Since nothing would ever BE in motion without a force acting on any object in the first place.
That is your baseless claim. A claim you are yet to substantiate.
Ignoring how all objects can become in motion
It is entirely irrelevant what put them in motion.
You are yet to provide any reason why it should matter or any evidence to show it should.
If I pick up an object and throw it upwards, it moves upwards, slowing down and then coming back down.
If I throw up and to the right, its horizontal velocity remains basically the same while its vertical velocity slows down and it goes back down.
If I throw it down, it just speeds up.
If the cause of motion or its origin had anything to do with it, we should expect the same thing to happen, just rotated.
i.e. If I throw up and to the right, it should follow a straight line, slowing down, until it reaches a peak where it stops completely, and then it should come back to me, accelerating down and to the left.
But it doesn't.
So what puts it into motion clearly doesn't matter.
The origin clearly doesn't matter.
What we observe is a downwards force accelerating the object.
And objects stop because of other forces.
When a force causes objects to become in motion, it forms into kinetic energy, motion which is only due to that force of energy from it.
Yes, and that kinetic energy can't magically be destroyed.
The kinetic energy is entirely due to the object being in motion.
If the object magically stopped with no further interactions, that energy magically vanishes, a direct violation of the law of conservation of energy.
Without other forces acting, conservation of energy DEMANDS the object continues.
The only way to stop the object is to turn that kinetic energy into heat (or something else) via some kind of interaction, such as frictional forces slowing the object down and converting that energy to heat.
But the force of it as energy is NOT INFINITE ENERGY, but that is what Newton is trying to suggest is true.
No, that is your blatant lie.
A lie you are yet to substantiate in any way.
A lie you keep repeating because you cannot refute reality, and because you don't like reality and don't care about the truth.
Motion continuing forever is still FINITE energy.
Infinite energy would be an object with finite and non zero mass travelling at the speed of light.
The formula for kinetic energy, for an object travelling at a relatively low speed is E=0.5*m*v^2.
Notice this has NOTHING to do with distance or time travelled.
It is simply half the mass multiplied by the velocity squared.
So if you take an object with finite mass, travelling at a finite velocity, you will have a finite energy.
And unless something takes this energy away, the object will continue moving.
It takes no energy for an object to continue moving at the same velocity in the absence of other forces.
It is if you want to increase the velocity that energy must be expended, and if you want to stop it, you can either expend energy or use some other force which will take the kinetic energy from the object.
If you wish to assert infinite energy, explain where this is coming from.
Explain what magic takes away the kinetic energy of the object with no force/interaction, and where this energy goes.
It is the loss of energy used up in the objects which stops their motion, or would stop it without any external force acting on it. The main reason they stop is the loss of energy from the force acting on it
Except that is quite clearly pure BS, as explained above.
Where is this energy going? It can't just magically vanish.
The only way for that loss of energy to occur is some interaction which causes the energy to be converted into another form. That interaction will have a force associated with it.
So the reason it stops is because of a FORCE interacting with it which converts the kinetic energy into something else (usually heat).
And without that loss of energy (i.e. if there is no force interacting with it) it continues moving with the same kinetic energy.