Welcome to Flat Earth Debate. This forum is for debates on Flat Earth Theory. Opposing viewpoints are, as always, welcomed -- but please keep the discussion serious and intelligent.
Trolling and low-content posting will not be tolerated and this forum will be moderated quite strictly. "Low-content posting" refers to short posts like "lol" or "yeah" or "that's dumb." Before you make a post in here, ask yourself, "am I really adding anything to the conversation?" If the answer is "no", you probably shouldn't make the post. Likewise, keep to the point at hand. If you wish to discuss a tangential subject, you should create a new thread rather than pulling the current thread off its original topic.
If you wish to ask questions related to the FAQ, then please ask them in
Flat Earth Q&A. In addition, please note that though The Conspiracy is a key belief for flat earth believers, it is not part of Flat Earth Theory, and as such topics related to The Conspiracy are discouraged in Flat Earth Debate. Please ensure that if you start a debate on The Conspiracy that it is original and specific; otherwise, post it in Flat Earth General. This forum is for the debate and discussion of specific aspects of Flat Earth Theory only. Any threads asking basic questions pertaining to the contents of the FAQ or The Conspiracy will be moved, and possibly locked or deleted.
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Forum Rules, which are
strictly enforced in this board. Please help us to keep the site in order by using the forum as intended and creating your topics in the correct area. Thank you.