How does day cycle work?

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How does day cycle work?
« on: September 26, 2024, 04:32:26 PM »
According to Mr. Tom Bishop's flat Earth wiki, he listed 2 reasons why Sun will set (electromagnetic acceleration and perspective reason), which one is the correct mechanism that describes the rising and setting of Sun? These are 2 totally different explanation that cannot hold true simultaneously, so pick one, don't dodge the question like you are always doing.
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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2024, 03:35:12 AM »
According to Mr. Tom Bishop's flat Earth wiki, he listed 2 reasons why Sun will set (electromagnetic acceleration and perspective reason), which one is the correct mechanism that describes the rising and setting of Sun? These are 2 totally different explanation that cannot hold true simultaneously, so pick one, don't dodge the question like you are always doing.

I’m guessing it is the reason why the sun rises due east and sets due on the equinox.

I’m also guessing it’s the reason no matter how you place yourself an hour after sunset why you can’t bring the sun back into view with any type of instrument. And if you do rise high enough you start seeing evidence of the heliocentric model. 

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2024, 03:38:55 AM »
According to Mr. Tom Bishop's flat Earth wiki,

So.  You go to the FE equinox page.  Does it contradict itself?

According to the FET the sun we see is a projection upon the semi-transparent medium of the atmolayer which exists all around us. The Sun is projected onto a medium in transition, much like a projector shines upon a movie screen, a hologram on mist, or a page's text on a magnifying glass

FE.  What a useless model of contradictions. 

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2024, 04:27:58 AM »
More on the equinox page.

However, we cannot see infinitely into the distance.

Which has very little to do why we can’t see the sun which is a light source.  Where the line of sight must be physically blocked.  In a reality of something like binoculars which allows us to see stars at night that are too faint to see with the unaided eye.  Or something like the moons around Jupiter. In the FE delusion, where the same pair of binoculars cannot bring a set sun (which is relatively larger and brighter) back into view. 

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2024, 05:36:34 AM »
So.  Long story short.  In a real scientific model, the sun mechanics for the day cycle best supported in the FE wiki for the movement of the sun during the equinox. 

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2024, 09:58:34 PM »
Flat surfaces do not have infinite views over them.

If you first accept a surface IS flat, of course.

You see the rising up surface, only three miles away?

If you believe a flat surface would rise that high or even higher than that, 3 miles away, what would you see 6 miles away?

If you think we’d see 6 miles over the surface, it would have to rise up higher than at 3 miles away, or you’d not see over the whole 6 miles of surface.

It’s one or the other, seeing the whole surface over 6 miles out, would have to rise up higher and higher to see it all, yes?

It cannot be a slighter and slighter rise upward, because it could not be seen over the whole surface if the angle of your view is ever lesser with more distance outward.

Again, if you want to prove what we’d actually see of a flat surface, try and draw it as you believe it would be, you just saying what we’d see is worthless.

There’s no way to see over a flat surface over such long distances. It would have to keep rising up higher and higher, not slighter and slighter which would see lesser and lesser of the surface at your angle of view.

Go ahead and draw it, or admit you’re wrong. Simple as that.



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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2024, 10:00:33 PM »
You may as well drink seawater and come to our door saying you are thirsty. If you want the "correct" mechanism, you aren't playing the game of science.
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2024, 10:06:33 PM »
You may as well drink seawater and come to our door saying you are thirsty. If you want the "correct" mechanism, you aren't playing the game of science.
i am here for knowledge about Flat Earth theory, if you can't provide meaningful things, you can just shut up. If insulting others make you feel good, then never mind, you may continue your journey on insulting others.
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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2024, 10:13:52 PM »
Flat surfaces do not have infinite views over them.
You see the rising up surface, only three miles away?

If you believe a flat surface would rise that high or even higher than that, 3 miles away, what would you see 6 miles away?

If you think we’d see 6 miles over the surface, it would have to rise up higher than at 3 miles away, or you’d not see over the whole 6 miles of surface.

It’s one or the other, seeing the whole surface over 6 miles out, would have to rise up higher and higher to see it all, yes?
How tf can the surface rise up? Do you think we live in some sort of cylinder world?

It cannot be a slighter and slighter rise upward, because it could not be seen over the whole surface if the angle of your view is ever lesser with more distance outward.

Again, if you want to prove what we’d actually see of a flat surface, try and draw it as you believe it would be, you just saying what we’d see is worthless.

There’s no way to see over a flat surface over such long distances. It would have to keep rising up higher and higher, not slighter and slighter which would see lesser and lesser of the surface at your angle of view.

Go ahead and draw it, or admit you’re wrong. Simple as that.
So you admit the surface is not rising up, good, the thing is, no one propose the horizon is flat, it is curved downward, I have demonstrate this multiple times, maybe it is time to use some English reading skill:
« Last Edit: September 30, 2024, 04:13:59 PM by seaweed »
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2024, 02:02:13 AM »
Flat surfaces do not have infinite views over them.



Has nothing to do with..

To where binoculars can bring things too faint to be seen with the unaided eye like the moons of Jupiter into view.  But can’t bring the relatively larger and brighter sun into view after it sets.   Because the curvature of the earth physically blocks the sun to create the shadow of earth that is nightfall. 

Turbs.  This tread is about FE wiki and the day cycle and progressed to the inconsistencies introduced by the FE wiki page concerning equinox.  When you derail threads Turbs, just means RE is the best, most accurate, most useful model.



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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2024, 03:08:58 AM »
Flat surfaces do not have infinite views over them.
Without something to block the view, they do.
I have NEVER seen a flat surface where you just magically can't see past some point on it.

If you first accept a surface IS flat, of course.
i.e. if I throw reality out the window and accept your delusional fantasy as true.
No thanks. I'll stick to reality.

If you believe a flat surface would rise that high or even higher than that, 3 miles away, what would you see 6 miles away?
The surface risen up slightly more.
The question for you is what magic should stop it?
Why should it stop at that distance?
Simple, trivial questions you can't answer at all.

It cannot be a slighter and slighter rise upward, because it could not be seen over the whole surface if the angle of your view is ever lesser with more distance outward.
Why can't it?
All that means is that the angular size of it is smaller.
So with an appropriate device you would be able to see it.
Fortunately we aren't even talking about the surface in this thread. That is a different thread where you can't defend your claims.
We are talking about the sun.
Something which is still clearly resolvable when it sets.
So clearly the angular size has nothing to do with it.
So what magic makes it vanish?
What magic, magically blocks the view to the sun, an object still clearly resolvable?

Go ahead and draw it, or admit you’re wrong. Simple as that.
No, you go and explain what magic causes it to work, or admit you're wrong. Simple as that.

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2024, 03:26:21 AM »
Flat surfaces do not have infinite
Go ahead and draw it, or admit you’re wrong. Simple as that.

Something like this?

Ok.  Let’s see if a flat surface can have a “horizon” to block an object physically from view.

Let’s take this object and place a paper ruler on it. We will call it a stud.

Lets use a piece of sheet metal laid flat and see if it can block our object from view.

Looking out over the “horizon” of the sheet metal laying flat.

Looks like the whole length of the stud is visible?

Hmm.  Now let’s put curvature in the piece of sheet metal.  Like this.  Did have to weigh down the ends.

Looking out over the “horizon” of the curved metal sheet.

Well.  The bottom is physically blocked from view.

Curved metal sheet to produce horizon.

vs the flat sheet that couldn’t produce a “horizon” to physically block the stud from view.

Or any of the numerous ways in this thread..

Horizon did not block duck from view

That shows through experiment that perspective cannot block objects and light sources like the sun physically from view. 

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2024, 09:12:05 AM »
I thought Tom Bishop would have at least made the flat earth obligated post of RE is a lie in the thread.  Not even a sign of life post for FE? 



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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2024, 08:04:22 PM »
Trimmed quote:
Horizon did not block duck from view

That shows through experiment that perspective cannot block objects and light sources like the sun physically from view.

In short scales, yes, but once it exceeds a few dozen kilometres, curvature becomes strong enough to hide objects... like an ant on one side of the bowling ball can't see the ant on the other side
I am bulmabriefs144, Smasher of Testicles.  You see? Titles are ridiculous.

Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2024, 09:48:52 PM »
Perspective DOES block out all objects from view, this is known as the vanishing point of perspective, which is at the horizon. This is where we see out flat surface appear to be rising up, even though it is entirely flat. Parallel lines, which are two perfectly STRAIGHT lines, will appear to be converging and rising up over the surface, to the vanishing point on the horizon, which is also a straight and horizontal imaginary line across the flat surface.

Nothing ever curves anywhere, in any direction. It is entirely straight and flat in every direction.

Curved surfaces have little perspective at all, and only if it is almost flat, because perspective acts over flat surfaces, not curving downward surfaces.

The problem is that you believe our surface is curving downward when it is entirely flat. You must accept a long enough surface IS flat to understand how perspective works over them, since you won’t believe our surface is flat, you need one you accept as flat to even show you what happens over them.

Perspective does NOT act, or barely so, over curved surfaces. That’s why we show perspective over flat surfaces and straight oonverging and rising lines to a straight across horizon.

The only magic here is you think perspective will magically flatten out curving surfaces and make them LOOK entirely flat throughout, and rise up to the horizon, beyond which your phantom curve takes over but is never seen at all! That’s a lot of magic you have there, but it’s nonsense.

How would perspective magically make a curved surface look completely flat, and why hasn’t anybody ever explained your incredible magical feature of perspective?

Because nobody wants to look like a complete idiot, which they would.

Ok, Mr. Genius, please explain his perspective could make curved surfaces look entirely flat?

Umm, I don’t know how it flattens out curved surfaces like a giant pancake, but it must be doing it, since the Earth is a ball but the surface looks entirely flat with no curve at all. So it’s flattened by perspective. It even flattens out a thousand miles of curvature into a massive flapjack!!



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Re: How does day cycle work?
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2024, 11:54:18 PM »
Perspective DOES block out all objects from view, this is known as the vanishing point of perspective, which is at the horizon.
The vanishing point is at an infinite distance.
It is clearly NOT the horizon, as we can see objects past the horizon, with their base cut off.
Perspective CANNOT explain it.

Curved surfaces have little perspective at all, and only if it is almost flat, because perspective acts over flat surfaces, not curving downward surfaces.
Repeating the same lie wont help you.
Perspective acts for ALL objects.
That includes the surface of a round object.

What magic should magically stop perspective working?
All perspective is are statements of basic geometry.

The problem is that you believe our surface is curving downward when it is entirely flat.
No, the problem is that all the evidence shows it is curving downwards or cannot tell, while NOTHING indicates it is flat.

You must accept a long enough surface IS flat to understand how perspective works over them
You mean we must discard reality and accept a curved surface is flat so you can pretend Earth is flat.
Even though you have absolutely no explanation for how any of that magic would work, while a round surface explains it directly and simply.

The only magic here
The magic here is you thinking that perspective will magically hide things from view and magically cause them to appear to sink so their base appears to should be below the horizon.

No one other than you is claiming any magic.
Perspective does not magically make a round surface appear flat.
Which is why we have a horizon.
If it did magically transform a round surface into a flat one, then we wouldn't have the horizon.

You also can't explain at all just how Earth's surface looks flat.

Ok, Mr. Genius, please explain his perspective could make curved surfaces look entirely flat?
Why would anyone do that? Especially when it is based upon your pathetic strawman.
Okay mister lying POS, please explain how Earth's surface looks flat rather than curved.