A wind acts over an entire area with one force over that area. There is nothing proportional or variable to its force.
Again, you can say the same dishonest crap about gravity.
Gravity acts over an entire mass with one force over that mass. There is nothing proportional or variable to its force.
That IS being proportional.
The "strength" of the wind is based upon the wind speed.
But with more area, there is a greater force.
That means it IS proportional to area.
You repeatedly lying about that will not change it.
It is the exact same principle for gravity, but with mass instead of area.
Why would a wind over a 40 foot span hit objects the same way?
That is a question for you, as YOU are the one saying forces are magic that magically apply the same force to all objects.
Why would gravity over a 1 km mass hit objects the same way?
Just consider how utterly insane your BS is.
Take 2 identical 1 kg masses. What force should gravity apply to each? Lets just call it 1 kg force.
What should happen if you then join them together? According to your delusional BS, it should magically have that same 1 kg force, for no reason at all.
Why shouldn't it still receive the 1 kg force for each kg, to get 2 kg force?
Just like if you had a 2 identical 1 m^2 sheets, which you then join together into a 2 m^2, should the wind then magically apply the same force to the combined object as to the single object, as you want to claim for gravity? Or should it act like any sane person would say where the wind applies the sum.
If wind acted like you’re made up force, it would apply less force to a 50 foot sheet than to a 5 foot sheet
No, it wouldn't.
If wind acted like the very real force of gravity you desperately, repeatedly lie about, it would apply roughly 10 times the force to a 50 square foot sheet than it does to a 5 square foot sheet.
Because both are proportional.
Just what BS makes you say it would magically apply less?
As a proportional force, the force is proportional to area for wind and mass for gravity.
i.e. for wind, the force is roughly F=k*A, where k is the strength of the wind, and A is the area of the object.
For gravity it is F=g*m, where g is the strength of the gravitational field, and m is the mass of the object.
That’s what your goofy force is claimed to do- it emits one level of force outward, but varies how much of its force to use by each objects mass, and equalizes the level of force to each one’s mass, wanting them to all be pulled in at the exact same speed to Earths surface.
No, that isn't what happens.
It emits outwards one level of field strength, with that field then resulting in a force based upon the mass of the object.
It is NOT trying to pull them in at the same speed. It is applying a force proportional to the mass of the object.
Again, ALL forces are proportional to some property of the object.
a bs made up
The made up BS here is you continually lying to everyone and contradicting yourself.