Perspective DOES block out all objects from view, this is known as the vanishing point of perspective, which is at the horizon.
The vanishing point is at an infinite distance.
It is clearly NOT the horizon, as we can see objects past the horizon, with their base cut off.
Perspective CANNOT explain it.
Curved surfaces have little perspective at all, and only if it is almost flat, because perspective acts over flat surfaces, not curving downward surfaces.
Repeating the same lie wont help you.
Perspective acts for ALL objects.
That includes the surface of a round object.
What magic should magically stop perspective working?
All perspective is are statements of basic geometry.
The problem is that you believe our surface is curving downward when it is entirely flat.
No, the problem is that all the evidence shows it is curving downwards or cannot tell, while NOTHING indicates it is flat.
You must accept a long enough surface IS flat to understand how perspective works over them
You mean we must discard reality and accept a curved surface is flat so you can pretend Earth is flat.
Even though you have absolutely no explanation for how any of that magic would work, while a round surface explains it directly and simply.
The only magic here
The magic here is you thinking that perspective will magically hide things from view and magically cause them to appear to sink so their base appears to should be below the horizon.
No one other than you is claiming any magic.
Perspective does not magically make a round surface appear flat.
Which is why we have a horizon.
If it did magically transform a round surface into a flat one, then we wouldn't have the horizon.
You also can't explain at all just how Earth's surface looks flat.
Ok, Mr. Genius, please explain his perspective could make curved surfaces look entirely flat?
Why would anyone do that? Especially when it is based upon your pathetic strawman.
Okay mister lying POS, please explain how Earth's surface looks flat rather than curved.