How does gravity works in FE?

  • 151 Replies
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2024, 09:25:13 PM »
Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth. Show me any object that is is motion which was not PUT into motion by an external force.

You’re the one supporting Newton’s ‘Laws’, you’re the one who needs to prove them true.

There ARE no ‘objects that are in motion’, until they are PUT in motion by an external force.

No ‘objects are in motion’, objects are first PUT into motion. They are all motionless, unless put into motion by a force.

When they are then PUT into motion, by a force, the energy FROM that force is the only reason they GO into motion, stay in motion, until that energy dies out, and STOPS their motion.

Show me any object in motion that isn’t PUT into motion by a force. You won’t find any.

Newton was a great bs artist, but it doesn’t work.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2024, 10:21:58 PM »
Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth. Show me any object that is is motion which was not PUT into motion by an external force.
I can't, because there are forces stopping the moving things, like friction, air resistance. The fact that there are no objects on Earth that can move forever proves that Newton first law is true, there are forces stopping things from moving forever.

You’re the one supporting Newton’s ‘Laws’, you’re the one who needs to prove them true.
I showed my proof, the proof of first law from second law, and a experiment proving the second law, where is your prove of this being false?

There ARE no ‘objects that are in motion’, until they are PUT in motion by an external force.

No ‘objects are in motion’, objects are first PUT into motion. They are all motionless, unless put into motion by a force.

When they are then PUT into motion, by a force, the energy FROM that force is the only reason they GO into motion, stay in motion, until that energy dies out, and STOPS their motion.
Where is the proof? Aristotle think about the same thing 1600 years ago, but it has been disproven by Newton, I showed you the proof, you will have to prove it otherwise to defeat my argument.

Show me any object in motion that isn’t PUT into motion by a force. You won’t find any.

Newton was a great bs artist, but it doesn’t work.
You are correct, I cannot show you any object like this because there are always forces slowing it down, friction and air resistance on Earth, gravity in space. But I showed you the proof of Newton's first and second law, you just refuse to accept it.

Also you have not answer my question yet, CO2 is denser than air, so it should sink down in the air and choke all of us to death. Why are we not choking to death?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 11:56:53 AM by seaweed »
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2024, 01:35:12 AM »
Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth.

Why not include the very real solar system?  Because you can’t deal with comets.  And it kills your dome fantasy.  Along with Jupiter.  The moons of Jupiter.  Asteroids. Meteors.  Meteor showers.  Charged particles from the sun, and the van Allen belts.

The fact the earth has a natural satellite we call the moon. 



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2024, 03:21:57 AM »
Why do they have to be ‘pulled down’ by any force at all?
Well if we go based upon what you said:
"No objects are in motion until a force acts on them to put them into motion."
So if we have an object stationary in mid air, according to you, it shall remain stationary until a force puts it into motion.
So for it to move down, there must be a force to put it into motion.

But really, the question is why should they go down?
What is making them go down?
Density alone is not enough.
A force acting to put them up is not enough.
You have nothing.

So when objects are on the surface, they don’t move at all. When thrown up into air, they are in different conditions. They are then within a medium they do not exist in normally. They are in a medium of less density than they have.
So what?
Why should that make them fall?
You still have no answer.

there is no force which needs to act on them
Yet even you said that "No objects are in motion until a force acts on them to put them into motion."

No force is needed to create a hurricane or lightning.
Yes, there is.
Otherwise they wouldn't form.

Only magnetic force pulls in objects
And electrostatic forces, and gravity.
And this includes the electrostatic forces holding objects together.

If forces only pushes, you wouldn't be able to have solid objects. Everything would be a gas.

His first ‘Law’ states that objects in motion or not in motion are the same thing.
No, it doesn't. Not at all.

Objects are first and always NOT in motion
That is your baseless claim you are yet to justify.

That is not addressed by his second ‘Law’ at all. It continues from that false narrative, so it’s bs as well.
You mean it doesn't agree with your BS narrative.

Objects ARE motionless.
No, plenty of objects are in motion.
You are now literally saying that objects don't move.
Your desperation and dishonesty truly knows no bounds.

They do not both exist in natural state, they are ALL motionless in natural state.
Prove it.
Why hasn't the moon stopped?
In your delusional fantasy, what is the natural state for the moon? To be in motion or not in motion?

If you need more clarification
Clarification isn't the issue, it is justification for your baseless BS.

Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth.
I notice you want to restrict it to Earth.
What about the moon?
But why should we show you that? You are yet again making ridiculous demands.

Show me any object that is is motion which was not PUT into motion by an external force.
Show me any object that is motionless that was not stopped by an external force.

Or if you would like an example based upon what you say, go pick up a ball, hold it in mid air, and release it. Observe it go into motion. This motion is claimed by you to not be caused by a force.

No ‘objects are in motion’, objects are first PUT into motion.
That is your baseless claim you are yet to support.

the energy FROM that force is the only reason they GO into motion, stay in motion, until that energy dies out, and STOPS their motion.
Again, the energy doesn't magically die out.
Again, when you apply a force to an object to accelerate it you are converting that energy to kinetic energy.
That motion of the object is that energy. It doesn't magically die out. That would violate conservation of energy.

Show me any object in motion that isn’t PUT into motion by a force. You won’t find any.
Show me any object that was in motion but now isn't, that wasn't stopped by a force. You won't find any.

Newton was a great bs artist, but it doesn’t work.
What doesn't work?
So far you have rejected it, with no justification at all and instead asserted baseless BS.
You are yet to show a single part which doesn't work.

Conversely you have literally contradicted yourself, where you say objects need a force to be put into motion, but then claim that they don't so you can pretend no force is needed for objects to fall.

You can't have it both ways.
Either a force is needed so you need a force to make it fall; or you don't need a force and objects can magically accelerate with no force at all.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2024, 12:02:30 AM »
A rock on Earth is motionless. A force must put it into motion.

The rock isn’t in air, it’s on the ground, motionless.

After a force puts it in motion, up in the air, the objects greater density than that of air causes the object to fall down through that foreign medium it was put within by a force.

Without that force acting on it, the rock would be motionless on the ground.

The rocks density after it’s put into motion will cause it further to be in motion, created by kinetic force in its falling through air downward.

God designed Earth in this way. No force is needed to hold us down to the surface, or to pull us down to the surface from air above the surface. Our density does that for us and all things on Earth.

Your ball Earth speeding through endless space needs to make up a force or two, to explain that stupid story.

But it doesn’t explain anything at all, since a made up force, needed another made up force to solve its problems, but still fails miserably.

What would be the odds of objects in air or in water which makes them either rise up in air or fall through it, either rise up or sink in water, being they are either more or less dense than air or water?

This isn’t a magical coincidence. Relative density is the explanation for all of it. Why something rises up in air or water and why most things fall through air or sink in water.

A submarine uses relative density to rise up or sink down in water.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2024, 04:27:48 AM »
A rock on Earth is motionless. A force must put it into motion.
Prove it started motionless.
Prove it didn't start out in motion.

After a force puts it in motion, up in the air, the objects greater density than that of air causes
i.e. the original force putting it in motion is entirely irrelavent.
Even here you are saying it is the greater than that of air which causes it to go down.

The problem for you is that isn't a reason.

A force can put a rock into motion going sideways from the edge of a cliff, or even down from an outcropping.
Yet they all go down.

So stop spouting the same pathetic BS of needing a force to put it up. It clearly has nothing to do with why it falls.

And density cannot explain why it falls.
It doesn't give it any direcitonality.
It doesn't give it any reason to move.
It doesn't give it any reason for any rate.

God designed Earth in this way.
Appealing to your imaginary fiend doesn't help. It just show you have no way to explain it and you are just believing makebelieve.

No force is needed to ... pull us down
Again, this directly contradicts what you have said previously, where you have stated a force is needed to make an object move.
So an object in mid-air motionless,

Your ball Earth speeding through endless space needs to make up a force or two, to explain that stupid story.
No, reality needs it.
If we discard rational thought and just accept your delusional BS, then it works just as well, in fact, it works even better.
Your imaginary POS made things that way, with things like rocks sitting on the surface of Earth.
When a force lifts it up, magic (i mean density) makes it go back towards Earth.

So no, if your delusional BS actually worked it would work just fine on a rotating round Earth.

In order to have it not work, you need to appeal to a magical universal down, which you also can't explain, which can just be substituted for something else.

But it doesn’t explain anything at all, since a made up force, needed another made up force to solve its problems, but still fails miserably.
You mean gravity, quite real, demonstrated to exist with mountains of evidence, works to explain lots of problems, with you repeatedly failing to show any fault.

This isn’t a magical coincidence.
No, it is simple math based upon gravity.
The fluid is acted upon by gravity which creates a pressure gradient based upon the density of the fluid which then acts to push objects up with a force proportional to the weight of the fluid displaced.

What would really be a magical coincidence is if density did that and magically worked out to magically be the exact same result as the measurable pressure gradient and a downwards force based on mass.

Gravity works to explain it all.
You need to continually flee from the pressure gradient which you cannot explain at all.
Likewise, gravity also explains why things go down, why at a particular rate, why that rate varies with location and plenty of other things.
Things you can't explain at all.

Again, WHY DOWN?
Why at that rate?
Why does the rate vary?
Why does this create a pressure gradient?
Why doesn't this pressure gradient push things up?

Can you even attempt to explain them without just repeating the same BS?



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2024, 01:31:23 PM »
A rock on Earth is motionless. A force must put it into motion.
The rock isn’t in air, it’s on the ground, motionless.
After a force puts it in motion, up in the air, the objects greater density than that of air causes the object to fall down through that foreign medium it was put within by a force.
Without that force acting on it, the rock would be motionless on the ground.
The rocks density after it’s put into motion will cause it further to be in motion, created by kinetic force in its falling through air downward.
Your entire claim is based on the assumption that Newton's first law is fake, where is your mathematical proof of it being fake? I already show you mine, it is time you show your proof.

God designed Earth in this way. No force is needed to hold us down to the surface, or to pull us down to the surface from air above the surface. Our density does that for us and all things on Earth.
You still have not answer my question, CO2 is denser than oxygen, so it will sink down and suffocate all of us, why are we not suffocating to death? (this is the fourth time I have asked you this question, stop avoiding it)

Your ball Earth speeding through endless space needs to make up a force or two, to explain that stupid story.
But it doesn’t explain anything at all, since a made up force, needed another made up force to solve its problems, but still fails miserably.
Where is it falling apart, I don't see any discrepancy between any theory that is about ball Earth, however you cannot even point out which of the 12 maps is the correct map of flat Earth.

What would be the odds of objects in air or in water which makes them either rise up in air or fall through it, either rise up or sink in water, being they are either more or less dense than air or water?
This isn’t a magical coincidence. Relative density is the explanation for all of it. Why something rises up in air or water and why most things fall through air or sink in water.
A submarine uses relative density to rise up or sink down in water.
That is all your density theory can explain, and I propose a question (CO2 is denser than oxygen, so it will sink down and suffocate all of us, why are we not suffocating to death?) that YOU need to answer to explain to make your model work, STOP AVOIDING THIS QUESTION!
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2024, 02:22:05 AM »
A rock on Earth is motionless. A force must put it into motion.
The rock isn’t in air, it’s on the ground, motionless.
After a force puts it in motion, up in the air, the objects greater density than that of air causes the object to fall down through that foreign medium it was put within by a force.
Without that force acting on it, the rock would be motionless on the ground.
The rocks density after it’s put into motion will cause it further to be in motion, created by kinetic force in its falling through air downward.
Your entire claim is based on the assumption that Newton's first law is fake, where is your mathematical proof of it being fake? I already show you mine, it is time you show your proof.
I think you'll find on close inspection mathematics has a curious deficit when it comes to parity with reality, and proof is a matter of alcohol and axiom.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2024, 10:21:54 AM »
I think you'll find on close inspection mathematics has a curious deficit when it comes to parity with reality, and proof is a matter of alcohol and axiom.
Then maybe you should come up with an alternate system that does not rely on axiom, I will be patiently waiting for you to do this, also make sure your system (math 2.0 or some other name) is compatible with all your claims :) (I am not going to ask you to satisfy the reality since you can't really have one)
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2024, 02:37:26 AM »
Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth.
Yes, any object is always in motion on Earth.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2024, 02:38:24 AM »
I think you'll find on close inspection mathematics has a curious deficit when it comes to parity with reality, and proof is a matter of alcohol and axiom.
Then maybe you should come up with an alternate system that does not rely on axiom
Why would I do that? Is mathematical nominalism all of a sudden not a thing or do you just not know what you are talking about?
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2024, 12:14:14 PM »
Why would I do that? Is mathematical nominalism all of a sudden not a thing or do you just not know what you are talking about?
I can buy everything you said (it is unrelated to the topic anyway), even without evidence, but you need to answer the question I have asked numerous time:
CO2 is denser than oxygen, so it will sink down and suffocate all of us, why are we not suffocating to death?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 12:23:24 PM by seaweed »
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2024, 01:21:35 PM »
Show me any object that is always in motion on Earth.
Yes, any object is always in motion on Earth.
Relative to what?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2024, 06:08:34 PM »
Prove it started motionless.
Prove it didn't start out in motion

You believe that there are objects always found in motion? Name one, other than those above Earth, in the heavens, which are always in motion, unlike those on Earth itself, which you are referring to here.

Let’s ignore why objects were motionless, first, and start after they’re PUT into motion!!

Unless you can show me at least one object always found to be in motion, existing in perpetual motion, which I’ve not known to exist?

What would Newton be referring to here? Objects that exist in perpetual, eternal motion? Why would you believe that? If you do, that is.

When he said ‘objects in motion’, he ignored the fact that objects don’t exist in a state of eternal motion.

A force puts objects into motion, without a force they are NOT put into motion.

That’s the only reason objects ever ARE in motion, they aren’t in motion otherwise!!

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2024, 06:12:13 PM »
Prove it started motionless.
Prove it didn't start out in motion

You believe that there are objects always found in motion? Name one, other than those above Earth, in the heavens, which are always in motion, unlike those on Earth itself, which you are referring to here.

Let’s ignore why objects were motionless, first, and start after they’re PUT into motion!!

Unless you can show me at least one object always found to be in motion, existing in perpetual motion, which I’ve not known to exist?

What would Newton be referring to here? Objects that exist in perpetual, eternal motion? Why would you believe that? If you do, that is.

When he said ‘objects in motion’, he ignored the fact that objects don’t exist in a state of eternal motion.

A force puts objects into motion, without a force they are NOT put into motion.

That’s the only reason objects ever ARE in motion, they aren’t in motion otherwise!!
How a bout the Moon.
The the universe has no obligation to makes sense to you.
The earth is a globe.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2024, 06:58:41 PM »
Prove it started motionless.
Prove it didn't start out in motion

You believe that there are objects always found in motion? Name one, other than those above Earth, in the heavens, which are always in motion, unlike those on Earth itself, which you are referring to here.
Name something that is always in motion, except for all of the things that are always in motion?  What a stupid question. ::)

Let’s ignore why objects were motionless, first, and start after they’re PUT into motion!!

Unless you can show me at least one object always found to be in motion, existing in perpetual motion, which I’ve not known to exist?
What's your obsession with perpetual motion?

What would Newton be referring to here? Objects that exist in perpetual, eternal motion? Why would you believe that? If you do, that is.
No, Newton is not referring to perpetual motion.  I don't know why you would think that he was.  He was simply referring to the current state of motion of an object.

When he said ‘objects in motion’, he ignored the fact that objects don’t exist in a state of eternal motion.
That's because eternal motion isn't relevant.

A force puts objects into motion, without a force they are NOT put into motion.

That’s the only reason objects ever ARE in motion, they aren’t in motion otherwise!!
Yes, that's what the "unless acted upon by an external force" part means.  Duh.

BTW, what put those eternally moving celestial objects into motion?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2024, 07:17:42 PM »
Why would you believe there cannot be any direction, or have two opposite directions for things to go in?

Mass exists in all that exists on and above Earth, does it not?

Mass is the one thing all share in having.

All things were created to exist on the Earths surfaces, ground or waters. Not to exist in air, live in air, except those objects in the heavens, stars and Sun and moon.

Newton understood - as we all understand, yet fail to see, that he’s using word tricks for ‘laws’ he created to support the ball Earth lie. 

Objects that are - magically found to be in motion - don’t say what caused their motion. Just say they’re in motion, no need to explain why they are in motion!!



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2024, 07:26:50 PM »
Newton understood - as we all understand, yet fail to see, that he’s using word tricks for ‘laws’ he created to support the ball Earth lie. 
What do Newton's laws of motion have to do with the shape of the earth?  Would they not be the same on a flat earth?  If you want to go after one of Newton's laws, it should be his law of gravity.

Objects that are - magically found to be in motion - don’t say what caused their motion. Just say they’re in motion, no need to explain why they are in motion!!
Newton is just saying that applying a force will change the state of an object's motion.  I have no idea why that's so hard to understand.  Obviously the concept of a thought experiment is beyond the ability of an FE'er. ::)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 07:29:43 PM by markjo »
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2024, 08:45:47 PM »
"objects in motion stay in motion" was used to account for why objects tend to stop or why they change motion.

it was not to convince us that things fly forever.
it was to make us think, why didN"T it fly forever?
the more you look into, measure, calculate, you find more things that affect your object.
you find things that you wouldn't've thought of before unless you calculated and tested the calculation.

it is the reason why rocket scientists and aerospace engineers and snipers/ artillery military peoples are able to do the things they do.


FYI still waiting for you to explain how Costco Shopping Cart circle was made.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2024, 09:58:58 PM »
Why would I do that? Is mathematical nominalism all of a sudden not a thing or do you just not know what you are talking about?
I can buy everything you said (it is unrelated to the topic anyway), even without evidence, but you need to answer the question I have asked numerous time:
CO2 is denser than oxygen, so it will sink down and suffocate all of us, why are we not suffocating to death?
You brainless fool.

Gravity is a pseudoforce.

You are claiming some sort of imaginary world scenario about all of CO2 "sinking down" and suffocating us to death. Why do you think this is happening. Ask it coherently and I am happy to answer as the fates allow.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2024, 10:10:04 PM »
You brainless fool.

Gravity is a pseudoforce.

You are claiming some sort of imaginary world scenario about all of CO2 "sinking down" and suffocating us to death. Why do you think this is happening. Ask it coherently and I am happy to answer as the fates allow.
1. You didn't answer the question, I pose this question because someone thinks things fall down because of relative density, therefore I ask the question and patiently waited for the response.
2. Shut up if you don't have anything valuable to share, no one wants to listen to your dumb insulting words. Honestly you can keep insulting me, I don't care, it is like arguing with a dog, a boneless dog who is so dumb that he fail high school.
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2024, 10:16:02 PM »
CO2 is denser than air and can collect in high concentrations in open pits, lowlying areas and confined spaces where it can displace oxygen creating a serious health hazard. What are the health effects of carbon dioxide? CO2 is considered to be minimally toxic by inhalation.

good thing air is mostly nitrogen and mixes that shit up.

hey hey
i'm in the hvac world
we have a rule of thumb that any wall close to 10ft of a gasburning vent, the vent must extend 2ft higher than the wall.
but you would say "don't that shit just sink back down?"

because of heat bouyancy, diffusion, and dillution.

gravtiy doesn't keep birds from flying
it doesn't keep CO2 and CO1 from floating around and never settling.
wind and solar heat are a thing causing things to mix.

just like saltwater currents and fresh water currents and cold water currents form currents when they're in concentrated concentrations.
but when left to mix dilute and mix? well they mix.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2024, 10:33:29 PM »
You brainless fool.

Gravity is a pseudoforce.

You are claiming some sort of imaginary world scenario about all of CO2 "sinking down" and suffocating us to death. Why do you think this is happening. Ask it coherently and I am happy to answer as the fates allow.
1. You didn't answer the question, I pose this question because someone thinks things fall down because of relative density, therefore I ask the question and patiently waited for the response.
2. Shut up if you don't have anything valuable to share, no one wants to listen to your dumb insulting words. Honestly you can keep insulting me, I don't care, it is like arguing with a dog, a boneless dog who is so dumb that he fail high school.
You pose useless questions. They do not fall down due to density. Read the tomes of the Amitabha. You may need to travel.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2024, 02:52:42 AM »
Prove it started motionless.
Prove it didn't start out in motion
You believe that there are objects always found in motion?
Notice how yet again you spout baseless garbage, and then when asked to prove it, you deflect and want others to prove you wrong?

Let’s ignore why objects were motionless
No, lets ignore how it got into the air, as it clearly has no bearing on why it goes down.

A force puts objects into motion, without a force they are NOT put into motion.
Yet you directly contradict that by claiming objects magically just go down without a force.

Again, try to remain consistent.

You have an object, motionless in mid air.
Is a force needed to make it go into motion towards the ground? Yes or no?

Why would you believe there cannot be any direction, or have two opposite directions for things to go in?
The question is what gives rise to the directionality?
You have no justification at all.

Mass exists in all that exists on and above Earth, does it not?
So are you saying this mass attracts other mass?
i.e. gravity?

All things were created to exist on the Earths surfaces, ground or waters.
Prove it.
And again, why should this magically make it go down?
Yet again, you contradict yourself by giving different, contradictory explanations for why things should go down.

Newton understood - as we all understand, yet fail to see, that he’s using word tricks for ‘laws’ he created to support the ball Earth lie.
No, that is just your desperate fantasy.
He created "laws" which were simply observations of reality which work to explain and predict reality.
Laws which lots of people (yourself included) frequently misrepresent.
All it is is really saying is that a force is needed to change the motion of an object.

Objects that are - magically found to be in motion - don’t say what caused their motion.
Why would they need a cause?
Why must objects start motionless and be put into motion?
Why does it matter what caused their motion?



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2024, 02:54:41 AM »
1. You didn't answer the question, I pose this question because someone thinks things fall down because of relative density, therefore I ask the question and patiently waited for the response.
The problem is that gravity has the same "issue".
And the solution works for both.



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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2024, 04:02:54 PM »
You pose useless questions. They do not fall down due to density. Read the tomes of the Amitabha. You may need to travel.
What the fuck is the tomes of the Amitabha? You expect to find science in a religious text? It is like finding the age of the Earth in Bible, you know this tome does not describe gravity but somehow you still spew this total bullshit. I am getting impressed on your ability to talk bs, it must have taken a lot of practice right? Learn to speak proper English, don't throw words together and hope it makes sense.
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2024, 04:06:25 PM »
Since I discover that the CO2 question has some problems inside, I will pose a new question for density gravity person (yeah, I am not talking to you Username, shut up you boneless dog): Things fall down in vacuum, where is the relative density here buddy?
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Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2024, 02:12:44 AM »
Since I discover that the CO2 question has some problems inside, I will pose a new question for density gravity person (yeah, I am not talking to you Username, shut up you boneless dog): Things fall down in vacuum, where is the relative density here buddy?
Well you pretty much can never get a perfect vacuum. And even if you did, the density of it would be 0. So you still have relative density there.

There is a much simpler question:
Why down?



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  • Why is the Earth Flat?
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2024, 12:42:51 PM »
Since I discover that the CO2 question has some problems inside, I will pose a new question for density gravity person (yeah, I am not talking to you Username, shut up you boneless dog): Things fall down in vacuum, where is the relative density here buddy?
Well you pretty much can never get a perfect vacuum. And even if you did, the density of it would be 0. So you still have relative density there.

There is a much simpler question:
Why down?
Nah think about this, he is siting density and buoyancy, a vacuum cannot support this buoyancy theory, but yeah, why down and why in a specific rate is also excellent questions.
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  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #59 on: October 01, 2024, 02:50:03 PM »
Nah think about this, he is siting density and buoyancy, a vacuum cannot support this buoyancy theory, but yeah, why down and why in a specific rate is also excellent questions.
A vacuum cannot support actual buoyancy (at least not any significant amount), which relies upon gravity to create a pressure gradient which in turn pushes things up.

But their fantasy version is quite different.
It just compares the density of the object with the density of the surroundings and that magically makes it go up or down.
As there is no mechanism nor any basis for this working at all, regardless of the object being in a vacuum or air, or water, or anything; it doesn't really matter what is there it doesn't work, simply because it doesn't work.