Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.

  • 43 Replies
Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« on: November 26, 2024, 03:35:14 PM »
If you dont agree, you do no research, btw 16 year old here

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2024, 07:36:21 PM »
No, you’re wrong.

They claim gravity is pulling down all objects to Earth, then claim it doesn’t actually pull down every object, they have to make up another non-existent force called ‘buoyancy’ which makes some objects defy their first made up force, since fakes always fail to work out in the end.

What makes one object rise up in air or water, and makes other objects fall or sink in air or water? 

It is the relative density of those objects, compared to the density of the air or water they’re within, which will make them either rise up or fall and sink down in these mediums.

It directly correlates to the object’s relative density in both mediums which explains this, and is consistent in both very different mediums. And all other mediums as well.



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Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2024, 08:36:37 PM »
Density is a scalar quantity that is the ratio between an object's mass and its volume.  It has magnitude but no direction.  In other words, no up or down.
Gravity and buoyancy are vector quantities that describe how objects react in the presence of a gravitational field or some other form of acceleration.  They have magnitude and direction. 
Relative density is simply the ratio of the density two objects and has no dimensions.

Seriously, FE'ers really do need to stop making up their own physics.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2024, 08:39:01 PM by markjo »
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2024, 01:04:45 AM »
The Earth was created for these directions, not to float around aimlessly without any direction at all, that’s just stupid.

Why doesn’t gravity pull us into the ball Earth core? What stops it? Why no more direction down to that made up force of yours?

Why would we need a pulling down force in Earth? Because you believe everything on Earth would float around in ‘space’ or air if not pulled down to Earths surface? Or fly off the spinning ball Earth speeding through endless space without a force holding us down to the Earth ball?

The Earth wasn’t created as a ball in endless space to ever REQUIRE a force to hold us down to it.

Earth is a self-sustained environment, and has no need for things to be pulled down from air by a force.

We were created to live on the surface, our density is greater than that of air, so we fall down from air when within it.

And the reason for directionality is designed that way.

You’re creating your own world, there’s no rules or restrictions to it. Get the point yet?



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2024, 03:59:38 AM »
They claim gravity is pulling down all objects to Earth, then claim it doesn’t actually pull down every object, they have to make up another non-existent force called ‘buoyancy’ which makes some objects defy their first made up force, since fakes always fail to work out in the end.
You have had this delusional BS of yours addressed before.
Gravity DOES pull all objects down.
This creates a pressure gradient in fluids.
That pressure gradient means the force from the fluid pushing on the object is greater pushing up from below than pushing down from above.
That pushes the object up.
So you then have a competition between these.

This pressure gradient is testable and measurable.
You need to address it.
You don't get to just ignore it and claim density magic.

If your delusional BS was true and density alone caused things to go up or down, then a neutrally buoyant object should go up due to the pressure gradient. But it doesn't, showing your BS is wrong.

If you want to claim magic, explain the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.

Why doesn’t gravity pull us into the ball Earth core? What stops it? Why no more direction down to that made up force of yours?
The ground, which you can't magically phase through.

Why would we need a pulling down force in Earth?
Because without a force pulling you down, there is no reason for you to go down.
Your delusional density BS works just as well.

The Earth wasn’t created
There is NOTHING to actually show Earth was created at all.
But if it was created, it certainly was as a ball.

Earth is a self-sustained environment
Then why does it need the sun?

And the reason for directionality is designed that way.
So pure magic.
Why can't this pure magic make things more dense than air go towards the centre of a ball?

You’re creating your own world, there’s no rules or restrictions to it. Get the point yet?
Is this an admission that you are creating a fantasy world and just having it do whatever you need it to with pure magic; and that you can't actually explain anything and instead need to just treat it all as magic?

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2024, 11:38:10 PM »
There’s no other rate of fall or acceleration in air,,that’s why we have a single rate of maximum free fall speed for all objects in air.

Every object of all densities greater than that of air fall through the air at the very same rate, because it is their RELATIVE density that all of them have which is greater than that of air.

Forces cannot, will not, use relative force of all objects of all densities or all masses or anything else, and that is the beautifully clever thing that God created for the Earth and life and things on Earth.

He designed it perfectly for us and all life on Earth to live on its surface or its waters.

Again, you need to look at Earth as His creation and His design, from absolute scratch.

Everything on Earth, life and all other things, have more density than what is above the surface, which is the air we breathe for our systems of bodies.

All things on the surface are LESS dense than the surface below them, on ground.

All of this gives us its directionality, and it’s a good thing we don’t need to be pinned down to the surface by a force, or pulled down to the surface by a force, and God did not create such a useless force we have no need for.

Do you understand this?

Let me ask you, why, for any reason at all, would we require any force to hold us down to Earth, which is entirely created and designed from scratch?

There’s no rules to abide by, no boundaries to set for Earths creation.

What you fail to see about this, is how simple and effective it is. Relative density is all that is needed for this to work, and it’s that cleverly simple it’s hard to understand that it is true.

When they twisted it into a ball that speeds through endless space, spinning around at 1000 mph, everything had to be made up in following their made up ball Earth.

So that’s why they had to make up gravity, while they certainly knew it could never be proven to exist at all.

So they stole the one rate everything falls down from air at, due to relative density, because no force is needed for that to work, and explains why all objects fall at the same rate….and said it was the rate of their made up pulling down and holding down to the surface force of their made up ball Earth.



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2024, 11:47:24 PM »
There’s no other rate of fall or acceleration in air
Only for a single location, in a vacuum.

But it does vary over Earth.

But that is really the question for you.
Steel is roughly 3 times as dense as aluminium, so why does it fall at the same rate?
Even appealing to density relative to the air, the steel is roughly 3 times that for aluminium.

Forces cannot
We have been over this. Forces are proportional to something.

And you can skip all your religious BS which explains nothing.

All of this gives us its directionality
No, it doesn't.
It provides no basis for the directionality.
And it is pure BS.
I can take a steel ball, and place it on an aluminium table.

Let me ask you, why, for any reason at all, would we require any force to hold us down to Earth, which is entirely created and designed from scratch?
With that question, you are already assuming so much BS of which you have no evidence force.

The simple fact is that all the evidence shows an acceleration needs a force.
Why should accelerating down be magically different?

So that’s why they had to make up gravity, while they certainly knew it could never be proven to exist at all.
Again, PURE BS!
Your delusional BS would work just as well. It is just pure magic giving you the results you want for no reasons.

They discovered gravity, they didn't make it up, and they use it because it actually works to explain what is observed.

Also, notice how yet again you ignored the pressure gradient, because you know it shows your BS is wrong.

If you want to claim magic, explain the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2024, 12:06:41 AM »
Okay, so you believe everything from the Earth to the stars to all life on Earth was from random chance?

And you think there’s any shred of proof for that?

I can prove to you that we have created things, out of things on Earth, like a car or computer.

Do you think a car or computer will ever be made by random chance? Not likely to ever happen in a trillion or gazillion years, right?

Then how could every species of life, which is far more complex and intricate than a car or computer is, happen by random chance?

It’s always nice to claim everything is created by random chance, it just takes a gazillion years or so to happen!

Life and cars and computers don’t happen by random chance, they are created by intelligent beings, most of all, God our Creator of all things. We’re still creators and have intelligence, but nothing like God.

Life itself is truly magical, but it is a real magic only God can create. We can create a car, do you think that’s magical too? It’s actual magic, real magic, not fairy tale magic that is not real.

There’s nothing we need to make up that doesn’t really exist, we don’t know how life was created, and we can’t create life, but we know it was created, and air was created with less density than all things on Earth do, and that’s why we fall down from air, and are on the Earths surface which more dense than all things on it.

Why would this be magic but life would be by random chance over a gazillion years?

Random chance would truly be magic if it ever creates a car someday in future! Not going to happen, but it’d be truly magical if it ever did!

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2024, 01:52:29 AM »
A constantly curving down surface doesn’t keep rising higher up and seen entirely flat over it, then suddenly pops up past the horizon where it’s never even seen as a curve at all.

Two floors that are 20 feet long each, one flat and one curving down over that 20 feet, do not look the same as each other.



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Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2024, 11:01:59 AM »
All things on the surface are LESS dense than the surface below them, on ground.
This is demonstrably false.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2024, 01:26:51 PM »
Okay, so you believe everything from the Earth to the stars to all life on Earth was from random chance?
As opposed to you believing a magic sky fairy just existed without any cause at all and decided to make us; something which you have no proof for.

I can prove to you that we have created things, out of things on Earth, like a car or computer.
So you are saying your magic sky fairy must have been created.

And I notice you have entirely failed to address the topic, yet again.
If you want to discuss the difference between chunks of metals which create cars and complex molecules that create life, you can make a thread for it.

A constantly curving down surface doesn’t keep rising higher up and seen entirely flat over it
i.e. it doesn't match your fantasy. Instead it matches what is observed in reality.
But again, not the topic for this thread. Stop spamming the same refuted BS over countless threads.

Once more you are fleeing because you know you cannot defend your delusional BS.

If you want to claim magic density, explain what causes the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.
Until you do, your claims remain refuted delusional BS.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.



  • 27
  • Glad you showed up.
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2024, 02:34:56 PM »
If you dont agree, you do no research, btw 16 year old here
I dont find conventional research quoting impure 'laws' like gavity which are just theories that fail to find the mark.
But thanks for your contributions.
I challenge you do do research that original, has better living and breathing people exploring it, and denouce all bad scientists.



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2024, 02:32:47 AM »
I dont find conventional research quoting impure 'laws' like gavity which are just theories that fail to find the mark.
So you don't understand scientific theories and just reject those you don't like?

You are free to offer a better alternative.



  • 27
  • Glad you showed up.
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2024, 11:18:46 PM »
I dont find conventional research quoting impure 'laws' like gavity which are just theories that fail to find the mark.
Q :(
So you don't understand scientific theories and just reject those you don't like?

Response : If I have conveyed that, the fault was mine own. I must insist upon you're careful attention to my sentance, as a fully communicated answer that should have brought about my implied problem points.
Furthermore, while I dont pretend to be a memorist of other peoples literal homework. If anyone at all has something of value they authored, I'm interested. I dont have a monologue myself, and thats fine.
I can do a lot with physics, vacuums and compression, gasses, liquids and combustion too. I can weigh up and make up some stuff due to using science with respect for science. This is precicly what nuts and goons like billionair jerkface muuuusk and the minion hords are lacking. This will only change if you change. I'm good where I'm at. LOVING the wise crack.

Q for wise : You and I have arrived at the stage where we either keep it down or amp it up. You seem amped, and strong. Love it. I dont get inspired often but when I do it's of value because, you're gonna make it. And you exist. And your making demands like an Athenian Noble I love it so much.

Tithes no whys just pay me or die. !!! perfect impression of Athenian Nobles as Barabarian Human Glory

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2024, 10:45:03 PM »
The one same rate of fall and acceleration is throughout the world, nothing changes it.
Prove its different anywhere, and what rate it is. Good luck with that one.

Why down? Why NOT down? It’s the only logical direction for objects of greater mass within air TO go in! 

What you’re assuming is that nothing has directionality, everything came out of random goo floating around in ‘endless space’ in tiny bits, because all was created from a Big Bang of all matter, before there was matter, but it was there anyway, and it all exploded from a ball, of pure energy and matter, within nothing there at all, and exploded out and made the endless universe which always gets more endless than before!

And you want to know why we fall down from air? 

It’s certainly logical to have that direction of falling through air. Nothing logical in your fairy tale story at all.

Your story says everything would ‘float’ around in ‘space’ without directionality!

What’s the point of making a pile of random shit like that?

What would you want to do, being the creator of all things?

Do you have a dog or cat? A child? You’ve got parents of course.

What is the most important thing you want for them? To be safe from harm, to protect them at all costs.

If you have a choice, would you put them on a spinning speeding ball flying through endless hazards of soace, or put them under a large shield within a safe controlled environment?

If you wanted to create other life, you’d protect that life as well.

How would you like to not go down from air and just float without any direction at all? Why ‘float’?



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2024, 01:03:34 AM »
I notice you have yet again entirely ignored the pressure gradient.
Is it because you know there is no way for it to work in your delusional fantasy so you need to flee from it at all costs?

The one same rate of fall and acceleration is throughout the world, nothing changes it.
Prove its different anywhere, and what rate it is. Good luck with that one.
Yet again, appealing to your wilful ignorance.
It is quite well known that the value of g changes around Earth.

Here some I provided earlier:
And there are countless experiments.
e.g. here is one using variations in g to map granite deposits:

Here is one covering a large area (but behind a paywall):

Here is one for Canadia:

Why down? Why NOT down? It’s the only logical direction for objects of greater mass within air TO go in!
It is only logical because of gravity.
Gravity tells us that mass attracts other mass.
That tells us that things will fall down to Earth, a large mass.

But without that, there is no basis for a logical direction.

Which is why I asked.

What you’re assuming is that nothing has directionality
No, I'm asking you for a justification for the directionality.

It’s certainly logical to have that direction of falling through air.
Then why are you unable to logically defend it?

Nothing logical in your fairy tale story at all.
Then why are you unable to show any fault?

What would you want to do, being the creator of all things?
Appealing to your imaginary fiend wont help you.

What is the most important thing you want for them? To be safe from harm, to protect them at all costs.
And it is clear that if there is a creator, they either clearly do not want that for us, or they are really shit at it.

If you have a choice, would you put them on a spinning speeding ball flying through endless hazards of soace, or put them under a large shield within a safe controlled environment?
A safe and controlled environment with so many natural disasters and diseases it isn't funny?

The best argument you would have is that you wouldn't have hurricanes or cyclones on a flat Earth which would make things safer.
But the fact we do shows that is not the case.

But there is an even bigger issue you seem to be missing.
How many people have accidentally driven off a cliff and died as a result?
How many things have been moved with a crane and had it fall and kill someone?
How many buildings have collapsed and killed people?
How many buildings have been destroyed due to Earthquakes?
How many people have otherwise died due to gravity?

Imagine how much better it would be if we could fly? If instead of falling, we only moved in the direction we willed ourselves to go in.

If your magic sky fairy created this world and created things to fall, he did so knowing it would kill so many, and that there is a much better alternative.

So your pathetic attempt to appeal to a magic sky fairy doesn't actually work.
You still have no reason for why things should go down.

If you want to claim magic density, explain what causes the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.
Until you do, your claims remain refuted delusional BS.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2024, 02:55:08 AM »
Air is denser than a vacuum, so more air is at the surface than higher up.

Your made up force would pull down all the air to the surface and leave the rest a vacuum. Aren’t you happy it’s made up bs now?

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2024, 02:57:59 AM »
God is far more intelligent than clever liars like Newton. I wonder what happened to him on judgement day? Can’t be very good I’m sure. He betrayed God and knew he did. What a fool to do that

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2024, 04:16:03 AM »
We know that a boulder will crush us, unless your experts say it’s safe, then only you’ll stand under it and get crushed

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2024, 04:20:41 AM »
Astronomers are now detectives. They are looking into your brothers death. They fake photos of the scene and remove all the evidence. They say he had a heart attack and died. You ask about an autopsy. The.former astronomers say no autopsy is needed they know it was a heart attack.

You say thank you oh great experts. I guess that gun beside his head was just a coincidence!

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2024, 04:22:58 AM »
Experts aren’t called experts, they prove they are in their work. Phonies love to be called experts



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2024, 12:38:42 PM »
The one same rate of fall and acceleration is throughout the world, nothing changes it.
Prove its different anywhere, and what rate it is. Good luck with that one.
It's already been done.
Kern & Sohn wanted to become famous for precision scales throughout the world’s schools and laboratories. So it carried out a global experiment to prove a little-known phenomenon: gravity varies slightly wherever you go. Kern & Sohn mapped these fluctuations by circulating a gnome and set of scales among scientists around the world. Participants simply recorded the gnome’s weight then sent him on his way. The story reached over 355 million people in 152 countries. There was a TED talk about the gnome’s adventure. The experiment is even part of the teaching curriculum in several countries.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2024, 02:03:40 PM »
Air is denser than a vacuum, so more air is at the surface than higher up.

Your made up force would pull down all the air to the surface and leave the rest a vacuum. Aren’t you happy it’s made up bs now?
Yet again you could not be further from the truth.

If density is causing it, then the air would all come down. You would have a layer of air of uniform density, and vacuum above.
You would not get a pressure gradeint.
But the air is not the only fluid with a pressure gradient. ALL HAVE IT.
Even water.
You can take water in one container, and pour it into a container of a different shape and get a different pressure in it because of the different height.
It is clearly not merely separating due to density.

Meanwhile, as already explained, gravity explains it just fine.
If you consider a layer of the fluid, that layer is being pulled down by gravity and in turn pushing on the layer below, pressurising the layer below.
This pressurised layer below then pushes up the layer above.
That means all the weight of the fluid above is pushing down on the layer below.
So as you get lower, with more weight above, the pressure increases.

If you want to claim magic density, explain what causes the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.
Until you do, your claims remain refuted delusional BS.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #23 on: December 07, 2024, 10:27:20 PM »
No, that is not how different densities work.

Sand rests on denser soil, the soil rests on even denser rock.

The air rests on the surface of Earth, becoming a layer of denser air, and air above that layer is less dense than air below it, and so on upward with all the air.

The same as water does, with less density in each higher layer of water than the bottom of it on ground below all water.

These layers are based on density. Simple and consistently logical to explain what happens here, why it works that way.

Air can be put inside a tank and become compressed air. Water can be pressurized too.

That would not happen if your made up force existed though. All air WOULD be ‘pulled down’ to the surface by your magical force. That wouldn’t be a good thing for us, that’s completely stupid to have such a thing!

Everything has density, including all our mediums, like air and water do. They rest on the ground, both air and water. They form dense layers from the ground upward as they go

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2024, 12:00:15 AM »
If your made up force did exist, it would pull down all clouds and all air to the surface.

Birds and insects with puny weak wings would be held to the surface by your invented force.

Real forces do not vary in strength to act the same on all objects of different masses, only your made up force needs that as a humorous explanation for it. And you can’t even have one made up force, you need to make up two of them to pull that off as an answer, which isn’t an answer, it’s a bunch of crappy excuses for things you made up that don’t even exist. They need every excuse possible and still don’t work at all.

The smaller objects can beat gravity but a string holds them from flying up into air.

A force that conflicts itself everywhere. What would you ever expect with a made up bs force? Nothing works like an actual force that’s made up to start with.

Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2024, 01:32:16 AM »
Pressure is created by more density within what is within the mediums.

Why would we need to create a force to pull things down to Earth when density does that?

The only reason you need a force to pull things down to Earth is if everything floats around in space or air for some stupid reason. Why would God create Earth as a ball in endless space, having then to create a force within Earth to pull everything down to its surface and hold everything on it?

The whole idea is stupid and needless. Not what He created at all, either.

None of the ancient religions mention ‘space’ or ‘universe’ existing above or around Earth.

It doesn’t exist, and why would it? 

It wasn’t that God wanted us to know Earth was a big fishbowl, he wanted us to feel free and use our imagination and dream and create whatever we imagined in our minds.

That’s why he created an illusion of endlessness above Earth. And knew it would be abused as a falsehood. And that we had to see the truth from the lies and choose the right path to follow on.



  • 23785
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2024, 01:47:28 AM »
No, that is not how different densities work.
Sand rests on denser soil, the soil rests on even denser rock.
No, that isn't how density works.

I can take a steel ball, and rest it on an aluminium table, which is much less dense than it.

The air rests on the surface of Earth, becoming a layer of denser air, and air above that layer is less dense than air below it, and so on upward with all the air.
The same as water does, with less density in each higher layer of water than the bottom of it on ground below all water.
Why does it magically become layers of different density?
What magic causes this difference in density?

But more importantly, why does this create a pressure gradient?

You know, the issue that was directly raised which you cannot address?

Air can be put inside a tank and become compressed air. Water can be pressurized too.
And the question is what is pressurising them?

That would not happen if your made up force existed though. All air WOULD be ‘pulled down’ to the surface by your magical force.
Repeating the same pathetic lies, directly after they have been refuted just further demonstrates your dishonesty.

That is your strawman. A strawman you cannot justify at all.

Back in reality, as I already said, each layer pushes down on the layer below, transferring the weight of the layer above, pressurising the layer below, which in turn pushes up.

This directly explains why we have a pressure gradient.

Real forces do not vary in strength
They are proportional to something, as explained repeatedly.
Now stop fleeing form the pressure gradient and explain it.

They need every excuse possible and still don’t work at all.
That is your delusional BS.
The mainstream model doesn't need any excuses and you are yet to show a single example where it doesn't work, and instead just keep repeating the same refuted BS.


Pressure is created by more density within what is within the mediums.
Stop just providing vague BS, and explain directly how the pressure gradient forms.

Especially note that this pressure gradient depends upon height, not how much fluid is there.

Why would we need to create a force to pull things down to Earth when density does that?
Because density doesn't.

Why would God create
Again, you can leave your imaginary fiend out of this.

And that we had to see the truth from the lies and choose the right path to follow on.
And yet here you are, choosing the path of lies.


If you want to claim magic density, explain what causes the pressure gradient and why this doesn't push things up.
Until you do, your claims remain refuted delusional BS.

Then you can address the other issues you have consistently fled from:
1 - Why down?
2 - Why that rate?
3 - Why doesn't the rate depend directly on density or even the difference in density?
4 - Why does the rate vary across Earth?

Simple questions you can't answer that show you are spouting pure BS.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2024, 08:38:31 AM »
No, that is not how different densities work.

Sand rests on denser soil, the soil rests on even denser rock.
How does a dense steel ship float on less dense water?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 161
  • Real age 20 (in 2024), profile age is funny tho
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2024, 06:52:25 PM »
No, that is not how different densities work.

Sand rests on denser soil, the soil rests on even denser rock.
How does a dense steel ship float on less dense water?
Steel ships float because the shape of the ship allows air to be stored in it, the air doesn't weigh much, allowing the ship to be larger, displacing as much water as it weighs.
Quote from site: "an object must be able to displace the amount of water equal to its own weight."
I am bulmabriefs144, Smasher of Testicles.  You see? Titles are ridiculous.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Density doesnt make things go up or down, gravity does.
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2024, 07:28:27 PM »
Steel ships float because the shape of the ship allows air to be stored in it, the air doesn't weigh much, allowing the ship to be larger, displacing as much water as it weighs.
*sigh*  I want the BS density makes things go up and down explanation, not the real scientific explanation.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.