Hey guys!
I'm a christian and aware the bible says something about the circle of the earth, the four corners of the earth, a firmament, waters above and below, the heavens not being empty space but skywaters ...
I just couldn't find a reason to hang on to yet to believe that all that NASA (hebrew = deceive), moonlanding, basic model of the universe as taught in school ... all this is apparently/obviously a lie now ... what else is a lie? If Jesus is the truth, and the earth is flat and all that, what can I achieve and find by switching my belief system and walking more and more in truth??
OK, anyway, here's the logical experiement I just did that made me understand the school taught system can't be true:
I'll not give a that factual account, I'll tell the whole story somewhat:
So I saw a few things about flat earth theory (not much) already, and it kinda felt very truthy to believe.
But when looking at the moon I still feel the moon is kinda a ball maybe. I don't know yet what to believe there.
However, looking at it, I various times in my life already thought:
How can the growing moon be the way it is??
If the earth is cutting the moon short of being fully lit by the sun some way, how is the shape of a growing moon possible?? Shouldn't it always be like a piece of an apple??? However, I'm not sure about that and I didn't think it fully through.
However, later I thought about the seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.
I'm a born Austrian, so called northern hemisphere. Hottest/Summer months there: July, August.
Now i'm living close to the equator, Dominican republic. Hottest/Summer months there: July, August. (Maybe about 2 weeks shifting later into the year ... rough impression or so)
Now, the proof, thought experiment goes like this:
If the seasons on a globe earth are caused (as taught in modern physics) by a tilt of the globe, so northern hemisphere is summer in July/August and southern hemisphere is summer in December/January (as I was told by an Australian personally one day ... haha, so i at least have some personal experience in that area).
Thinking about it, one quickly sees there is a strange pattern of seasons that should occur on the equator:
Summer: April/March, then autumn, winter, spring, then a second summer around October/November, then again autumn, winter, spring, then again the first summer in April/March.
It's clear by l thinking it through. While the globe would be tilting, the equator would be closest to the sun in 2 seasons yearly, in 3/4 months of the year and 10/11 ... or so ...
Now the fact check:
Dominican Republic: hottest/summer months: July/August/somewhat september ... rest of the year, definitely not that hot.
OK, going to google, trying to see if I'm missing something:
They are lying to us in the face with an audacity that is incredible it seems.
While saying seasons are caused by a roughly 29 degree tilt of the earth at its maximum (that would make the difference between summer/autumn, autumn/winter, winter/spring, spring/summer) as its 1/4 the of the whole tilting cycle ... at the same time they are saying, in basically all sources, that at the equator the sun is shining at 90 degree all year round. So what. 90 - 29 = 90?

spring = summer, summer = autumn, autumn = winter, winter = spring??? well if so why not as well winter = summer ... that is obviously a blatant lie in our faces.
so if the globe system was true, we would have 8 seasons round the equator with 2 summers during the springs/autumns of the northern/southern hemisphere, which definitely is not so where I live.
Admittedly, the summer/winter differences would be less extreme by roughly 50%, but certainly it's not all of a sudden 29 degrees in one place makes the difference and in the other place 90 degrees plus/minus 29 degree is still a 90 degree summer sun in the middle of the sky.
What do you guys think??
I honestly think at this point this proof that the globe system is a lie.
* Not only does this prove the seasons system as proposed for the globe is not the same as experienced close to the equator
* it also shows that it is a willingly introduced lie, as nobody who actually cares for a truthy/accurate system (highly specialised scientists, mathematicians and physicists) can simply say 90 - 29 = 90 degrees. They simply put that lie there, and repeat it (big number). And everyone who thinks differently than the obvious lie is stupid??? isn't it like that??? wow, oh my god, help us Jesus
* it also shows us moon landing and all that interstellar stuff is a lie.
* it tells us ... oh my god, what is the truth??? Jesus is the truth, the truth tells us to keep the good parts and let go of the bad parts
I'm more than curious on your thoughts...
One last thing:
I can say I felt joy I finally can believe in the bible somewhat when it comes to a cirlce of the earth, corners of the earth, a firmament ...
hehey ... cool, so truth is setting free, just like the bible says ... so keep the good stuff.
Cheers, Johannes