Why care if the earth is flat?

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Why care if the earth is flat?
« on: June 01, 2024, 11:34:33 PM »
I don't really get why anyone cares if the earth is flat or not.  It would seem that the flat earth is described in a way that makes all our observations (for some definition of "all") indistinguishable between a flat earth and a globe earth.  We can't seem to find any set of tests that will actually show a difference between the two world views. 

So, why care? 

Obviously, many people here do care.  There are any number of raging debates going on here, with each side trying to show just how wrong the other side must be, and how not agreeing with them means the others must be totally stupid or easily duped.  But, why?

Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try? 

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2024, 12:30:15 AM »
Any sort of debate between two sides, will rarely change what they believe, at first, anyway.

When almost everyone believed the Earth was a ball in space, from our childhood and since then, there was only one side, one belief, we all had.

When there are now millions of people who changed their mind about a ball Earth, and have never changed back to what they first believed.

That is despite no media, no tv programs or documentaries or anything ever mentioned about it. Despite when others scorn and mock them for their beliefs, despite all these ‘experts’ who say it’s not flat, and those who believe it’s flat do not know the facts or sciences behind the ball Earth as a fact.

Those who believe Earth is flat, are the only ones who’ve changed their minds on it.

When you cannot support their claims of seeing multiple distinct belts, why wouldn’t you at very least wonder why we never see it?

When they are supposedly our ‘experts’ and scientists, everyone here knows that they would have proof of their claims, by others seeing through their same telescopes, as independent confirmation of their claims must be confirmed by others, we cannot prove a claim of seeing something by any other method or actual evidence.

I keep telling you that this is the biggest problem with their claims. Nobody is stupid enough to not know that claims of seeing something through these unique, one of a kind telescope, must be proven by allowing others who are independent sources, to see what they claimed to see.

That’s not a science. It never allows us to prove their claims are true or false.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2024, 01:19:33 AM »
Personally I find the topic quite fascinating, but I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind.

How do people come to the conclusion that the Earth is flat in 21st century? 
How did this all explode a decade or so ago?
How can they reject science on such a fundamental level or how do they think that they are on the side of science?

I strongly disagree that there are no observations you can make to determine the shape of the earth yourself.  There are loads, many very simple, particularly if you can either travel to other parts of the world or are willing to work someone else you trust.  There’s also a bunch of other things to consider not based on personal observations, but on how the modern world works.

I don’t get too involved in the flat earth debates all that much anymore.  More likely to discuss politics and stuff here, and that’s mainly just because it’s a very small forum where people have some very different views on things.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2024, 01:45:31 AM »
Nobody knows what the Earth is in terms of entirety of shape other than to simply go off stories told by people who've been chosen to tell those stories based on what others dictate to them.
Each person has a choice whether to believe the official stories or try and decipher potential truths from those stories by eliminating the silliness first off all and then trying to figure out the rest by process of elimination of the rest of the stories and replacing them with a more logical version.

This process renders a spinning ball in a space vacuum as horrendously silly when people do take the time to delve.
This by no means offers truths for alternatives but it does off a better potential for reality as the process is nitpicked.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2024, 01:48:37 AM »
There are not millions of people who now believe the Earth is flat, Turbo. Of the people you are counting, a large portion probably wish it was flat or want to believe it is flat, but just don't believe it is flat.

Flat earthers in general are a very small number of tiny fish in an extremely large pond. Their sway is extremely minute and has more in common with spiritual beliefs than anything else.

Flat earthers should be people who refuse to acknowledge the Earth is a globe and outer space, etc  - period. Not people who think their mission in life is to argue with everybody the entire Earth is an indistinct flat surface.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2024, 01:52:19 AM »
There are not millions of people who now believe the Earth is flat, Turbo. Of the people you are counting, a large portion probably wish it was flat or want to believe it is flat, but just don't believe it is flat.

Flat earthers in general are a very small number of tiny fish in an extremely large pond. Their sway is extremely minute and has more in common with spiritual beliefs than anything else.

Flat earthers should be people who refuse to acknowledge the Earth is a globe and outer space, etc  - period. Not people who think their mission in life is to argue with everybody the entire Earth is an indistinct flat surface.
You have absolutely no clue how many people believe in a flat or alternative Earth.
You're simply deciding that you know because your brainwashing is extreme for a spinning ball and that brainwashing is on a mass scale and verbally agreed to based entirely on peer pressure intimidation to follow a set pattern.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2024, 02:24:20 AM »
There are not millions of people who now believe the Earth is flat, Turbo. Of the people you are counting, a large portion probably wish it was flat or want to believe it is flat, but just don't believe it is flat.

Flat earthers in general are a very small number of tiny fish in an extremely large pond. Their sway is extremely minute and has more in common with spiritual beliefs than anything else.

Flat earthers should be people who refuse to acknowledge the Earth is a globe and outer space, etc  - period. Not people who think their mission in life is to argue with everybody the entire Earth is an indistinct flat surface.
Here’s a source that says 20% of the people surveyed in Brazil believe Earth is flat.

The population of Brazil is over 218 million people.

If only 1 percent of the people in Brazil believed Earth was flat, that would be over 2 million people in Brazil alone who believe Earth is flat.

Also note that this percentage has been growing for years, and will continue to grow in future.




  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2024, 03:00:10 AM »
I don't really get why anyone cares if the earth is flat or not.  It would seem that the flat earth is described in a way that makes all our observations (for some definition of "all") indistinguishable between a flat earth and a globe earth.  We can't seem to find any set of tests that will actually show a difference between the two world views. 

So, why care? 

Obviously, many people here do care.  There are any number of raging debates going on here, with each side trying to show just how wrong the other side must be, and how not agreeing with them means the others must be totally stupid or easily duped.  But, why?

Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

It’s not a question of caring what individuals think it’s more the fact that fake news, fake thought, fake ideas all driven by random misguided evidence free belief is a threat to society if left unchecked.

Flat earth belief is just one fiction driven by no more than ignorance coupled with blind belief.

You are correct debate changes nothing. Flat earth believers care nothing for either facts or honest debate.

The question is why are you yourself trying?
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2024, 03:12:54 AM »
Any sort of debate between two sides, will rarely change what they believe, at first, anyway.

When almost everyone believed the Earth was a ball in space, from our childhood and since then, there was only one side, one belief, we all had.

When there are now millions of people who changed their mind about a ball Earth, and have never changed back to what they first believed.

That is despite no media, no tv programs or documentaries or anything ever mentioned about it. Despite when others scorn and mock them for their beliefs, despite all these ‘experts’ who say it’s not flat, and those who believe it’s flat do not know the facts or sciences behind the ball Earth as a fact.

Those who believe Earth is flat, are the only ones who’ve changed their minds on it.

When you cannot support their claims of seeing multiple distinct belts, why wouldn’t you at very least wonder why we never see it?

When they are supposedly our ‘experts’ and scientists, everyone here knows that they would have proof of their claims, by others seeing through their same telescopes, as independent confirmation of their claims must be confirmed by others, we cannot prove a claim of seeing something by any other method or actual evidence.

I keep telling you that this is the biggest problem with their claims. Nobody is stupid enough to not know that claims of seeing something through these unique, one of a kind telescope, must be proven by allowing others who are independent sources, to see what they claimed to see.

That’s not a science. It never allows us to prove their claims are true or false.

Where you are wrong is believing the nature of the planet had anything to do with belief.

The nature of our world exists and is independent of what you care to believe. What you believe changes nothing.

There is no such thing as belief in a spherical earth as it is what it is. You are the one who has taken the decision to bring some alien belief to confront reality. A reality that all the facts show that the Earth is a sphere. A reality that for some reason you choose to reject and in its place choose a belief.

If you had a merest power of thought you would realise that all you believe in with respect to the shape of the earth is false. Take away your conspiracy and you have nothing. All what you believe rests on a whole bunch of conspiracies.

You believe ‘they’ have lied to YOU about the stars even when thd truth is there in plain sight for all to see!

You claim all space flight is fake even when many of those orbiting satellites be clearly seen, some by the naked eye!

You claim the whole of Astronomy which is multinational is fake!

You claim the whole of science is fake. Which is ironic given you have a computer linked to the internet which these days relies in many parts of the world in satellite communication.

The world these days relies on GPS of which there are five systems. Every smart phone and sat nav can link to them.

Every map on the planet proves there can be no flat earth alternative! The continents will not move from their current location to suit your beliefs. A fact you are too stupid to realise and take on board.

The belief is all yours.

"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2024, 03:40:14 AM »
I don't really get why anyone cares if the earth is flat or not.  It would seem that the flat earth is described in a way that makes all our observations (for some definition of "all") indistinguishable between a flat earth and a globe earth.  We can't seem to find any set of tests that will actually show a difference between the two world views. 

So, why care? 

Obviously, many people here do care.  There are any number of raging debates going on here, with each side trying to show just how wrong the other side must be, and how not agreeing with them means the others must be totally stupid or easily duped.  But, why?

Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

It’s not a question of caring what individuals think it’s more the fact that fake news, fake thought, fake ideas all driven by random misguided evidence free belief is a threat to society if left unchecked.

Flat earth belief is just one fiction driven by no more than ignorance coupled with blind belief.

You are correct debate changes nothing. Flat earth believers care nothing for either facts or honest debate.

The question is why are you yourself trying?

So now you know there’s millions of people, you try another argument which also fails miserably.

Do you even realize that our so-called ‘leaders’ of our nations have been the greatest creators of fake news and fake ideas and deceptions of all kinds since we formed into groups which grew so large that we needed to have leaders of those groups, clans, and finally countries?

When people are chosen as their leaders and rulers and so on, it is human nature to feel powerful, god-like, to those they are leading and ruling over.

And that’s why wars started from. Rulers start all wars, for greed and power and be feared. 

Wars have no benefits to the people who fight in them.

The only way they’ll fight a war for their rulers benefits and greed, is with fake news, propaganda, false flag operations, etc.

Those who rule over us are also the ones who say there is all sorts of fake news out there, which is most ironic, since they are the long-standing kings of fake news and propaganda that has led to millions of people dying for their fake news and lies. I’m



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2024, 04:38:07 AM »
It isn't really about the shape of Earth.
It is about trying to sell fools on a paranoid delusion, to make them think that the government is lying to them and out to get them, to make this distrust all forms of science.

As for why I'm here, remember, as well as the people actively involved, there are also those watching from the sidelines.
All it takes for stupidity to triumph is for people to remain silent.

That is despite no media, no tv programs or documentaries or anything ever mentioned about it. Despite when others scorn and mock them for their beliefs, despite all these ‘experts’ who say it’s not flat, and those who believe it’s flat do not know the facts or sciences behind the ball Earth as a fact.
No, it is because of loads of media intentionally misrepresenting things.

Nobody knows what the Earth is in terms of entirety of shape other than to simply go off stories told by people who've been chosen to tell those stories based on what others dictate to them.
Each person has a choice whether to believe the official stories or try and decipher potential truths from those stories by eliminating the silliness first off all and then trying to figure out the rest by process of elimination of the rest of the stories and replacing them with a more logical version.

This process renders a spinning ball in a space vacuum as horrendously silly when people do take the time to delve.
This by no means offers truths for alternatives but it does off a better potential for reality as the process is nitpicked.
You mean you reject all observations you can easily make to determine the shape of Earth; and instead decide what you want to be the case, and dismiss anythign else as silly.
This is shown repeatedly by your inability to demonstrate anything "silly" about the RE model.
Instead, you can only dismiss it as "silly".



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2024, 05:36:52 AM »

You mean you reject all observations you can easily make to determine the shape of Earth; and instead decide what you want to be the case, and dismiss anythign else as silly.
This is shown repeatedly by your inability to demonstrate anything "silly" about the RE model.
Instead, you can only dismiss it as "silly".
Jack, you have no clue what the Earth is and you are totally reliant on the movie makers and story tellers. That's it.
You go with the mainstream flow and it really is as simple as that.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2024, 08:24:19 AM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2024, 08:33:56 AM »
I don't really get why anyone cares if the earth is flat or not.  It would seem that the flat earth is described in a way that makes all our observations (for some definition of "all") indistinguishable between a flat earth and a globe earth.  We can't seem to find any set of tests that will actually show a difference between the two world views. 

So, why care? 

Obviously, many people here do care.  There are any number of raging debates going on here, with each side trying to show just how wrong the other side must be, and how not agreeing with them means the others must be totally stupid or easily duped.  But, why?

Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

It’s not a question of caring what individuals think it’s more the fact that fake news, fake thought, fake ideas all driven by random misguided evidence free belief is a threat to society if left unchecked.

Flat earth belief is just one fiction driven by no more than ignorance coupled with blind belief.

You are correct debate changes nothing. Flat earth believers care nothing for either facts or honest debate.

The question is why are you yourself trying?

What makes you think I am trying to change anyone's mind? 

Originally, as I have said several times in various posts, I came here out of curiosity, to learn what facts flat earth believers used to support their ideas, and even to find out what their ideas were.  Before coming here, I don't think I had heard about fake gravity or some of the other rather strange ideas, such as the global conspiracy.  I was hoping to learn more of the mechanics of how the flat earth functioned.  Turns out, the flat earthers don't know, either.  They spout various ideas they've heard from other flat earthers, which have virtually no support from science, claiming that science itself is bogus, because no one really understands it, rather it is a massive belief system.  So, not so much to learn. 

There are a few who you might think could actually understand the discrepancies and realize the flat earth is not a valid scientific concept.  Tom Bishop is one who seems more rational.  But he repeatedly produces the most illogical lines of thought I see here.  He even has a wiki where he tries to explain his thoughts, but fails. 

At this point, I'm still just trying to understand how people believe this stuff, which is so clearly made of silly putty. 



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2024, 08:38:14 AM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?

Your posts show that you aren't very good at reading comprehension.  Read my text, which you quoted, again.  Then tell me how you came to the conclusion that I don't want people to "talk" to each other. 

Once you explain that, I'll answer your question. 



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2024, 09:02:30 AM »

You mean you reject all observations you can easily make to determine the shape of Earth; and instead decide what you want to be the case, and dismiss anythign else as silly.
This is shown repeatedly by your inability to demonstrate anything "silly" about the RE model.
Instead, you can only dismiss it as "silly".
Jack, you have no clue what the Earth is and you are totally reliant on the movie makers and story tellers. That's it.
You go with the mainstream flow and it really is as simple as that.

And what is it that you rely on? Your infertile imagination!
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2024, 09:40:35 AM »

You mean you reject all observations you can easily make to determine the shape of Earth; and instead decide what you want to be the case, and dismiss anythign else as silly.
This is shown repeatedly by your inability to demonstrate anything "silly" about the RE model.
Instead, you can only dismiss it as "silly".
Jack, you have no clue what the Earth is and you are totally reliant on the movie makers and story tellers. That's it.
You go with the mainstream flow and it really is as simple as that.

And what is it that you rely on? Your infertile imagination!

Why are you guys arguing this here?  Can't you allow a single thread to be free of your rancor?


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2024, 10:14:01 AM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?

Your posts show that you aren't very good at reading comprehension.  Read my text, which you quoted, again.  Then tell me how you came to the conclusion that I don't want people to "talk" to each other. 

Once you explain that, I'll answer your question.

Yeah, I read it again. You said "why does anyone bother to post here". Unless you're an idiot, you should have been able to infer that I mean "post". Posting is talking by typing. Did you really need that explained, Timmy?
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2024, 11:56:11 AM »

Why are you guys arguing this here?  Can't you allow a single thread to be free of your rancor?

I see you are new here.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2024, 02:07:34 PM »
Jack, you have no clue what the Earth is and you are totally reliant on the movie makers and story tellers. That's it.
You go with the mainstream flow and it really is as simple as that.
No, I don't.
That is your strawman you keep clinging to.
Observations from everyday life (and some rarer events) show quite clearly that Earth is round.
These are things you can do yourself, but choose not to so you can cling to your fantasy.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2024, 06:37:03 PM »
There are not millions of people who now believe the Earth is flat, Turbo. Of the people you are counting, a large portion probably wish it was flat or want to believe it is flat, but just don't believe it is flat.

Flat earthers in general are a very small number of tiny fish in an extremely large pond. Their sway is extremely minute and has more in common with spiritual beliefs than anything else.

Flat earthers should be people who refuse to acknowledge the Earth is a globe and outer space, etc  - period. Not people who think their mission in life is to argue with everybody the entire Earth is an indistinct flat surface.
You have absolutely no clue how many people believe in a flat or alternative Earth.
You're simply deciding that you know because your brainwashing is extreme for a spinning ball and that brainwashing is on a mass scale and verbally agreed to based entirely on peer pressure intimidation to follow a set pattern.

I've already put forward my theory that we each live in two separate worlds. The first is our immediate intimate environment world which is it is Flattish, feels unmoving, motionless with a sun, moon and stars that move about over us, and which gives us memories of places here on Earth in the same world, and we can navigate very accurately in our immeduate environmrnt world using a flat map. The second is the big picture which includes the entire world, which we hear about, are told about, and can verify or experiment with if we choose, or ignore if we choose.

Every single time I bring this up, you and your flat earth mob ignore it, and so do the globe earthers.

I do have a clue of how many people embrace the status quo that the entire world is a sphere, and that number far outweighs people caught up in a passing fad like flat earth.

Let's just say flat earth was all about concentrating on your intimate immediate environment world and ignoring altogether anything associated with the entire world as a whole. You tell me, Sceptimatic, how this paradigm shift inside your head brings you closer to God and improves your life?

I already know the answer, I'm just wanting you to say it.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2024, 06:39:18 PM by Smoke Machine »



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2024, 08:29:37 PM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?

Your posts show that you aren't very good at reading comprehension.  Read my text, which you quoted, again.  Then tell me how you came to the conclusion that I don't want people to "talk" to each other. 

Once you explain that, I'll answer your question.

Yeah, I read it again. You said "why does anyone bother to post here". Unless you're an idiot, you should have been able to infer that I mean "post". Posting is talking by typing. Did you really need that explained, Timmy?

Ok, another confirmation that your reading comprehension is poor.  Once again, read both of my posts and try to understand them.  I'm not confused about saying "talking" rather than "posting".  Focus on the "stop" portion. 

Also, why do you need to call someone an idiot to express a thought?



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2024, 01:39:12 AM »
I've already put forward my theory that we each live in two separate worlds. The first is our immediate intimate environment world which is it is Flattish, feels unmoving, motionless with a sun, moon and stars that move about over us, and which gives us memories of places here on Earth in the same world, and we can navigate very accurately in our immeduate environmrnt world using a flat map. The second is the big picture which includes the entire world, which we hear about, are told about, and can verify or experiment with if we choose, or ignore if we choose.
And I have put forward how that is wrong.
My immediate environment is not flattish.

On the local scale/immediate environment, we have a rough irregular shaped Earth which is in no way flattish. And when you go to a larger scale, the curvature becomes significant.
The flattish parts are artificially created, such as a flat floor in a building.

And the entire sky appearing to rotate together leads me to think Earth is rotating, like a merry go round; unlike when an object is moving where I just see it moving.

Every single time I bring this up, you and your flat earth mob ignore it, and so do the globe earthers.
No, we don't ignore it. I have repeatedly explained why it is wrong and how you are mischaracterising the immediate vecinity.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2024, 02:23:49 AM »
I've already put forward my theory that we each live in two separate worlds. The first is our immediate intimate environment world which is it is Flattish, feels unmoving, motionless with a sun, moon and stars that move about over us, and which gives us memories of places here on Earth in the same world, and we can navigate very accurately in our immeduate environmrnt world using a flat map. The second is the big picture which includes the entire world, which we hear about, are told about, and can verify or experiment with if we choose, or ignore if we choose.
And I have put forward how that is wrong.
My immediate environment is not flattish.

On the local scale/immediate environment, we have a rough irregular shaped Earth which is in no way flattish. And when you go to a larger scale, the curvature becomes significant.
The flattish parts are artificially created, such as a flat floor in a building.

And the entire sky appearing to rotate together leads me to think Earth is rotating, like a merry go round; unlike when an object is moving where I just see it moving.

Every single time I bring this up, you and your flat earth mob ignore it, and so do the globe earthers.
No, we don't ignore it. I have repeatedly explained why it is wrong and how you are mischaracterising the immediate vecinity.

It's not wrong. You can't tell me Earth's relationship right now with the sun and moon and all other planets in our solar system as you read this, because you don't know. All you know is your immediate environment. If shit hit the fan suddenly as you read this, I guarantee your head would be out of a science book and off planet daydreaming, and firmly on your immediate environment.

If some smart arse were to come along in the Flat Earth movement, they could re-package and revamp it into a very powerful movement.

All they would have to do is highlight the fact many people spend their lives distracting themselves and avoiding facing problems. They distract themselves by keeping their heads in the clouds, reaching for the stars, wanting to explore outer space and other planets, just like the old star trek tv series.

The flat earth movement could move away from silly and stupid debates on the shape of the Earth, and shift towards highlighting the value of people keeping their feet flat on the ground, metaphorically.. The themes of flat earth are where the power lays. Flat on the ground and facing their problems, instead of worrying about unimportant and superfluous endeavours off-planet.

Billions of dollars are spent on reaching for the stars, while people down here on the ground are still starving, killing each other, dying of disease and sickness, etc., etc. Flat Earth could be re-packaged into a movement about concentrating on earthly human problems first, and otherworldly wonders last.

Responsibility starts in the immediate world environment, Jack, with flat earth standing for that.



  • 4048
  • You still think that. You cannot be serious ?
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2024, 02:37:17 AM »
There are not millions of people who now believe the Earth is flat, Turbo. Of the people you are counting, a large portion probably wish it was flat or want to believe it is flat, but just don't believe it is flat.

Flat earthers in general are a very small number of tiny fish in an extremely large pond. Their sway is extremely minute and has more in common with spiritual beliefs than anything else.

Flat earthers should be people who refuse to acknowledge the Earth is a globe and outer space, etc  - period. Not people who think their mission in life is to argue with everybody the entire Earth is an indistinct flat surface.
You have absolutely no clue how many people believe in a flat or alternative Earth.
You're simply deciding that you know because your brainwashing is extreme for a spinning ball and that brainwashing is on a mass scale and verbally agreed to based entirely on peer pressure intimidation to follow a set pattern.

I've already put forward my theory that we each live in two separate worlds. The first is our immediate intimate environment world which is it is Flattish, feels unmoving, motionless with a sun, moon and stars that move about over us, and which gives us memories of places here on Earth in the same world, and we can navigate very accurately in our immeduate environmrnt world using a flat map. The second is the big picture which includes the entire world, which we hear about, are told about, and can verify or experiment with if we choose, or ignore if we choose.

Every single time I bring this up, you and your flat earth mob ignore it, and so do the globe earthers.

I do have a clue of how many people embrace the status quo that the entire world is a sphere, and that number far outweighs people caught up in a passing fad like flat earth.

Let's just say flat earth was all about concentrating on your intimate immediate environment world and ignoring altogether anything associated with the entire world as a whole. You tell me, Sceptimatic, how this paradigm shift inside your head brings you closer to God and improves your life?

I already know the answer, I'm just wanting you to say it.

How we perceive the world at times has no connection to its actual reality.

There you are in a jetliner high above the Atlantic flying at 600mph at 37,000 ft. Close your eyes. Do you have any sensations at all that you are flying at that speed and altitude?

People imagine and imagine wrongly that what we see  and feel is what we get. Its a very simplistic way of looking at the world this is why the whole concept and belief that we each have the ability to understand the world in which we live simply by existing in it and looking at it is false.

This is just one of the many downfalls of the flat earther as for them what comes first is a belief. They then try to shoehorn all what they 'see' into that belief.

The earth is flat
The sun is small
The stars are small nearby lights in the sky.

Without much in the way of any thought a cursory glance around may well bring one to those conclusion. Look deeper, do some experimentation and observation over time and the answers begin to fall into place and are very different from initial ones.

Flat earth belief is based on foolish, childish assumptions that have zero thought in them which suits perfectly the unthinking and grossly ignorant .
"I can accept that some aspects of FE belief are true, while others are fiction."

Jack Black

Now that is a laugh!



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2024, 03:44:55 AM »
It's not wrong. You can't tell me Earth's relationship right now with the sun and moon and all other planets in our solar system as you read this
You have already had the BS destroyed.
Not knowing that off the top of my head does NOT mean I am thinking Earth is flat.
It does not mean the local environment is flattish.

If some smart arse were to come along in the Flat Earth movement, they could re-package and revamp it into a very powerful movement.
You mean they could spout the same kind of dishonest BS FE conmen already do?
That isn't anything new.

Flat Earth could be re-packaged into a movement about concentrating on earthly human problems first, and otherworldly wonders last.
Responsibility starts in the immediate world environment, Jack, with flat earth standing for that.
So it could be repackaged into something with nothing at all to do with a flat Earth?
If so, why pretend it has anythign to do with it?


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2024, 06:56:58 AM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?

Your posts show that you aren't very good at reading comprehension.  Read my text, which you quoted, again.  Then tell me how you came to the conclusion that I don't want people to "talk" to each other. 

Once you explain that, I'll answer your question.

Yeah, I read it again. You said "why does anyone bother to post here". Unless you're an idiot, you should have been able to infer that I mean "post". Posting is talking by typing. Did you really need that explained, Timmy?

Ok, another confirmation that your reading comprehension is poor.  Once again, read both of my posts and try to understand them.  I'm not confused about saying "talking" rather than "posting".  Focus on the "stop" portion. 

Also, why do you need to call someone an idiot to express a thought?

Are you identifying as an idiot?

If you have spent all this time on the forum and you still don't understand why people post here, I don't know what else to tell you. I explained that people enjoy debating and arguing. This is a debate forum. Debating the shape of the earth is fun for some people. It gives you the opportunity to learn why you think and believe what you think and believe. For example - if you want to argue for gravity, you could spend time learning everything about gravity so you can make the best arguments... but what has happened over the past few years is that people seem to no longer want to debate these things, they want to make insulting posts about flat earthers, they make posts discouraging people from posting here, etc. It's weird.
I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2024, 07:10:01 AM »
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other? People enjoy debating and arguing.

Why are there so many threads trying to shut the discussion down?

If this forum bothers you so much, why are you here?

Your posts show that you aren't very good at reading comprehension.  Read my text, which you quoted, again.  Then tell me how you came to the conclusion that I don't want people to "talk" to each other. 

Once you explain that, I'll answer your question.

Yeah, I read it again. You said "why does anyone bother to post here". Unless you're an idiot, you should have been able to infer that I mean "post". Posting is talking by typing. Did you really need that explained, Timmy?

Ok, another confirmation that your reading comprehension is poor.  Once again, read both of my posts and try to understand them.  I'm not confused about saying "talking" rather than "posting".  Focus on the "stop" portion. 

Also, why do you need to call someone an idiot to express a thought?

Are you identifying as an idiot?

If you have spent all this time on the forum and you still don't understand why people post here, I don't know what else to tell you. I explained that people enjoy debating and arguing. This is a debate forum. Debating the shape of the earth is fun for some people. It gives you the opportunity to learn why you think and believe what you think and believe. For example - if you want to argue for gravity, you could spend time learning everything about gravity so you can make the best arguments... but what has happened over the past few years is that people seem to no longer want to debate these things, they want to make insulting posts about flat earthers, they make posts discouraging people from posting here, etc. It's weird.

I don't know how to reply to you.  You read what I write, but fail to understand and instead, think that I've said something completely different.  On top of that, you are always quick to use offensive language.  In the end, there is no point in trying to discuss issues with you.

I'm giving up trying.  Enjoy.


Space Cowgirl

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Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2024, 10:16:52 AM »
You pretend like you have put great effort into being understood. What you did was reply to me with an insult about my ability to comprehend what I read! If you truly wanted an answer, and you thought I didn't comprehend your post, why wouldn't you reword it or try to explain it? Instead you insult me again, and when you find out I am "quick to use offensive language" right back at you, you're just going to cry about it?

I'm sorry. Am I to understand that when you have a boner you like to imagine punching the shit out of Tom Bishop? That's disgusting.



  • 458
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2024, 11:27:12 AM »
You pretend like you have put great effort into being understood. What you did was reply to me with an insult about my ability to comprehend what I read!

You started out criticizing my original post, because you completely misunderstood what I wrote.  I asked you to read my posts again.  You continued to misunderstand, and I repeated my request.  The statement of your reading comprehension was a statement of fact, not intended to be an insult.  You still have not indicated that you actually understand my posts.  All you need to do is read the words, rather than injecting your own thoughts into those words.

Here is my initial post again:
Quote from: gnuarm
Why does anyone bother to post here?  Nothing you say will change the minds of those you are "debating" with.  So, why try?

Your response was:
The better question is why do you want us to stop talking to each other?

Where did I say people should stop talking?  I was asking a question.

If you truly wanted an answer, and you thought I didn't comprehend your post, why wouldn't you reword it or try to explain it? Instead you insult me again, and when you find out I am "quick to use offensive language" right back at you, you're just going to cry about it?

No one is crying.  But it is clear I am wasting my time.  So, I won't bother replying further.  I really don't get why you are so fast to take offense and why you can't try to understand what people write.  There seem to be a great many here who only want to bicker and argue, not in a constructive way.  I think people here are conditioned to think everything should start a fight.