get in an elevator on Earth and cut the cable, you and everything in the elevator will fall toward Earth at the same rate. (Galileo again—objects of different mass all fall at the same rate.) So, how do things look to you in the falling elevator? Any object you drop will float weightless in the elevator—because you, the object, and the elevator are all falling at the same rate together. This is exactly what you would see if you were in a spaceship floating in interstellar space. All the objects in the spaceship, including you, would be weightless. If you want to experience weightlessness just like an astronaut, all you have to do is get in an elevator and cut the cable. (This works, of course, only until the elevator hits bottom.)

    Einstein's assertion that gravity and acceleration are, the same—which he called the equivalence principle—was influenced, no doubt, by his previous success in equating the situation of a stationary magnet and a moving charge with that of a stationary charge and a moving magnet. But if gravity and accelerated motion were the same, then gravity was nothing but accelerated motion. Earth's surface was simply accelerating upward. This explained why a heavy ball and a light ball, when dropped, hit the floor at the same time. When the balls are released, they just float there—weightless. The floor (Earth) simply comes up and hits them. What a remarkably fresh way of looking at things!

    Still one must ask how Earth’s surface could be accelerating upward (away from Earth's center) if Earth itself is not getting bigger and bigger with time like a balloon. The only way the assertion could make sense is by considering spacetime to be curved.

    Einstein proposed that mass and energy cause spacetime to curve. It took him 8 years of hard work to derive the equations governing this. He had to learn the abstruse geometry of curved higher dimensional spaces. He had to learn about the Riemannian curvature tensor—a mathematical monster with 256 components telling how spacetime could be curved. This was very difficult mathematics, and Einstein ran upon many false leads. But he didn't give up because he had great faith in the idea. ”
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 08:36:09 AM by Tom Bishop »


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Remember this:
It doesn't vary. The experiments which show variations are uncontrolled. There are also contradicting experiments which show no variation. Show us the experiment and I will show you the fallacy.
Continually ignoring reality wont help you.
We have been over this, the atmosphere doesn't provide a significant enough effect to cause these changes.
And there are countless experiments.
e.g. here is one using variations in g to map granite deposits:

Here is one covering a large area (but behind a paywall):

Here is one for Canadia:

Meanwhile, where are your contradicting experiments which show no variation?

Those papers are talking about gravimeter surveys. Gravimeters are not the devices you are imagining. They are seismometers. It is possible to find things that are underground with gravimeters, but this is because seismic surveys can find underground structures by studying how the signals from the earth change as you move over different areas.

Again, see:

When you come up with a collection of evidence which rebuts this, let me know and then we can continue this conversation.

Those papers are talking about gravimeter surveys. Gravimeters are not the devices you are imagining. They are seismometers. It is possible to find things that are underground with gravimeters, but this is because seismic surveys can find underground structures by studying how the signals from the earth change as you move over different areas.

Again, see:

When you come up with a collection of evidence which rebuts this, let me know and then we can continue this conversation.

Since you are so wise in the ways of science as is evident here, why don't you do this experiment?

Why don't you do any experiments at all?

Who’d have thunk that the people who design these instruments know what they are doing?

Modern gravimeters are many orders of magnitude more sensitive than needed to detect the differences around the earth.  A decent quality set of scales would be good enough for that.

Yes, we've looked into gravimeters and have discussed this on numerous occasions. They are described by mainstream sources as seismometers which look for gravity signals in the subseismic band. It is not testing gravity directly. See:

Clearly you didn’t learn anything from previous discussions or correct your ridiculous wiki you shamelessly plug.

Absolute gravimeters contain a vacuum chamber, it’s literally how they work.  They directly measure gravity at various locations, which are then used to calibrate relative gravimeters, such as a seismometers (which are themselves sealed to prevent pressure differentials affecting readings).

So your claim that there hasn’t been a proper experiment to determine gravity with these instruments is quite simply bollocks.  Par the course, I expect nothing else from you.

The simple fact, demonstrated scientifically by an entire field of study, is that gravity is different at different location on earth.  Deal with it.

With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.

We haven't seen a proper experiment of this. It needs to be done in a vacuum chamber -

What we find in this link are thick clouds of smoke puffed in the air to obscure the fact that, with just an electronic precision scale worth about 150 $, one can prove some aspects of Newtonian mechanics and law of gravity.

“scales must be calibrated”. Yes, IF I'm interested in MASS.

If I buy 1 kg of gold, I want 1 kgm (mass) of gold, NOT a volume of gold which weighs 1 kgf (it would be a little more than 1 kgm at the Equator, and a little less near a pole). So I must, beforehand, calibrate the scale with a weight of known mass.

But here we are interested just in WEIGHT. In how the weight of a given object varies with altitude or latitude.

Then, we find so many wasted words about variations in atmospheric density.

Which, indeed, HAS an effect on the measured weight of an object, through buoyancy.
A relevant effect? For a block of polystyrene, maybe.

For a bar of iron, about 0.015% at sea level.

As the variation of air density from sea level to 3000 m a. s. l. is about 30%, the force due to buoyancy on the bar of iron varies for about 0.005% of its weight. While its weight diminishes by about 0.1% (20 times as much) as an effect of the inverse square distance factor in gravity law.

But MOST important, if air density diminishes, so does buoyancy, and the bar of iron should weigh MORE !

Moreover, I cannot help remarking how little a typical flat-earther understands about physics and science in general. Quoting from the link above,

“Of interest, upon reviewing the history of weight changes by latitude we find that the nature of the Earth was modified because the theory did not meet the data. This is the origin of the flattening of the poles.
From Voltaire:
“The celebrated Huygens, by calculating centrifugal forces, had proved that the consequent diminution of weight on the surface of a sphere was not great enough to explain the phenomenon, and that therefore the earth must be a spheroid flattened at the poles. ”
Hence, the theory was changed to fit the result, giving us a round world with flattened poles. However logical a bulging equator is in concept, the ability to change a theory to meet a desired result exists as a fudge factor”

So, Tom thinks that the theory was “Earth is a sphere” and that it was modified to fit the new data

(btw, there's nothing wrong in modifying a theory in front of new data, as long as the modified theory gives new predictions and these are confirmed by observations)

But this is NOT the case

Here, the theory was:
piece 1): Newtonian mechanics
piece 2): Newton's Law of gravitation

2) predicts: a non-moving Earth will settle in a spherical shape

1) predicts: a rotating Earth will become an ellipsoid, with an equatorial bulge AND flattened poles, because of centrifugal force

So, flattened poles ARE part of the original theory, NOT a modification of it

More predictions of the theory

1) predicts that a body at the Equator (on a spherical rotating Earth) will weigh less (of an amount x, the “consequent diminution of weight” already calculated by Huygens), because of centrifugal force

1) AND 2) predict that a body at the Equator (on an ellipsoidal rotating Earth, with flattened poles) will weigh still less (of an amount y > x), because the equatorial bulge makes it farther from Earth's center

Experimental observations give a diminution in weight greater than x. This is direct evidence of Earth's rotation and indirect evidence of the flattening of the poles

To have direct evidence of the flattening of the poles, one had to wait for careful measurements showing that the distance between parallels differing 1° in latitude (latitude measured through the altitude of the N celestial Pole) is greater near a pole and shorter near the Equator (greater radius of curvature near a pole on an oblate ellipsoid)

ORIGINAL theory FULLY confirmed.



  • 23785
They are described by mainstream sources as seismometers which look for gravity signals in the subseismic band. It is not testing gravity directly.
No, they are not.
Repeating the same false claims wont make them true.

Regardless, even if it was true, it still doesn't save your pancake.

You misunderstand the Equivalence Principle.
No, I don't.
The equivalence principle is that a uniform gravitational field is equivalent to uniform acceleration.
It says NOTHING about one simulating the other.

Don't bother trying to make appeals to authority to justify it, unless you are willing to accept those appeals to show Earth is round.

And again, even if true, it still doesn't save your pancake.

Those papers are talking about gravimeter surveys.
Yes, including both absolute and relative ones.

They clearly demonstrate a variation in g across the surface of Earth, something you are desperate to deny and something you cannot explain.
Instead, you just whatever dishonest BS you can think of to wave it away.

Regardless of if they are seismometers or accelerometers or gravimeters, they show a variation in g across the surface of Earth.
If this apparent downwards acceleration was caused by Earth accelerating upwards, the variations in g will tear Earth apart.

When you come up with a collection of evidence which rebuts this, let me know and then we can continue this conversation.
I have. I have provided and you just ignored it.

Try to directly address what was provided and not just link to your site of lies.
Can you do that?


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025

Those papers are talking about gravimeter surveys. Gravimeters are not the devices you are imagining. They are seismometers. It is possible to find things that are underground with gravimeters, but this is because seismic surveys can find underground structures by studying how the signals from the earth change as you move over different areas.

Again, see:

When you come up with a collection of evidence which rebuts this, let me know and then we can continue this conversation.

Since you are so wise in the ways of science as is evident here, why don't you do this experiment?

Why don't you do any experiments at all?

Why would I need to buy a gravimeter and do experiments when I can just read multiple experts state directly that gravimeters are seismometers, and see very clearly that the positive gravity areas are associated with the seismic zones?

Anything I do with a gravimeter would just be a small point of information compared to the mountain of information contained in that link. If you feel that you need to buy a gravimeter to try to prove something that is contrary to the details which have been presented to you, have at it. I, myself, am satisfied with the information.

Quote from: Unconvinced
Absolute gravimeters contain a vacuum chamber, it’s literally how they work.

Actually we saw that they work as seismometers. If you have any information which discredits those references please provide them. Otherwise we can simply discard your posts.

What we find in this link are thick clouds of smoke puffed in the air to obscure the fact that, with just an electronic precision scale worth about 150 $, one can prove some aspects of Newtonian mechanics and law of gravity.

Okay, when you have properly controlled experimentation to reference please let us know. Otherwise, I am only interested in discussing actual data.

Tom, isnt the entire flat earth movement based around performing these experiments for yourself because scientific institutions cannot be trusted? Don't you think it's kind of antithetical to flerf belief system to ask why you should have to come up with your own experiment designed by you because some science organizations have done the work already?

You realize that is exactly what the rest of us do and flat earthers rail against that saying that if you can't perform the test yourself then they're lying to you? You cant cherry pick and choose which scientific organizations to draw information from while they perform experiments and observations that you would say are bs if they were used for a source in a separate argument. It's called having your cake and eating it too, and there's a saying about it. You can't.

Also pretty disingenuous to constantly promote your own wiki that you made as sources for your argument. You know what happens when a student turns in a research paper and the sources are just paragraphs from one of their other research papers or Wikipedia? They don't pass because you can't cite yourself or a loose collection of text as proof unless you have published a peer reviewed paper, reviewed and approved by people who have been studying field in which the paper was written, which is also peer reviewed the same way. I can make a website talking about pedophile space vampires sucking the life from fetuses to retain their youth and then list my buddies who share the same dogmatic beliefs as I do under their online handles as "peer reviewers", but that doesn't mean it holds weight in any actual debate setting. If you're going to cite evidence that is in your wiki, just do everyone a favor and link to the ORIGINAL source of the information. That is how debates work
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 08:29:10 PM by Adamn »



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Why would I need to buy a gravimeter and do experiments when I can just read multiple experts state directly that gravimeters are seismometers, and see very clearly that the positive gravity areas are associated with the seismic zones?
Because those people most likely will also tell you that the earth is round and gravity is real.  In other words, you shouldn't believe anything that they say.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Why would I need to buy a gravimeter and do experiments when I can just read multiple experts state directly that gravimeters are seismometers, and see very clearly that the positive gravity areas are associated with the seismic zones?

Anything I do with a gravimeter would just be a small point of information compared to the mountain of information contained in that link. If you feel that you need to buy a gravimeter to try to prove something that is contrary to the details which have been presented to you, have at it. I, myself, am satisfied with the information.


It's called "science", Tom. Have you heard of it?

1. Make a hypothesis.

2. Test it.

NOT read about it something that agrees with your preconceptions. That's called "information laundering".

And if a gravimeter is too expensive, that's fair. There's plenty of revealing experiments that can be made that cost next to nothing. But you are not interested.

Why is that, Tom?

Quote from: Unconvinced
Absolute gravimeters contain a vacuum chamber, it’s literally how they work.

Actually we saw that they work as seismometers. If you have any information which discredits those references please provide them. Otherwise we can simply discard your posts.


I love the smell of denial in the morning.

Anyone can “do their own research” (TM), but unlike Torve above, I don’t expect you to do any actual experiments.  Just go up to the little box at the top of your screen and type the words “absolute gravimeter”.  There you will find explanations and pictures of how they work, product pages of companies that make them and scientific papers of results obtained by them.

Was it due to sheer incompetence or deliberate deceit that you omitted the existence of a completely different type of gravimeter and how they work in your wiki of lies?



  • 23785
Why would I need to buy a gravimeter and do experiments when I can just read multiple experts state directly that gravimeters are seismometers
Again, even if you want to pretend they are seismometers, that still doesn't help you.
It is still measuring a varying value of g which would tear Earth apart if "gravity" was simply Earth accelerating upwards.

You keep calling seismometers as if that magically solves everything for you, but it doesn't.
It doesn't help at all.

I, myself, am satisfied with the information.
You mean the information which clearly demonstrates a variation of g across Earth?

those references
Links to your site of lies are not references.

I provided actual references, which you proceeded to ignore.
References which clearly demonstrate a variation in g.

Okay, when you have properly controlled experimentation to reference please let us know. Otherwise, I am only interested in discussing actual data.
You clearly aren't interested in discussing anything.
Your only interest appears to be pretending your fantasy works and coming up with nonsense to dismiss anything that shows it doesn't.

The Weird And Wild Story Behind The Mason-Dixon Line

See, to find the vertical axis, the pair had been using what’s known as a “plumb bob” – basically a weight on a string. The problem, though, is that variations in the landscape – mountains, valleys, and even long-lost ancient glacial sheets – can change how strong or weak gravity is in an area.

It’s not by enough for you or us to feel it, but it was enough to affect the plumb bob.



  • 762
  • Not a FE-er
So, it seems to me that the answer to my question is "yes", that Flat-Earthers indeed believe everybody who has access to a precise accelerometer is either lying or at least delusional.
Fan of Stephen Wolfram.
This is my parody of the conspiracy theorists:
This is my attempt to refute the Flat-Earth theory:

Someone is gonna have to save that quote  from Tom admitting that scientific institutions in fact can be trusted and there's no reason to do your own experiment s, contrary to what his own Wiki says 😂😂



  • Administrator
  • 17990
Do Flat-Earthers believe that everybody who has a precise accelerometer is a part of the conspiracy? They are claiming gravity is created by the disk of the Earth accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s^2. But, if so, wouldn't the gravitational acceleration be the same everywhere? With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.
When you understand acceleration properly, and electricity, you will finally find us in the 369.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Do Flat-Earthers believe that everybody who has a precise accelerometer is a part of the conspiracy? They are claiming gravity is created by the disk of the Earth accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s^2. But, if so, wouldn't the gravitational acceleration be the same everywhere? With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.
When you understand acceleration properly, and electricity, you will finally find us in the 369.

Do you understand acceleration properly, kind sir?



  • Administrator
  • 17990
Do Flat-Earthers believe that everybody who has a precise accelerometer is a part of the conspiracy? They are claiming gravity is created by the disk of the Earth accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s^2. But, if so, wouldn't the gravitational acceleration be the same everywhere? With a precise accelerometer, you can measure how the gravitational acceleration decreases as you climb on a mountain.
When you understand acceleration properly, and electricity, you will finally find us in the 369.

Do you understand acceleration properly, kind sir?
You fucking child.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Administrator
  • 17990
It seems like taking a non-inertial frame of reference as an inertial one and then assuming its a fundamental force of nature. And then hamhandedly trying to shove it into both particle physics and inventing a "weak" force that travels back in time over infinite distance to exert a pulling force for no reason at all except it balances the books. But then that doesn't work either, so let's invent 99% of the mass of the universe and call it dark matter so "we" can call those books balanced.

What's your take, Took.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 10:31:39 PM by Username »
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Administrator
  • 17990
Hold on grabbing another bottle of whiskey. Now the round earthers are getting rid of the department of education, I guess the Flat Earth Society has to step up to school.
So long and thanks for all the fish

You fucking child.

I must have not phrased my question correctly.

The concept of acceleration, as well as electricity, is apparently something essential to understanding the observed gravitational effects (so called) on the surface of the earth, judging from your earlier comments, and it seems you further suggest that one or more posters lack understanding of this concept(s) and that this is impeding their understanding of matters FE.

Therefore it is reasonable to want to clarify whether you yourself possess understanding of the aforementioned since this would be a firm basis for further conversation.

Do you understand acceleration properly, mr. Username?



  • Administrator
  • 17990

You fucking child.

I must have not phrased my question correctly.

The concept of acceleration, as well as electricity, is apparently something essential to understanding the observed gravitational effects (so called) on the surface of the earth, judging from your earlier comments, and it seems you further suggest that one or more posters lack understanding of this concept(s) and that this is impeding their understanding of matters FE.

Therefore it is reasonable to want to clarify whether you yourself possess understanding of the aforementioned since this would be a firm basis for further conversation.

Do you understand acceleration properly, mr. Username?

Yes, the inverse square relationship is very confusing to the peasant mind. Most people meet people evenly on a field, and not assume ignorance where not due. I think there's a word for that. Shit what is it. Oh right you came here to be a dick and feel smart. It may be reasonable to want to clarify, but if I'm kind its kinda gauche. Isn't it.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Administrator
  • 17990
To be plain of course I don't "understand acceleration". I know I know nothing.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • Administrator
  • 17990
Really the only thing I know. Unlike you dumb ass mother fuckers.
So long and thanks for all the fish