Diameter = Phew/2 AKA 1.5857864.
Pole Area = (Phew/2)˛×Ratio = 1.5857863˛ × 0.7928932 = 1.9939032
For convetional formula: round radius˛ × Phew = 0.7928932˛ × 3.1715729 = 1.9939032
I didn't say to spam a bunch of numbers.
I said to justify them.
Can you do that?
For Pi it's 1.93789. Is that right, Jack?
We are dealing with your nonsense first. Then we can move on.
Too bad, this figure cannot make number wonder.
For example: if you figure out the area of 1/8' you cannot make four segments by comparion: 1 +1 +1 + 0.14159 (total = Pi)
In that 1/8 sphere's area, Phew shows the calculation perfectly, i.e. 0.498476 + 0.498476 + 0.498476 + 0.085524 = 1.580952.
And the number 1.580952 is derivative of 1.993903 AKA 1.9938032 × 0.7928932 = 1.580952.
And yet again, you are just throwing out numbers with no justification at all.
Why not 1/8 sphere equals Phew/2
Why should it?
Why shouoldn't it equal e? Why shouldn't it equal phi?
Why shouldn't it equal any other random number someone picks?
As mentioned above: 1.580952 is the number resulted from one of 2×2 cube area. Time it by 0.7928932⁴, you got 1.580952.
And why shouold you multiply it by that?
What makes 1.580952 convincing, besides its ratio 0.7928932 method, is, it fulfills the area segments comparison which in line with 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.1715729 AKA 3.1715729 AKA Phew.
That is not convincing to anyone with a basic understanding of math.
You are throwing out a bunch of numbers and pretending it should mean something.
If you want it to be convincing, you would make a proof that it is that, using the geometry of the situation, rather than just throwing out numbers.
Can Pi do the same? 🤔
Pi can do better, and actually show the proof of what it should be. But that comes after you justify your BS or admit it is pure BS.
In one version of sphere area, I've show the origin of sphere area
No, you haven't.
You have thrown out a bunch of numbers with no justification at all.