But you guys appear to need models to wrap your head around ideas.
You lack the ability to visualize, and this is why idiots can tell you something at age six and you won't be able to test it.
I can visualise things which work, such as the RE model.
What I can't visualise is your fantasy working without magic.
Your explanations amount to nothing. They do not explain the issue at all.
Models are useful for demonstrating things. Either what should happen or what should not. And they give clear things to then ask further questions about.
e.g. I can easily visualise the sun being a ball in the sky moving over a flat plane appear smaller and lower as it does so.
I can easily visualise how that would shine on a cloud from above, getting closer and closer to the side (but never below) as it gets further away.
I can also easily visualise how if light was magic, and it magically went below the clouds and then bent back up it would strike the cloud from below.
I can also easily visualise how for a RE, the sun can directly illuminate the cloud from below.
That is why you were asked for models, to make a clear representation where the faults can be discussed or to actually explain things.
Also, where is it written that there are rules about what is and isn't acceptable data?
Who said anything about that?
The sun arcs around the sky, casting shadows identical enough to this flat circular space.
No, it doesn't.
It arcs up and down, casting shadows as if it was circling around in a plane at an angle to the surface.
If we were to instead use a moving area and a still, would the light hit the same points the same way?
Do you mean a moving area and a still light source?
Then it entirely depends on the motion.
If the motion is equivalent, then yes they do.
That is because what matters is the relative position.
e.g. if you had the sun circling above, tracing a perfect circle about an axis at a smooth constant rate; and then decided to switch it so the sun was stationary, and Earth instead was rotating about that axis in the opposite direction; you get the same shadows.
Meanwhile, you imagine a world that cannot in fact be seen by your own eyes but instead you need (doctored) pictures to show you. You are literally talking about something that is a unicorn.
No, we are talking about reality. A world you can see by opening your eyes.
You can't show me have gravity sticks water to a ball.
You have been told what you need for that, and provided alternative means to see gravity.
You can't show me how water curves.
Sure we can, such as by long distance viewing where objects appear to have sunk into the water with the bottom obscured.
You can't show me where the Earth curves on the all too apparently flat Earth.
Yes we can. It's called the horizon.
You can't show the 8 in/mile curve
This requires accurate measurements. The simplest way to do it is to measure the angle of dip to the horizon with varying elevation.
I can actually time a feather vs an anvil and they do not in fact fall at the same rate.
In air, or a vacuum?
You cannot show me where it is "obvious" that the Earth goes around the sun and not the other way around.
Because simple visual observations can't tell.
I do not believe in unicorns.
Instead you just believe in something even more ridiculous.
I do not try to use math to extrapolate anything beyond my field of vision.
i.e. you choose to remain wilfully ignorant about so many things.
There are no dinosaurs because evolution doesn't work this way, and because reptiles are not relatives of birds.
Notice how that is circular?
You dismiss evolution because reptiles are not related to birds, but you say they are not related because you dismiss evolution.
they must not only fly through a vacuum but they need to bypass whatever membrane separates air from a vacuum (were there no such barrier, air would diffuse).
i.e. you choose to remain wilfully ignorant of the pressure gradient observed in all fluids, which clearly demonstrates that with the appropriate situation, no membrane is needed.
And I don't believe in climate change because I have only seen destructive effects of deforestation.
i.e. you don't believe in it because you remain wilfully ignorant of the past.
That of constructing models from what I see and understand.
i.e. you have no interest in understanding anything.
You have no interest in trying to make a model of something you don't understand to try to understand it.
Instead you will just dismiss it with whatever BS you can think of.
Why should I accept any of your "data"?
To be a rational human being?
You've already done me the dishonor of refusing to accept any of my data.
What data?
I'm yet to see you present anything that would come remotely close to data.
I can readily see a straight horizon in all directions. That's a flat circle. Like in the art model.
Notice the key part - a flat circle.
Compare this to a ball and a table.
For a ball, we also see a flat circle as the horizon.
For a table, we see the edge of the table, so unless it is a circular table, it doesn't produce a circular horizon.
So if you try to actually understand, you would see this observation clearly demonstrates Earth is round.
If you can't accept what your own eyes tell you, there's no hope of convincing you.
I do accept what my own eyes tell me, and that includes things like me seeing the horizon resulting in my eyes telling me that Earth is round.
This includes my eyes seeing light being cast upwards onto clouds from below telling me the sun is BELOW the clouds, not above. While not directly telling me Earth is round, it at least consistent with a RE and tells me the common FE model with the sun circling overhead is wrong.
This includes the moon (much easier than the sun because you don't have issues with glare from how bright the sun is), being seen to remain the same size while its elevation changes, telling me that it is circling and going below. Again, consistent with the RE model and telling me the RE model is wrong.
So I do trust my eyes. Perhaps you should try it some time.
Stop trying to come up with BS to explain it away, see the sun going down and accept that it is (relative to you).