How does gravity works in FE?

  • 151 Replies
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #120 on: December 21, 2024, 04:27:49 AM »
a football isn’t flying through the air by itself,

It takes an unbalanced force to make the ball change direction of travel and/or accelerate.  Is that a false statement. 

Then what makes a ball thrown straight up decelerate faster than what is accounted for by air resistance alone.  Makes the ball stop mid air for a split second.  Then change direction of travel 180 degrees to travel straight down.  And not only travel straight down, but accelerate.

What force(s) are acting on the ball thrown straight up to slow, stop, change direction of travel 180 degrees, and accelerate down.

Why can’t a person simply throw a ball straight out.  Why does a ball by a person attempting to throw a ball straight out start to accelerate down towards earth as soon as it is released.  So the ball always travels in a type of arc. 

Bullet Fired vs Bullet Dropped - Mythbusters for the Impatient

Added.  The bullet exiting the muzzle is still accelerating out from the weapon in line with the weapon.  But also starts to accelerate down.  What force makes the bullet accelerate down while the bullet is still accelerating straight from the muzzle.  And how did they calculate the bullet fired would hit the ground about 360 feet away

« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 04:36:02 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #121 on: December 21, 2024, 07:32:49 PM »
Gravity tis inertia. That is all.

Why if I slowly lift a ball up, then after establishing upward momentum the ball accelerates straight down as soon as it’s released?

Why with one hand can I hold a 50 pound weight close to my body. But  as soon as I try to push the weight straight out one handed to arm’s length, my arm gives out and the weight falls to my side?  What “inertia” is my arm fighting taking a stationary weight and trying to push it straight out arm’s length to only have the arm pulled down. 

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #122 on: December 21, 2024, 09:15:09 PM »
a football isn’t flying through the air by itself,

It takes an unbalanced force to make the ball change direction of travel and/or accelerate.  Is that a false statement. 

Then what makes a ball thrown straight up decelerate faster than what is accounted for by air resistance alone.  Makes the ball stop mid air for a split second.  Then change direction of travel 180 degrees to travel straight down.  And not only travel straight down, but accelerate.

What force(s) are acting on the ball thrown straight up to slow, stop, change direction of travel 180 degrees, and accelerate down.

Why can’t a person simply throw a ball straight out.  Why does a ball by a person attempting to throw a ball straight out start to accelerate down towards earth as soon as it is released.  So the ball always travels in a type of arc. 

Why would you need to have any force?

What specific environment(d) would you begin with?

That is, what are you assuming to be found in Earths original state, and assuming space exists, and is an endless area, around Earth.

And you also assume that there is a force, within ball Earths core, holding all things down to the surface of Earth. And that this force exists everywhere within your endless space or universe, and within all objects, humans and all things. 

Which means you assume that this force is real, without a shred of valid evidence it even exists.

When you assume this force exists, while you have nothing that even proves it EXISTS at all, it doesn’t have any legitimacy to argue about further.

Don’t assume anything at all, just look at everything here, above us and below us.

You cannot, I cannot, nobody at all can assume anything existed from day one, from creation of all that is…

You cannot assume that there shall be this greatest of all forces, not only because it has no proof it exists, but you further assume it’s true and proven to exist, and assume all sorts of things for it.

And of course, your force is within all space, but very slightly so, or not at all, depending on what fits your arguments.

Saying over and over ‘why is down the direction things go in? Why not up or any other direction?

Then I could ask you ‘why no direction for things’?

Why would you mistakenly assume that what we have always seen, that all things but in the heavens above us, always have been on Earths surface or waters, maybe it’s always been so, unless we know it’s not the case.

If it’s not the case, then all things on Earth came down to Earth from above it, from ‘space’, travelling by Sarth, and pulled down to the surface by a force. Yet there’s never once been anything going by Earth in ‘space’ which has been pulled down to Earth by a force.

Now you’ve already assumed all things which always have been on Earth, since day one, to our knowledge, anyway, and nothing has come down to Earth from elsewhere.

That’s the most logical and plausible case here, not proven so, but most likely so, without any logical alternative case.

Everything you say is built upon things that don’t exist, not proven to exist, and then combine them all for your argument.

If everything is on Earth, and always has been on Earth, that would indicate or suggest to us, all things always have been on Earth.

We don’t know that for a fact, nor can we ever know that.

But it’s more likely true than not true.

You cannot say gravity exists, say what it does, where it is, and so on…

Nothing proves it exists at all.

The very claim they made of some sort of unknown to exist, as yet, was entirely  claimed to be a theory, a theoretical force, that may exist, but they never had proof it existed, to this very day.

It’s ridiculous that it’s now twisted over time and lots of bs claims as a proven force, it’s nothing but bs, a theory which failed to hold up.

Objects are on ground or in waters, always have been on ground as we know it, always will be on ground in future, so why think everything was in made up ‘space’?

Things aren’t in air or always in air. Except for some that always have been in the heavens, and always will be there.

These things are not debatable or in doubt. They’re fact.

That’s where we start from.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #123 on: December 22, 2024, 01:39:27 AM »

Why would you need to have any force?

How do you make an object accelerate without unbalanced forces.

Turbo. All you can do is offer useless word salad.  It’s sad and pitiful. 

While gravity calculates and accurately predicts the force on my shoulder if I try to hold a 50 pound weight straight out at arms length. 

Gravity explains and allows for accurate predictions of why a ball thrown straight up slows down faster than can be explained by just air friction, why the ball stops for a split second, charges direction of travel 180 degrees, and what unbalanced forces causes the ball to accelerate straight down.

Gravity explains why a bullet still accelerating away from a muzzle also starts to drop as soon as the bullet leaves the muzzle, and accurately predicts the bullet’s trajectory.  To the point air resistance of a bullet can be ignored and using gravity gives a more accurate modeling of the bullet’s path vs if you only used air resistance and ignored gravity. 

I really have no desire to feed your trolling.  Especially when you can’t offer a more accurate model.  All you offer Turbs, like most flatties, is a change of topic and useless word salads. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2024, 01:42:01 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #124 on: December 22, 2024, 02:49:15 AM »
When you struggle to hold up a 50 lb object but easily hold up a 2 ounce object, your made up force called gravity pulls both down at the same rate of speed and acceleration! In other words, it would vary its strength of pull as if they both were the very same weight, because they can make anything up for a made up force to use as an excuse, it’s made up anyway, so it can do what you need it to do for an excuse.

But even if it magically existed as a force, and magically varied its force to pull them down the same rate….

That would mean we’d hold them up as the same weight, so they’d both weigh about 10 or 12 lbs each, from gravity making them the same weight, because they are still up in air, we are just holding them up in air with our hands, gravity pulls them down the same way!

Applying more of its force on the heavier object must only result in being of equal mass to the lighter objects mass, since they act as the same mass being pulled down by that force.

Everything here is never done by actual forces, they don’t vary their strength, nor would adjust its strength to match their masses and act equally on them all.

But that’s where you fail here…

If your force acts at variable strengths to pull them all down as if they were equal in weight, it would eliminate all their real weights and make them all ONE same weight.

Because mass has been equalized to pull them down like all are one same weight.

But we know they are not the same weight. How would we ever know they’re not the same weight if your magical force makes them all the same weight to pull them down to Earth?

Because it is NOT gravity pulling them down at all, it is their heavier mass than the air which makes them fall at the same rate. They are all heavier and denser than air, that’s all it takes to make them all fall through air, all have more mass and density than air.  Nothing else comes into play after that point.

But it does explain their different masses. Greater mass of an object UP from ground, requires more force than lighter objects do. Because we are lifting them up from their place of origin on the ground.

And like all actual forces, they require more strength to act on heavier objects than lighter objects. We must vary their strength or use other forces that can do it.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #125 on: December 22, 2024, 03:03:21 AM »
When you struggle to hold up a 50 lb object but easily hold up a 2 ounce object,

That’s not what I posted at all.

Why with one hand can I hold a 50 pound weight close to my body. But  as soon as I try to push the weight straight out one handed to arm’s length, my arm gives out and the weight falls to my side?  What “inertia” is my arm fighting taking a stationary weight and trying to push it straight out arm’s length to only have the arm pulled down.

  Turbs all can do is lie about the argument presented. 

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #126 on: December 22, 2024, 03:22:42 AM »
I asked you a question Turbs.

Why would you need to have any force?

How do you make an object accelerate without unbalanced forces.

I asked you a second and third question.

Why can I hold 50 pounds with one arm close to my body, but the weight is pulled down if I try to straighten my arm.

Note added. It was slow and shaky, but I can even lift the 50 pound weight straight up over my head.  What changes when I try to lift the weight straight out where I can’t get it shoulder high at arm’s length. 

Why with gravity I can calculate the actual strain on my shoulder.

  Turbs, can you model the resultant strain / torque on my shoulder. Why does the strain increase when I try to straighten my arm to the point I can’t hold the weight straight out.  Do you just offer word salad and trolling. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2024, 07:07:48 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #127 on: December 23, 2024, 01:03:53 AM »
Why does gravity apply a different force to bodies of different mass, proportionally to their masses?


(physicists have been puzzled by this “equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass” for a LOOONG time. Now General Relativity offers an explanation. But let's forget about this for now)

But which alternative explanation is offered by turbonium?

 it is their heavier mass than the air which makes them fall at the same rate. They are all heavier and denser than air, that’s all it takes to make them all fall through air, all have more mass and density than air.

And WHY do bodies of different volume, shape, material and density (a wooden sphere, a metal cube) fall at the same rate (at least in vacuum)?

Another mystery.

So, WHY should the 2nd mystery be accepted, and not the first?

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #128 on: December 23, 2024, 05:03:09 AM »

 it is their heavier mass than the air which makes them fall at the same rate. They are all heavier and denser than air, that’s all it takes to make them all fall through air, all have more mass and density than air.

Did turbonium2 post that?

This is classic turbonium2.  There is no gravity.  Just things returning to origin.  😂

So they fly back to where you picked them up from?
If not, they are not returning to where they originated.
It doesn't matter what BS you want to coat it in, the simple fact they are not returning to where they originated.

They originated on the surface of Earth, and return to the surface of Earth. How difficult is that to understand? I've explained it to my 12 year old nephew, he has no problem grasping it. Where things originate is on the surface of Earth, which is the entire surface, not one, specific POINT on the surface. If you were born in Italy, or 'originated' in Italy, do you have to return to the hospital bed in Italy, to RETURN to where you originated? No, Italy is where you were born, or 'originated', it doesn't matter WHERE in Italy you were born, that is where you came into existence.

As I've told you, when a small rock originated on the Earth's surface, and a wind blows it 15 feet over, it does NOT magically have to 'return' to where it was earlier, because it is still on the surface. If it is blown into a lake, and sinks, it is - once again - still on the surface of Earth, under it's waters. It does NOT magically rise from the lake, and roll over to where it was earlier. Because, as I keep telling you, it is still where it originates - the Earth's surface, either ON it, or under it's waters.

There are both POINTS of origin, and AREAS, or MEDIUMS of origin - do you get that? A POINT of origin is ONE specific POINT, somewhere. That's what YOU keep talking about - a specific POINT of origin. What I'm talking about is an AREA of origin, which is the surface of Earth, or its waters, or within the heavens. It doesn't matter WHERE they exist on their AREA of origin, they always RETURN to it, wherever ON the area that may be.

Do you know what AREAS of origin are, and how they differ from a POINT of origin?

Why do baby birds hatched in trees sometimes fall to their death out of their origin? 
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 05:05:21 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #129 on: December 23, 2024, 07:21:15 AM »
The worm they ate came from the ground

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2024, 10:06:54 AM »
The worm they ate came from the ground

Maybe for robins.

Flycatchers are a bit different.

Of course, flycatchers catch flies, but also a menu of bees, wasps, ants, beetles, damselflies, butterflies, moths, and caterpillars, similar to that of the swallows above.

Many birds feed exclusively off insects.  With many insects laying eggs on leafs, where larva eat leafs.  Where most of a leaf is makeup up from photosynthesis.


What about birds that mostly eat fish?

What about fish. If I drop my baked fish, why does it fall to the floor?  Not to the sink?  Or to the neighbours pond? 

The same if I have a fish jump out of my aquarium? 

Technically, much of the elements on the periodic table are from stars. 
« Last Edit: December 23, 2024, 10:09:48 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #131 on: December 23, 2024, 10:31:25 AM »
Turbs?  Why does rain fall down?  And not fall up to the water of the heavens?



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #132 on: December 23, 2024, 03:20:09 PM »
Energy must be created into existence
Again, you are playing semantics.

Before you were born and created your own energy, that energy never at all existed, nor did the potential energy exist until you were born on Earth.
You appear to be appealing to some magical idea of energy completely disconnected from reality.

The energy I "create" comes from the potential energy I get from eating food.
If you wish to disagree, then stop eating food entirely (and don't drink anything except water). Continue this for a period of months and show us this creation of energy from nothing.

Otherwise, address the issues raised.

Again, the fact things fall down shows us it is not just energy magically dying. If it was, the object would travel in a straight line, slowing down until it eventually stops in mid-air.

Why would you need to have any force?
No force=no acceleration. Quite simple.

That is, what are you assuming to be found in Earths original state, and assuming space exists, and is an endless area, around Earth.
And you also assume that there is a force, within ball Earths core, holding all things down to the surface of Earth.
No, we aren't.

Instead, we make observations that to accelerate an object, you need to apply a force.
From this we conclude that a force is needed to cause objects to accelerate downwards.
From this people devised experiments which clearly demonstrated an attraction between masses.

This means we conclude this force is real based upon the plentiful evidence supporting it.

Based upon one of the fundamental principles of science which is required to make science useful, we don't appeal to special pleading and assume this is true everywhere.

Saying over and over ‘why is down the direction things go in? Why not up or any other direction?
Then I could ask you ‘why no direction for things’?
And we answered.
A directionality implies a direction is special.
Without a reason for a particular direction you could pick EVERY direction and that averages out to no direction.

Why would you mistakenly assume that what we have always seen, that all things but in the heavens above us, always have been on Earths surface or waters, maybe it’s always been so, unless we know it’s not the case.
That is YOU assuming it, not us.
You ASSUME that everything on the surface of Earth has always been there, even when there is evidence showing the opposite which you just reject because it doesn't fit your fantasy.

You appeal to your own wilful ignorance to assume everything started on Earth.

That’s the most logical and plausible case here
No, it isn't.
It is an entirely baseless assumption which has been refuted by plenty of evidence.
And there is most certainly a logical alternative which makes far more sense which you are unable to show a fault with.

You are just desperate to pretend this must be the case so you can pretend your delusional fantasy is true.

But as repeatedly shown the origin of an object is irrelevant

Everything you say is built upon things that don’t exist, not proven to exist, and then combine them all for your argument.
There you go projecting again.
That is what YOU are doing.
You are making baseless assumptions and just acting like they must be true, while what we are saying is based on evidence.

If everything is on Earth, and always has been on Earth, that would indicate or suggest to us, all things always have been on Earth.
Do you notice the circularity of that?
If everything has always been on Earth then everything has always been on Earth.
Entirely useless.

We don’t know that for a fact, nor can we ever know that.
We know it isn't a fact.

You cannot say gravity exists, say what it does, where it is, and so on…
Except we can, and have.

Nothing proves it exists at all.
Except countless experiments, including those you could do yourself but choose not to because it would destroy your fantasy.
You repeating the same lies wont change that.

These things are not debatable or in doubt. They’re fact.
They are not facts. They are your baseless lies you want to start with so you can pretend your position is true.

So no, we wont start from that BS.

When you struggle to hold up a 50 lb object but easily hold up a 2 ounce object, your made up force called gravity pulls both down at the same rate of speed and acceleration! In other words, it would vary its strength of pull as if they both were the very same weight
No, it wouldn't.
As they accelerate at the same rate, the force applied is proportional to the mass.
Instead of considering a 2 archaic unit object and a 50 archaic unit object, consider that 50 archaic unit object to be 400 of the 2 archaic unit objects.
What would you expect then?
Gravity would be applying the same force to each of those 400 objects as it does to the 1 object. Them being the same mass, they will accelerate at the same rate in the absence of other forces.
But in one case you are holding 1 of them, while in the other you are holding 400.

There is no problem with gravity here, just your repeated BS strawmen.
Gravity remains consistent with you unable to show a fault.

But even if it magically existed as a force, and magically varied its force to pull them down the same rate….
That would mean we’d hold them up as the same weight
Once more, no magic is involved.
This defies so much basic common knowledge.
If you have 2 objects one of which is much heavier, then to accelerate them at the same speed you need to push a lot more on the heavier object.

One would feel like a single 2 archaic unit object.
The other would feel like 400 of them.

So no, we wouldn't expect them to feel the same. Yet again you are just making up crap to pretend there is a problem when there is none.

Everything here is never done by actual forces
Your strawman is not an actual force, nor is it gravity. It is pure magic.
It is where YOU fail.

it is their heavier mass than the air which makes them fall at the same rate.
Which you have no justification for at all.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #133 on: December 24, 2024, 11:58:01 PM »
That is YOU assuming it, not us.
You ASSUME that everything on the surface of Earth has always been there, even when there is evidence showing the opposite which you just reject because it doesn't fit your fantasy.

No, you have never seen any evidence of things on Earth not originating on Earth.

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the first humans created saw all things on Earth, painted or chiseled some of those things.

All stars have always been in the heavens, at those same positions, for thousands of years past, and still are, and always will be there.

When your side has to try arguing that the stars have moved around, because you can’t say any of them aren’t there anymore, that there are other different stars seen over thousands of years that weren’t seen back then…..

Combined with the fact all things on Earth have always been seen on Earth, over the same thousands of years, and that nothing has ever come down to Earth from elsewhere, after there’s virtually countless things already ON Earth for thousands of years past.,,

It’s obviously the ONLY assumption that’s so conclusive from all the evidence, from countless things on Earth, from millions of stars above Eartb, all of which have always been on and above Earth, it’s really the only possibility here.

Nobody can ever prove if all things on Earth and above Earth have always been on and above Earth, yet we can certainly look at all of the facts and evidence that we DO have available to us, which remains as being the first and only origin for all things on and above Earth, along with there never being anything coming down to Earth, or above Earth, within those thousands of years. 

To assume all things on Earth have always been on Earth, originated on Earth, like those in the heavens have always been there, are the only valid and logical conclusions to make.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #134 on: December 25, 2024, 12:04:30 AM »
That is YOU assuming it, not us.
You ASSUME that everything on the surface of Earth has always been there, even when there is evidence showing the opposite which you just reject because it doesn't fit your fantasy.
No, you have never seen any evidence of things on Earth not originating on Earth.
No. That is YOU assuming, not us.
As clearly shown by how you are deflecting.

Instead of proving your claim, you instead say that we have no evidence for the opposite.

That is assuming your delusional BS is true and then demanding others disprove it.

But as already explained, we do have evidence, with plenty of people seeing meteorites fall from the sky, which you then need to claim is fake.

So again, YOU are assuming, based upon nothing more than your wilful ignorance.
You have nothing to justify your claim.

Nobody can ever prove if all things on Earth and above Earth have always been on and above Earth
Which means you are assuming it.
But again, more importantly, we can disprove it, and have. You just choose to remain wilfully ignorant of that.
The evidence available to us clearly demonstrates that NOT everything on Earth originated on Earth.

To assume all things on Earth have always been on Earth, originated on Earth, like those in the heavens have always been there, are the only valid and logical conclusions to make.
Again, PURE BS!
The actually valid and logical conclusion is that Earth has had things fall to it from space.
You not liking that because it doesn't match your fantasy doesn't magically make it invalid or illogical.
You can provide nothing to go against it.

What certainly isn't a logical conclusion, is your entirely conclusion based upon nothing more than your wilful ignorance.

And again, as repeatedly explained, pretending everything originated on Earth doesn't help you because things do not go back to their origin. They go down.

So stop asserting the same BS and try addressing the issues raised, or justifying your delusional BS.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #135 on: December 25, 2024, 04:11:06 AM »
Their place of origin, not their specific point or position within their place of origin.

Being you were born at one specific point on Earth, by your mother who was born at a different point on Earth, is not where both of you originate from, it is two points on where you both originate from, on Esrths surface.

Our place of origin means what environment and medium of origin.

Fish originate in water, not on ground. Not one point in that specific river or lake. They’re born at one point in a river or lake, they originate in waters.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #136 on: December 25, 2024, 02:00:50 PM »
Their place of origin, not their specific point or position within their place of origin.
i.e. a vague BS idea you want to appeal to so it can do whatever magic you want.

Why should the "place" only care about verticality?
Why shouldn't it care about the horizontal position as well?

We certainly know that it is not simply a case of recognising Earth as some metaphysical object and trying to move towards that, because even beside a cliff objects fall down, not towards the cliff. So it is not simply towards the closest part of Earth.

And if Earth is flat (and finite) it can't be towards the average position of Earth (but it could be if Earth was round).

Your BS makes no sense.

Also, still no acknowledgement that it is YOU assuming.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #137 on: December 27, 2024, 04:34:06 AM »
Because God created the perfect surface for life, to contain life, and create life afterwards.

We all must choose where it all began, how it came to be, that all things exist on the surface or waters of Earth, created or by random chance, created from nothing at all, or by God, etc.

Why would you think all things must be directionless, randomly moving in any and all directions, and where would that all happen?

Floating around in endless ‘space’?

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #138 on: December 27, 2024, 04:55:16 AM »
Yes, you believe that all things on Earth never originated on Earth because we’ve seen meteors from ‘space’ crash down on Earth!
So how do these people, know that they came from ‘space’?

How could they have seen them in ‘space’, to know they came from ‘space’?

If they saw them in ‘space’, before crashing on Earth near them, how would that be possible?

And none saw them crash down, they all saw them coming down towards Earth?

Do any of them have actual proof of their claims?

That’s a lot of ‘evidence’ you have for your argument, that’s for sure!!!



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #139 on: December 27, 2024, 06:43:42 AM »
We all must choose where it all began, how it came to be, that all things exist on the surface or waters of Earth, created or by random chance, created from nothing at all, or by God, etc.
Do you think that God likes to do things the hard way? 

After all, gravity makes creating a round earth a whole lot easier than a flat one.  It's a lot easier for the earth to orbit the sun and rotate about its axis than for the entire universe to rotate around the earth. 

Seriously, do you really think that God made the earth flat just to show off and confuse the hell out of scientists?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #140 on: December 27, 2024, 01:41:09 PM »
Because God created
i.e. pure magic, with no basis in reality and no evidence to support it.

Why would you think all things must be directionless, randomly moving in any and all directions, and where would that all happen?
I never said that.
I said there should be a reason for any directionality.
Without a reason, each direction is equally likely, so it would result in an average of no direction.

Yes, you believe that all things on Earth never originated on Earth because we’ve seen meteors from ‘space’ crash down on Earth!
No, I accept what makes the most sense, including the formation of Earth from the big bang and resulting universe.
This is based upon countless observations, including meteorites coming from space which you need to dismiss as fake.

On the other hand, you baselessly assume that everything on Earth originated on Earth, based upon nothing more than your wilful ignorance.
Yet you claim you are not assuming.

So how do these people, know that they came from ‘space’?
By watching them coming down from the sky, including the massive fireball from the friction of the atmosphere heating them up.

But some can be tracked before they come down, and while they are coming down, with their path extrapolated backwards.

Meanwhile, you need to claim a massive conspiracy to pretend they are fake.

We also have all the impact sites.

That’s a lot of ‘evidence’ you have for your argument, that’s for sure!!!
Vastly more than you.
As you have absolutely no evidence.

But if you want to appeal to God and magic you don't need any of that.
Just have your magic pixie do whatever is needed to get the results you want, without any concern for consistency.
Your magic BS doesn't need everything to have originated on Earth. It can just decide that some things will now fall to Earth for no reason at all.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #141 on: December 29, 2024, 12:50:18 AM »
We and all other life on Earth must not be ‘magic’, since it’s a fact, right?

They’ve told us they know about the Earth being a ball that’s speeding through endless space, that they also know keeps expanding outward more and more. Endless or expanding out, but not both of them can exist.

You simply believe all of their claims are true. Even when we know they’re not true, or possibly true.

Everything they have claimed is based on what they first claimed to exist, because it’s entirely based on the perfect illusion to use for their entire story.

God wanted to create this as an illusion, for us to imagine and create things, use our imagination.

But He also knew it would be used to build their lies we all believed were true.

And after we began to see them as lies, it was up to each of us to decide what to choose, follow the truth, or deny the truth and not be scorned by others!



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #142 on: December 29, 2024, 01:12:14 AM »
We and all other life on Earth must not be ‘magic’, since it’s a fact, right?
Then stop appealing to magic.

They’ve told us they know about the Earth being a ball that’s speeding through endless space, that they also know keeps expanding outward more and more.
The known universe is finite, but there is no edge. We don't know what is beyond the edge of the known universe.
The universe doesn't simply expand outwards.
The entire universe expands.

You simply believe all of their claims are true. Even when we know they’re not true, or possibly true.
Pure BS.
I accept the claims based upon evidence and rational thought. Two things you severely lack.
You are yet to demonstrate anything isn't true, or that it can't possibly be true.
Instead you just keep repeating the same refuted BS again and again.

Everything they have claimed is based on what
the evidence shows and what makes logical sense.

Unlike your BS, which is based upon needing your fantasy to be true.

God wanted to create this as an illusion
So your imaginary fiend created this world as flat, but made it so it looks round in every conceivable way; to screw with people.

And after we began to see them as lies, it was up to each of us to decide what to choose, follow the truth, or deny the truth
And you decided to reject the truth and attack those who follow the truth.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #143 on: January 05, 2025, 02:24:42 AM »
God didn’t make anything of Earth look it be a ball or round or curved.

He made the stars appear at night, to imagine and dream things in our minds. To not feel like we’re trapped like a fishbowl.  We actually are in a huge fishbowl, but not in our minds, that’s what matters to us.

He knew it would be questioned as true or false. He knew it would be an illusion that is used by those who are evil, to fool us, go against us.

But now, there lies are being revealed, more and more all the time.

They are trying harder and harder to keep their story believed by the world, who is now more and more aware it’s all a lie.

Stars aren’t trillions of miles away, that’s why we’re now seeing details of them now.

The effect excuse doesn’t make stars all look and move differently, if they’re all seen as tiny points of light from Earth, they’d still all look like tiny points of light through a telescope too, but they’re not at all tiny points of light through a telescope, they are unique, move and look differently from one another, and most important of all, stars show they have actual details.

But you still think Saturn has multiple distinct rings, never at all seeing them, everything showing that’s not there, but you think their claim of seeing it is better than all the evidence proving it’s bs!



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #144 on: January 05, 2025, 12:20:14 PM »
God didn’t make anything of Earth look it be a ball or round or curved.
Finally something we can agree upon, But you could have stopped after anything.

The simple fact is observations of Earth are entirely consistent with what is expected for a round Earth and inconsistent for a FE.
So if your imaginary fiend made this world flat, while making it act like it is round, then it is screwing with people.

He knew it would be an illusion that is used by those who are evil, to fool us, go against us.
i.e. by himself?

But now, there lies are being revealed, more and more all the time.
Yes the lies from you, religious people, and other people like you are being revealed.

Stars aren’t trillions of miles away
They range from there to much much further.
And we know they are, because of how we see them around Earth.
But that isn't for this thread.

The effect excuse
Not an excuse. REASON.
And you are yet to show any fault with it. But that is for another thread.

Yet again you refuse to address the gravity of the situation.
Your complete inability to explain gravity on a FE.

You still have absolutely no reason for the direction.
No reason for the rate.
No reason for the rate to vary across Earth.
No reason for the pressure gradient.
No reason for the pressure gradient to not push things up.

Instead, you just have pure magic, where your magic sky pixie magically does whatever is magically needed to magically produce the results that are observed.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #145 on: January 05, 2025, 09:39:07 PM »
God didn’t make anything of Earth look it be a ball or round or curved.

He made the stars appear at night, to imagine and dream things in our minds. To not feel like we’re trapped like a fishbowl.  We actually are in a huge fishbowl, but not in our minds, that’s what matters to us.

He knew it would be questioned as true or false. He knew it would be an illusion that is used by those who are evil, to fool us, go against us.

But now, there lies are being revealed, more and more all the time.

They are trying harder and harder to keep their story believed by the world, who is now more and more aware it’s all a lie.

Stars aren’t trillions of miles away, that’s why we’re now seeing details of them now.

The effect excuse doesn’t make stars all look and move differently, if they’re all seen as tiny points of light from Earth, they’d still all look like tiny points of light through a telescope too, but they’re not at all tiny points of light through a telescope, they are unique, move and look differently from one another, and most important of all, stars show they have actual details.

But you still think Saturn has multiple distinct rings, never at all seeing them, everything showing that’s not there, but you think their claim of seeing it is better than all the evidence proving it’s bs!

at night, how do the far away stars manage to be visible at the horizon level?
but a nearby sun will disappear due to atomoplanar opacity?

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #146 on: January 11, 2025, 12:34:03 AM »
God didn’t make anything of Earth look it be a ball or round or curved.
Finally something we can agree upon, But you could have stopped after anything.

The simple fact is observations of Earth are entirely consistent with what is expected for a round Earth and inconsistent for a FE.
So if your imaginary fiend made this world flat, while making it act like it is round, then it is screwing with people.

He knew it would be an illusion that is used by those who are evil, to fool us, go against us.
i.e. by himself?

But now, there lies are being revealed, more and more all the time.
Yes the lies from you, religious people, and other people like you are being revealed.

Stars aren’t trillions of miles away
They range from there to much much further.
And we know they are, because of how we see them around Earth.
But that isn't for this thread.

The effect excuse
Not an excuse. REASON.
And you are yet to show any fault with it. But that is for another thread.

Yet again you refuse to address the gravity of the situation.
Your complete inability to explain gravity on a FE.

You still have absolutely no reason for the direction.
No reason for the rate.
No reason for the rate to vary across Earth.
No reason for the pressure gradient.
No reason for the pressure gradient to not push things up.

Instead, you just have pure magic, where your magic sky pixie magically does whatever is magically needed to magically produce the results that are observed.

There’s no variance of falling through air above Earth.

You have a single rate of ‘gravity’, right?

Now it varies?

Which one is it then? A single rate or a variable rate?

There’s a single rate, it’s seen all over the place, known and taught as one rate. You can’t change that rate because forces don’t act out at one rate on all objects.

Bs as usual.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #147 on: January 11, 2025, 12:56:43 AM »
You first assume that without your made up force, all things would float around in all directions in ‘space’, right?

And that is why you cannot understand why everything above Earth in air would move in one specific ‘direction’ that is downward to the surface??

Because you also assume that without gravity, all things would float in ‘space’ without any directionality, and only having a made up force is why all things are pulled down to Earths surface instead of floating around in ‘space’ to and fro!?!?

But look at how nothing else has been ‘pulled down to Earth’s surface’ ever since all things got pulled down earlier!

Except your meteors of course. The one same object that’s pulled down in thousands of years? What are the odds of that happening?

Why are all those comets and meteors travelling across the sky, right to left or left to right?

They should travel in ALL directions above Earth, right? Front to over us and behind us, diagonally at all angles, etc.

They’d move randomly in all directions above us. But they only move across us, left to right and right to left. Not randomly moving at all.



  • 23785
Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #148 on: January 11, 2025, 01:30:50 AM »
There’s no variance of falling through air above Earth.
We are talking about free fall in a vacuum. And there certainly is a variance to that, as shown repeatedly.

You have a single rate of ‘gravity’, right?
No. That is your strawman.
It is a single rate for a specific location (and to a lesser extent time) affecting all masses.
But this rate varies with location (and due to things moving, time).

There’s a single rate, it’s seen all over the place, known and taught as one rate.
No, known and taught to be variable, with a simple approximation typically used.

You can’t change that rate because forces don’t act out at one rate on all objects.
So I can't change the rate to match reality, because then your BS is wrong?

Bs as usual.
That certainly sums up your post.

Yet again you refuse to address the gravity of the situation.
Your complete inability to explain gravity on a FE.

You still have absolutely no reason for the direction.
No reason for the rate.
No reason for the rate to vary across Earth.
No reason for the pressure gradient.
No reason for the pressure gradient to not push things up.

Instead, you just have pure magic, where your magic sky pixie magically does whatever is magically needed to magically produce the results that are observed.

Re: How does gravity works in FE?
« Reply #149 on: February 15, 2025, 03:26:37 AM »
I’ve explained why it’s a downward from air to Earth direction, which is having more mass than air has.

Why would we possibly need a force to hold us down to the Earths surface when it’s designed this way with no need for any sort of external force?

When you create life of all types, what would your Earth be designed as?

It holds life on the surface, with food to eat, air above to breathe, and a livable environment all around the life to exist and create life of their own species, etc.

Why would you create a spinning speeding around ball in ‘space’ for your creations to live on?

That’s be like putting your baby on a roller coaster for fun and laughs!! 

That’s stupid, isn’t it?