The distance out to all horizons is a constant rate based on our height above the surface
No it isn't.
As an approximation, the distance is roughly equal to the square root of your height.
Just look at what you have said already.
3 miles for an observer height of 6 ft.
But also this:
It’s about 250 miles out from 30000 feet, not a thousand, we’d need to be much higher up for that
Compare those 2 ratios.
In one case, half a mile for every foot (so 6*0.5=3)
Using that for the second case, we should have roughly 30000*0.5 = 15000 miles.
Yet we have nothing like that.
Instead, the ratio for the second case is 0.0083, i.e 30 000 * 0.0083 = 250.
Drastically different ratios showing once more you are spouting pure BS.
If you had a constant ratio you should be able to see roughly 15 000 miles. Yet no one can.
Now lets compare that to an alternative idea, where the ratio is between the height to the square of the distance?
Then instead of it being 6 ft to 3 miles, it will be 6 to 9.
That gives us a ratio of 1.5.
And instead of it being 30 000 ft to 250 miles, it is 30 000 to 62 500, a ratio of roughly 2.
Still not quite constant, but a hell of a lot closer than your BS claim, and when we note that these are rough numbers rather than accurate numbers, it certainly works out well.
e.g. if we did want a constant ratio for the square, of 1.5, then 30 000 ft would have a horizon distance of 212 miles.
But what is abundantly clear is that IT IS NOT A CONSTANT RATE!
So care to stop lying to everyone?
You said you had a magical formula. Why don't you provide it?
As I’ve already told you, this cannot happen over a curved surface
So what doesn't happen in reality can't happen over a round surface? No problem there.
All you are doing is showing Earth can be round.
And if you say a flat surface must do that then you are showing Earth can't be flat.
You keep on saying that horizons are lower at higher altitudes above Earth, which is complete bs.
No, it is a fact which you cannot refute.
A fact which has been verified by countless people.
All you can do to refute the evidence is dismiss it as fake.
You then tried to turn to other BS which wouldn't help you at all and even got that wrong.
That’s why we can easily prove it’s always the same apparent height at all altitudes when we see them from plane windows on each side of the plane.
Unless you have a level reference YOU CAN"T, because any idiot can twist or tweak an image to make a lower horizon in it.
Again, just showing the horizon through a window is entirely useless.
You have no indication of what level should be.
If you are above the centre of the window, then looking through the centre is looking down.
If you are below the centre of the window, then looking through the centre is looking up.
Without a level reference such a picture is useless.
Nor compare that to what was provided to you:
A pipe half filled with water so the water at the 2 ends of the pipe self level.
This provides a clear level reference.
And it is clear that the horizon is BELOW that.
You have literally NOTHING to indicate the horizon is level, and have been provided evidence showing it is BELOW level.
Yet all you can do is dismiss that evidence as fake and continue to claim the same refuted BS.
Why don't you go to the top of a tall mountain, and try the setup yourself.
If you want something simpler, go get a fish tank and fill it with water at the top of the mountain.
When we see both sides of both horizons at the same height in both windows at the same time,
Assuming you are at the centre of the plane, and the plane is flying level, it shows the horizon is at the same angle.
It does NOT show it is level.
A child can understand this. Why do you keep playing dumb?
This does NOTHING to show it is level.
You have no level reference in the view.
We could draw a straight line across plane windows at the exact middle of them, and it would be seen at that line in all planes at any altitude when flying level.
Yet for those you provided I clearly demonstrated it wasn't.
Again, you are lying to everyone.
If Earth were a ball, the horizon you believe is a bit lower, would be much lower than that
You keep asserting this BS yet provide nothing to justify it.
Again, if you wish to assert this crap DO THE MATH!
If you can't, stop lying to everyone.
Every instrument on planes also measure and confirm they are flying level as well, of course.
Which does nothing to demonstrate the horizon is at an angle of elevation of 0 degrees.
And all your tricks won’t save this bs story.
You mean your tricks wont save your BS story.
Horizons are purely illusions that form on a rising up surface that is ALSO an illusion, and both are illusions of perspective.
An "illusion" you cannot explain at all, but which is trivial to explain as a real physical phenomenon based upon simple geometry when you use a round Earth to get a horizon.
There is NOTHING to suggest it is an illusion. You are just desperate to pretend it is so you can pretend it is pure magic and can do whatever you need it to to make your BS fantasy work.
Stop with the BS and try to explain it.
What magic is causing this horizon?
The entire surface up to a horizon IS flat, and is SEEN as flat.
You keep asserting this BS yet cannot justify it in any way.
How is it seen as flat?
What visual observation are you making?
Do you know the ways to see a surface as flat?
Place it so you look directly along the surface, from just a tiny bit above, and you can see the entire surface.
If the surface curves, you see that curve as either part of the surface sticking up quite high, or part not being able to be seen.
You can further confirm by changing the angle to see if you can then see around that curve.
And guess what? That shows us Earth is round.
There is NOTHING to indicate the surface is flat.
You just keep asserting it because you are desperate to pretend it is.
It is a constant single rate to all horizons from any height above the surface. It does not account for any curvature at all, which it must if there was curvature on Earths surface.
Repeating the same lie wont help you.
It is NOT a constant ratio, as shown above.
The higher above a curved surface would show ever lower horizons on the distance.
And it does. If you honestly measure it instead of just looking at it and asserting it is level with NOTHING to support that claim.