Authentic Flat Earth Theory

  • 3 Replies
Authentic Flat Earth Theory
« on: November 17, 2024, 03:28:50 PM »
Evapotranspiration and precipitation prove the Earth is flat.

Calculation of the annual evapotranspiration of the Earth based on the Thornthwaite method.
The method uses this set of equations:
ETp = 16 × (10 × Tm ÷ I)^A
I = Σ (0,2 × Tm)^1,514
A = 0,49239 + (1,7912 × 10^-2 × I) - (7,71 × 10^-5 × I^2) + (6,75 × 10^-7 × I^3)

ETp = evapotranspiration.
I = annual heat index.
A = exponent calculated based on I.

I take into account that the average temperature of the Earth is ≈ 14º C.

January (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
February (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
March (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
April (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4 75332226423
May (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4 75332226423
June (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
July (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
August (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
September (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
October (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
November (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423
December (0,2 × 14)^1,514 = 4,75332226423

4,75332226423 × 12 = 57,0398671708
I = 57,0398671708

A = 0,49239 + (1,7912 × 10^-2 × 57,0398671708) - (7,71 × 10^-5 × 57,0398671708^2) + (6,75 × 10^-7 × 57,0398671708^3)
A ≈ 1,3885
ETp = 16 × (10 × 14 ÷ 57,0398671708)^1,3885
ETp ≈ 57,64

Annual evapotranspiration:
ETp = 57,64 × 12
ETp = 691,68 millimeters

Evapotranspiration over the total area of ​​the Earth:
ETp = 510100000 (Earth Area) × 691,68
ETp = 352825968 cubic meters
ETp = 352825,968 cubic kilometers

Here we have data on annual precipitation in all countries on Earth:

Precipitation = 327 + 1485 + 89 + 1010 + 1030 + 591 + 562 + 534 + 1110 + 447 + 1292 + 83 + 2666 + 1422 + 618 + 847 + 1705 + 1039 + 2200 + 1146 + 1028 + 416 + 1761 + 2722 + 608 + 748 + 1274 + 1904 + 1604 + 537 + 228 + 1343 + 322 + 1522 + 645 + 3240 + 900 + 1646 + 2926 + 1348 + 1113 + 1335 + 498 + 677 + 1543 + 703 + 220 + 2083 + 1410 + 1500 + 2274 + 18 + 1784 + 2156 + 384 + 626 + 788 + 848 + 2592 + 536 + 867 + 1831 + 836 + 1026 + 700 + 1187 + 652 + 2350 + 1996 + 1651 + 1577 + 2387 + 1440 + 1976 + 589 + 1940 + 1083 + 2702 + 228 + 216 + 1118 + 435 + 832 + 2051 + 1668 + 111 + 250 + 630 + 121 + 533 + 1834 + 667 + 661 + 788 + 2391 + 56 + 656 + 934 + 1513 + 1181 + 2875 + 1972 + 282 + 560 + 92 + 2041 + 758 + 450 + 241 + 346 + 1032 + 2091 + 285 + 1500 + 778 + 1732 + 2280 + 151 + 1150 + 1054 + 619 + 1414 + 125 + 494 + 402 + 2928 + 3142 + 1130 + 1738 + 2348 + 600 + 854 + 2054 + 74 + 637 + 460 + 1212 + 1427 + 2301 + 1583 + 2880 + 3200 + 59 + 686 + 2330 + 2526 + 2497 + 824 + 1162 + 3028 + 282 + 495 + 1274 + 900 + 636 + 1712 + 250 + 2331 + 624 + 1537 + 252 + 691 + 1071 + 1622 + 1168 + 2200 + 207 + 593 + 161 + 1180 + 565 + 78 + 1220 + 715 + 1300 + 206 + 2000 + 2044 + 1821 + 167 + 1020 + 657.
Precipitation = 185750
Precipitation = 185750 ÷ 195
Precipitation ≈ 952,56
Precipitation = 952,56 × 510100000
Precipitation = 485902948717 mm
Precipitation = 485902 km

In other words: the Earth's average annual precipitation (485902 km/510100000 km) is greater than the Earth's average annual evapotranspiration (352825,968 km/510100000). This means that there are unknown sources of atmospheric water, because in a closed system water needs to evapotranspire and then precipitate.
The unknown sources of atmospheric water are described in the Book of Enoch, they are chambers/portals through which hail, snow, frost, rain and dew proceed:
« Last Edit: November 17, 2024, 04:58:09 PM by AnneFrothingslosh »

Re: Authentic Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2024, 10:02:03 AM »
Photos taken in space prove that the Earth is flat.
Many photos that are presented as "proof of a globular Earth" are actually proof of a flat Earth.
A seemingly circular horizon does not mean that the Earth is globular. On a globular Earth we should notice an apparent depth when observing it from above, but this is not what happens.
We see a beautifully flat surface:


Re: Authentic Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2024, 02:10:41 PM »
The edge of the flat Earth.

This is the true map of the Earth, an improved version of the Piri Reis map, created from data collected by ancient navigators.
The globe map is a three-dimensional projection of the flat Earth map.
Circumnavigations are trips around one of the poles; the north end of a compass will point directly to magnetic north in the northern hemisphere, and the south end of a compass will point directly to south in the southern hemisphere.

There is a ring-shaped continent that surrounds the known area of ​​the Earth, this continent is called Antichtone.

The aether has parabolic gradients that increase in density as it approaches the first firmament. This density is very high in the vicinity of Antichtone, preventing us from being able to reach that continent. Any ship or airplane sailing towards Antichtone will be deflected by the aether and will skirt the perimeter of the aether barrier until it reaches the opposite side of the Earth's surface. If the ship/airplane keeps moving forward, it will return to its starting point.
In the case of airplanes, there is an additional factor: airplanes depend on air for lift, they always travel along the density gradient for which they are configured, and the atmospheric layers have parabolic gradients, that is: the air becomes increasingly rarefied as it approaches the edge.

In total, the distance covered by a circumnavigation close to the equator will be approximately twice the length of the equator.
Circumnavigations in general cover an average distance of 40000 km, this is because the diameter of the Earth is actually ≈ 20000 km, the globe was adapted for this by doubling the diameter of the Earth and adding a large area of ​​water.

The dense aether barrier also deflects electromagnetic radiation that strikes the Earth's surface to the opposite side. This alters measurements of the Earth's diameter that disregard the aether, and also allows the Sun to set on one side of the Earth's surface and simultaneously rise on the opposite side.

The Sun rises at one of the gates on the ground in the east beyond Antichtone, follows a path through the zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, always making its natural variations. The Sun sets at one of the gates in the west beyond Antichtone and passes beneath the Earth, where rotating etheric currents flow rapidly, causing the Sun to accelerate and rise on the other side within seconds.

On the maps, we can see that the Pacific Oceans are close to the edge.
The El Niño phenomenon occurs at times when the Sun passes closer to the edge, while the La Niña phenomenon occurs at times when the Sun passes further from the edge.

Sound anomalies have been detected in the Pacific Oceans, and it is possible that they are linked to biological or geological factors off the coast of the Antichtone continent.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 02:15:06 PM by AnneFrothingslosh »



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Re: Authentic Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2024, 03:21:06 PM »
Evapotranspiration and precipitation prove the Earth is flat.

Thanks for that datum, and the shown work. I really enjoy seeing peoples unique focal points that come from their own sources. Original!

My kudos, and bumpage, at your service AnneFrothingslosh