Why care if the earth is flat?

  • 294 Replies


  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #150 on: October 05, 2024, 01:37:56 AM »
Except the Firmament and Earth below exist within the void, with nothing that exists beyond Earth and the Firmament.

How could they make up aliens from beyond the void? All stars are below the Firmament, as are the sun and moon.
By claiming that is wrong, and that in that void, there is something. Something that is coming for you.
That doesn't need Earth to be round.

And now you are contradicting your book of lies.
It has the sun and moon and stars IN the firmament.
It even had water above it.

You even have magical beings, Satan, angels, demons.
Where do they exist?
Where would they come from?
Where are the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse meant to come from?

Space is needed for their stories to sell as true.
You mean your stories.
You are the one making it up.

But then again, you are basically just ripping off the Bible, a book to try terrify people into believing delusional BS and doing what their religious leaders tell them.

To say the Firmament exists, is saying it is Gods creation, as the Bible says it is.
No, it is just saying delusional BS. That doesn't necessarily mean it is as your book of BS says it is.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #151 on: October 06, 2024, 01:51:09 AM »
The inventor of the rockets, who built the Saturn V used by Apollo moon missions, would clearly know if ‘space’ was true, know if the Firmanent existed or not.

He was not a religious man at all. He wasn’t a Christian or read from the Bible, until he was 50 or more years old.

Why would he suddenly become a devoted believer in Christianity and the Bible?

At that time, he worked for NASA. His rockets were getting better and flew longer in air.

What would the Bible have to do with that? Why would he care about any sort of religions anyway? He was busy working long hours on rockets for NASA!

Why did he suddenly believe a book you say is garbage?

If he saw his rockets fly up into space by that time, or later on with Apollo, he would be the one person we know would have seen it fly into space, and not hit the Firmament.

But if he saw his rockets hit the Firmament every time, he’d know that it does exist, and that it was written in the Bible as one of Gods creations. His ‘handiwork’.

If he saw his rockets fly up into space, he’d know the Firmament as written in the Bible was just made up fiction. He’d have no reason to believe in the Bible, knowing it was nonsense, at least for the Firmament claims.

Even if he became a Christian despite the made up Firmament stories, it’s nonsense to him.

But a passage about the Firmament was his favorite passage in the Bible, and had the number of it put on his tombstone.  So it obviously very important and significant to him. His favorite passage we know from his friends and his secretary. The tombstone confirms that beyond any doubt.

Just fly some rockets straight up and we’d ALL know the Firmament exists like he did years ago.

Now they show us videos of rockets going up for awhile, coasting around below blue skies, but show a ‘rocket camera’ pointing out in black ‘space’!

These rockets are smaller than most commercial planes, we know that. We also know that commercial jets flying at 30000 feet are barely seen, or not seen at higher altitudes, other than a tiny speck in blue skies.

And of course we know those rockets are below our blue skies the whole time.

So they clearly are NOT in ‘space’ at all, it is fake footage they show us as being real footage.

These rockets would fly beyond our blue skies and we’d not see them at all, if they went into ‘space’ They are in blue skies, ‘black space’ isn’t seen across from them in blue skies.  Look where the rocket is seen in blue skies. Where would you see ‘black space’ across the blue skies?

Whoever buys this crap has to be an idiot, what else could explain it? Blind belief is the main reason I think. Which is still being an idiot



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #152 on: October 06, 2024, 03:01:02 AM »
The inventor of the rockets, who built the Saturn V used by Apollo moon missions, would clearly know if ‘space’ was true, know if the Firmanent existed or not.
And we have been over this.
You are dishonestly misrepresenting a passage chosen by someone else, which has many interpretations, to lie to everyone.

But this has nothing at all to do with the topic.

Whoever buys this crap has to be an idiot, what else could explain it? Blind belief is the main reason I think. Which is still being an idiot
You most certainly are one. What else could explain it?
Your blind belief in an ancient cult? Which is still being an idiot.

Again, what you are trying to invent for those accepting reality, is very much what your cult is already doing.
Claiming all sorts of BS, and that they are the only path to salvation.
And it looks like you bought it.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #153 on: October 06, 2024, 03:43:00 AM »
That passage is very clear on the Firmament as a solid barrier above Earth, and is further confirmed as a barrier above Earth which holds waters within it. Some bozos just revised it into nonsense that cannot hold waters, because they corrupted their twisted version of the Bible.

If space was true, it would be mentioned all over in the Bible. Nothing at all is said about an endless universe existing.

The original Hebrew text was even more specific and called it a dome, or raqia in Hebrew.

But firmament works too, both mean a solid real object or barrier.

It makes no sense as skies or space or expanse above Earth, none would hold waters above Earth. You can’t pick out the term you want for your story and ignore the rest which shows it doesn’t make any sense.

He read the kjv gideon Bible which calls it the Firmament, which holds waters above Earth, and he knew exactly what it meant. Not the twisted version that doesn’t make any sense at all.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #154 on: October 06, 2024, 03:58:47 AM »
That passage is very clear
To some yes, to others, who want to cling to their religion while pretending it doesn't contradict reality, it isn't.

Some bozos just revised it into nonsense that cannot hold waters, because they corrupted their twisted version of the Bible.
And with this, you basically admit you are a lying POS.
You know there are different interpretations, but you ignore them all to pretend your interpretation must be what the person who chose that passage meant; and that they couldn't have meant the much more common interpretation.

If space was true, it would be mentioned all over in the Bible.
Why would it be? The Bible is full of errors. Not everything true is in the Bible, and plenty in the Bible is not true.

The Bible is crappy book written ages ago by a bunch of primitive people to control primitive fools.
i.e. the very thing you are accusing the RE of being used for.

And it had worked quite well, with religion having such power and control.

And it even still controls you.
i.e. the very thing you appear to be terrified of the RE doing, your little cult has already done to you.
Is that why you came up with all this crap? Because your cult leaders wanted to keep control, and needed to provide a scape goat so you didn't suspect them?

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #155 on: October 06, 2024, 04:24:40 AM »
You’ve proven my point. They’ve told you that space is an endless area around a ball Earth, and will never prove their bs story is crap by sending rockets straight up until they hit the Firmement, but show you a completely ridiculous video of a rocket seen in the blue sky above us, which is clearly below the entire blue skies, no higher than planes fly at, except that we never see a ‘black space’ across from us in planes at the same altitude as their rockets are.

Note, there is nothing blue between us and the rocket, only blue seen above the rocket.

The black space must be lower than our blue skies, it’s black right beside the rocket, but we can’t see any black at all there!



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #156 on: October 06, 2024, 11:51:11 AM »
But if he saw his rockets hit the Firmament every time, he’d know that it does exist, and that it was written in the Bible as one of Gods creations. His ‘handiwork’.

If he saw his rockets fly up into space, he’d know the Firmament as written in the Bible was just made up fiction. He’d have no reason to believe in the Bible, knowing it was nonsense, at least for the Firmament claims.
Does the Bible say anything about the height of the firmament?  Is it a few hundred miles high?  A few thousand?  For all we know, the firmament could be billions of light years away at the edge of the universe.  Who can prove anything different?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #157 on: October 06, 2024, 01:18:02 PM »
You’ve proven my point.
No, I have explained why your point is pure BS, and you keep lying to everyone.

They’ve told you that space is an endless area around a ball Earth, and will never prove their bs story is crap by sending rockets straight up until they hit the Firmement
You mean they will never prove your delusional BS, as there is no firmament to collide with.

There are mountains of evidence that rockets go to space, including the type that you demanded, which you then dismissed.

Note, there is nothing blue between us and the rocket, only blue seen above the rocket.
Repeating the same lie wont help you.
The sky is not a solid opaque blue.

The black space must be lower than our blue skies, it’s black right beside the rocket, but we can’t see any black at all there!
It isn't black space. It is space without an atmosphere scattering light making it appear blue.

Now again, you have failed to provide any reason why someone would lie by claiming Earth is round. But you have provided ample reason why people would lie about the existence of God, to control you, as they have already done.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #158 on: October 11, 2024, 10:58:35 PM »
These rockets are clearly seen below the blue waters of the Firmament above.

They’re now making up ‘space’ views of blackness from a rocket clearly seen under blue skies above it!

What did I tell you what would prove - without any doubt at all - if rockets really flew up into ‘space’ or not?

If we saw them fly straight up from Earth, until they’re a tiny speck, using instruments to magnify them as much as possible, until they are out of all sight, beyond the blue skies, within ‘blackness of space’!

They spent so much money on
their projects, so why wouldn’t any of them film their rockets from Earth with magnification on their rockets?

Film it with lots of instruments, at several different points, track it along the whole flight, and magnify on it.

Shoot it from distance, from close up, and from the rocket itself, because it’s a special event.

It’s the first thing I see them all do, they always show their rockets far away, with the same cameras, usually.

Why don’t they magnify on them? Who wouldn’t do that?

We all know that rockets fly far up and away in the distance, so we’d use instruments that can magnify on them, right?

It’s almost like they don’t want to show them close up, because they don’t want us to see them close up.

In our skies, not up in ‘space’, which is made up bs.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #159 on: October 11, 2024, 11:15:26 PM »
These rockets are clearly seen below the blue waters of the Firmament above.
No, they aren't.
You are yet again just making up crap.

There is no basis at all to your claim that the blue sky is above the rocket.

What did I tell you what would prove - without any doubt at all - if rockets really flew up into ‘space’ or not?
What was already provided to you which you then dismissed.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #160 on: October 12, 2024, 12:56:54 AM »
There’s nothing seen within the blue, nothing seen from air below us to Earth which is blue.

The rockets are always under the blue. You claim they are above the blue, and haven’t a shred of proof for your claim.

This is a joke. It’s beyond absurd

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #161 on: October 12, 2024, 01:12:37 AM »
We can fly through a rainbow, they are colours created in the air, but they are really in the air, not like the blue is, which is not in air, it is above the air, it is the waters within the Firmament above Earth.

Water explains why it is blue above us, not in the air, but above the air, in the waters held within the Firmament.

Look at these rockets from the ground up, they are always under the blue above Earth.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #162 on: October 12, 2024, 01:31:14 AM »
There’s nothing seen within the blue, nothing seen from air below us to Earth which is blue.
You mean nothing you are willing to acknowledge.

The rockets are always under the blue. You claim they are above the blue, and haven’t a shred of proof for your claim.
Except the videos from those rockets clearly showing the dark sky around them and blue below.

This is a joke. It’s beyond absurd
Thanks for summing yourself up.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #163 on: October 12, 2024, 02:03:09 AM »
No, we clearly see they are below all the blue above the rockets. We couldn’t see them if they were past the blue above us.

Just saying they’re above the blue, is all babble.

Where is the blue? If it really existed in air, it would be mostly blue where planes fly or lower, where most air is present, right?

So if it’s not blue where most air exists, why would it all be blue where little air exists? That makes no sense at all.

The facts don’t fit their story, as usual. It’s just another lie they told us, as usual.

The blue is from the waters of the Firmament. They know that, they made up a bs story for it which is crap. Facts show it’s crap. You want lies instead, and choose ignore the actual facts.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #164 on: October 12, 2024, 03:07:26 AM »
No, we clearly see they are below all the blue above the rockets. We couldn’t see them if they were past the blue above us.
Pure BS.
The blue is not opaque. It is see through.
So, yes you can see them.

Just saying we couldn't see them if they were past the blue is delusional BS.

We know it is transparent because we can see the moon through it, and yes, it is quite clearly through it given the blue tint of the moon.
Where is the blue?
Throughout the atmosphere.

The facts don’t fit their story, as usual. It’s just another lie they told us, as usual.
No, they don't fit YOUR story.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #165 on: October 12, 2024, 03:09:50 PM »
They spent so much money on
their projects, so why wouldn’t any of them film their rockets from Earth with magnification on their rockets?

Film it with lots of instruments, at several different points, track it along the whole flight, and magnify on it.

Shoot it from distance, from close up, and from the rocket itself, because it’s a special event.
Do you mean like how SpaceX does it pretty much all the time?

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #166 on: October 12, 2024, 11:08:53 PM »
They spent so much money on
their projects, so why wouldn’t any of them film their rockets from Earth with magnification on their rockets?

Film it with lots of instruments, at several different points, track it along the whole flight, and magnify on it.

Shoot it from distance, from close up, and from the rocket itself, because it’s a special event.
Do you mean like how SpaceX does it pretty much all the time?

Cheesy fakes, as usual.

Have a look at the transitions in these clips. It goes from blue skies to dark skies in about one second, in each clip. They constantly change views of the rockets, which I said needs to be continuous footage from ground up, zooming in on the rocket with the SAME camera, the whole way.

Why? For several important reasons.

First thing is to stop editing the sky from blue to ever darker blue, this is clearly NOT what we’d see in person.

Even you know the sky doesn’t go from light blue to dark blue in a second, why would they darken the sky like that?

To darken out any clouds in the scene. I’ve seen videos of other daylight launches, where the rockets fly through or near clouds, which gives away their general altitude, about 10-12000 feet up, or cloud altitudes.

Another thing clouds can help is what speeds in general they’re flying at.

One video I saw has a rocket flying up into a cloud, but not emerging from it for several seconds, above the top of the cloud. That shows the rocket isn’t going fast, nowhere near what they tell us, giving fake measurements to us in their clips is a trick to look as authentic data, but only helps to show its fake.

They left out or later removed fake data on the cloud videos, and probably removed those videos, it’s common practice for them.

Just take a closer look at their path of flight, after a minute or two. See their angle of flight? It is almost horizontal, with a slight ascent, obviously.

They darken the blue skies, to hide clouds from us, and to show us it is getting near ‘space’, which is black!

That’s clearly bs. How would the rocket fly up into ‘space’ going almost horizontal in flight, with such a slight angle of ascent, which we know is true, because we can see it flying away the whole time, where they start showing us it is in ‘space’ by then!!!



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #167 on: October 12, 2024, 11:28:10 PM »
Have a look at the transitions in these clips. It goes from blue skies to dark skies in about one second, in each clip. They constantly change views of the rockets
None of which indicates it is fake.

Why? For several important reasons.
So you can dismiss it as fake, and make further demands.

If you want it done with a single camera, then you go film it. Don't expect other people to do your work for you.

Even you know the sky doesn’t go from light blue to dark blue in a second, why would they darken the sky like that?
Have you considered that that is what happens when you film a rocket (with a bright exhaust)?
If it was so wrong, why would they do it?
You show just how ridiculous your position is with your question.

One video I saw
Provide it, or don't bother discussing it.

Just take a closer look at their path of flight, after a minute or two. See their angle of flight?
Unless you know the orientation of the camera, you can't tell.

That’s clearly bs.
Thanks for summing up your post.



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #168 on: October 13, 2024, 04:11:24 PM »
Cheesy fakes, as usual.
Hand waving it away, as usual. ::)
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #169 on: October 13, 2024, 07:02:20 PM »

If you want it done with a single camera, then you go film it. Don't expect other people to do your work for you.

They don’t ever LET us film rockets in person. Why do you think every video is from them? Nobody else is ALLOWED to go there, otherwise there’d be all sorts of other clips from people.

Just like you say I can film rockets from within the ocean, they don’t allow us to go there, why do you think there’s not a single video shown to us from there?

It’s like saying ‘you can go behind the magicians curtain on stage, nobody’s stopping you’ Get a clue for once.

author=JackBlack link=topic=92555.msg2433055#msg2433055 date=1728800890]

Have you considered that that is what happens when you film a rocket (with a bright exhaust)?
If it was so wrong, why would they do it?

I told you why they do it, to hide any clouds nearby which would show they are only at low altitudes, and show they are not speeding up to extreme speeds.

The exhaust was fine earlier on, it doesn’t change a second later in the same blue skies.

author=JackBlack link=topic=92555.msg2433055#msg2433055 date=1728800890]

Unless you know the orientation of the camera, you can't tell.

Okay, tell me any orientation of the camera which would give such a view of the rocket, from any position on Earth you wish to choose…

Imagine where a camera would be to shoot this. I can’t think of anywhere on Earth you could shoot this scene from, so I’d live to know about it!!

You’d have to take a clip of it flying upward, and turn it 45 degrees to the right, to show it like this. Or shoot it from a nearby rocket or plane, behind it, and didn’t tell us.

The whole thing is a butchered mess of edited clips patched as one video.

Thanks for your great ‘proof’ that they’re in ‘space’, who could ever doubt them again!!!  They’re their own worst enemy, it’s fun to watch them look stupider all the time!



  • Content Nazi
  • The Elder Ones
  • 43180
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #170 on: October 13, 2024, 08:30:56 PM »
They don’t ever LET us film rockets in person. Why do you think every video is from them? Nobody else is ALLOWED to go there, otherwise there’d be all sorts of other clips from people.
There are, if you know how to look for them.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #171 on: October 13, 2024, 10:41:47 PM »
Great video.

From about 6:20 onward, the rocket or what remains of it plummets down through clouds in about ten seconds.

So is space’ ten seconds above clouds?

Is the rocket flying upward into ‘space’ when it plummets down through clouds?

No, it shows that the rocket was only a bit higher than 12000 feet and plummeted through clouds at about 10-12000 feet to Earth and would’ve obviously crashed to the surface or ocean soon afterwards.

Nice find!

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #172 on: October 13, 2024, 10:53:24 PM »
Their videos don’t show this part, do they?

Do you understand why they don’t show clouds in their videos now? Or show them plummeting through clouds to Earth?

You certainly should know it now..

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #173 on: October 13, 2024, 11:04:15 PM »
Such videos as this prove what happens to rockets after the first few minutes. I’m sure they will make up some ridiculous excuse for it, they always do.

But they can’t excuse why their videos don’t SHOW this part. Nobody can excuse it. They hide this part from us in their videos.

I told you what happens to rockets but you never believed me. But just one independent video is enough to prove it to you, and others will too, in future. See them before they take them off the internet, because they won’t be there for long.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #174 on: October 14, 2024, 12:42:11 AM »
They don’t ever LET us film rockets in person.
They do. Plenty of people have.
You can find loads of it on youtube.
So there you go starting off with more blatant lies to try to prop up your delusional fantasy.

I told you why they do it
Except your claim makes no senes.
It doesn't hide nearby clouds.
If anything it makes it worse.
If you want to hide the clouds, you fade it to white.
Having it darker would make the clouds more obvious.

It makes no sense for them to fake it.

which would show they are only at low altitudes
That is just your delusional fantasy that you are yet to substantiate.

Okay, tell me any orientation of the camera which would give such a view of the rocket
How about you tell me exactly what timestamp you are referring to, rather than just asserting BS without justification?

Thanks for your great ‘proof’ that they’re in ‘space’, who could ever doubt them again!!!
Again, if you don't like it, go film it yourself.

From about 6:20 onward, the rocket or what remains of it plummets down through clouds in about ten seconds.
You mean the boosters?
The boosters which are known to come back to Earth to land?

No, it shows that the rocket was only a bit higher than 12000 feet
Based on what?

Yet again you just assert pure BS with absolutely no justification.

But they can’t excuse why their videos don’t SHOW this part. Nobody can excuse it. They hide this part from us in their videos.
They do show it.
Yet again, you are just spouting dishonest BS based upon nothing more than your wilful ignorance.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #175 on: October 14, 2024, 05:04:04 AM »
Such videos as this prove what happens to rockets after the first few minutes.

Why is the night sky changing and why are manmade satellites causing light pollution that hinders astronomers?

Artificial satellites around the Earth are a new form of light pollution.


SpaceX satellites crossing the sky as seen by the Global Meteor Network from Farra Observatory, Italy. Stars trail in the back from the lower left to the upper right.




On September 11th at 10:50 p.m. CDT, I made this 3-minute exposure of central Aquarius and captured 11 geosynchronous satellites. Nimiq-4 is a Canadian satellite for digital TV services. The XM-3 provides digital audio for cars and homes and TKSAT-1 is Bolivia's first communication satellite.
Bob King

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #176 on: October 18, 2024, 07:50:57 PM »
Let’s start with this one…

They show one view of the rocket, from the surface, up to about 1:23 in the clip. The rocket is going to the left, within darkish skies, up at an angle.

A second later, we see the rocket from a completely different camera, showing the rocket going to the right, not left.

That also must be taken from the surface, obviously.

The rocket is flying at an almost horizontal path. Look at the bs ‘instrument panel’ that jumps to absurd altitudes while it’s clearly seen flying at a near level path.

So here is the question - if you believe these altitudes are valid, then where would the camera be at that time?

On the ground, right?

Pointed up to the rocket above, somewhere below it.

It’s a close up shot from the ground, or edited to be a close up, spliced in from camera two, but why in the opposite direction?

I’ve asked you for videos of rockets taken from ground, to ‘space’, seeing the rockets fly upward until we see them as a tiny speck in the sky, with the highest magnification possible with our instruments, our telescopes.  And then they fly up so high they cannot be seen at all with any instruments….

You claimed rockets all fly up in space but out of view, over the ocean. Now you claim we see them fly up into space under blue skies, when a rocket camera shows ‘space’ from the rockets !!

Why would we see them by eye alone, why don’t they ever zoom them in with their cameras, along their whole flight upward?

Haven’t you ever noticed they never magnify them flying up into the distance, with their cameras? To see them closer up while flying away in the distance?

Have you seen any cameras from the surface, magnify on a rocket along the way?

Saying I can film rockets myself and magnify on them, if I want to, nobody is stopping me from doing it…..

They haven’t thought of taking close up shots of rockets with their video cameras, but nobody’s stopping ME from doing it!!!!

So they’ve never filmed things far away from them with cameras using a great feature they have, called magnification?!?!

Or perhaps they HAVE used magnification with cameras before, many times, but never for rockets!?!

Then I can be the first one to do it!!  Loony time

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #177 on: October 18, 2024, 08:27:22 PM »
How would it go above the blue you believe is within our skies, which is always blue above us, at all altitudes in the skies, which is always clear below us, at all altitudes, most air is below these altitudes, far less air is above those altitudes, where all the blue is still seen.

The blue we see above us, isn’t within air, not the skies above, because we’ve seen air is clear and colourless, we’ve been higher than most air exists, seen through most air below us to Earth, and it is clear, nothing blue is seen.



  • 23785
Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #178 on: October 19, 2024, 12:18:50 AM »
The rocket is flying at an almost horizontal path.
Based on what?
Yet again, you are just asserting delusional BS with nothing to justify it.

So here is the question - if you believe these altitudes are valid, then where would the camera be at that time?
No idea, but don't forget that cameras can rotate.

under blue skies
Another baseless claim.

Why would we see them by eye alone, why don’t they ever zoom them in with their cameras, along their whole flight upward?
They do.
Yet again, you appeal to your wilful ignorance.
And quite dishonestly given how the footage you appealed to before shows it zoomed in.

Saying I can film rockets myself and magnify on them, if I want to, nobody is stopping me from doing it…..
Because you can, and you are yet to present anything to show otherwise.
You have even been provided footage of others doing just that.

They haven’t thought of taking close up shots of rockets with their video cameras, but nobody’s stopping ME from doing it!!!!
They probably haven't thought of shoving a pineapple up their ass or drawing a penis on their face. But nobody is stopping you from doing it.
Again, if YOU want it, then YOU go get it. Don't expect others to do it for you, and don't act like them not providing it means the plentiful evidence you are already dismissing as fake is magically not evidence.

Why would anyone bother getting it for you when you have firmly established you will just dismiss it as fake.

How would it go above the blue you believe is within our skies, which is always blue above us, at all altitudes in the skies, which is always clear below us, at all altitudes, most air is below these altitudes, far less air is above those altitudes, where all the blue is still seen.
Clear, not colourless.
If you look carefully, you can see the ground bluer when viewed from above.
But it is something which is easy to miss.
Especially when people can't even agree if a dress is blue and black or white and gold.

You are just seeing what you want to see.

Again, if you want to say the air below is clear, then go and take some pictures/videos with the white balance and exposure fixed, and actually compare them honestly, rather than just with your subjective BS where you don't notice the blue.

Do you know why notice the sky is blue when looking up? Because there is no other significant light shining down through it.
Have a more significant light shine through it, and you don't notice the blue.
But when looking down, you see the light reflecting off the surface and that is more significant than the blue, so you ignore the blue.

Re: Why care if the earth is flat?
« Reply #179 on: October 19, 2024, 12:47:24 AM »
They used to say rockets had to fly over the ocean after a few minutes, fly over protection zones we can’t go into, it’s too dangerous for us to go there….

But now, after we’ve developed some rockets that hit the Firmament, they’ve tried to pull them off the market, with threats to the companies making and/or developing those rockets. 

They should be sold all over today, different ones by many companies for profit.

I’m sure they will, some day. It’s not going to stop them all forever.

Look at the original videos of a rocket flying up, until it suddenly stopped flying up, and spun around there, showing brief glimpses of Earth below and so on.

There were others that shot rockets up and they also crashed suddenly, on videos.

I’m not sure how many videos were done, but at least two or three I saw back then.

Only one of them is still online, it seems.

But it’s not the same video they first showed us online, which was there a long time afterwards.

It’s been ‘revised’ with ‘space’ scenes added in it!

The videos were first put online years ago, by a few people who had that same rocket, and a couple of them hit the Firmament on videos.

They’re not online anymore, for some reason…just one of them, but edited with ‘space’ scenes in it now!!