How does gravity works in FE?

  • 151 Replies


  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #150 on: February 15, 2025, 09:40:24 AM »
I’ve explained why it’s a downward from air to Earth direction, which is having more mass than air has.
Mass is a scalar quantity, it has no direction.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #151 on: February 15, 2025, 02:12:09 PM »
I’ve explained why it’s a downward from air to Earth direction, which is having more mass than air has.
No, you haven't.
You haven't provided any explanation for why having more mass (by which I assume you mean being denser) should lead to that.
That is just your assertion.

It doesn't explain why it should cause movement at all, why in any particular direction, why at a particular rate, why that rate varies over Earth, how that causes a pressure gradient and why that pressure gradient doesn't push us up.

Why would we possibly need a force to hold us down to the Earths surface when it’s designed this way with no need for any sort of external force?
Now try saying that honestly.
Why should we need a force to cause objects to accelerate as all other observations show when you just have magic making things magically happen.

All other examples require a force, why should this be different?

When you create life of all types, what would your Earth be designed as?
It holds life on the surface, with food to eat, air above to breathe, and a livable environment all around the life to exist and create life of their own species, etc.
Well to start with, one in which you do not need to eat, drink and breathe to live.
One which doesn't have cancer and disease and natural disasters.

There is no basis to conclude Earth was created.
And if it was, it clearly wasn't by a good designer that gave a damn about us.

So you thinking it would better if it was made in a particular way doesn't mean it actually is that way.

A good loving designer would make the world such that people would never starve to death, yet that is what we see.

That’s stupid, isn’t it?
If your god designed this world, it is stupid or evil.

That doesn't make reality stupid, nor does it make people accepting reality stupid.
But it does make people like you stupid, appealing to a designer as if it would make things better for us, when that clearly is not the case.

So still no explanation. Just pathetic deflection.