I love you want to end corruption, lies and tyranny, it痴 what Jesus would have wanted, but Tucker and 4chan!
I think a lot of what I see, both here and in general is the pull between rationality and reality.
We are evolutions pattern spotters, from identifying a shape of predator/prey in the forest gloom, the tells of a lie on the face, the twitch of a muscle to intention, the portent of those streamers in the sky, it makes us good at puzzles but where it leads us down rabbit holes is where there are too many variables or no pattern at all, there, our minds fill the gaps as per our nature.
For those who fear the darkness (and who hasn稚 at some time), the phantasms thrown up to make sense of the shadows are as tangible and terrible as a real tiger in the dark.
The nimbus of religion can keep those shades at bay but serve also to multiply its denizens.