Are Flatearthers retreating from FE?

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Re: Are Flatearthers retreating from FE?
« Reply #90 on: December 09, 2024, 05:00:36 AM »
Objecting to BS is not philosophical facism.
If I didn't think the earth was flat, why would I defend it? Dont answer this.

The point here is that must you accept that I don't have to be right in your opinion. You don't understand this and you don't want to understand it. It's your thoughts that are BS. But I don't care whether you defend it or not. Because if you think it's not BS, they're not BS on your part, because that's your opinion. On your part, when your views are respected, this is a weakness of the other side and what should happen is philosophical fascism like you do. No, I won't do that.

Not only are you objecting to some BS. You're objecting to someone by describing his thoughts as BS who does not think like you and just expressing his opinion. This is what we call as fascism.

Not only are you saying that it is wrong for me to claim that the earth is flat, you are also against my free speech that the earth is flat. This is exactly what we call freedom of thought and expression, and you are against it.

The answer to the question of how a fascist is, is you.

Wise, you are entitled to your opinion about the shape of the Earth. You have your reasons for having that opinion and sharing it. It is my opinion, your opinion helps you feel a greater spiritual closeness to your belief in a higher being - your creator - the maker of the matrix simulation.

It would be good if Jack Black could agree to disagree with you, shake your hand, and not fight against you tooth and nail, but a leopard cannot change it's spots and a zebra cannot change it's stripes.

Aside from flat earthers, one has to wonder what other social intolerances he has?

But just remember a famous saying: Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one.
Apologies for forgetting to respond among the forum clutter.

It’s important for everyone to understand that ideas are personal, and there are various reasons why people form their beliefs. However, not everyone shares this level of intellectual maturity.

I’m not advocating that everyone must accept the flat Earth theory. In fact, I’m not even concerned with what others believe or don’t believe. What I’m trying to do is present my beliefs, along with the evidence and arguments that support them, and introduce myself authentically to others.

When it comes to themselves, people are very sensitive about tolerance and expect everyone to approach them with understanding. Jack Black is one of these people. Even though he’s a globalist, he feels entitled to spread his globalist ideas and fight against flat-earthers, while demanding tolerance for himself. The management has already shown him this tolerance to an excessive degree. But when it comes to us explaining the foundations of our flat Earth belief, he feels the need to attack every argument with zero tolerance. He even has an issue with my name being "Wise." If he could, he would probably argue with God about why He created me. Fortunately, since he doesn’t believe in God, that’s not a problem.

People like him thrive on intolerance, and their material resources support these intolerant groups. This is clear.

In today’s world, freedom of thought is often perceived as the freedom to spread the ideas of the ruling class. Whether it’s on YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, you can express your views as long as they align with the platform’s owner’s views, but once you challenge those ideas, you’re restricted. However, the environment here is freer than those platforms, and people are able to express themselves freely regardless of their views.

In such a harsh and savage environment, in order to roam freely like a gazelle without being harassed by hyenas, you need to run fast and stay alert. I guess I’m one of those who does.

You hit the nail on the head with one word.


Those who think they are entitled, are amongst the most unsavoury human beings out there. I think entitlement is closely linked with ego, and gets people into trouble all the time.

"Karens" tend to be entitled females, and here on this forum we have have our very own "Karen", in the form of a male - a very very entitled male.

Entitlement is as much a worldwide problem as glamour is.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Smoke Machine. I understand your point about entitlement, and I think you’re right to say that it often comes from a place of ego. When entitlement is paired with intolerance, it can lead to unnecessary conflict and division.

However, it's important to remember that entitlement is not just about believing you deserve somethin it’s also about how we treat others, especially when their views differ from our own. It’s easy for people to demand tolerance for their own beliefs while not offering the same courtesy to those who hold different opinions.

The issue isn't that someone holds an unconventional belief, but that they may refuse to let others express their views without judgment or attack. We all should be free to share what we believe without fear of being dismissed or belittled simply because our ideas don’t fit with the mainstream.

At the core, intellectual freedom means respecting others' rights to think differently. Karen-like behavior arises when people fail to extend that respect to others, trying to impose their views rather than engage in constructive dialogue.

Ultimately, the goal isn't to force agreement, but to create a space where people can respectfully disagree and learn from each other. It’s through this kind of open exchange that we can all grow. When we stop doing that, we risk becoming intolerant, and even slipping into fascism without realizing it. This risk is particularly relevant for Karen.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1

Jura II (until 2027)
Bulma (Until 2026)
Jackblack (Until 2028)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 23739
Re: Are Flatearthers retreating from FE?
« Reply #91 on: December 09, 2024, 11:44:38 AM »
"Karens" tend to be entitled females, and here on this forum we have have our very own "Karen", in the form of a male - a very very entitled male.
I would say there are plenty of entitled people here.
Such as wise, so entitled they think they should be allowed to spout whatever nonsense they want without having anyone object, nor any judgement based upon it.

The issue isn't that someone holds an unconventional belief, but that they may refuse to let others express their views without judgment or attack. We all should be free to share what we believe without fear of being dismissed or belittled simply because our ideas don’t fit with the mainstream.
See, this is further demonstrating your entitlement.

How would you feel if expressed the opinion that every single person who has ever stepped foot in Turkey, including all Turkish citizens, etc, should be rounded up and killed?

Would be happy and tolerant of them expressing their belief without passing judgement at all or attempting to attack that belief?
I highly doubt it.

Again, it is a 2 way street.
You are free to express your opinion/unconventional belief.
And others are free to call you out on it.

They are not judging you simply because your belief doesn't "fit with the mainstream", but because your beliefs contradict reality, and are shown to be wrong by plenty of evidence which you just dismiss as fake because it doesn't fit your beliefs.

At the core, intellectual freedom means respecting others' rights to think differently. Karen-like behavior arises when people fail to extend that respect to others, trying to impose their views rather than engage in constructive dialogue.
Which you never do.