Now, I am by no means a “Flat Earther” but, that said, I have been considering a strange observation.
As we stand on the Earth and look at our Sun, it appears about the size of a golf ball held at arm’s length, while being some 93 million miles distant and about some 864,000 miles across. If we do the same from Mars, the Sun appears smaller than the size of a ping pong ball at arm’s length and from Jupiter, it is about the size of a pea.
The supposedly largest Star presently known is UY Scuti, which, if placed in our solar system, would fill the inner solar system out to about the orbit of Jupiter. Therefore, its diameter is approximately 1,000,000,000 (one billion) miles.
Now, using the above idea/sample, if the Sun (diameter 840,000 miles) looks like a pea from 142,000,000 miles (Mars) then we can postulate that UY Scuti would look approximately the size of a basketball from Pluto, some 3,186,000,000 (3 billion one hundred and eighty six million) miles distant.
We look at the night sky and we see a blanket of Stars, some large, some small, some close and some very distant, but we see them with the naked eye.
Noting the above, we would not be able to see our own Sun from Pluto but we can see stars of relatively the same size from ones, tens, hundreds or thousands of light years away.
A “pix” taken by Voyager shows all planets and the Sun. These are greatly magnified pix and still the Sun is only barely visible from the approximate 4 billion mile distance. This assumes that there actually were Voyager space crafts.
However, if “they” wanted to prove that other stars were real why show our own star almost invisible from a mere 4 billion miles but the Universe full of equal sized stars being easily visible with the naked eye?
Just throwing it out there.