I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true

  • 69 Replies
Hey guys!
I'm a christian and aware the bible says something about the circle of the earth, the four corners of the earth, a firmament, waters above and below, the heavens not being empty space but skywaters ...
I just couldn't find a reason to hang on to yet to believe that all that NASA (hebrew = deceive), moonlanding, basic model of the universe as taught in school ... all this is apparently/obviously a lie now ... what else is a lie? If Jesus is the truth, and the earth is flat and all that, what can I achieve and find by switching my belief system and walking more and more in truth??
OK, anyway, here's the logical experiement I just did that made me understand the school taught system can't be true:
I'll not give a that factual account, I'll tell the whole story somewhat:
So I saw a few things about flat earth theory (not much) already, and it kinda felt very truthy to believe.
But when looking at the moon I still feel the moon is kinda a ball maybe. I don't know yet what to believe there.
However, looking at it, I various times in my life already thought:
How can the growing moon be the way it is??
If the earth is cutting the moon short of being fully lit by the sun some way, how is the shape of a growing moon possible?? Shouldn't it always be like a piece of an apple??? However, I'm not sure about that and I didn't think it fully through.
However, later I thought about the seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.
I'm a born Austrian, so called northern hemisphere. Hottest/Summer months there: July, August.
Now i'm living close to the equator, Dominican republic. Hottest/Summer months there: July, August. (Maybe about 2 weeks shifting later into the year ... rough impression or so)
Now, the proof, thought experiment goes like this:
If the seasons on a globe earth are caused (as taught in modern physics) by a tilt of the globe, so northern hemisphere is summer in July/August and southern hemisphere is summer in December/January (as I was told by an Australian personally one day ... haha, so i at least have some personal experience in that area).
Thinking about it, one quickly sees there is a strange pattern of seasons that should occur on the equator:
Summer: April/March, then autumn, winter, spring, then a second summer around October/November, then again autumn, winter, spring, then again the first summer in April/March.
It's clear by l thinking it through. While the globe would be tilting, the equator would be closest to the sun in 2 seasons yearly, in 3/4 months of the year and 10/11 ... or so ...
Now the fact check:
Dominican Republic:  hottest/summer months: July/August/somewhat september ... rest of the year, definitely not that hot.
OK, going to google, trying to see if I'm missing something:
They are lying to us in the face with an audacity that is incredible it seems.
While saying seasons are caused by a roughly 29 degree tilt of the earth at its maximum (that would make the difference between summer/autumn, autumn/winter, winter/spring, spring/summer) as its 1/4 the of the whole tilting cycle ... at the same time they are saying, in basically all sources, that at the equator the sun is shining at 90 degree all year round. So what. 90 - 29 = 90???? spring = summer, summer = autumn, autumn = winter, winter = spring??? well if so why  not as well winter = summer ... that is obviously a blatant lie in our faces.
so if the globe system was true, we would have 8 seasons round the equator with 2 summers during the springs/autumns of the northern/southern hemisphere, which definitely is not so where I live.
Admittedly, the summer/winter differences would be less extreme by roughly 50%, but certainly it's not all of a sudden 29 degrees in one place makes the difference and in the other place 90 degrees plus/minus 29 degree is still a 90 degree summer sun in the middle of the sky.
What do you guys think??
I honestly think at this point this proof that the globe system is a lie.
* Not only does this prove the seasons system as proposed for the globe is not the same as experienced close to the equator
* it also shows that it is a willingly introduced lie, as nobody who actually cares for a truthy/accurate system (highly specialised scientists, mathematicians and physicists) can simply say 90 - 29 = 90 degrees. They simply put that lie there, and repeat it (big number). And everyone who thinks differently than the obvious lie is stupid??? isn't it like that??? wow, oh my god, help us Jesus
* it also shows us moon landing and all that interstellar stuff is a lie.
* it tells us ... oh my god, what is the truth??? Jesus is the truth, the truth tells us to keep the good parts and let go of the bad parts
I'm more than curious on your thoughts...
One last thing:
I can say I felt joy I finally can believe in the bible somewhat when it comes to a cirlce of the earth, corners of the earth, a firmament ...
hehey ... cool, so truth is setting free, just like the bible says ... so keep the good stuff.
Cheers, Johannes



  • 23786
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2024, 01:24:30 AM »
But when looking at the moon I still feel the moon is kinda a ball maybe. I don't know yet what to believe there.
However, looking at it, I various times in my life already thought:
How can the growing moon be the way it is??
If the earth is cutting the moon short of being fully lit by the sun some way, how is the shape of a growing moon possible?? Shouldn't it always be like a piece of an apple??? However, I'm not sure about that and I didn't think it fully through.
The Earth's shadow on the moon is only responsible for lunar eclipses.
The phases are simply the angular separation between Earth and the sun at the moon.
To understand, get a very bright light, and small ball, in a dark room with dark walls (e.g. walls painted black or with black curtains draped, or outside at night) so no significant reflections.
Then hold the ball out at arm's length, and see how changing where it is relative to the light changes how it is illuminated.
If the direction of the ball and light are basically the same, you get a tiny sliver illuminated.
If they are right angles, you get roughly half illuminated.
If they are almost opposite (but not in your shadow), then pretty much all is illuminated.

It's clear by l thinking it through. While the globe would be tilting, the equator would be closest to the sun in 2 seasons yearly, in 3/4 months of the year and 10/11 ... or so ...
It is not distance.
It is the angle of elevation and amount of daylight hours.
As well as other factors, such as currents which might heat or cool the location, rainfall, and so on.

The FE model seems to want to focus on distance more.

Now the fact check:
Dominican Republic
Is roughly 15 to 20 degrees north of the equator. Meaning it is well into the northern hemisphere. The tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees north is much closer than the equator.
This means you would expect the hottest times to be similar to the rest of the northern hemisphere. However due to proximity to the equator it shouldn't vary too dramatically.

And what do we see? The max from Jun to Sep, and low in Dec/Jan.

Sure seems to match the globe.

While saying seasons are caused by a roughly 29 degree tilt of the earth
23.44 degrees, not 29.

at the same time they are saying, in basically all sources, that at the equator the sun is shining at 90 degree all year round.
What are they actually saying?
The the sun goes to an angle of elevation of 90 degrees for the equator, or the terminator line is 90 degrees longitude removed?

Admittedly, the summer/winter differences would be less extreme by roughly 50%
No, it wouldn't.
It would be even less than that 50% difference. Because again, the number of daylight hours is also important.

e.g. consider a point on the tropics.
During their summer, the angle of elevation of the sun reaches a peak of 90 degrees.
During their winter, the angle of elevation of the sun reaches a peak of ~43 degrees.
But as well as that, during their summer they have 13 hours and 37 minutes of daylight and during their winter they have 10 hours and 40 minutes of daylight. (exact times will vary depending on other factors such as the elliptical orbit).
Meanwhile the equator receives roughly 12 hours of daylight all year round.

And because the illumination is based upon illuminating an area, you need to look at the sine of the angle; because that tells you the effect of that angle.
i.e. going from 90 to 80 is far less significant than going from 20 to 10.

And doing the math on that alone, for the equator, going from 90 to 67 degrees results in a drop to 92%. i.e. the energy per unit area from the sun is 92%.
Going from 90 to 43 drops that to 68%.
That is a 32% change vs an 8% change. That is already 4x not 2x.

But perhaps the biggest issue with all that is this doesn't really help you.
Do you have an alternative model you want to put forward which solves this issue, because as far as I can tell, the FE has the same problem.

What do you guys think??
I think you want the Bible to be true and are looking for excuses to dismiss the RE model as wrong without fully understanding it.

I honestly think at this point this proof that the globe system is a lie.
* Not only does this prove the seasons system as proposed for the globe is not the same as experienced close to the equator
* it also shows that it is a willingly introduced lie, as nobody who actually cares for a truthy/accurate system (highly specialised scientists, mathematicians and physicists) can simply say 90 - 29 = 90 degrees. They simply put that lie there, and repeat it (big number). And everyone who thinks differently than the obvious lie is stupid??? isn't it like that??? wow, oh my god, help us Jesus
* it also shows us moon landing and all that interstellar stuff is a lie.
* it tells us ... oh my god, what is the truth??? Jesus is the truth, the truth tells us to keep the good parts and let go of the bad parts
And I disagree with all of that.
This doesn't show a problem with the seasons on the globe model. Especially not considering your "close to the equator" is actually closer to the tropics.
You didn't provide a source for your 90-29=90.
The weather does still fluctuate at the equator, just not as much.
Showing a problem with the seasons shows nothing about the moon landing or stars (if you mean the movie, that is fiction).
It tells you nothing about Jesus being the truth. Even if you manage to show the RE is wrong, that doesn't make Jesus the truth.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2024, 05:39:05 AM »

It tells you nothing about Jesus being the truth. Even if you manage to show the RE is wrong, that doesn't make Jesus the truth.

Conversely, the truth of RE doesn't make Jesus a lie.

I wonder why so many people need to believe in the literal truth of every single word in the Bible to accept Jesus' message (be it of divine or human origin) as the best thing mankind has ever received

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2024, 07:25:40 AM »
Hey guys!

Ok, so I found that theory late last night and was excited.
Thanks for your not insulting and rather factual feedback by the way :-)

The thing that's most important as of double checking my theory, and you already mention it is two things I think:
The max globe tilt being 23.4 degrees only.
The place where I live in (Dominican Republic) currently being not that equatorial after all, but being roughly at 18.7 degrees north.

One thing though I feel I need to insist upon and I think I need to double check somewhat more upon:
When at the equator, during the equinoxes should be the 90 degree sun rays direct impact hot days (apart from the possible lag by heat preservation through water, the surrounding sea of a region only heating up and the hottest days therefore being somewhat of a follow up) / summer.
Google says those equinoxes are 21 of March and 21 of September.
What I'm insisting upon, and please simply google some explanations of seasons via a titled globe, is that though the seasons - as you explained I guess; on a rather logarithmic/volumetric scale are only at a decent/small decline from 100%, and since the power impact of the sun is logarithmically decreasing ... stuff ... it's simply not that intense and seasons are not very explicit ... as you mentioned at the equator 92% power during winter so to speak, while an exposition at 23.4 degree in the north would make that logarithmically more extreme: 68% instead of only 84%.)
However, if you check on google they all put it like it's completely neglectable and that's not it and that's a possible point error where one could possibly double check via temperature statistics at the equator round the year ... I wonder if we need to switch to degrees Kelvin as of temperture and 92% of summer max will lead to 100% of winter cold??? haha.

Back to the Dominican Republic and my personal situation/claim:
I did some research, and the two summer equinoxes in the DR should be (unless that is not called equinoxes at all, haha, I'm not very knowledgeable in that area) as follows ...

Late April to Early May: As the Sun moves northward in its apparent path after the vernal equinox (around March 21), it reaches the zenith position in the Dominican Republic. This typically occurs around late April to early May.

Late July to Early August: As the Sun moves southward after reaching the Tropic of Cancer (around June 21), it again passes directly overhead in the Dominican Republic. This second occurrence usually happens around late July to early August.

Taking into account the surrounding heat reservoir of the sea, it is clear that July/August/early September as the hottest months fits the actuality of things/nature.

Thanks for your feedback again a anyways!!!

Cheers, J



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2024, 10:56:35 AM »
Hey guys!
I'm a christian and aware the bible says something about the circle of the earth, the four corners of the earth, a firmament, waters above and below, the heavens not being empty space but skywaters ...
You do realize that the Bible is a book of faith, not of science, don't you?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23786
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2024, 02:46:39 PM »
What I'm insisting upon, and please simply google some explanations of seasons via a titled globe, is that though the seasons - as you explained I guess; on a rather logarithmic/volumetric scale are only at a decent/small decline from 100%, and since the power impact of the sun is logarithmically decreasing ... stuff ... it's simply not that intense and seasons are not very explicit ... as you mentioned at the equator 92% power during winter so to speak, while an exposition at 23.4 degree in the north would make that logarithmically more extreme: 68% instead of only 84%.)
However, if you check on google they all put it like it's completely neglectable and that's not it and that's a possible point error where one could possibly double check via temperature statistics at the equator round the year ... I wonder if we need to switch to degrees Kelvin as of temperture and 92% of summer max will lead to 100% of winter cold??? haha.
It is more complicated than a simple 92% vs 84%.
I was just using that as a simple demonstration that you can't just say it should have 50% of the variation.
If you switch to K, then 30 C is roughly 303 K. 92% of that is 279 K or 7 C.

But radiation based upon temperature scales as T^4
So you actually need to raise the temperature to the power of 4, then scale it, then take the 4th root.
That gives 297 K or 24 C.

But that doesn't take into consideration how it varies over the course of a day (and night when the sun isn't out).
As I said, it gets quite complicated.

Back to the Dominican Republic and my personal situation/claim:
I did some research, and the two summer equinoxes in the DR should be (unless that is not called equinoxes at all, haha, I'm not very knowledgeable in that area) as follows ...
It doesn't real have any special name, other than the sun being at zenith.
The equinox is when the sun is over the equator, because it gives roughly equal day and night.
The solstice is at the peak, because the sun stops moving north/south.

Thanks for your feedback again a anyways!!!

Cheers, J
Happy to help.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2024, 10:06:11 AM »
Hey guys!
Hey Johannes.

First of all, welcome to the flat earth society. If you wrote in a different section, we could talk more easily about your article content.

The majority in this forum are globalist AI and they will do anything to prove the opposite of what they think. All they do is argue the opposite of what you say. I would like to remind you that you do not have to deal with them as this is nothing but a waste of time.

To get more information about the flat earth theory, you can check out the wiki section on the website main page or the believers section on this forum. However, if you have questions, you can submit your question in the question and answer section, which is more sitrickly moderated than here.

Kind regards.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2024, 01:25:17 PM »
How does a flat or sphere earth have four corners?



  • 23786
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2024, 02:15:59 PM »
The majority in this forum are globalist AI
You mean at least somewhat intelligent people who can see through your BS and explain why you are wrong.

I would like to remind you that you do not have to deal with them as this is nothing but a waste of time.
For people like you, that don't care about the truth at all.
For people who actually care about believing things that are true, dissenting opinions can be quite valuable.
They can explain or at least question things you might have overlooked.

Obviously that goes directly against what you want so you dismiss it as a waste of time.

To get more information about the flat earth theory, you can check out the wiki section on the website main page or the believers section on this forum. However, if you have questions, you can submit your question in the question and answer section, which is more sitrickly moderated than here.
You mean to get heavily biased information which will leave out all the flaws and problems.
Including cherry picking data while dismissing any data that doesn't fit, and trying to "justify" that dismissal with insane conspiracies like mass murder.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2024, 06:10:52 PM »
LoL.  ::)
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Jura II (until 2031)
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Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2024, 12:52:23 AM »
How does a flat or sphere earth have four corners?
Scientists discovered that matter under the observation anywhere behaves as matter, and matter outside the observer's influence behaves as waves. This confirms the double-slit experiments. The bottom line is that we are living in a simulation. This coincides with the fact that we are on a computer screen. As we know, computer screens are generally rectangular, it does not matter whether the world inside is spherical or flat.

From this perspective, I sometimes get confused about the difference between real players and bots here. What I mean is that we are independent players on a computer screen, being guided by an AI. And bots are the independent players guided by an AI controlled by an AI on a computer screen. There is a difference, but it is very difficult to prove it.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



  • 23786
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2024, 12:59:07 AM »
How does a flat or sphere earth have four corners?
Scientists discovered that matter under the observation anywhere behaves as matter, and matter outside the observer's influence behaves as waves. This confirms the double-slit experiments. The bottom line is that we are living in a simulation.
There is no logical connection between those 2 statements.

It also has nothing to do with the seasons.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2024, 02:29:00 AM »
Ok Jack.  ^-^
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2024, 04:08:56 AM »
Hey guys!

And yet.  Evidence shows the earth to be spherical.

Ok?  Like the dip of the horizon?

Or. From this interesting video…

Flat Earth horizon still wouldn't look flat!

The video references an experiment conducted that demonstrates left to right curvature of the horizon.


It’s there in this photo.

Compression of the photo makes it easier to see.


In all fairness, the video does point out the horizon would still be curved if the earth was surrounded by an infinite long ice wall in the the usual flat earth drawings.

Or battleship gunnery

Or the rainy day lake experiment.


All data and observations agree with the predictions of the Globe Model, which includes Terrestrial Refraction. The predictions for the Flat Earth Model, however, contradict the observations.

The Rainy Lake Experiment shows even better than the Bedford Level Experiment that the earth is a globe, since we also have GPS measurements that are not influenced by Refraction or Perspective, but are of a pure geometric nature. GPS measurements directly provide the radius of the earth.

Only one conclusion remains:

The earth cannot be flat, but is a globe with a mean radius of 6371 km!


Or simply why the sunsets and how night fall is literally the shadow of earth’s curvature.  Or why a boat disappears bottom up as it goes beyond the horizon.  And why a good pair of binoculars, a good zoom lens, or telescope can’t bring the physically blocked sun or a physically blocked ship back into view.

Yes, curvature can be measured and modeled as proven by Blackpool Photo

A photo by:
Kevin Jackson, of Birkdale, Southport, captured the amazing view of the seaside resort from the Sefton coast.



As presented by Dave McKeegan in this video.

Now the point of all this.  Blackpool tower looks relatively taller than the background hills because the earth is spherical.

We can model the view of Blackpool Tower relative to the distance hills for a flat earth vs spherical earth.

1. The height of the Blackpool Tower is known.
2. The position of the photographer is known.
3. The radius of the earth is measured and known.
4. The distance to the background hills and their height are known.

If the earth was flat.  The background hills would be taller in the photo than the tower.

A rough model of how the photo should look for the tower relative to the background mountains on a flat earth. 

The evidence is pretty clear. And even supposedly converted this person,Ranty-Flat-Earth, back to spherical earth



. Using the Heliocentric model is useful and accurate.  FE is an outdated concept with no use.  And doesn’t increase accuracy. 

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2024, 04:10:25 AM »

The majority in this forum are globalist AI and they will do anything to prove the opposite of what they think.

Is that on topic.  I heard from a friend that will get you banned…..



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2024, 05:33:44 AM »

The majority in this forum are globalist AI and they will do anything to prove the opposite of what they think.

Is that on, I will get banned…..

Not everything in an article has to be relevant. When divided, the whole loses its meaning. Otherwise tell your friend to add you to the top of his list.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2024, 06:00:33 AM »

The majority in this forum are globalist AI and they will do anything to prove the opposite of what they think.

Is that on, I will get banned…..

Not everything in an article has to be relevant. When divided, the whole loses its meaning. Otherwise tell your friend to add you to the top of his list.

I’m I a globalist AI. Or just a person from experience from the navy, amateur astronomer, amateur photographer, that swam out to sea a few times, seen the evidence the earth is spherical.  Where if the earth is flat a good pair of binoculars / telescope/ zoom lens should bring a set sun or a ship over the horizon back into view.  Where I seen the southern cross while in Australia, and it reliably points south.  Where on a flat earth it would be meaningless.  Where a simple dial star atlas of the southern hemisphere is accurate predicting the night sky from Australia, South America, and Africa.  Something reliably used by millions. 
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 06:02:14 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2024, 06:13:01 AM »

Not everything in an article has to be relevant.

Well.  This is interesting.  The constellation Crux was know by some norther cultures until about 400 bc when it no longer rose above the horizon for those cultures in the northern hemisphere.  But remained visible and known to cultures in the southern hemisphere.

How to find Crux the Southern Cross Constellation

Hey wise.  Isn’t amazing when you truly witness all of creation and all its glory when you take the blinders off from boxing your little g god in a fish tank of human thinking and perception. 



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2024, 06:32:58 AM »
I’m I a globalist AI.
With this I will add a new item to my collection of white man's scalps as per the redskins tradition.

Native American sages knew that the earth was flat. But the white man killed them all.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2024, 06:38:05 AM »
I’m I a globalist AI.
With this I will add a new item to my collection of white man's scalps as per the redskins tradition.

Native American sages knew that the earth was flat. But the white man killed them all.

What are you babbling about.  I’m a real person, with real interest, with a need to accurately predict the world for planning seeing natural phenomena to safety (like knowing if the tide is coming in if I wanted to swim to sea), and you start babbling. 

Why does knowing the earth is spherical make for accurate navigation in the southern hemisphere.  The North Star for the northern hemisphere.  To why an equatorial mount on telescope makes life better for amateur astronomers.

Equatorial Mounts WOULDN'T WORK on a Flat Earth


« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 06:45:34 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2024, 06:42:26 AM »
I’m I a globalist AI.
With this I will add a new item to my collection of white man's scalps as per the redskins tradition.

Native American sages knew that the earth was flat. But the white man killed them all.

What are you babbling about.  I’m a real person, with real interest, with a need to accurately predict the world for planning seeing natural phenomena to safety (like knowing if the tide is coming in if I wanted to swim to sea), and you start babbling. 
That's exactly the kind of excuse an AI would say. Huh.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2024, 06:48:53 AM »

That's exactly the kind of excuse an AI would say. Huh.

No.  What a real person with real hobbies in the real world would post where safety was on the line and needing accurate information and predictions.

Where FE is a useless model that would get people lost at see, and FE totally impotent at predicting tides for people who need to safely pilot small watercraft.

Wise, you have not demonstrated how FE is useful to me in anyway. 

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2024, 06:52:24 AM »

That's exactly the kind of excuse an AI would say. Huh.

Keep trying to change the arguments.

Why is a dial star atlas for the southern hemisphere accurate at predicting the night sky for Australia, Africa, and South America. 



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2024, 07:34:40 AM »

That's exactly the kind of excuse an AI would say. Huh.

No.  What a real person with real hobbies in the real world would post where safety was on the line and needing accurate information and predictions.

Where FE is a useless model that would get people lost at see, and FE totally impotent at predicting tides for people who need to safely pilot small watercraft.

Wise, you have not demonstrated how FE is useful to me in anyway.
It's good that you brought up the subject of being lost at sea. That's exactly why when someone who believed in the global model said he was going to Chile by sailboat from New Zealand, I told him the map was wrong. But NewZealander didn't believe me when AI bots like you told me I was wrong. And after all, he is no longer among us. I even prepared a video clip for him. If I find it, I'll quote it here.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.



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Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2024, 07:39:48 AM »

That's exactly the kind of excuse an AI would say. Huh.

Keep trying to change the arguments.

Why is a dial star atlas for the southern hemisphere accurate at predicting the night sky for Australia, Africa, and South America.
Your imaginary arguments are based precisely on encouraging constant research, wasting time, and then rejecting it when you see a counter argument. I don't buy these anymore.

Why is the MegaFlatonic atlas compatible with the flat earth but not the spherical model?
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2024, 07:46:37 AM »

 I told him the map was wrong.

Funny.  A simple equatorial telescope mount and the North Star kills flat earth.

How does “south” work on a FE?

How to find the celestial South Pole makes sense on a globe / sphere.

The celestial South Pole is meaningless on a flat earth like your story wise lacking on detail and why. 

« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 07:57:45 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2024, 07:56:20 AM »

Your imaginary arguments

Needing a telescope mount that is useful and works is imaginary?

If the earth was really flat, a good telescope should bring a set sun back into view is imaginary?

For a swimmer or boat going out to sea it’s imaginary it’s easier to go out to sea while the tide is going out.  But for a boat there has to be an accurate prediction on tide hight so the boat doesn’t run aground?

Needing to account for the earth’s curvature for battleships firing long rang?

Are you familiarly with slant range?  Why the earth’s curvature must be taken in account to make ranging by ground radar accuracy for determining the distance to inflight aircraft.

Again wise.  FE is a useless model that doesn’t achieve the same accuracy as the heliocentric model. 



  • Professor
  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 26236
  • The Only Yang Scholar in Ying Universe
Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2024, 10:07:08 AM »
As I mentioned above, it is impossible to argue with AI bots. Because your time and resources are unlimited. Even if you are not right, there is no time or technical equipment to prove the contrary. So I won't argue with you using your arguments. I just tested how different you is from Jackblack. I realized you is the same. Just a new clone. The non-insulting model. That's good, though.


@Johannes I hope you understand the environment better after reading these. Welcome back. Do what I do and don't give a fuck about them.
1+2+3+...+∞= 1


Jura II (until 2031)
Bulma (Until 2030)
Jackblack (Until 2032)

I’m I a globalist AI.

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2024, 11:41:18 AM »
As I mentioned above, it is impossible to argue with AI bots.

I point out the failings of FE in my hobbies and life, so you try to accuse me of being something other than a human with real interests interacting with the real world.  A blatant lie by you.

Because your time and resources are unlimited.

Like I live where there is good internet access.

You keep replying, are you FE AI.  Because you ramble and babble like a badly programmed speech generator.

As in you can’t address anything I actually post.  Then make up something about white man?

Even if you are not right, there is no time or technical equipment to prove the contrary.

Again.  Are you a bot because you reply? 

So I won't argue with you using your arguments.

Because I use things taboo to FE because it kills flat earth.

You can’t even address why a simple 20 dollar dial star atlas of the southern hemisphere, which see by millions is accurate at predicting the night sky. 

Wise making false allegations of AI because a 20 dollar low tech dial star atlas kills flat earth, and has to avoid the topic because it’s taboo to flat earthers.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 11:45:52 AM by DataOverFlow2022 »

Re: I just found theoretical proof that the globe system can't be true
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2024, 11:58:16 AM »

I just tested how different you is from Jackblack. I realized you is the same. Just a new clone. The non-insulting model. That's good, though.


You haven’t tested anything.  I believe Jesus is the son of God. And marvel how you repeatedly lie.  About the most ignorant of things that doesn’t have anything to do with salvation.

Jack will lets us know how he feels about a spiritual world, and the degrees of good and evil that stem from such a world shortly.

But I think most will agree Wise, that you lie too easily.  And some evil or form of intellectual depravity possesses you. 

Really.  Who would post this?

With this I will add a new item to my collection of white man's scalps as per the redskins tradition.

Native American sages knew that the earth was flat. But the white man killed them all.

Over the fact, if the earth is flat a good pair of binoculars / telescope/ zoom lens should bring a set sun or a ship over the horizon back into view.

You might want to take some personal inventory Wise. Only A fool would name themselves wise.

And I don’t use the term fool lightly…
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 12:00:03 PM by DataOverFlow2022 »