How does gravity works in FE?

  • 151 Replies
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #90 on: November 17, 2024, 09:27:02 PM »
You first claimed energy isn’t created into existence and never stops existing as energy.
And then you claimed there is potential energy.
Which is a form of energy.
You not liking that fact will not change it.
Potential energy is a FORM of energy.
Converting from potential energy to some other form is NOT creating energy. It is converting it.
Converting from something else to potential energy is NOT destroying energy. It is destroying it.

No, it is not energy until it is CREATED into energy.

We ‘convert’ planks of wood into a house, which is creating or building a house.

Creation IS conversion. Parts of wood and steel are ‘converted’ into a guitar, CREATING a guitar. The parts are a ‘potential’ guitar until created into a guitar.

Creation is using what exists separately into something new that didn’t exist before then.

Creativity is taking things that exist in solid form or your mind and making something new out of it which never existed until then.

Calling it ‘conversion’ is still creation.

Do you convert potential guitars from pieces of wood and metal, and say they’ve always been ‘potential’ guitars, they weren’t created or anything, they always were guitars in other forms?

They were just wood and steel, they had to be created into guitars from wood and steel. If you smash the guitar to pieces, there is no more guitar that exists, only wood and steel pieces.

See the difference?

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #91 on: November 17, 2024, 09:36:16 PM »
Taking pieces of metal and making it into a gun, and making bullets for the gun, and shooting bullets from that gun, create kinetic energy or motion of the bullets, which did not exist until you created the gun and bullets which created kinetic energy from lifeless steel before then which had no energy at all.

The energy created from shooting a bullet into air was nothing but steel before then, before it was created into energy that didn’t exist until then.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #92 on: November 17, 2024, 09:44:23 PM »
What already HAS been created was from our Creator. We create things FROM those creations of God, from our minds which were created by God.

We create new life from what God has created as we humans and from all other life, and from objects of no life, we create new things from.

Who created energy from an arrow shot through the air by a bow? We did, from creating a bow out of wood and string, and an arrow. We created kinetic energy in the arrow that didn’t exist until we created it.

We ‘converted’ or created that energy into existence. It did not exist until we created it.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #93 on: November 17, 2024, 09:47:54 PM »
There was no energy from a bullet or arrow before we created that energy. Or transformed material with no energy into something that could create new - yes, brand new - energy into existence.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #94 on: November 18, 2024, 12:23:30 AM »
No, it is not energy until it is CREATED into energy.
No. Potential energy is a form of energy.
Lying about that wont change it.

You never have just "Energy". Instead you have different types, including chemical potential energy, nuclear potential energy, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy, and so on.

Regardless, none of this helps your delusional BS.

Even if you want to pretend potential energy is just potential, that just changes it from energy being conserved, it is energy and potential energy.

It still doesn't allow things to just magically stop.
The energy still needs to go somewhere.

Nor does it magically mean motion continuing forever is infinite energy.

So you are still spouting pure BS.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #95 on: November 22, 2024, 11:16:56 PM »
Energy from a bullet didn’t exist before we created a gun to shoot bullets from it, the energy from the bullet didn’t exist before we created that energy. Where do you think this energy existed before we created it? 

The bullet didn’t exist before we made it. The gun didn’t exist before we made it.

Where is that energy before we created the gun and bullet to create energy from shooting the bullet out the gun?

Where was the potential energy that you say existed from nothing but raw metal? No potential energy waiting to become actual energy some day.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #96 on: November 23, 2024, 12:00:07 AM »
After energy is created into existence, it is spent away as energy and dies out as energy.

Energy is always created into existence and dies out of existence afterwards.

Energy is a dynamic thing, created into existence and dies out of existence afterwards.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #97 on: November 23, 2024, 12:26:23 AM »
Energy from a bullet didn’t exist before we created a gun to shoot bullets from it
Yes it did. In the form of chemical potential energy.

Where was the potential energy that you say existed from nothing but raw metal? No potential energy waiting to become actual energy some day.
So you just entirely ignore the gunpowder?
You are aware there is more than just metal involved in making a gun fire.

Here is a simple question for you:
When you charge a battery, what is happening with the energy?

Regardless, all you are doing is playing BS semantics.
All that does is change it from "energy is conserved" to "the sum of energy and potential energy is conserved"

This doesn't help you at all.
It doesn't magically make things stop for no reason. You still need somewhere for that energy to go. Even if you want to claim it is being destroyed as it goes somewhere, it still needs to go somewhere.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #98 on: November 25, 2024, 08:49:32 AM »
High geade steel is made using coal forges

Trees make coal.

Sun makes trees.

The sun has heat.

Heat is energy.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #99 on: November 30, 2024, 01:54:29 AM »
No, we create energy that never existed before, out of objects of no energy themselves. We didnt create the objects, of no energy within them. If we didn’t build them to create energy, that energy would never have existed at all, in any form at all.

That energy never existed before. It wasn’t potential energy in the objects themselves. We created that energy using the objects of no energy at all.

And energy dies out, where it never existed before we created it into existence, and it later did not exist at all



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #100 on: November 30, 2024, 04:17:31 AM »
No, we create energy
Again, you are playing semantics. It doesn't help you.
Even in this world of BS meanings you have invented, you don't just magically create energy from nothing. You are converting potential energy into energy. Likewise the energy doesn't just magically vanish. Instead it is converted into something else, like heat or potential energy.

So it doesn't help you at all.
It doesn't allow things to magically accelerate for no reason. Nor does it allow things to magically stop for no reason.
The energy has to come from somewhere, and it has to go somewhere. You calling that somewhere not energy doesn't change that.

Now stop with all the BS and try to address the issue raised.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #101 on: November 30, 2024, 09:50:08 PM »
Everything is ‘potentially’ this or that or used to create a table with no energy, or a car with energy of motion.

Everything on Earth is unlimited as a potential.

When you say energy must go somewhere after it dies out, that’s where it went, out of existence as energy. It isn’t there anymore, hiding away and unseen in the air as separate molecules in a group, waiting to reform together as one thing of energy like magic!

Your life didn’t exist before it was created into existence, the energy you create by throwing a ball into air did not exist before you were here to create that energy. When we die, our energy, the energy we could’ve created on Earth, no longer exists, no longer is created.

There is no more potential energy from us when we no longer exist on Earth, nor the potential to create energy ourselves.

Saying ‘energy doesn’t die out’ is simply not true. Life dies out all the time, their energy dies out, or potential energy dies out.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #102 on: November 30, 2024, 10:55:51 PM »
Everything is ‘potentially’ this or that or used to create a table with no energy, or a car with energy of motion.

Everything on Earth is unlimited as a potential.

When you say energy must go somewhere after it dies out, that’s where it went, out of existence as energy. It isn’t there anymore, hiding away and unseen in the air as separate molecules in a group, waiting to reform together as one thing of energy like magic!

Your life didn’t exist before it was created into existence, the energy you create by throwing a ball into air did not exist before you were here to create that energy. When we die, our energy, the energy we could’ve created on Earth, no longer exists, no longer is created.

There is no more potential energy from us when we no longer exist on Earth, nor the potential to create energy ourselves.

Saying ‘energy doesn’t die out’ is simply not true. Life dies out all the time, their energy dies out, and all that potential energy also dies out when they die



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #103 on: November 30, 2024, 11:40:42 PM »

Again, even if you want to play this BS game, you are not "creating" that energy from nothing. You are "creating" it from potential energy.
And likewise, it doesn't just vanish.

It doesn't allow things to magically accelerate for no reason. Nor does it allow things to magically stop for no reason.
The energy has to come from somewhere, and it has to go somewhere. You calling that somewhere not energy doesn't change that.

Now stop with all the BS and try to address the issue raised.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #104 on: December 07, 2024, 03:33:30 AM »
When we are born, we create energy. It never existed before we were born right?

It came out of nowhere into existence.

Get the first part here?

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #105 on: December 07, 2024, 03:41:24 AM »
When objects are created as motionless, Newton said objects in motion tend to stay in motion unless acted on by an opposing force.

He completely bypassed where the object was first motionless and what gave it energy to BE in motion!

Ignore the reason it was put into motion and bring up your force that needs to stop its motion out of nowhere!

Thanks for buying this shit you idiots, you’ve been played as fools and I knew you’d buy my crap, hook line and sinker!

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #106 on: December 07, 2024, 03:44:35 AM »
Addition to newtons law

When a plane is in motion it will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by another force. Fuel isn’t a problem, it flies for infinity in air unless acted on by another force!

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #107 on: December 07, 2024, 03:49:24 AM »
A force must be invented for things to stay on the surface of  the ball Earth. A second force must be invented for objects that rise against the first made up force. Gravity and Buoyancy we commend you! Thanks for g he eloping our bs story!

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #108 on: December 07, 2024, 03:51:09 AM »

A force must be invented for things to stay on the surface of  the ball Earth. A second force must be invented for objects that rise against the first made up force. Gravity and Buoyancy we commend you! Thanks for helping our bs story!
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 03:56:02 AM by turbonium2 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #109 on: December 07, 2024, 04:12:16 AM »
The answer is gravity is a made up bs force,  nobody needs it or wants it around, so it can F off and die




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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #110 on: December 07, 2024, 12:32:31 PM »
The answer is gravity is a made up bs force,  nobody needs it or wants it around, so it can F off and die

You you even know why, as an FE'er, you are legally and morally obligated to hate gravity so much?  Could it be that if gravity was real, then it would cause a massive enough object (like the flat earth) to collapse into a roughly spherical shape, thereby completely contradicting FET?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #111 on: December 07, 2024, 01:58:36 PM »
create energy
Again, semantic BS will not save you.

It doesn't matter if you want to pretend potential energy is not energy and that when you convert from potential into other forms like kinetic energy; you still have the same problem.
That "energy" is not coming into existence from no where. It is coming from that potential energy.

Understand that yet?

When objects are created as motionless
Who says they are?

Regardless that doesn't matter.
Once they are in motion, they are in motion and need a force to stop them and need somewhere for that energy to go.
It doesn't magically vanish.

He completely bypassed where the object was first motionless and what gave it energy to BE in motion!
Or he recognised that is irrelevant, because it doesn't matter.

Again, once the object is in motion, you need a force to stop it and somewhere for that energy to go. It doesn't magically stop.

Thanks for buying this shit you idiots
I'm not buying your shit because I'm not an idiot.

When a plane is in motion it will tend to stay in motion unless acted on by another force. Fuel isn’t a problem, it flies for infinity in air unless acted on by another force!
And a big force for planes is drag from air resistance.
Without using an engine to keep it moving forwards, that drag would eventually stop it.
That is also why planes are typically made to be aerodynamic, to minimise the effect of drag.

Another big one is gravity.

The fact an additional force is needed to stop it, doesn't mean you can just ignore other forces.

A force must be invented for things to stay on the surface of  the ball Earth. A second force must be invented for objects that rise against the first made up force. Gravity and Buoyancy we commend you! Thanks for g he eloping our bs story!
No, a force is needed to make things accelerate down.
Buoyancy is a direct result of this first force as explained to you repeatedly.

Again, if we were happy to just use magic like you do, that magic would work just as well on a round Earth.

The only one appealing to crap to save a BS story is you.

The answer is gravity is a made up bs force,  nobody needs it or wants it around, so it can F off and die
While plenty of people may not want gravity, all the evidence shows it exists.
If you want to disagree, you need to explain what makes things fall and how this creates a pressure gradient and so on.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #112 on: December 08, 2024, 12:35:15 AM »
Again, once the object is in motion, you need a force to stop it and somewhere for that energy to go. It doesn't magically stop.

There’s no object found in motion, but once it IS in motion somehow, it is endlessly in motion unless stopped by a force. 

How can the object be PUT into motion doesn’t matter, it’s by a force acting on it we don’t need to mention at all, it all starts when ‘once it IS in motion’!!

There’s no force that is involved in putting it INTO motion if we don’t start there. It’s just in motion, let’s go from that point, no silly force to bother us anymore!

This is the most idiotic bs ever made up.

You cannot have an object just be in motion out of nothing! It must be put into motion by a force, that’s what CREATED it into motion, it’s the only reason it IS in motion, it doesn’t start in motion, that’s ridiculous.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #113 on: December 08, 2024, 12:48:35 AM »
The energy causing its motion does go somewhere, it is spent by the objects motion as energy and dies out. That’s where the energy goes. Out of existence, used by the object it put the energy into for its motion, which is using that energy as it moves from that energy it received.

Once an energy puts an object into motion, it is not ‘once an object is in motion’, which ignores why it IS in motion to begin with, and that’s simply stupid.

Objects are in motion when within the air, by their density creating its motion downward which creates its force of the objects motion in falling through air.

Only density causes this motion and becomes a force through its motion based on relative density
« Last Edit: December 08, 2024, 12:51:20 AM by turbonium2 »



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #114 on: December 08, 2024, 01:52:07 AM »
There’s no object found in motion
Plenty of objects are found in motion.

This is the most idiotic bs ever made up.
No, the most idiotic BS ever made up would be people claiming that what puts it into motion matters and that magically causes it to stop, that pushing something to make it move, will magically make it stop.

Go try telling that to drivers. Tell them that if they want to stop, they should slam down on the accelerator, and to not bother using the brake, because the brake clearly doesn't matter.

The energy causing its motion does go somewhere, it is spent by the objects motion as energy and dies out.
That isn't going anywhere. That is magically vanishing.

which is using that energy as it moves from that energy it received.
If it is using that energy as it moves, then that energy needs to be going somewhere. For example, if it is moving through the air, there is air resistance and drag which converts the energy to heat.

ignores why it IS in motion to begin with, and that’s simply stupid.
Again, the stupidity is acting like what puts it into motion will magically stop it.

Objects are in motion when within the air, by their density creating its motion downward which creates its force of the objects motion in falling through air.
So pure magic, which doesn't work at all.


Jorking Dey Venis

  • 26
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #115 on: December 12, 2024, 06:47:54 PM »
It makes perfect sense.

Why can insects and birds fly up into air, while most life cannot?

The only reason a helium filled balloon rises up in air, is that it is less dense than the air is.

A submarine rises up in water when air is put in its ballast tanks, making the sun less dense than water.

Everything is determined by relative density of objects in air or water.   

Buoyancy means less density of objects than the density of air and water.

More density is why objects fall from air and sink in water.

And interestingly, all of these are predicted by RE model physics! Amazing!

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #116 on: December 15, 2024, 01:38:49 AM »
When a force creates it into motion, that is the energy from the force acting on the object which was previously motionless.

That energy will then be used up during its motion, because it’s only in motion from that energy, and it is spent up  and dies out later on, and the object is motionless once again.

More energy acting on an object will create greater motion, faster motion, longer duration of motion.

The level of energy acting on the object is what creates more or less motion, how long it’s in motion. That’s why more energy takes longer to be spent and die out.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #117 on: December 15, 2024, 12:06:39 PM »
That energy will then be used up during its motion
No, it wont, because it can't magically vanish. Again it has to go somewhere. Until it does, that energy is the kinetic energy of the object which continues moving.

Again, this is why cars have breaks, to cause an interaction which converts that energy to heat.

And again, if your nonsense was true, if you throw an object, it would travel in a straight just slowing down and then stopping mid-air and sitting there with no force to make it accelerate in any direction.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #118 on: December 15, 2024, 10:35:52 PM »
Gravity tis inertia. That is all.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #119 on: December 21, 2024, 12:11:53 AM »
Energy must be created into existence, a football isn’t flying through the air by itself, and has flown through the air since day one.

Before you were born and created your own energy, that energy never at all existed, nor did the potential energy exist until you were born on Earth.

When you die, your energy no longer exists, or ever can exist after you no longer exist on Earth.

That’s the reality