That is the $75.6 billion dollar question, is it not?
A number you pulled from nowhere?
To say nothing of the fact that the globalist Marxist model presupposes a globe. Without this model, there is no justification for climate change, open borders, eating insects, driving crappy cars that need to be recharged, and so on.
No, all of those have NOTHING to do with the shape of Earth.
Climate change is based upon the large production of CO2, the known properties of CO2 showing how it acts as a greenhouse gas, and the historical record.
Open borders is based upon the idea that you should be kind to other people and that people should be free to settle in a country of their choosing.
Eating insects and driving electric cars is based upon the idea of being sustainable and related to climate change.
From your crappy image: Evolution is based upon a combination of observations, the fossil record, and thinking about what the possibilities are.
Atheism is based upon a lack of any reason to believe in a god.
And so on.
Literally the only things you have appealed to which rely upon Earth being round is the big bang, as you have a fundamentally different creation account, and aliens.
Everything else is just your delusional BS to try to vilify the globe.
Now compare that to your BS for the FE, but do it honestly.
Yes, it is described in the Bible, but that doesn't mean it validates the Bible.
In fact, because it is scientifically disproven, it disproves the Bible.
So see why they are lying?
They are lying to try to pretend their religious BS (the Bible) is true.
Because if they were honest, they admit the Bible contradicts reality.
Let's number these.
1 - You have had that dishonest BS refuted countless times.
Up and down on a globe Earth make just as much sense as north and south in your delusional fantasy.
In your fantasy, north is towards the centre.
In reality, down is towards the centre.
You don't appear to be at a complete loss when it comes to compasses pointing in a different direction as you move around Earth, where in your fantasy, someone around the border of Europe and Asia has the compass pointing in the exact opposite direction to someone in north America.
But notice what your response entirely lacks?
Any reason for things to go down in your fantasy.
As usual, you cannot explain or justify your model at all, instead you are reduced to lying about the RE model to pretend the RE model doesn't work.
But the RE model can trivially explain why down (and why that direction varies). This is due to gravitational attraction to Earth, so you fall TO EARTH, specifically towards the centre of Earth.
That also means there isn't some point where it magically flips like you want to pretend, as if the RE model was 2 sides of a disc. Instead, it is a gradual change as you move around Earth.
e.g. if you start at the south pole and travel north to the north pole, every degree north you move moves the angle of down by 1 degree. There is no sudden change where it flips 180 degrees.
2 - Like all forces observed in nature, there is some constant of proportionality. For gravity that is G. For electrostatic interactions that is k.
It is not an arbitrarily decided constant, it is an empirically measured one.
But that, along with the mass and distance, tells us the force.
We also know that it is NOT the difference in densities, as if it was steel should fall roughly 3 times as fast as aluminium.
Instead, reality acts as if there is a force which acts to accelerate all objects downwards at the same rate, and there is a force opposing that based upon volume.
Importantly, this also explains why this rate varies around Earth.
That is something your nonsense can't do at all.
3 - I do understand what it means, and how it entirely destroys your fantasy.
Notice how your entire response is a just a pathetic insult and deflection, and has absolutely no attempt at all to explain the pressure gradient.
Perhaps I should ask if YOU understand what it means?
Because I am talking about a PRESSURE gradient, not a density gradient.
I am NOT talking about fluids of different densities separating out into layers based upon their density as expected from gravity and the pressure gradient.
I am talking about a single homogenous fluid having a pressure gradient across it so the pressure is greater at the bottom than at the top.
So forget your different objects, you pour some water, pure water, with nothing else present, into a long tube. Why does this create a pressure gradient?
Can you explain it at all?
Clearly the answer is no, as it would destroy your fantasy.
4 - Again, no attempt to honestly address the issue.
Again, there is an observable, measurable pressure gradient.
This shows us the pressure below an object in a fluid is greater than the pressure above.
So why isn't this pressure pushing the object up?
If you take a neutrally buoyant object and place it in the fluid, then your buoyancy BS is doing nothing because the density is the same.
That means what is left to act on the object is the force due to the pressure gradient.
The force below pushing up is greater than the force above pushing down. So why doesn't it go up?
Yet again, you can't explain this at all.
But conventional science with gravity as a downwards force and buoyancy as an upwards force based upon that pressure gradient addresses it directly.
That pressure gradient does push up and counters the downwards force from gravity making it neutrally buoyant.
So you have entirely failed to answer each of those questions.
You didn't even attempt to answer them. Instead you just deflected.
So again:
Why down?
Why that rate/that force?
How does this cause a pressure gradient?
Why doesn't that pressure gradient push things up?