Jack Black believes in absolutely stupid things.
No, I believe in quite sensible things.
You are the one that appears to believe in stupid things, and tries to justify them with more stupidity.
Look at how you tried to justify "solar bad, oil good", by showing an image of a silica mine used for fracking and saying it is bad. Only to entirely abandon that when it is pointed out that was a mine for silica.
Even now you cling to religious BS.
That and his insistence on me answering questions that I've gone over before
You haven't.
That's the point.
You continually flee from them at all costs.
They destroy your fantasy so trivially that you can never answer them.
Instead you just repeat this lie, claiming to have answered them.
In fact, having pressed him on points (does light really travel forever?) he says yes on some things (why the sun 's distance doesn't matter for seasons; why obstruction and curvature are behind sunset not radius of the sun's light) but then turns around and says no (why do distant stars that are large enough to be seen from trillions of miles away not appear huge and burn a hole in our skulls?) so I've come to realize he is a dishonest idiot.
No, I don't.
Instead, I remain consistent, with you unable to show a fault with what I have actually said, and instead lying by manipulating what I have said into pure BS.
For example, with that BS example of yours, I say that light continues until it interacts with something to stop it. But if you are coming from an omnidirectional light source like a star, it will spread out over a larger area. That means it will get fainter.
For the seasons the distance is not that important, as it is not changing much compared to other factors which are far more significant.
This still allows distant stars to become quite faint and it has nothing at all to do with the angular size, which is simply the angle that they take up in our vision.
As for me amounting to nothing, a very large part of my flat Earth experience comes from my religious upbringing.
i.e. You accept religious BS rather than thinking. You can't handle reality, so you cling to a fantasy.
And your image really demonstrates this.
You can't handle being a tiny insignificant speck in a massive universe.
You are desperate to be a toy of an all powerful being.
And you happily lie to try to skew the facts.
God doesn't explain life, it just pushes the problem back.
But the RE says nothing about evolution and abiogenesis.
It is really just a part of the Bible being wrong.
But you then dump all of it together.
Importantly, it says nothing about the worth of anyone.
Conversely, the Bible says the Jews are God's chosen people, and happily justified genocide on that basis.
It teaches that some people are more important and worthy than others.
But God's message is this:
"Obey me and do whatever I say and beg for forgiveness for being the fallible human being you were created as or I will burn you in hell for eternity"
Nothing loving about that.
But that doesn't stop people conned by it into thinking it is love.
You are in an abusive relationship with your imagination.
Do you know the easy way to tell that either God doesn't exist, it is not all powerful, or it is not all loving?
All the people, especially believers, that are suffering from so many diseases and disabilities.
A loving god who could prevent that would not allow that.
So either god is not loving and is fine with people suffering; or it is not able to stop it so is hardly a god; or doesn't exist.
Believing in a loving god like you do is just more stupidity.
Or do you not know that many of the famous and esteemed scientists believed in some very strange theories?
I know they did.
However, the important distinction between religion and science is that science is based upon the evidence, not the people.
It doesn't matter what crap Newton believed, that doesn't make the science that has come from him valid.
Especially when you can replicate the results.