They spent so much money on
their projects, so why wouldn’t any of them film their rockets from Earth with magnification on their rockets?
Film it with lots of instruments, at several different points, track it along the whole flight, and magnify on it.
Shoot it from distance, from close up, and from the rocket itself, because it’s a special event.
Do you mean like how SpaceX does it pretty much all the time?
Cheesy fakes, as usual.
Have a look at the transitions in these clips. It goes from blue skies to dark skies in about one second, in each clip. They constantly change views of the rockets, which I said needs to be continuous footage from ground up, zooming in on the rocket with the SAME camera, the whole way.
Why? For several important reasons.
First thing is to stop editing the sky from blue to ever darker blue, this is clearly NOT what we’d see in person.
Even you know the sky doesn’t go from light blue to dark blue in a second, why would they darken the sky like that?
To darken out any clouds in the scene. I’ve seen videos of other daylight launches, where the rockets fly through or near clouds, which gives away their general altitude, about 10-12000 feet up, or cloud altitudes.
Another thing clouds can help is what speeds in general they’re flying at.
One video I saw has a rocket flying up into a cloud, but not emerging from it for several seconds, above the top of the cloud. That shows the rocket isn’t going fast, nowhere near what they tell us, giving fake measurements to us in their clips is a trick to look as authentic data, but only helps to show its fake.
They left out or later removed fake data on the cloud videos, and probably removed those videos, it’s common practice for them.
Just take a closer look at their path of flight, after a minute or two. See their angle of flight? It is almost horizontal, with a slight ascent, obviously.
They darken the blue skies, to hide clouds from us, and to show us it is getting near ‘space’, which is black!
That’s clearly bs. How would the rocket fly up into ‘space’ going almost horizontal in flight, with such a slight angle of ascent, which we know is true, because we can see it flying away the whole time, where they start showing us it is in ‘space’ by then!!!