Oh, you're looking for examples? You want proof? Just go outside and look around, genius!
So you have no examples.
The fact that we can see miles and miles of land without any curve proves the Earth is flat.
You mean the fact we can only see to the horizon, with the ground curving out of view?
That shows Earth is round, not flat.
If we could see all the way to the edge of a flat disc, with nothing beyond that, it would show Earth is flat.
But that isn't what happens.
Again, the fact there is this local horizon shows there is a curve.
Again, if you were honest, instead of saying "see miles and miles of land without any curve"
you would instead say "see miles and miles of land being able to notice any curve until the horizon"
And yes, of course, the horizon changes depending on your distance—because you're on a FLAT plane.
No, the distance to the horizon varies with altitude, but otherwise not with your location.
If Earth was flat, that wouldn't happen. But that is just what we expect for a round Earth.
No, the best you get is not being able to tell, because you're too brainwashed to see the obvious. It looks FLAT because it is. You just don’t want to admit it.
No, it doesn't look flat.
Again, there is plenty that shows it isn't.
And for something so obvious, why are you entirely incapable of explaining it?
If it was obvious you would be able to explain.
But instead you are just desperate for Earth to be flat so you keep saying it is.
It’s simple: the horizon stretches out as far as you can see, and it’s perfectly level.
i.e. the horizon, i.e. the curve, is the limit of what you can see, just like you would expect for a round surface.
This is a visual observation that shows Earth is ROUND.
This does NOT show it is flat.
You also say it is perfectly level, what is? The horizon?
If you mean it is horizontal to you, i.e. the same angle of dip all around, that is exactly what you would expect for a round Earth.
If you mean it magically appears at eye level, it does not.
That horizon is the curve you are looking for.
The other curve to look for requires you to be much further away so the horizon is down than in front.
So no, that is still not looking flat.
Again, if it was flat, you would see to the very edge of Earth, not just to a nearby horizon.
Desperate? Ha! I don’t need to “assert” anything.
Then why do you keep asserting things look flat instead of trying to explain how?
Why do you say crap like this:
The sky looks flat because the Earth is flat!
This makes no sense.
It shows the sole reason you are saying the sky looks flat is NOT because it looks flat but because you are desperate for Earth to be flat.
The sky doesn’t curve. It’s just there, like a big dome over us.
And now you come up with this utter insanity.
You are saying a dome is flat.
Do you understand what a dome is?
A circle?
Yes, a circle.
A curved line which is made such that any point along the line is an equal distance from the centre.
That is the horizon. A CIRCLE. That is NOT a straight line.
No, I mean a perfectly FLAT horizon.
i.e. exactly what you would expect for a round Earth.
The Earth’s supposed curvature should show, but it doesn’t. Simple observation defeats your argument.
Again, try it honestly.
Your baseless assertion does NOTHING to my argument.
Just how should this curvature show? Just what do you think it should look like? Can you explain at all?
Do you even understand how that curvature works?
I don’t need to “draw” anything.
You mean you can't draw anything, because then it is even easier to refute your BS.
The horizon should dip away from you at a consistent angle if Earth were round.
No, Earth should be dipping away, producing the horizon we see.
That is exactly what we see.
If you think it should be doing something else, why don't you try explaining what and why, rather than just asserting it.
You’ve been fed a lie, my friend.
No, you have continually tried to feed me a lie, but I'm not biting.
The flat Earth horizon doesn't change no matter how high you go.
Meanwhile, the real horizon does.
It gets further away.
If you were on a round Earth, you should see the curvature as you rise
i.e. you should be able to see further, and the horizon should get lower.
And guess what? That is exactly what happens.
On a flat Earth, as you get higher, you can see further.
No, in a hypothetical flat Earth getting higher does not allow you to see further as there is nothing to obstruct the view.
It is only a round Earth which allows you to see further as you get higher.
Your argument is that the horizon should be a "curved" line that moves
And it does.
As you move around, the horizon moves with you.
Oh, so now you’re pretending we’d “fall off” if the Earth were round?
No, you are pretending that.
So perhaps you should follow your own advice.
As a reminder:
If the Earth were round, we would be falling off of it constantly.
Actually, it’s direct proof that the Earth is flat. If Earth were round, the horizon would be a curve, not a straight line.
Just ignoring the refutation of your BS and repeating the same refuted BS wont magically make it true.
The horizon is a circle, just like we expect for a round Earth.
That circle curves, just like we expect it to for a round Earth.
No, you don’t. If the Earth were actually curved, you'd see it from the ground.
Only in the form of the horizon existing.
If you want to see the horizon as a circle, like you appear to do, you need to be up high enough to see the horizon entirely in your FOV, not some in front and some behind.
Right, because perspective can’t make objects disappear bottom-first, right? Except, it does. Go outside and watch a ship go over the horizon.
So watch the effects of a round surface?
Again, you are so desperate for Earth to be flat, you just assert it is, and then pretend that anything that happens on Earth must be because Earth is flat.
You literally take an observation that shows Earth is round, and pretend that is what you expect on a flat surface.
The bottom of the ship disappears first—tell me how perspective causes that!
That is something for you to do.
I know it isn't perspective causing it. I know it is the curvature of Earth causing it.
That's right! They appear in the same place relative to each other because they’re moving in the same direction across the flat sky.
That does not answer anything.
Reality? You mean the reality where we see the same moon no matter where we are on Earth?
Yes, something you wouldn't expect in your flat fantasy.
Yeah, the moon's shape stays the same, because we are all looking up at the same flat sky.
But from drastically different positions. As already explained.
You ignoring that wont change it.
It’s not impossible
Then why do you need to entirely ignore the explanation of why it is impossible and refuse to an explanation of how it is possible?
If it was actually possible, you would explain how.
But deep down you know it isn't.
Remember, we have been though this before.
A circle only appears as a circle if you look at it from along the axis. If you look at it from a different direction it appears as an ellipse or a line.
You’re just too blinded
Then why am I the one capable of explaining things?
Why are you the one just capable of repeating the same pathetic assertions and entirely ignoring the explanation of why you are wrong?
Why are you the one that needs to ignore what you have said?