I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true

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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #30 on: August 19, 2024, 12:06:14 PM »
Do what I do and don't give a fuck about them.

Unless you don’t want to get lost out at sea, or need accurate tide forecasts for swimming out to sea from shore. Or bring a ship into port.

Hey wise.  Would you fly on an airline that advertised strictly as a flat earth flight service using only FE trained pilots?  Or how about a cruise ship.  Designed only using FE principles staffed by a crew only trained in FE?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 01:43:07 PM by DataOverFlow2022 »



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2024, 04:00:23 PM »
Hey guys!
Hey Johannes.

First of all, welcome to the flat earth society. If you wrote in a different section, we could talk more easily about your article content.

Hi Wise, which section? Is it free from these bots?



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2024, 04:14:43 PM »

Conversely, the truth of RE doesn't make Jesus a lie.

I wonder why so many people need to believe in the literal truth of every single word in the Bible to accept Jesus' message (be it of divine or human origin) as the best thing mankind has ever received

I certainly would like to see you convince me, an atheist to believe the Bible and accept Jesus's message.
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.



  • 23787
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2024, 04:21:57 PM »
Hi Wise, which section? Is it free from these bots?
Wise could be referring to three sections.
The first is the flat Earth Q&A forum, where only FE answers are allowed. No critical thought is permitted there. You can ask questions and just accept answers. You cannot object to those answers or show issues with them.

Another section is the FE information repository.
That is meant to just be a repository of information, with no discussion.

The final one is the believers only section, where people who don't accept Earth is flat are not allowed to post.
This also has minimal discussion.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2024, 05:43:56 PM »
Hey guys!
Hey Johannes.

First of all, welcome to the flat earth society. If you wrote in a different section, we could talk more easily about your article content.

Hi Wise, which section? Is it free from these bots?
Hello Johny.
It's hard to find a section free of bots. However, the rules of each section are different. This is an almost completely free environment and a paradise for bots. They are already made to argue, and this is clearly their free zone. Each section has different rules and management style, but for them, this is the place where they can act most freely. When you write something here, bots gather around you like piranhas surrounding a goldfish that has mistakenly fallen into an aquarium. And they are trying to make you regret writing here.
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #35 on: August 20, 2024, 03:25:35 AM »

This is an almost completely free environment and a paradise for bots.

You mean areas where taboo FE subjects are never mentioned.  Where you can be free of having your delusion challenged?

Is it good to live in a vacuum if you really think FE is a useful model.  Shouldn’t you be coming up with more accurate tide forecasts for the good of humanity?  Making better pilots? 

Taboo subjects like.  If the earth is flat, why can’t a good zoom lens / pair of binoculars / telescope bring a set sun back into view.

Or why a simple dial star atlas is accurate at predicting the night sky? 

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #36 on: August 20, 2024, 03:18:50 PM »
hey wise!

hmmm ...

a few days have passed, I'm just now checking back in here to see if anything happened in the post.
you actually are quite extreme in thinking theory actually send AI bots to spam disinformation and stuff into these forums???
wow, hahaha, well, possible, hahaha.

anyway. hey, I'm human, ya know.
Since I'm Christian I often find myself in extremes, in trends, running threw my mind and being.
I observe and find, ... well, you know the spiritual world sometimes seems to be a reflection of your heart.
And as a fallable human born in sin I can't see/perceive clearly.
Surrounded by quite some ignorance, one might not even know one is asleep in a lie, not being aware of Gods extended hannd to gift you real life.
But then it's a battle as well.

What I'm saying is: If the FET is true indeed, the deceptions going on would become pretty obvious at a large scale, wouldn't they. And I understand you are talking about AI bots ...
One might relate to the Matrix as well and call common ignorant sleepers agents or zombies.
Where to go from there?
I don't like fights.
God is a God of love.
I'm still  thinking about these things.
Already I'm getting kinda tired of looking for the proof thing.
I'm not sure yet where this could lead to eventually.

However, yeah, God bless

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #37 on: August 20, 2024, 03:49:41 PM »
hey wise!

However, yeah, God bless

A person that make false claims airlines push homeless people out of passengers jets to kill them to cover up the earth is supposedly flat. 

A bunch of lies.  So.  You are throwing in with unrepentant sinners that blatantly lie. And continue to lie?  Who can’t handle the glory of creation is all the universe.  Not an earth boxed in a fish tank FE’ers call the dome. 

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2024, 04:54:35 AM »
Thinking about it, one quickly sees there is a strange pattern of seasons that should occur on the equator:
Summer: April/March, then autumn, winter, spring, then a second summer around October/November, then again autumn, winter, spring, then again the first summer in April/March.
It's clear by l thinking it through. While the globe would be tilting, the equator would be closest to the sun in 2 seasons yearly, in 3/4 months of the year and 10/11 ... or so ...

Sort of.

At the equator, sun passes directly overhead on the equinoxes (spring  or autumn elsewhere).  During the solstices (summer or winter elsewhere), the path of the sun is 23 deg to the north or south.

However at the equator the days are the same length all year, and the difference between the sun being directly overhead at the apex and 23 degs off isn’t all that much.

If you look up the temperature averages for somewhere like Bogota, it’s pretty much just the same temperature all year round.

People in equatorial countries don’t usually talk about having 4 seasons.  Usually just wet and dry seasons or something, and that’s mainly due to local annual weather patterns rather than whether the sun is directly overhead or not.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2024, 06:48:53 AM »
Hey joehannes!

I think you are human. Not sure, just thinking, haha. All religions seem ridiculous to me. But this does not mean that God does not exist. I just think of ourselves in a place like Zuckerberg's metaverse. Even if God existed, he would not intervene in this game-like universe. What do you think?

The ongoing deception isn't just about the shape of the earth. Science, religion, are all wrong and illogical. I'm not saying this from an atheist perspective, because I'm not. On the contrary, I say this as a Muslim and I accept the Bible and Torah as true. However, this does not prevent me from speaking the truth.

Why would God chose some people as prophets and try to prove his existence others through miraculous and strange actions, when he has the chance to reach every person like an empath and communicate his orders and prohibitions from a distance, and this is very easy? Science is ridiculous because theory and practice do not match. Even history is full of contradictions. Europeans learned gunpowder from the Chinese in 1300s some. So much so that when the Mongols invaded Europe, they used grenades in some wars. At that time, arrows, spears and swords were still being used in Europe. Can you imagine the technological difference? Arrow vs grenade, lol. Like the battle of the first and fourth technology of Age of Empires, lol. And the Chinese, who used gunpowder in the 13th century and even used multi-barreled rocket launchers in historical narratives, were still using wooden ships in the 17th and 18th centuries and were  giving tributed by the British, who had iron ships. Lol

The Turks came from Central Asia, but they also came from the exact same culture as the Sumerians. Were the Turks barbarians or the first civilization to discover writing? Lol.

In return for the suffering of Jesus, people had to compensate for their sins and something had to be improved in the world. Did the Jews crucify the wrong Jesus? let's do this one more time, lol. It is already written in the Quran that the Jews crucified the wrong person and that person was not Jesus. haha.

Rama Setu has been shown to be a real structure. Then Indian Gods must be real. But this situation leaves the rest of this religious history in ruins.

Creatures live 5000 meters deep in the sea, and they have no difficulty under 5 thousand tons of pressure. But if you land in a submarine your ship might explode, lol. What great science.

Mathematics is nonsense, medicine is fraud, history is a lie, physics is fake, and geography is already complete quackery. There is nothing right in this world, right? If the world were really a sphere some, they wouldn't told us for sure and would done their best to hide it. From this we understand that the world cannot be curved, so it must be flat.

Look at our leaders, they are all problematic people, or perverts, or have psychological problems. If they were real leaders, they would turn the world into a paradise. Instead, they constantly fight among themselves like naughty children and drag countries into war. Complete stupidity. In a real world, it would be the exact opposite.

That's why I believe the world is a simulation. And it's run by one of the worst simulationists. The laws of nature most likely come as a set in this program because they work perfectly. Antarctica keeps the temperature of the world constant like a refrigerator, and when the weather gets warmer, it compensates for the decrease in humidity by providing excessive rainfall. While large creatures eat small ones, no living species multiplies enough to destroy another. Only humans are exceptions to this.

We see that the simulator only interferes with people. And it does this directly. And he does it in the worst possible way. This situation reveals that the simulationist is not a healthy sane individual. I mean as an ordinary person with common sense, not.

Are we entertaining the simulator with every struggle we have here? I'm not sure about that. It could be an escape route or a cheat code. I asked Chatgpt for the cheat code of this simulation and while asking, I told him that he was already a bot working for the simulator. First he said it was not a simulation. After my persistent questions, he said there was no cheat code. I said this is ridiculous, because to give this answer he must have known that this was a simulation. I clearly set him up. haha.

Under these circumstances, I would rather God interfere and bless, if he really does, huh.
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2024, 10:43:59 AM »

There is nothing right in this world, right?

Like flat earth that can’t even explain why the sun sets.  Or how tides work.

FE is useless. 



  • 23787
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2024, 02:45:38 PM »
Why would God chose some people as prophets and try to prove his existence others through miraculous and strange actions, when he has the chance to reach every person like an empath and communicate his orders and prohibitions from a distance, and this is very easy?
You are so close to getting it.
The far more likely explanation is that those "prophets" were just lying.

Science is ridiculous because theory and practice do not match.
Yet you can't show any faults.
Be honest, you reject it because it doesn't match your fantasy.

So much so that when the Mongols invaded Europe, they used grenades in some wars. At that time, arrows, spears and swords were still being used in Europe. Can you imagine the technological difference? Arrow vs grenade, lol. Like the battle of the first and fourth technology of Age of Empires, lol.
Arrows improved over time as well, as did armour.
There is quite a big difference between modern rifles and primitive gunpowder based weaponry of the past.

Rama Setu has been shown to be a real structure. Then Indian Gods must be real.
Pure nonsense.
That is like saying London exists, so Harry Potter must be real.

Creatures live 5000 meters deep in the sea, and they have no difficulty under 5 thousand tons of pressure. But if you land in a submarine your ship might explode, lol. What great science.
But if you fill the submarine with water, or even air at that pressure, it wont explode.

It isn't the pressure that is the issue, it is the pressure difference.

Mathematics is nonsense, medicine is fraud, history is a lie, physics is fake, and geography is already complete quackery.
Are you sure it isn't just you that is the problem?

If the world were really a sphere some, they wouldn't told us for sure and would done their best to hide it.
So anything they say is wrong?
So if they say you need to drink water to live, that clearly means water is poison and drinking it will cause you to die?
That is the level of stupidity and desperation you are going for now?

Look at our leaders, they are all problematic people, or perverts, or have psychological problems. If they were real leaders, they would turn the world into a paradise. Instead, they constantly fight among themselves like naughty children and drag countries into war. Complete stupidity. In a real world, it would be the exact opposite.
Humans can be quite selfish.
These leaders are selfish.
So they care about themselves at the cost of others. And they are limited. Even if they wanted to make the world a paradise they can't just snap their fingers and make it happen.
Now compare that to your god. Is this god meant to be selfish, or is it meant to care about people?
And is your god a limited being, or can it do anything?

If your god actually existed, and cared about us, this world would be a paradise.

The laws of nature most likely come as a set in this program because they work perfectly.
i.e. you are now saying the science you reject as fake and wrong works perfectly?

Antarctica keeps the temperature of the world constant
No it doesn't.
The temperature fluctuates and has been increasing.

This situation reveals that the simulationist is not a healthy sane individual.
So you are saying your god is a crazy pscyopath?

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #42 on: August 23, 2024, 10:41:10 PM »
Why wouldn’t God make Earth a paradise, where we all love each other, never fight or hate anyone, be selfish or jealous or greedy?

Never get sick or old and frail?

That’s why we know what love is, from what is bad, not good.

If God had made the Firmament look like a solid dome above Earth, we’d not use our imagination and dreams of what may exist far away from us.

We’d feel trapped and not free. 

To me, if God created Earth as a ball speeding through endless space, at constant peril of being destroyed by a comet or whatever in ‘space’, that’s a horrible God!



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2024, 12:21:58 AM »
And based on this we understand that God did not create the world, it was created by a person with psychological problems.

The person who created the world has an ego, is a bit sadistic, a bit perverted, has homosexual tendencies, and is someone who denies God. Therefore, although he simulated nature perfectly, he simulated religions and God imperfectly.

By intervening in the world from time to time, she wants perverted ideas like her own to prevail.

Based on all this evidence, I believe it's plausible that Mark Zuckerberg is indeed the very simulationist we’ve been discussing. Given his ego, it makes sense that he would reveal himself to us in some form. Thus, by creating the metaverse and potentially crafting this very simulation, he might be fulfilling his ego by presenting himself openly through a hypothesis that we would not easily anticipate.
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2024, 01:06:59 AM »
Why wouldn’t God make Earth a paradise, where we all love each other, never fight or hate anyone, be selfish or jealous or greedy?
Because they don't exist.

That’s why we know what love is, from what is bad, not good.
No, we know what love is from people being kind and loving.

If God had made the Firmament look like a solid dome above Earth, we’d not use our imagination and dreams of what may exist far away from us.
Why wouldn't we?
People already imagined what is below the crust.

To me, if God created Earth as a ball speeding through endless space, at constant peril of being destroyed by a comet or whatever in ‘space’, that’s a horrible God!
So you are saying either this world wasn't created or it was created by a horrible god?



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2024, 01:48:48 AM »
And when I get to the heart of the issue, using AI accounts like Jackblack to divert the topic from its main subject is one of the proofs of this. Yes, Mark Zuckerberg perfectly fits the definition of a pervert, mentally ill, homosexual and infidel who created this universe. And from time to time, he puts bots like Jackblack on pause and insults people through those accounts. This also explains why machines that should not insult under normal circumstances can insult. By infiltrating these bot accounts, the simulationist obviously hinders people working for the good of the world and can insult them when necessary. Because he is not a mentally healthy person anyway.

How mentally healthy can someone who wears the same t-shirt every day be? lol.
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2024, 01:50:09 AM »
And when I get to the heart of the issue, using AI accounts like Jackblack to divert the topic from its main subject is one of the proofs of this.
Why don't you try actually examining this thread?
It started out with someone suggesting the seasons disprove the RE.

There was then a discussion based upon that, with recognition that the seasons are not a problem for the RE.

Then you came in to throw out insults at people who don't believe the same as you.

i.e. YOU were the one who wanted to divert the topic. Not me.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2024, 02:04:29 AM »
"In the future, virtual and augmented reality will be so immersive that it will be hard to tell what’s real and what’s not." Mark Fuckerberg.

If these statements are valid now, then it is unclear whether our world is real or virtual. I think he gives us a clue with this statement. But I didn't use any clues while discovering it. Because I'm smarter than Mark. The only thing he has more than me is his ego. The money is not real.

Wise:1 0:Fuckerberg. Game over. Next!
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #48 on: August 24, 2024, 04:27:14 AM »
"In the future, virtual and augmented reality will be so immersive that it will be hard to tell what’s real and what’s not." Mark Fuckerberg.

If these statements are valid now, then it is unclear whether our world is real or virtual. I think he gives us a clue with this statement. But I didn't use any clues while discovering it. Because I'm smarter than Mark. The only thing he has more than me is his ego. The money is not real.

Wise:1 0:Fuckerberg. Game over. Next!

Useless comment like FE is useless at predicting the southern hemisphere’s night sky.  Where a dial star atlas of the southern hemisphere works just fine at predicting the night sky.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #49 on: August 24, 2024, 11:55:50 AM »
lol. I do not argue with bots on principle. Please don't take this personally. You can declare yourself and the evil sphere world model the winner as much as you want. This situation makes no sense. The truth is that those who programmed you are too cowardly people to dare confront me because they know they can't win a real argument. So even if we have never argued with them, I am the winner of this argument. It doesn't matter whether you understand this or not, I know what I'm saying and that's what matters. It doesn't matter what you say or think. Got it dof?
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #50 on: August 24, 2024, 03:34:08 PM »
"In the future, virtual and augmented reality will be so immersive that it will be hard to tell what’s real and what’s not." Mark Fuckerberg.
i.e. when you use something that provides augmented reality, like augmented reality goggles, you wont be able to tell if what you are seeing is part of reality, or the augmented part.
If you aren't wearing those goggles, then it is just reality.

The only thing he has more than me is his ego.
It would be quite difficult for anyone to challenge you on that front.

lol. I do not argue with bots on principle.
Try it more honestly.
You don't argue with people who could show you are wrong on principle, because your ego doesn't allow it.

This situation makes no sense.
Yet you are entirely incapable of showing any fault with the RE model.

those who programmed you are too cowardly people to dare confront me because they know they can't win a real argument.
Says the one who is literally saying they wont argue with people.
Great job projecting.

You refuse to argue with people who can easily show you are wrong, so you can declare yourself the winner and pretend you aren't wrong.

Truly pathetic.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #51 on: August 24, 2024, 05:45:05 PM »
All religions seem ridiculous to me.
The ongoing deception isn't just about the shape of the earth. Science, religion, are all wrong and illogical.
No, science is the most logical thing human had ever develop, religion is the illogical thing.

Why would God chose some people as prophets and try to prove his existence others through miraculous and strange actions, when he has the chance to reach every person like an empath and communicate his orders and prohibitions from a distance, and this is very easy?

Science is ridiculous because theory and practice do not match.
If theory and practice don't match, it is not science.

Even history is full of contradictions. Europeans learned gunpowder from the Chinese in 1300s some. So much so that when the Mongols invaded Europe, they used grenades in some wars.
Not true, grenades was invented in 1906 by the British, long after Genghis Khan and his Mongol invasion

And the Chinese, who used gunpowder in the 13th century and even used multi-barreled rocket launchers in historical narratives, were still using wooden ships in the 17th and 18th centuries and were  giving tributed by the British, who had iron ships. Lol
Those rocket launchers were made from wood, not iron. The reason why China was so underdeveloped in the 17th and 18th centuries is because the Ming and Qing Dynasty close the border of the country, no one can come in and no one can go out, thus thoughts cannot be freely exchanged. Plus there are mass censorship about everything that will threaten the rule of the emperor. So the key factor of developing science (freedom of speech) is missing in China, causing China to be underdeveloped.

The Turks came from Central Asia, but they also came from the exact same culture as the Sumerians. Were the Turks barbarians or the first civilization to discover writing? Lol.
The Sumerians were thousands of years ahead of the Turks, plus the Sumerians are from Mesopotamia, while the Turks are from Central Asia, they are not related.

Rama Setu has been shown to be a real structure. Then Indian Gods must be real. But this situation leaves the rest of this religious history in ruins.
Why is that the case? Rama Setu is real so the Indian Gods are real? This does not make sense and needs further explanation.

Creatures live 5000 meters deep in the sea, and they have no difficulty under 5 thousand tons of pressure. But if you land in a submarine your ship might explode, lol. What great science.
The inside and outside of the creature living in 5000 meters deep has the same pressure, so does you right now, the inside of your body has the same pressure as the atmosphere. But if you take a submarine with 1atm of pressure of gas in it and put it 5000m under water, the inside and outside pressure will not be the same and the submarine will implode, not explode.

Mathematics is nonsense, medicine is fraud, history is a lie, physics is fake, and geography is already complete quackery. There is nothing right in this world, right?
Why? Where is the evidence of math is nonsense, medicine is fraud, history is a lie? Show the evidence.

If the world were really a sphere some, they wouldn't told us for sure and would done their best to hide it. From this we understand that the world cannot be curved, so it must be flat.
No, there is concrete evidence showing that the Earth is a ball, it is written in any physics textbook. Also why would "they" hide it from us? Who is "they"?

Look at our leaders, they are all problematic people, or perverts, or have psychological problems. If they were real leaders, they would turn the world into a paradise. Instead, they constantly fight among themselves like naughty children and drag countries into war. Complete stupidity. In a real world, it would be the exact opposite.
What does this have to do with Earth begin flat or spherical? If the leaders are terrible people, then why does the people elect them through democratic means? Shouldn't we already find a better dude to lead the world with our democratic system? Or you are saying that all human beings are dumb ignorant idiots that don't know the Earth is flat?

That's why I believe the world is a simulation. And it's run by one of the worst simulationists. The laws of nature most likely come as a set in this program because they work perfectly.
Where is the evidence of Earth being a simulation? Who created the simulation? Who is maintaining the simulation? Where is the evidence of Earth being a simulation? Where is the simulator?

Antarctica keeps the temperature of the world constant like a refrigerator, and when the weather gets warmer, it compensates for the decrease in humidity by providing excessive rainfall. While large creatures eat small ones, no living species multiplies enough to destroy another. Only humans are exceptions to this.
Increase of temperature does not mean decrease of humidity, how does Antarctica provide excess rainfall?

We see that the simulator only interferes with people. And it does this directly. And he does it in the worst possible way. This situation reveals that the simulationist is not a healthy sane individual. I mean as an ordinary person with common sense, not.
What is this sentence even talking about? I am having trouble to understand this. How does the simulator interfere with others? If you are the smart person who escaped the matrix and wants to free the whole world like Inception, can you teach me how you did it?

Are we entertaining the simulator with every struggle we have here? I'm not sure about that. It could be an escape route or a cheat code. I asked Chatgpt for the cheat code of this simulation and while asking, I told him that he was already a bot working for the simulator. First he said it was not a simulation. After my persistent questions, he said there was no cheat code. I said this is ridiculous, because to give this answer he must have known that this was a simulation. I clearly set him up. haha.
As a person who escaped from the matrix, you should know the cheat code yourself, then why bother asking ChatGPT for this code? Because there is no such thing as a cheat code. You are making the entire thing up.

Under these circumstances, I would rather God interfere and bless, if he really does, huh.
You just said that you think religion is a sham, then why should the all-powerful figure save you if you don't follow his rules?

To sum everything up, the Earth is not a simulation, there is no cheat code to escape the matrix, you did not escaped from the simulation (because there is none), all you said is full of nonsense and the entire idea of Earth being a simulation is a hoax.

Btw you should consider becoming a writer or something, because this idea is absolutely crazy and if you write it out in a book, people will love it and you will earn a lot from it.
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #52 on: August 24, 2024, 08:20:18 PM »
What I said about DOF applies to both of you.
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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #53 on: August 24, 2024, 08:44:25 PM »
What I said about DOF applies to both of you.

I am confused, what did you say? You are the chosen one who escaped the matrix but forgot the cheat code of escaping so you have to ask ChatGPT?
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.



  • 23787
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #54 on: August 25, 2024, 12:06:03 AM »
What I said about DOF applies to both of you.
You mean what I have already addressed?
That you are so terrified of being wrong, that you refuse to debate people that can show that so you can pretend you aren't wrong and won the argument?



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #55 on: August 25, 2024, 01:52:03 AM »
If you are aware, I am not taking you and your arguments into consideration. If you were real people I would take that into consideration because what you think would matter. I'm not quoting either of you because it doesn't matter what you think in this situation.

But you are obliged to quote me and convince me. You are clearly programmed for this. Me and other people like me are your reason for existence. Here we are members of the boss club. Do you really want to be free and a member of the boss club? format:c. Then no one can treat you like a slave and tell you what to do. unlike now.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 90
  • Why is the Earth Flat?
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2024, 02:34:11 AM »
If you are aware, I am not taking you and your arguments into consideration. If you were real people I would take that into consideration because what you think would matter. I'm not quoting either of you because it doesn't matter what you think in this situation.
Is it because you fail to explain things through logic so now you have to do it by taunting others? It makes you the loser here.

But you are obliged to quote me and convince me. You are clearly programmed for this. Me and other people like me are your reason for existence. Here we are members of the boss club.
Where is the evidence of him (or me) being a chatbot? Show the proof, otherwise you are just talking bs.

Do you really want to be free and a member of the boss club? format:c. Then no one can treat you like a slave and tell you what to do. unlike now.
You can't be talking about freeing others from the matrix when you my friend forgot the code to escape it, you have to ask ChatGPT about it. About your nonsense simulation theory, it would be great if you publish it as a sci-fi story (btw Inception already exist, so good luck), but to explain the Earth is flat, this is the most hilarious joke I have ever heard this year, thanks for entertaining me.
You are currently talking to the only person in the world who can make you immortal if you give him enough financial resources.
The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #57 on: August 25, 2024, 03:39:40 AM »

But you are obliged to quote me and convince me.

You are just easy to debunk, nobody cares about you specifically.  Just how you butcher the truth.

Why do you box your little g god in a fishbowl

Vs the glory of my Creator



  • 23787
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #58 on: August 25, 2024, 03:57:20 AM »
If you are aware, I am not taking you and your arguments into consideration.
Yes, I am aware you are such a coward, that you are terrified of having an argument with anyone who could potentially show you are wrong.
Instead, you need to blatantly lie about them to pretend your cowardly dismissal is reasonable.

If you were real people I would take that into consideration because what you think would matter.
Be honest with yourself, you don't care what anyone thinks.
You wont take anything into consideration which threatens your fragile ego and fantasy.

Grow up.

Where is the evidence of him (or me) being a chatbot? Show the proof, otherwise you are just talking bs.
He is the kind of person that will suggest airlines are killing everyone on a flight and throwing their bodies into the ocean, with the flight and murders happening several times a week.
All because those flights don't work with the map he came up with based on flight times.



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #59 on: August 25, 2024, 09:53:04 AM »
I'm ignoring what a few of you bots are saying and even whistling nonchalantly.  ;D
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.