Gravity and the poles

  • 43 Replies
Gravity and the poles
« on: October 14, 2024, 10:36:49 AM »
Hello all! So I am researching for a YT video and reading through the many resources from this site. Can someone explain why compasses always point north? I have a basic understanding of RE science surrounding the poles but if the Earth was flat, how would the poles work? I just want to make this video as serious as possible and also, my brain needs to know. Thank you for your time, I hope to hear some thoughts on this soon

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2024, 12:22:48 AM »
There’s no pole on our flat Earth, which has a center point which is magnetic, which was claimed to be ‘North’ by the ball Earth pack.

Compasses couldn’t work on a ball Earth under the ‘north pole’. How could it ever detect where north is, it cannot drive through the entire ball and find where north is!

Compasses are two dimensional instruments that work on a flat surface over Earth, in two dimensions of a flat plane.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2024, 02:10:11 AM »
There’s no pole on our flat Earth, which has a center point which is magnetic, which was claimed to be ‘North’ by the ball Earth pack.

Compasses couldn’t work on a ball Earth under the ‘north pole’. How could it ever detect where north is, it cannot drive through the entire ball and find where north is!

Compasses are two dimensional instruments that work on a flat surface over Earth, in two dimensions of a flat plane.
magnetic compasses are known to not work at the magnetic poles.

But you show a complete lack of understanding of magnets. They don't need to drive through Earth. They just need to experience the magnetic field that surrounds earth.

And if compasses are only 2D, why can you get once which show the vertical component of the magnetic field?

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2024, 03:20:42 AM »
Only the center point of our flat Earth is magnetized to use with a compass.

No ball shaped magnet cover exists, and makes no sense anyway. A conducive magnetic covering Earth, transmits the other sides North Pole to those under the ball in the southern half of the ball, just because we need an excuse for it, and everything else too!



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2024, 01:57:37 PM »
Only the center point of our flat Earth is magnetized to use with a compass.
So you are saying a compass only works at the north pole and no where else?

No ball shaped magnet cover exists
Appealing to your wilful ignorance again.

makes no sense anyway.
Stop just asserting delusional BS.

A conducive magnetic covering Earth, transmits the other sides North Pole to those under the ball in the southern half of the ball, just because we need an excuse for it, and everything else too!
No. That is nothing like how it works.
The magnetic field is generated at the core, and like all magnets, extends around it.
Do you even understand magnetism?



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Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2024, 02:44:55 PM »
Only the center point of our flat Earth is magnetized to use with a compass.

No ball shaped magnet cover exists, and makes no sense anyway. A conducive magnetic covering Earth, transmits the other sides North Pole to those under the ball in the southern half of the ball, just because we need an excuse for it, and everything else too!
That is not how magnets work, there is a magnetic field generated by Earth, where there is a magnetized thing, of course it will point wherever the north is. Where else would it point? How does the shape of the Earth have anything to do with where the magnet points?
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2024, 10:10:21 PM »
Only the center point of our flat Earth is magnetized to use with a compass.
So you are saying a compass only works at the north pole and no where else?

No ball shaped magnet cover exists
Appealing to your wilful ignorance again.

makes no sense anyway.
Stop just asserting delusional BS.

A conducive magnetic covering Earth, transmits the other sides North Pole to those under the ball in the southern half of the ball, just because we need an excuse for it, and everything else too!
No. That is nothing like how it works.
The magnetic field is generated at the core, and like all magnets, extends around it.
Do you even understand magnetism?

Sure, I also understand those who have to make up excuses for all their previous excuses for the ball Earth fable.

In this case, you tell me about a ‘core’ within the ball Earth. Another perfect example where you combine multiple false/unproven claims into one story.

The ‘core’ claim is obviously complete bs, and speculation at very best, yet would first need proof that Earth is ball, the greatest con in human history.

You clearly know, as all of us know, there is simply no evidence at all of any ‘core’, even if Earth were ball.

Yet you talk about a ‘core’ like it’s a proven fact.

I know how often your side spews about things like this, especially ‘gravity’, the king of all excuses.

But we know, the ‘core’ is nothing but a story, even you know that much.

Your relying on a ball Earth to be real, then have some sort of ‘core’ in its center, and that this ‘core’ is a powerfully magnetized area or object, and then, that this great magnetic ‘core’ would emit massive waves of magnetic force outward, driving through thousands of miles of dense ground, break through Earths surface, in perfect uniform waves that match up to Earth, as a spherical magnetic covering….

I’m not about to go any further with this bs, it’s already ridiculous.

Your theories built on bs claims don’t work, they never will



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2024, 10:46:48 PM »
Sure, I also understand those who have to make up excuses for all their previous excuses for the ball Earth fable.
Do you mean the reality you are yet to show a fault with?

The ‘core’ claim is obviously complete bs, and speculation at very best, yet would first need proof that Earth is ball, the greatest con in human history.
Pure BS.
Firstly, it has already been quite conclusively proven Earth is round. Your wilful ignorance of that doesn't change that fact.
Then seismic measurements show there is a core.

But importantly, none of this even matters for the discussion at hand.

in perfect uniform waves
No, they are not perfect nor uniform.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2024, 12:34:12 AM »
Seismic measurements of faults, which are only hundreds or thousands of feet below the surface, wouldn’t be anywhere near your made up ‘core’.

These are tectonic plates which shift back and forth next to one another. No ‘core’ exists.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2024, 01:25:55 PM »
Seismic measurements of faults
Is not what I said.

They measure the propagation of waves through Earth.

But again, this is entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Why would a spherical Earth not be compatible with how compasses work?

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2024, 02:21:43 AM »
Because a compass reads only one single point on the entire Earth, the only one point that is so extremely magnetic that it is measured anywhere on the entire Earth, to a single point on Earth, which isn’t by a great coincidence being at the very center of our very own Earth.

Just another great coincidence to have one single star above the same center of Earth, as well!

When the trash who later spewed the ball Earth came along, they said the magnetic center point of their ball Earth was the ‘north pole’, atop the Earth ball. They had to make a pole for the bottom of their ball, as the South Pole at bottom of their ball. But nothing more said about that part which didn’t match up like the North Pole did!

Show me how a magnet placed a huge ball at one point on it, can be detected by an instrument that locates it despite being under the magnet on top of the ball…

Compasses are shaped for the flat Earth and its magnetic center point. Not for a ball, at one of two ‘poles’, not under the one pole that’s chosen because it’s the one center point of Earth, cannot measure through the ball at the bottom of it to the top point of it.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2024, 03:17:27 AM »
Because a compass reads only one single point on the entire Earth
Wrong again.
A compass merely aligns to the magnetic field. It is not reading a point.

which isn’t by a great coincidence being at the very center of our very own Earth.
Except it isn't.
Even pretending your delusional BS about how magnets work is true, that isn't where they point. The north magnetic pole is NOT the same as the geographic north pole.
Magnetic declination is quite well known.

So just another pathetic lie from FEers.

But even better than that, we can use a similar device to measure the alignment in the vertical direction, and see that in the southern hemisphere, it points up, not to the north pole.

another great coincidence to have one single star above the same center of Earth, as well!
You mean a star that is slightly off the north celestial pole, which wasn't anywhere near as close thousands of years ago, with a different star used?

Or should I just say another great lie from FEers?

When the trash who later spewed the ball Earth came along, they said the magnetic center point of their ball Earth was the ‘north pole’, atop the Earth ball.
You when lying POS like you wanted to desperately lie about the RE to pretend it is crap, you come up with delusional BS like that.

Show me how a magnet placed a huge ball at one point on it
Why should I do anything for your pathetic strawman?

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2024, 10:33:04 PM »
Even pretending your delusional BS about how magnets work is true, that isn't where they point. The north magnetic pole is NOT the same as the geographic north pole.

Of course, why would it point to somewhere on a made up ball Earth, it points to Earth’s exact center, within the flat surface of Earth. Don’t claim it’s not working accurately on your ball Earth and expect me to answer for your fairy tale story, nothing works on your ball accurately. It doesn’t exist and can never be accurate over the true surface of Earth, which is flat.

Earth was entirely mapped out, area by area, land and seas, and to the circular ice walls around the surface, though it continues atop the ice walls for hundreds of miles or more over a massive ice plateau.

Your map will never be accurate, because a ball map cannot be revised accurately, being it is a flat surface.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2024, 11:58:14 PM »
Even pretending your delusional BS about how magnets work is true, that isn't where they point. The north magnetic pole is NOT the same as the geographic north pole.
Of course, why would it point to somewhere on a made up ball Earth
This has nothing to do with if Earth is round or flat.
It is quite well known that the magnetic north pole is NOT the geographic north pole.

You can even make an observation showing the direction to the north celestial pole, and show that that doesn't match up with a compass.

You are rejecting any part of reality which you can't BS into matching your delusional fantasy.

nothing works on your ball accurately.
Quite the opposite.
Everything works on the RE accurately, and plenty entirely fails on your FE fantasy.

Earth was entirely mapped out
No, it still hasn't been entirely mapped out.
And the mapping which has been done shows conclusively that Earth is round.
That is why the globe is accurate, and there is only a single globe; while there are countless different flat maps of Earth with different distortions.
But that has very little to do with this topic.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2024, 11:04:24 PM »
That’s your bs claim, the North Star was a different star thousands of years ago?

Not any proof for your claim, so why claim it’s true? It’s bs.

What is true, is that this same star has guided our ships since day one, seen as that same star for thousands of years, and still is the same North Star today.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2024, 12:52:21 AM »
That’s your bs claim, the North Star was a different star thousands of years ago?

Not any proof for your claim, so why claim it’s true? It’s bs.

What is true, is that this same star has guided our ships since day one, seen as that same star for thousands of years, and still is the same North Star today.

No, my claim, is the factual statement that the north magnetic pole is NOT the same as the geographic pole.
This is quite well documented, with most maps showing magnetic deviation.
You can even test it yourself.

As for the north pole, that was more calling out your BS, your claim of a magical star perfectly centred on Earth.

If you would like some light reading, here you go:

Don't bother asking for videos given this is about history, from a time before they had video.

But notice your pathetic dishonest double standard?

You continually spout pure BS, and offer absolutely nothing to justify it at all.

Where is your proof that the north celestial pole has always been Polaris?
Where is your proof that a compass points to the north celestial pole?

You have none.
You just spout whatever BS you can think of to try to prop up your delusional fantasy.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2024, 10:51:33 PM »
It’s not a North Pole on a ball Earth, which they moved slightly off the true magnetic center of our real flat Earth, that’s why it’s the North Star is off true center as well.

Don’t try telling me the North Pole is the center of your ball Earth and it’s not the magnetic north of your ball Earth that the ball Earth scum moved off the true magnetic center of the true flat Earth. Your side did that for their ball Earth.

They first made their ball Earth with the center as the North Pole, most likely, but it didn’t fit over the rest of the ball Earth so they moved it off of center slightly, and that’s why it’s not the magnetic center on the ball Earth.

When we navigated ships by the North Star, and used compasses which also pointed out true north, it was not called north, it was the center of Earth, and it worked based on the magnetic center of Earth.

Your side screwed it up later on.

They screwed up everything else too.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2024, 11:50:13 PM »
It’s not a North Pole on a ball Earth, which they moved slightly off the true magnetic center of our real flat Earth, that’s why it’s the North Star is off true center as well.
So you are saying your flat fantasy doesn't match reality at all?

A time-lapse of the night sky, in high enough resolution, shows Polaris off centre.
A decent quality compass, along with the direction of the north celestial pole, shows they don't align either, except in some highly specific locations.

Your side screwed it up later on.
Yet you are completely incapable of showing a fault.
Sure sounds like you screwed up when you drank the FE cool aid.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2024, 10:40:16 PM »
We’ve navigated the entire Earth and its waters by the central star above our flat Earth, and have used compasses that point to Earths center on its surface to also navigate our travels over the Earth.

Our maps of the whole Earth, continents, and waters, written as how we navigated the Earth, were used for thousands of years, and stayed the same and worked the same way.

Further confirmed by earlier sites from across the oceans, and they all had flat Earth maps back then, and they sailed oceans way before Columbus and ball earth crap maps poisoned the world to this day with such filth.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2024, 03:48:27 AM »
We’ve navigated the entire Earth and its waters by the central star above our flat Earth
No, you haven't.
The simplest way to see that is pure BS is the fact that Polaris is not observed from the southern hemisphere. So how could you use it?

Celestial navigation uses more than just 1 star, and it uses the fact that Earth is round.

All you are doing is showing just how desperate and dishonset you are.

they all had flat Earth maps back then
They had flat maps, not flat Earth maps.
There is a very big difference.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2024, 02:23:22 AM »
They used the path out from the North Star and extended it out to the southern regions, but also used compasses as well.

From all points around the center out in a straight line, the end is at Earths circular boundary of a massive ice wall that is a plateau above that wall.

We napped the entire Earth, from all the continents and seas to the circular ice wall around the entire Earth.

Many years later, these slimeballs forcibly stole these maps, and used the most accurate ones as a model for their vile ball Earth version of it, and destroyed the rest of those maps, which we know they did because some were hidden from the scum and still exist today, at least one of them does anyway.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2024, 07:38:56 AM »
As with all things Flat Earth, the theory falls apart with any serious thought or looking when you are outside. Reality explains a whole bunch of things easily whereas Flat Earth gives an excuse that falls apart if you think about it at all.
1) all magnets are dipoles meaning they have two ends. We call one end north and the other south. In the history of the world, no one has ever made or seen a magnet with only one pole. So where is the magnetic south pole for the earth in a stupid flat earth model?
2) if you were ever in scouts or guides, you would see that a compass has a dip. This is because the south pole of a compass is attracted to the earth's north pole. Since it is on a globe, the amount of dip depends on your latitude. In the southern hemisphere (if you are there) the north pole of a compass tips up. This is something everyone can try.
3) Drive straight west some day if you happen to live in a part of the world where roads can be straight. The N American prairies are good for this. Of course flat earthers can never travel else be proven their ideas do not hold water. But if you travel straight west, you drive straight. On a flat earth, you would have to be continually driving in a curve to keep the compass pointing north (at the center of a pie).
4) I have a friend in New Zealand who named his daughter Aurora after the southern lights. What the hell would southern lights be in a flat earth world? How could New Zealand even exist in a flat earth world?
5) of course there are all sorts of things that disprove flat earth that a person who rejects anything real would refuse to believe. If a person wanted to work as a geologist they could not tell their wacky ideas and get hired. The strata of the earth show that the poles have reversed several times, the ferrous materials in the strata show this. If the earth was somehow the only known single pole magnet to ever exist it would be extra wacky to believe it could switch from being a single pole North to a single pole South and back again. A flat earther just has to put on blinders and say that there is a huge conspiracy involving almost everyone in every field including the Boy Scouts to cover up some silly idea that anyone can easily disprove just by going outside.
6) I like a quote from James van Allen when asked what good are the van Allen belts? His reply was 'what good are they? I make my living from them! It is a very humorous reply. But a flat earther would have to say that this was a joke made up to try and something about a fictional thing fictitiously discovered in the 1950s by a guy who was acting like he was surprised to find things related to the earth's imaginary magnetic field that allegedly causes aurora that I am pretending I often see that are often bright enough that I do not need headlights to see on the highway to drive.
) To imagine that anyone could actually, honestly believe that the earth is flat is amazing. Of course people like to lie and pretend and be contrarian. The Boy Scouts know better! 



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #22 on: December 01, 2024, 12:59:19 PM »
They used the path out from the North Star and extended it out to the southern regions
Where that star can't be seen, showing once more that you are a lying POS that will say whatever BS you think will support you, often without even thinking about it.

They also used the stars in the southern region, which appear to circle a point due south.

but also used compasses as well.
And understood the difference between magnetic north and true north. Something you clearly don't.
Even though it is trivial for you to confirm.

All it takes is a compass and a camera.

From all points around the center out in a straight line, the end is at Earths circular boundary of a massive ice wall that is a plateau above that wall.
Yet it is clearly a point as seen by observing the stars in the night sky circle this point.

We napped the entire Earth, from all the continents and seas to the circular ice wall around the entire Earth.
Yet you cannot provide this map, nor any evidence it has ever existed, nor show any fault with the RE map, i.e. the globe.

some were hidden from the scum and still exist today, at least one of them does anyway.
Yet you still can't provide it. I wonder why?



  • Content Nazi
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Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2024, 03:14:33 PM »
They used the path out from the North Star and extended it out to the southern regions, but also used compasses as well.

From all points around the center out in a straight line, the end is at Earths circular boundary of a massive ice wall that is a plateau above that wall.

We napped the entire Earth, from all the continents and seas to the circular ice wall around the entire Earth.

Many years later, these slimeballs forcibly stole these maps, and used the most accurate ones as a model for their vile ball Earth version of it, and destroyed the rest of those maps, which we know they did because some were hidden from the scum and still exist today, at least one of them does anyway.
Fascinating.  Just how did you come to these conclusions?  Do you have reference materials that we should know about, or are you just pulling all of this out of your ass?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2024, 11:27:45 PM »
You haven’t a clue how the very start of mapping the Earth was done, and further progressed to the entire world.

The world was entirely explored and mapped as flat, within a circular wall or boundary of ice, long before the scum said it was a speeding ball in endless space.

Surveyors know and measure the surface as flat, no curve anywhere at all.

Planes measure it as flat, without even trying to measure it at all!

We’ve always measured and mapped Earths surface as flat, because it is flat.

Why do you think after they turned it into a ball map it was a disaster? They had to tell us they made it into a projection map, which really was trying to make it more flat again, which it is in reality!

Ancient texts refer to the Earth as flat covered by a dome, or raqia or firmament.

All of this could be settled forever if we wanted to.

They’ve now put rockets below our blue skies and fake ‘space’ camera shots supposedly on rockets!

Okay, let’s see the rockets fly up beyond the blue skies then!

How can we see a rocket in space today which is under blue skies, but not see rockets going to the moon, while we see the moon below blue skies all the time?

When they flew rockets to the moon, we didn’t see any of their rockets in the skies.

The moon blocks out the blue above it, all the time, because the blue is the waters of the firmament, which is above the moon and stars and sun below it.

Everything we see above us in the sky is below the blue waters of the firmament, it’s that simple. No need for bd excuses about projections from space through the blue skies.

Please fly a rocket straight up, it must eventually go up beyond the blue ‘skies’ of Earth , right?



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2024, 01:10:02 AM »
The world was entirely explored and mapped as flat
Stop asserting the same pathetic BS, and instead prove it!

The fact that the only accurate map is a globe, and any flat map in existence distorts a portion of land, unless you make the transformations based upon the fact it is a projection of a sphere, clearly demonstrates the world is not flat, and it couldn't possible have been accurately mapped as flat.

long before the scum said
The scum here is YOU, continually saying pure BS without justification.

Surveyors know and measure the surface as flat
No, surveyors know and measure the surface as curved when it is a large enough region, and make a simplification over a smaller region.

Planes measure it as flat
You have had that lie of yours refuted so many times it isn't funny.
Why repeat it?

We’ve always measured and mapped Earths surface as flat
Then why is the most accurate one a globe?

Why do you think after they turned it into a ball map it was a disaster?
It isn't a disaster.
It works wonderfully.

They had to tell us they made it into a projection map
No, to represent it as a flat surface,

Ancient texts refer to the Earth
Who cares what fairy tales say.
The Chronicles of Narnia says there is a parallel world which can be access through a wardrobe. Does that make it true?

All of this could be settled forever if we wanted to.
And it has been, to every honest person.
We have sent plenty of crafts into space and they never hit a firmament, clearly showing it is BS.

But to dishonest people, people so desperate for their fantasy to be true, no evidence will ever be enough.

How can we see a rocket in space today which is under blue skies, but not see rockets going to the moon, while we see the moon below blue skies all the time?
No, we don't.
We see the moon through blue skies. Just like we see rockets through the blue sky.
You seem to want to imagine this as if the sky should be entirely opaque and block out the object, while in reality it just causes a slight tint.

Please fly a rocket straight up, it must eventually go up beyond the blue ‘skies’ of Earth , right?
They already have. You have been provided plenty of footage of things like this.
Yet you dismiss it all, because it doesn't match your delusional fantasy.


Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2024, 01:47:17 AM »
Rockets have never flown up into the blue above, with blue below them. Nor flown beyond the blue out of all view either.

The skies below us in planes is entirely clear, never anything of blue seen at all. While all blue is still seen above our planes, well above us.

In a plane at 30000 feet, air is mainly below us, and not much above us.

So it cannot be blue within air, most air is below us and is clear. The blue remains above the thin air above us.

Proven as complete bs right there.

Why be an idiot to buy that bs? It’s proven as bs, and you still buy this crap.  You are a lost cause indeed. Hope you use your brain someday and get a clue.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2024, 11:50:06 AM »
Please fly a rocket straight up, it must eventually go up beyond the blue ‘skies’ of Earth , right?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2024, 01:49:13 PM »
Rockets have never flown up into the blue above, with blue below them.
Your wilful rejection of reality does not change it.

The skies below us in planes is entirely clear, never anything of blue seen at all.
Except as already shown that is another lie.

So it cannot be blue within air
It certainly can be, as shown repeatedly.

Proven as complete bs right there.
Your claims have been proven as BS. But you just ignore that and repeat the same BS.

Why be an idiot to buy that bs? It’s proven as bs, and you still buy this crap.  You are a lost cause indeed. Hope you use your brain someday and get a clue.
No. YOU buy this crap, and keep trying to sell it to others.
Why would be an idiot and believe your BS?
Your claims of a firmament and a magic sky, which you cannot justify at all?
Claims which are disproven by countless videos.

Re: Gravity and the poles
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2024, 11:24:25 PM »
Smog and fog and mist and heat hazes in the sky, block out things beyond them. Rainbows block out things past their arcs. Then why doesn’t the blue within the skies block out anything above it!

Because the blue exists in the Firmament which holds the waters within it, and everything we see in the sky is below the blue waters of the Firmament.

Isn’t your moon supposed to be 250000 miles up from the ball Earth in the blackness of endless ‘space’?

That would be far past the blue skies, and another 10000 miles out in the blackness of ‘space’!

So the moon would be seen through the entire blue of our skies, except we don’t see anything of black space beyond the blue skies at all, and we wouldn’t ever see the moon way out in black space at all.

Except at night, when it’s no longer blue!

We also see nothing blue in the skies from planes, just high above us in planes.  Air is 99% seen through from above it and is entirely clear. That proves it is not blue within the air, right there.

The moon blocks out the blue above it, further proving the blue is not in the air.

Everything indicates the blue is within the waters of the Firmament. Which is the truth of the blue we see above us.

But don’t let facts stop what you believe, don’t let 99% of the air being seen entirely clear make you think it’s not blue within air, you’ve still got 1% of the air left above us to work with!!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 11:26:02 PM by turbonium2 »